Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Smack Water Jack

Greetings good citizen, the line that prevents us from killing one another on sight is only a hair's breadth away from the one that keeps us from off-ing ourselves at the first opportunity.

Futility is both ever-present and persistent.

Part of the price of sentience is the need to constantly tamp down the urge to give in to frustration.

We all cross the line and in the heat of the moment do things we know we can't return from like the fellow who committed 'suicide by cop' in West Texas.

While we are taught it is society that creates 'monsters' (people that can't deal with life's 'expectations' of them) it is actually the fault of COMMERCIALISM. [Another 'bad' C-word!]

'Lost in translation' is the true reason why we do what we do (because it NEEDS doing, if you don't do it, you and everybody counting on you is going to die!)

But no, in a world that has (bizarrely) a decreasing 'need' for 'unskilled labor'; life is no longer focused on necessity but 'prestige'...and the public's image of what 'appears' to be a 'good job' is magnified by the highly commercialized media.

Everybody who (thinks) they can carry a tune desires to become the next 'Rock Star' even if the only riff they know is 'Mary had a little Lamb.'

Part of the curse of sentience is our collective failure to rein in our imaginations! [I'm looking at you, Orangutan Boy!]

So why is Smack Water Jack so Pissed off? [Ol' Smacky has ALWAYS been P.O.'d, that's why he got hisself a shotgun!]

Because he got sick and tired of hearing 'Nope' from people that had little to no 'use' for him.

[Pay attention now cuz this is yo smack upside the head for today!]

People are SOCIAL creatures and NEED to fit in, especially in a world that has no room (and even less tolerance) for 'loners'.

Our STRONGEST DRIVE is not 'merely' to breed but to be ACCEPTED by an increasingly 'insular' society.

Pink [Floyd] nailed it in 'On the turning away'.

Stop the scorn, spread the love!

Until next time, Head.



  1. Pink [Floyd] nailed it in 'On the turning away'.

    Stop the scorn, spread the love!

  2. While we are taught it is society that creates 'monsters' (people that can't deal with life's 'expectations' of them) it is actually the fault of COMMERCIALISM. [Another 'bad' C-word!]


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