Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Low hanging fruit

Greetings good citizen, feckless conservatism drives wedges wherever it can and an already vulnerable, rudderless society reels under the relentless attack. Doesn't help that the media paints any voice that opposes the true blue conservo-patriotism as being pinko liberal to a culture that couldn't identify either with any clarity as the sheeple line up behind the desecrators and cheer them on, not wanting to be 'unpopular'.

What is the conservo-whacko 'vision'? Forever war will Make Murika 'GREATER'?

I'll pick the low hanging fruit left behind by those seeking to destroy society [or reduce it to just them and their simpering sycophants.]

Let's start with wiping out the rich, housing the homeless and providing everyone with jobs that pay a living wage?

Our naysaying 'values voters' will cry it can't be done, we can't afford it but the widespread poverty you see EVERYWHERE is the result of theft by the criminal owner class. [And no need to parse that one, if you 'own', you are a criminal.]

We SHOULD BE in the middle of a never-ending rehab boom with craftspeople tripping over one another across the planet. There probably still aren't enough people for all of the jobs that need doing, starting with the 'recovery' industry.

But the people that believe we are at 'full employment' also believe we have a surplus population and not a winner take all commerce system that screws most of the planet.

Where is the candidate willing to run on the 'reality ticket'?

Certainly won't be a 'R' or a 'D'...

What is it about politics that makes people ignore reality? [Is the answer stupidity?]

Relax, rhetorical question. We all know the owner class doesn't want to give anything away. That's why step one is wiping them out by denying them their 'right to own'.

Just think, without ownership slavery is impossible!

Tyranny will take a touch more doing but that is where the tests (for competency) come in. If you are a my way or the highway A-hole, you CAN'T be 'the boss' (and yes, the tests will reveal that.)

I'll conclude today's missive by sharing what I read this morning: Divorce is down...but it's not what it appears to be because to get divorced you must first get married. What started as a trickle in my generation has become a torrent as more and more young adults question the 'validity' of marriage.

Sadly, the choice wasn't the realization that we are living on a shrinking planet but the sincere desire to avoid being chumped by a partner who would take more than they contributed.

Ha-ha got you can't end badly if you don't let yourself get got.

Still the exception rather than the rule and we have arrived at a point where society itself needs to ask if marriage is crucial to humanity's survival or if we'd all be better off letting 'nature' take her course and provide for our offspring from the cradle to the grave...and it is the latter that is imperative. The elders mold the minds of the young...more than we realize in case you wonder where our racism problem comes from.

[Center, focus.]

'Greed is good' is and always has been wrong. More isn't 'better' for anybody and those who ridicule (and who will ultimately sabotage the Green New Deal) will resist the managing of resources for the benefit of future generations.

Just a little something to chew on as you ponder if Murika is Great again yet or if it is still a work in progress.

Seems more like the question of what VICTORY in the Middle East will look like if it ever comes?

Been 20 years and still nobody can answer that question...still feel good about voting your way out of this shit?

Good luck to you and the Red Sox.



  1. What is the conservo-whacko 'vision'? Forever war will Make Murika 'GREATER'?

  2. STOP THINK: Without the war the economy would collapse.

  3. Let's start with wiping out the rich, housing the homeless and providing everyone with jobs that pay a living wage?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...