Friday, September 6, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in an attempt to burnish his 'tough guy' credentials, El Pussygrabber is overstepping his bounds in every conceivable direction [the way he is free to do in 'private commerce' but he abandoned that to perform in the public arena, which has different rules.

Seems he is not the only one who is ignorant of the 'rift' between how a public company operates and how servants of the public behave.

W. another self styled 'tough guy', once opined that the job would be much easier were he a dictator and it appears both 'failed businessmen' did precisely that in the 'private sector'.

Trump will eventually be penniless, of that there is no doubt. The presidency and the selling out/betrayal of America was his last ditch effort to stave off the inevitable.

[Trump's 'real job' is to make a global laughingstock of the title 'Leader of the Free World', this latest fiasco over the hurricane hitting Alabama should allow the Moron-in-Chief to hang his own 'mission accomplished' banner on some aircraft carrier parked alongside some third world hellhole that exists solely to protect US commercial interests.

[Ever wonder why the 'copycat' governments of these impoverished nations never lift a finger to help their people?]

Isn't Democracy [where you decide nothing] Great?

Yet the dictum of 'Peace through strength' prevails across the capitalist nations of the world.

Rhetorical statement, good citizen. We all KNOW who is behind 'comply of die' and it ain't the R's or the D's, the so-called Libtards or their ideological opposites, the is those who claim to own what belongs to all of us, standing resolute in the defense of 'F-U, PAY ME!'

What will happen when Trump succeeds in disgracing public service? Who will resist the call to return 'responsible leadership' to a deeply divided humanity?

Certainly not the privately owned media...

Trump's job is to bring the world to the 'brink of war', when a female is elected to replace him as the 'Leader of the Free World' the 'owners' will spring their trap and return the planet to dictatorship that will be indistinguishable from Monarchy.

[Game of Thrones was 'fun' but we have no Daenerys and no dragons to unseat those insane with power lust.]

By the way, BILLIONS will die when the tyrants are returned to ABSOLUTE power, a phenomenon humanity hasn't dealt with in centuries. [If you think Stalin was bad, (4x the confirmed kills of Hitler) he is going to look like a sissy when compared to what's coming. Even the mighty Khan will be humbled by the destruction that is coming, and the 'owner class' will worship HIM as their 'savior'.

ALL of the indicators are flashing RED and YOU just sit there with your thumb in your rectum.

Thinking, it's the 'Anti-Dope!'

Until next time, Head.



  1. Ever wonder why the *'copycat' governments of these impoverished nations never lift a finger to help their people?

    * copycat The nations of the 'free world' modeled their constitutions on the idea established by the US. Do you 'see' the parallel now?

  2. [Game of Thrones was 'fun' but we have no Daenerys and no dragons to unseat those insane with power lust.]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...