Monday, September 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I'm sure by now you've seen the ads urging you to 'oppose' socialism when most of you couldn't define the word correctly much less understand what you were fighting.

Now, thanks to a feckless corporate owned media and a captive public mis-education system people parrot what they see on social media without comprehending what they are advocating against.

All starts with a 'definition' doesn't it?

Let's see what Google reveals: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Social nihilists would have you believe that the individual's 'natural claim' to the resources they require to survive is thwarted by the claim of the ['lucky'/criminal] owner.

The...argument/explanation is capitalism maximizes 'individual success' and morons like Adam Smith came along and threw the gospel of personal greed into the mix and suddenly 'individual ownership' was a 'win, win, win! situation but that is not how things work out, not now and not then.

The owners are rich because EVERYBODY MUST buy what they need from them. No mystery, no magic and now we have widespread poverty that the owner class pretends is the individual's fault.

This is not true. This is what happens when you ALLOW the few to exploit the many.

YOU go along with this illegal behavior and your children will suffer for it as the puddle of resources sees ever increasing demand...because the 'owners' don't give a fuck about the population (OR the climate), they've got theirs and if you want yours you'll have to PAY THEM for it!

The ones that can't afford it are, weirdly, 'out of luck'.

Do you really want to take your chances (as the world's population swells with ever dumber people?)

Cognizance is a CURSE and GOD doesn't explain ANYTHING!

We are [at the moment] the only species that is aware of their existence and that also possess the 'presence of mind' to question it.

Nietzsche went looking for answers where there are none and he drove himself insane.

Truth of the matter is YOU don't have a choice in the matter. You have to survive 'the best you can'.

Do you want your 'fair share' or do you want to 'take your chances' knowing most don't have much of an advantage while others are 'born to it'.

That is NOT 'luck' but ruthlessness, writ large. [Look at the bonehead-in-chief, his future competitors are going to eat him alive once he pisses through his inheritance.]

But this isn't about him, no matter how hard he tries.

This is about YOU and what you need to do to get an even break.

You need to kick the criminals to the curb.

They really are 'dumb' and don't know how to do pretty much anything but demand that YOU pay THEM or else!

You on, the other hand, have been forced to make yourself 'useful'. You have skills that people will pay you for, they don't.

See your advantage?

They have guns...screw 'em. They aren't going to shoot owe them money and they want to collect.

I jest.

What you must do is vote socialist, unless you are stupid enough to think you can fight off the rest of us.

Like I said, capitalism is collapsing and when it falls YOU don't want to be caught on the 'wrong side of the fence'.

But don't let a 'pinko' like me tell you what to do, simply look at your life so far and ask yourself if the predators are going to start playing fair now that the F-U pay me system is failing on its face.

If you can't pay, you are GOING TO TAKE IT, you have ZERO choice.
Then the video takes a turn. Fawzi Kamel, the driver, presses Kalanick on Uber’s dropping prices for customers, which in turn has hit the drivers hard. “I lost $97,000 because of you,” Kamel tells him, “I’m bankrupt because of you. You keep changing every day.”

“Hold on a second!” Kalanick interrupts. The conversation starts getting heated. “What have I changed about [Uber] Black?”

“You dropped everything!” Kamel pushes back.

“Bullshit. You know what?” Kalanick says, beginning to get out of the car. “Some people don’t like to take responsibility for their own shit!” he shouts, now shouting over Kamel’s protests and into his face.

Kalanick raises a finger and jabs it into the air as he finishes his thought. “They blame EVERYTHING in their life on somebody ELSE. Good luck,” he jabs back. Kalanick exits the car to a shouting Kamel, disappearing from the frame of the video seconds before it ends. Someone closed the laptop.

Kalanick—the flesh and blood one in the hotel that Tuesday morning—already brought to his knees, began muttering to his lieutenants. “This is bad. This is really bad.” He fell further forward, writhing around on the floor. “What is wrong with me?” he yelped.

Uber is capitalist utopia, you 'own' a piece of the rock but have zero control over it. The people making the 'choices' affecting your life only care about themselves and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

There is ONLY ONE alternative to F-U pay me capitalism and so we return to today's title...

Ask yourself who is the criminal. the one doing the taking or the one getting taken?

Not what to think but something to think about.



  1. Uber is capitalist utopia, you 'own' a piece of the rock but have zero control over it. The people making the 'choices' affecting your life only care about themselves and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

  2. There is ONLY ONE alternative to F-U pay me capitalism and so we return to today's title...


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...