Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, after beating the fake opposition nearly to death SOMEONE decided it would boost the Loser-in-Chief's re-election bid if we had a fake impeachment hearing.

The Republicans impeached THEIR boy Willy-Jeff for a BJ from an intern then lying about it...which is okay if you're a republican. How unfortunate Willy Jeff wasn't any more a Democrat than Barack Hussein...pretended to be.

Naturally the media dug up John Woo, the guy that gave us the Imperial Presidency of W., who cautioned that impeaching the TV Clown would 'damage' the imaginary office of 'Leader of the Free World'...(like numbnuts hasn't done enough.)

Understand the public is asking 'who the f is J. woo and why should I care' but the media just needs something to pin it's ginned up concerns on. Nobody really gives a fuck but that doesn't matter.

The mouth breathers hear 'damaging the presidency' and that's all they need to hear, ANOTHER Republican scandal...what a SHOCK!

Contrary to the media's fake outrage, the real public is sick and tired of JUSTICE ignoring the media's criminal actions!

Fox should lose its charter to broadcast in the US [Remember, the Murdoch Empire is Australian and they have screwed up that nation royally!]

Before the FCC became a political kickball, the agency used to regulate 'in the public interest' FCC serves the interests of the One Percent conservative party, who took out those nasty, competition killing unions that protected 'deadwood'.

Your mouth breathing conservative is truly an empty headed idiot that will swallow anything 'negative' about anybody because he absolutely hates anybody that is smarter than he is...and that's pretty much everybody.

In case you've ever wondered why the doctrine of conservatism IS the doctrine of hatred...

Dumb only knows one trick and that is HATE.

The only people the dumb hate more than those smarter than themselves is themselves...yup, self-loathing is number one.

What kind of a civilization does THAT make? [Do you hate ME for always questioning you and pointing out your inadequacies? (along with making you google every third word I type?)

Can't fix stupid [because it is a choice, not a condition!] so I will once again remind you that I compose these for the cognizant who can't quite figure out if this is hell and they are the only ones that all this doesn't add up for.

Here's an observation I have waited to share. We spend our entire lives being herded by superstitions that are fed to us by people who are taking advantage of our 'profound' ignorance. [You cowered most of your life in fear of a God that doesn't exist or the 'law' that bent to fit the desired outcome, never realizing that YOU were being 'manipulated'...]

Were we to 'crucify' the guilty, the crosses would stretch from NYC to LA...and back.

Money doesn't equal intelligence just as cleverness isn't intelligence either. Figuring out how to do something and never considering whether is should be done isn't intelligence, it's amplified stupidity!

Got Bitcoin?

Again, I don't pen these missives for the morons among us.

Until next time, Head.



  1. Again, I don't pen these missives for the morons among us.

  2. Is this just fatigue or are there really that many stupid people out there?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...