Greetings good citizen, as momentum builds for people to make common cause with one another against institutionalized tyranny we should pause a moment to mourn for the long dead Democratic party and democracy itself, which hasn't existed since the first nuke was deployed in Japan.
Our 'Betters' decided democracy was too dangerous for a nuclear armed planet and used the spirit of kumbaya fostered by the end of the [freak] 2nd world war to 'defang' (as they saw it) the uncertainty presented by a society ruled by its emotions.
Ever wonder why there wasn't nationwide strikes when off-shoring first began in earnest with the coronation of Reagan as the new King of Capitalism?
Why didn't all those 'unions' make common cause to protect US workers?
Oh, that's right. The courts stepped in and told the unions they would confiscate the pensions of any union participating in a 'united' labor action.
When the few get to claim 'ownership' of the law, it is no longer the law but tyranny.
This is where freedom meets the shoals of social responsibility.
Society decided that maybe the unions had become a little too powerful and needed to be 'toned down' a bit but that, as always, is a two-edged sword.
The Robber Barons crashed the global economy and didn't get a minute of jail time for their deliberate misdeeds. [Not the first time the, "I can't help it if they are stupid!" defense was rolled out.] So because they went 'unpunished' this emboldened them to dismantle the unions that their own avarice caused to come into being...
And WWII was just the 'excuse' they needed.
What the ignorant public didn't know was the genocide that marked both World wars was a deliberate attempt to 'cull' the surplus population by our self appointed 'betters'.
(Understand, in their minds they are God's Chosen, 'naturally selected' to be life's winners!)
Funny what a pile of 'artificial wealth' can do to the twisted human mind.
Why is no one laughing?
Because it's not 'ha-ha' funny.
For a glimpse at those who are convinced they are 'better' than the rest of us one need look no further than the best of the best, a colossal failure by any measure, The Donald.
Why do humans equate 'wealth' with intelligence is largely due to ignorance of the much larger picture unfolding in the background.
The infamous THEY know the over-population problem (that destroyed the capitalist social model, too many workers and not enough work!) so they set about to 'thin the herd' between outright genocide (perpetual war) and financially squeezing the young until they were too old to successfully reproduce. [Don't think that was deliberate? How dumb are you?]
There are other solutions to the problems facing humanity starting with abandoning the feckless I got mine, F-U capitalism! [Ownership...failure to be specific creates more problems than it solves.]
The question underlying ALL of this is 'Do you want to live?'
Can't parse it any finer than that.
Until next time, Head.
Often 'history' becomes clearer in the 'rearview mirror'...this is not our 'homeworld' so 99% of what you've been taught is utter rubbish! Starting with 'spirit in the sky'.
Our 'Betters' decided democracy was too dangerous for a nuclear armed planet and used the spirit of kumbaya fostered by the end of the [freak] 2nd world war to 'defang' (as they saw it) the uncertainty presented by a society ruled by its emotions.
Ever wonder why there wasn't nationwide strikes when off-shoring first began in earnest with the coronation of Reagan as the new King of Capitalism?
Why didn't all those 'unions' make common cause to protect US workers?
Oh, that's right. The courts stepped in and told the unions they would confiscate the pensions of any union participating in a 'united' labor action.
When the few get to claim 'ownership' of the law, it is no longer the law but tyranny.
This is where freedom meets the shoals of social responsibility.
Society decided that maybe the unions had become a little too powerful and needed to be 'toned down' a bit but that, as always, is a two-edged sword.
The Robber Barons crashed the global economy and didn't get a minute of jail time for their deliberate misdeeds. [Not the first time the, "I can't help it if they are stupid!" defense was rolled out.] So because they went 'unpunished' this emboldened them to dismantle the unions that their own avarice caused to come into being...
And WWII was just the 'excuse' they needed.
What the ignorant public didn't know was the genocide that marked both World wars was a deliberate attempt to 'cull' the surplus population by our self appointed 'betters'.
(Understand, in their minds they are God's Chosen, 'naturally selected' to be life's winners!)
Funny what a pile of 'artificial wealth' can do to the twisted human mind.
Why is no one laughing?
Because it's not 'ha-ha' funny.
For a glimpse at those who are convinced they are 'better' than the rest of us one need look no further than the best of the best, a colossal failure by any measure, The Donald.
Why do humans equate 'wealth' with intelligence is largely due to ignorance of the much larger picture unfolding in the background.
The infamous THEY know the over-population problem (that destroyed the capitalist social model, too many workers and not enough work!) so they set about to 'thin the herd' between outright genocide (perpetual war) and financially squeezing the young until they were too old to successfully reproduce. [Don't think that was deliberate? How dumb are you?]
There are other solutions to the problems facing humanity starting with abandoning the feckless I got mine, F-U capitalism! [Ownership...failure to be specific creates more problems than it solves.]
The question underlying ALL of this is 'Do you want to live?'
Can't parse it any finer than that.
Until next time, Head.
Often 'history' becomes clearer in the 'rearview mirror'...this is not our 'homeworld' so 99% of what you've been taught is utter rubbish! Starting with 'spirit in the sky'.
The question underlying ALL of this is 'Do you want to live?'
ReplyDeleteCan't parse it any finer than that.
We got trouble but it seems nobody cares...pity because you won't act until it's too late.