Monday, September 2, 2019

Time line

Greetings good citizen, finished the series and as expected, Freud was anticlimactic.

Ironically all three missed the glaring neon sign that said YOU are all the victims of a criminal cabal run by tyrants. How can that be?

Not that any of you would appreciate the truth, you have to get along here with the rules as they are...until you can't.

Since the 'Enlightenment' humanity has been assaulted by scientific awakening and superstitious psycho-babble from both ends of the spectrum.

But it's hard to believe in an all powerful entity that allows a cesspool like this to exist. 'You are being tested' isn't exactly a solid reason given the almighty's omnipotence, why test us at all?

It doesn't add up.

So reality is we are all the victims of an outrageous swindle that allowed the self-appointed 'representatives' of the 'greater than ourselves' who would lead us to a 'paradise' that none of us can comprehend.

Abandoning the creator is what has caused the untethered peasant to become fearful of those who don't share their faith in what never existed in the first place.

Ah yes, thinking. That other activity you loathe to engage in it because in the end if you want to avoid pain the best strategy has been ignorance.

Have faith that it will all work out in the end and if not the mindset is that you'll probably be dead long before things get real bad.

Ahem...I'm rubbing your nose in it and you still don't see, God UNITED humanity [into groups anyway...and that may not have been an accident.]

Why isn't man united by their humanity? Could it be our inbred tendency towards unspeakable cruelty? [Thus the endless hunt for a non-existent 'creator' that would lead us to a place we neither deserve nor understand.]

This nation [USA] was founded on the premise than all 'good' men were 'god fearing'.

How unfortunate for mankind that 'GOD' is a figment of a frightened man's imagination confronting the reality that he is the smartest entity on this planet.

We WANT to be saved! It seems nobody wants to hear that the who or what we want to be saved from is ourselves! [Thus does our mind create a 'super-being' that can't live up to our expectations or grant our wishes. What does this god do? He awaits our death so he can deny us access to paradise. How fitting.]

Doesn't help that the definition of success is heavily massaged in favor of the thieves who rule us.

Unhappiness is our lot because life isn't 'more'. Perhaps Freud did us no favor by pointing out we live in the (decidedly selfish) world of 'I'.

As I keep returning to, survival is still job one and if we don't make allowances for the generations to come our species will not survive.

Then your imaginary superman will be waiting to slam the gates of heaven shut in your face. Ironically your 'god' can't save you from you. [nor is it possible to live up to standards that don't apply to you.]

But I digress, this is about the progress we [haven't] made in the journey from awareness to the [fruitless] search for something greater to the [very] slow realization that we are truly 'on our own'.

What will the feckless do then? [Push the button?]

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind, Head.



  1. But I digress, this post is about the progress we [haven't] made in the journey from awareness to the [fruitless] search for something greater than ourselves to the [very] slow realization that we are truly 'on our own'.

  2. Since the 'Enlightenment' humanity has been assaulted by scientific awakening and superstitious psycho-babble from both ends of the spectrum.

  3. But it's hard to believe in an all powerful entity that allows a cesspool like this to exist. 'You are being tested' isn't exactly a solid reason given the almighty's omnipotence, why test us at all?

    It doesn't add up.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...