Greetings good citizen, those who control the money are doing their utmost to retain their control despite the consequences of their outrageous lack of competence.
The Laissez faire moron-in-chief is naturally hoping for the problems facing humanity to solve themselves [by dying] which will work for nobody.
Let's stop screwing around. There is a 'they' and we all know 'who' they are. 'They' are slowly but surely stripping away the layers between them and the literal 'reset button' and all the Flag humping patriots have to say about that is 'Hallelujah' because the fatally dumb believe is it will be 'God's (long overdue) Judgement' against the wicked.
Again, since thinking is nobody's strong suit I'll spell it out for you. The 'wicked' are the ones pushing the button after using what they stole to build THEMSELVES a plush shelter they hope to ride out the destruction of mankind in.
Only slowly did it dawn on the governments of the world that building large public shelters was a bad idea when the whole point of dropping the bomb was to escape justice at the hands of their victims.
Let God sort 'em out is meant to be rhetorical, the feckless invented God to justify their theft. [All those 'bill of sales/proof of purchase' were signed by God...]
So when the feckless instruct their mindless minions to 'kill'em all' it is an admission that they are sending the foolish back to the nothingness from which they came.
F 'em all (and the dumb ones twice!)
If nobody is 'exploiting' you then you are the problem. I can't explain it any more clearly than that.
Now for the 'Q' part...
Are you intelligent enough to appreciate your position and the consequences of 'doing nothing'?
Until next time, Head.
The Laissez faire moron-in-chief is naturally hoping for the problems facing humanity to solve themselves [by dying] which will work for nobody.
Let's stop screwing around. There is a 'they' and we all know 'who' they are. 'They' are slowly but surely stripping away the layers between them and the literal 'reset button' and all the Flag humping patriots have to say about that is 'Hallelujah' because the fatally dumb believe is it will be 'God's (long overdue) Judgement' against the wicked.
Again, since thinking is nobody's strong suit I'll spell it out for you. The 'wicked' are the ones pushing the button after using what they stole to build THEMSELVES a plush shelter they hope to ride out the destruction of mankind in.
Only slowly did it dawn on the governments of the world that building large public shelters was a bad idea when the whole point of dropping the bomb was to escape justice at the hands of their victims.
Let God sort 'em out is meant to be rhetorical, the feckless invented God to justify their theft. [All those 'bill of sales/proof of purchase' were signed by God...]
So when the feckless instruct their mindless minions to 'kill'em all' it is an admission that they are sending the foolish back to the nothingness from which they came.
F 'em all (and the dumb ones twice!)
If nobody is 'exploiting' you then you are the problem. I can't explain it any more clearly than that.
Now for the 'Q' part...
Are you intelligent enough to appreciate your position and the consequences of 'doing nothing'?
Until next time, Head.
If nobody is 'exploiting' you then you are the problem. I can't explain it any more clearly than that.