Monday, September 30, 2019

Slippery slope

Greetings good citizen, for the willful there is no such thing as a slippery slope because they have zero regard for what the law says or what you think.

So it is astounding that the feckless media (consistently threatened with their future employment) doesn't know whether to get behind the Impeachment or to soft pedal the whole thing since the political climate is largely a chimera.

The infamous 'they' [who pretend they don't exist] have only recently realized that their actions have created the appearance of an autocracy in the public's perception of an increasingly police centered culture.

The Impeach is but a fig leaf to provide the 'illusion of justice' just as voting provides the 'illusion of participation'.

This is NOT a Democracy but I belabor the obvious. Odd that the only people who took John Jay seriously was the criminals who claim to own what belongs to us all. ["Let those who OWN the land, rule the land" if you have no f'n clue who John Jay was.]

I could go thundering off the reservation here but let's stick to the slope, shall we?

Maintaining peace is a perilous dance that has gone from dangling carrots [promising people rewards in the afterlife for 'cooperation' in this one] to a strategy of confusing the public into thinking society is divided equally about everything resulting in perpetual gridlock. The reason your life sucks is because nobody can agree on what needs doing. Welcome to (perpetual) limbo.

[How dumb are you?]

Worse, you KNOW that you are being 'played' but there isn't a thing you can do about it.

[Um, legally anyway. This too will 'blow up in their faces but time, as I pointed out in the post titled Time is quickly running out. We don't have the luxury of screwing around.]

The irony here is they will stand pat, claiming you are lying in a bed of your own making...and they are right. Your unwillingness to stand up for justice is what keeps you from obtaining it.

Worse, what you get in its place is their notion of Justice, which is self-serving from front to back!

We can no longer afford to allow the few to act in their own best interests and pretend that we will all be 'richer' for it. Adam Smith was a nitwit.

It is no longer a question of how much manure will you shovel before you realize there is no pony but one of what you should do about the weasel who promised you something then didn't deliver?

Walk away has been crossed off, severely limiting your choices.

Twenty years, plus or minus two.

Sportsball politics will send our species the way of the dodo long before the sun gobbles us up.

Think before it is too late to do anything about the inevitable.

Act or be acted upon.

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, September 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, life is not just a journey, it is a race to get out ahead of the things that will ultimately end us.

I apologize for yesterday's tardy post, I was reunited with the old crowd from the Acres yesterday, the neighborhood I grew up in back in the 60's. The event was one of the two things that drag most of us to churches while we can still enter under our own power.

In this case it was a memorial mass for the younger brother of an old friend. [Apparently the beatitude, 'And the last shall be first' doesn't mean what we think it does if experience is anything to go by...(all you youngests had best eat dessert first!)

[Sidebar: Gegner is a youngest too. Scarier, the youngests of all my cousins families have passed too making me the sole survivor.]

Thankfully, generalizations are exactly that and we have other, more pressing matters to worry about besides where we sit on the birth order totem pole.

Difficult to visualize mentally is how 'rot' overtakes fruit after it has fallen from the plant.

Why that analogy? Because humanity can be viewed as a predatory mold that overwhelms its host, the rapidity of consumption is brought on by the 'power of numbers' that makes the comparison 'apt'.

Seems one is not enough...

Absolutely no one is focused on the need to make this planet last as long as possible. The feckless tell us the Sun will burn out in another 5 billion years, implying that the 'death of the planet' is in the distant future...but this isn't true! What YOU should be worried about is the the fact that we are perhaps another generation away from completely overwhelming the planet's carrying capacity.

How many of you know what a 'generation' represents?

Approximately 20 years. [Now all 7 of my readers know!] I'd 'share' this if any of you ever hope to stand a chance, however slight.

If we don't get out ahead of this [globally, like I explained yesterday] we face an extremely grim fate indeed and no amount of 'prepping' will save any of us.

The 'answer' is ASP which mandates the sterilization of all adults after harvesting their genetic contributions to the future genepool and a 'managed' approach to meeting the needs of survival.

Because either we approach the future 'rationally' or we kiss our collective asses goodbye.

The choice is as simple as it is terrible. If the clinical coldness of it all, er, (insert in your own emotional blank here.) then perhaps the future isn't for (or about) you.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Saturday, September 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the feckless media is awash with the 'reckless chance' the Democrats are taking Impeaching the boy who can't keep his story straight.

Apparently the 'hope' is more of us are brainwashed than they hope so they are going out on a limb and 'pretending' they have more support than they have.

There is no way to tell without letting the whole thing blow apart only to see for ourselves that is was all a big charade, they used the media to 'puff up their numbers'.

They are home free as long as nobody exposes them.

Somewhere Trump got the idea that he can add between seven to ten percent to whatever his approval rating is because the pundits figure that is the amount who 'support him in spirit' but are too embarrassed to admit it in public.

This is a very bad place to be existentially. We can't move forward as a society with zero trust in our public institutions.

If the police can't be trusted then neither can the courts and if you can't trust the courts you definitely can't trust the government...which leaves you where, good citizen?

Up the proverbial creek, paddleless.

You know that revolt thing I keep talking about? Well the 'weasels' have imbedded themselves so deeply into the infrastructure of survival that we need to literally take over the world.

They are everywhere and control everything. If we don't exile them all any move we make against them will be temporary at best.

We can dismantle the networks of corruption but without eliminating the corrupt, like water searching for egress, they will find their way back into power.

Simply making it difficult won't make it impossible. [Ending cash and making money non-transferable between individuals
will only make corruption tougher, not impossible.

Trust starts with trustworthiness and ends about pica afterwards. Our children learn what they live. If we don't teach trust then it won't exist.

Humans are notoriously treacherous making the whole challenge that much harder.

Worse is the fake displays of loyalty which serve mostly to provide cover for their treachery!

All we can do is take the big steps and keep the weasels away from the reins of power.

Trust starts with sad is it trust ends the moment hard words are exchanged...warranted or not.

So it is good citizen we won't survive if we can't learn to trust one another because our lives depend on it.

Until next time, Head.


Friday, September 27, 2019

(No) Confidence

Greetings good citizen, civilization runs on when the public no longer trusts its institutions, the whole edifice collapses, usually disastrously.

Perhaps that is what is behind the dual tent poles of my Country/President right or wrong...which is the very definition of wrongness.

The LAND you come from only matters to THOSE WHO CLAIM TO OWN IT, you are, first and foremost HUMAN, regardless of how you 'feel' about it...(moron.)

Not your fault your thinking parts don't work so good considering the endless piles of bullshit you've been handed to process as 'the truth' [I got no less than three e-mails with 'the truth' in the header this morning...and no, they didn't say the same thing.] Reminder: Gegner never tells you 'what to think' it is his mission to provide you with 'something to think about!'

Disagree with me as you see fit, the choice is yours.

I think you disagree with me at your own peril but that is my choice.

But I/we digress, let us return to the 'no confidence' issue.

Those who blindly support criminal actions out of 'loyalty' then call it 'patriotism' are foolish indeed and it seems there is no shortage of people who place a higher value on patriotism than on honor.

Shocking is the number of people who fail to comprehend that 'the land that they love enough to die for' is the product of militaristic jingoism!

Hand in hand with this is notion that a mate is worth dying for...often that is not only temporary but fickle as all hell! [Leading most often to that rocky place of 'I love you, just not like that!' meant to mollify the overly ardent.]

Zealotry is rightly condemned whenever it is observed because feelings oftentimes defeat thinking...and so many atrocities are committed in the name of 'passion'.

After committing a 'bountiful deed' what is the first 'realization' of the perp? I WASN'T thinking! What have I done...

With this as a given, anybody who questions your 'loyalty' is a zealot pretty much incapable of thinking much less appreciating the consequences of their behavior.

What does confidence and loyalty have to do with our crumbling civilization?

This whole shitshow runs on trust and you can't trust anyone as far as you can throw them...

So 'trust me' capitalism doesn't work but it is the 'only game in town' and you have to wonder about that.

Where does this leave the 'go along to get along' crowd? Constantly testing/demanding loyalty.

Worse, it becomes an exercise in proving you are 'the most loyal' of all of your peers [it really is a stretch to call them 'friends'...fellow travellers is closer to the mark.]

Why don't you have 'friends'...because friendship starts with honesty and most people wouldn't let their guard down long enough to 'win' a friend. To have a friend you have to be a friend...and that means different things to different people.

How many people do you 'trust' and how many you can count on are two very telling factors when measuring how delusional your judgment is.

My circle is tiny indeed because of the three things people hate, cameras, mirrors and the truth.

When you look into your heart, what stares back at you?

Remember, this shitshow runs on TRUST and there is nothing more capricious.

Are we doomed?

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, September 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as outrage fatigue takes its inevitable toll, the bar keeps getting kicked further and further away from reasonable...not that reasonable is a particularly useful benchmark but we have to have a standard or we will (admit it) revert to the old standard of 'normal' (a.k.a. reasonable) becoming whatever the fuck the chooch of the moment says it is.

Take your typical self-absorbed psycho-twinkie now multiply by your favorite integer then divide by the baseline (if you can find one.)

This leads us back to the puzzle of the 'goal' of impeachment vs. the reality of impeachment, where the incompetent are given a pass to protect 'the office' from being 'tainted' by scandal...regardless of the facts.

Left without opposition is the realization (by both sides) that the system itself MUST change, either that or society must be knocked down to a 'more manageable' level.

Yes Virginia, there are those who believe this whole 'freedom' thing has gotten completely out of hand.

Zero irony the banner they raise in support of their cause (the 'righteous' return to tyranny) calls for a return to the 'natural order of things'.

The few who speak in terms of 'assigned roles' are those who assign themselves to positions of power, where defiance of their twisted worldview results in punishment for the 'non-compliant'.

Awkward to be the guy advocating for 'exile' of the 'non-compliant' as the solution to rampant injustice perpetrated by the freakishly selfish but we come full circle with today's watchword of 'reasonableness'.

Those who speak in terms of 'people in their places' have zero interest in leveling the playing field or equal opportunity for all (apart from lip service to the notion that we are all 'god's creatures', equal in the eyes of the creator, despite our habit of dining on the ones incapable of resisting us.)

Yup, equality is the last thing on the mind of the 'righteous' [a.k.a known as the freakishly selfish.]

But I preacheth to the choir...

The foundation of ASP is equality starting with the Human Anti-exploitation law which prohibits any human from using any other as an 'income stream'. No Exceptions.

If you can't 'wrap your head' around a society dedicated to 'mutual survival' you will be free to go to a place we shall set aside for you where you can live however you damn well please. [If you succeed in killing those sent there before you.]

I lost most of you at the H.A.E.. You can't understand (nevermind conceive of) how society will survive if we abolish the employer/employee relationship.

I will explain it for the, er, 'simple'.

You do what you do because it needs doing. It is a lie of the capitalist that ANYBODY is a 'job creator'. Our 'task master' is and always had been nature itself.

Resources are 'free' from nature and belong to us ALL, equally! [Thus no one can claim to 'own' them.]

Ownerships itself is extortion at best and theft in any case. You don't need to 'own' anything, even your thoughts are not your own [the building blocks were society's otherwise no one could understand you.]

Most don't realize the chain of understanding breaks down surprisingly quickly. We take too much 'for granted'.

Like 'reasonableness'...but I digress.

Resources exist and your voluntary membership in mankind [this hinges on your willingness to participate in the preservation and advancement of the species.] The choice to 'go it alone' leads down a very different path. Us first, you after...not the other way around, which is how the 'owners' do things.

[POINT: One is sent into exile naked, with nothing. Why would we do such a cruel thing? Because it is ALL you are 'entitled' to. The 'benefits' of society belong to those who appreciate the efforts of community. Rejecting community means you reject what community makes possible.]

There is no YOU, only US. If you can't see that then you forfeit your membership in society. How's that for 'simple'?

ingratitude is and always has been a crime.

YOU only exist in the context of being 'one of us'. How lucky for mankind that we are 'social' creatures? [Rhetorical is what it is.]

Winners and losers are the result of those who claimed what belongs to us all for themselves.

We won't become a 'true society' until we can put 'mine' behind us.

How ironic is it that my theory contends we are nothing more than abandoned mining tools? Think that's where our obsession with 'mine' comes from?

A.S.P. an idea whose time has come.

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, after beating the fake opposition nearly to death SOMEONE decided it would boost the Loser-in-Chief's re-election bid if we had a fake impeachment hearing.

The Republicans impeached THEIR boy Willy-Jeff for a BJ from an intern then lying about it...which is okay if you're a republican. How unfortunate Willy Jeff wasn't any more a Democrat than Barack Hussein...pretended to be.

Naturally the media dug up John Woo, the guy that gave us the Imperial Presidency of W., who cautioned that impeaching the TV Clown would 'damage' the imaginary office of 'Leader of the Free World'...(like numbnuts hasn't done enough.)

Understand the public is asking 'who the f is J. woo and why should I care' but the media just needs something to pin it's ginned up concerns on. Nobody really gives a fuck but that doesn't matter.

The mouth breathers hear 'damaging the presidency' and that's all they need to hear, ANOTHER Republican scandal...what a SHOCK!

Contrary to the media's fake outrage, the real public is sick and tired of JUSTICE ignoring the media's criminal actions!

Fox should lose its charter to broadcast in the US [Remember, the Murdoch Empire is Australian and they have screwed up that nation royally!]

Before the FCC became a political kickball, the agency used to regulate 'in the public interest' FCC serves the interests of the One Percent conservative party, who took out those nasty, competition killing unions that protected 'deadwood'.

Your mouth breathing conservative is truly an empty headed idiot that will swallow anything 'negative' about anybody because he absolutely hates anybody that is smarter than he is...and that's pretty much everybody.

In case you've ever wondered why the doctrine of conservatism IS the doctrine of hatred...

Dumb only knows one trick and that is HATE.

The only people the dumb hate more than those smarter than themselves is themselves...yup, self-loathing is number one.

What kind of a civilization does THAT make? [Do you hate ME for always questioning you and pointing out your inadequacies? (along with making you google every third word I type?)

Can't fix stupid [because it is a choice, not a condition!] so I will once again remind you that I compose these for the cognizant who can't quite figure out if this is hell and they are the only ones that all this doesn't add up for.

Here's an observation I have waited to share. We spend our entire lives being herded by superstitions that are fed to us by people who are taking advantage of our 'profound' ignorance. [You cowered most of your life in fear of a God that doesn't exist or the 'law' that bent to fit the desired outcome, never realizing that YOU were being 'manipulated'...]

Were we to 'crucify' the guilty, the crosses would stretch from NYC to LA...and back.

Money doesn't equal intelligence just as cleverness isn't intelligence either. Figuring out how to do something and never considering whether is should be done isn't intelligence, it's amplified stupidity!

Got Bitcoin?

Again, I don't pen these missives for the morons among us.

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, yet another day in paradise! (locally) the sun is shining, the birds are silent and the breeze is gentle and warm for an Early Fall day.

It was my goal to write an 'upbeat' post today but since there is nothing to be 'optimistic' about and my 'main mission' is drawing attention to the multiple fictions that swallow you whole all your waking hours, so spinning more 'wild yarns' wouldn't be particularly helpful.

That said, the truth must appear 'fanciful' as well as disturbingly vacant. Hard to learn that your only 'hope' is you.

Nice to believe a creator has your back and intends to reward you regardless of what this existence forces you to do in order to survive another day.

Of course nobody realizes the DD are made of exactly this fallacy [DD in this case stands for Dangerously deluded.]

God wants you to OBEY, right and wrong be damned, which is how the sane among us know they are being played by the feckless who claim to 'speak for God'.

So, how many of you 'whistle past the graveyard' to distract yourself from thinking about a place that none of us will escape?

Understand most of us will never make it under 'hallowed ground', there will be too many of us and nobody left to bury our remains. [See, 'upbeat' all gone!]

As I approach the 'end of the line' I am torn between life's futility and its brevity.

Like my staggeringly long resume will my new refrain be, "I hope I like my next life better!"

Some of 'us' (whatever that may be) likely have been here before but that thought dead ends in the unanswerable, "Does life have a purpose?" [Does it NEED to?] Wait a minute, this daisy chain doesn't end here. Why does sentient life need to eat, er, hopefully non-sentient life to live?

Is it any wonder our minds 'shutdown' only a few steps down this rabbit hole?

Zen teaches 'it is what it is' and 'what happens, happens' also teaches that actions have consequences.

Is the 'fatalism' that pervades our species born of our inability to conceive of 'higher plane'? [where sentience is more than just 'consciousness'?] Could we be working towards a higher degree of 'awareness'?

Schools sucks but we all have to start somewhere...[upbeat restored!]

Until next time, Head.


Monday, September 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as momentum builds for people to make common cause with one another against institutionalized tyranny we should pause a moment to mourn for the long dead Democratic party and democracy itself, which hasn't existed since the first nuke was deployed in Japan.

Our 'Betters' decided democracy was too dangerous for a nuclear armed planet and used the spirit of kumbaya fostered by the end of the [freak] 2nd world war to 'defang' (as they saw it) the uncertainty presented by a society ruled by its emotions.

Ever wonder why there wasn't nationwide strikes when off-shoring first began in earnest with the coronation of Reagan as the new King of Capitalism?

Why didn't all those 'unions' make common cause to protect US workers?

Oh, that's right. The courts stepped in and told the unions they would confiscate the pensions of any union participating in a 'united' labor action.

When the few get to claim 'ownership' of the law, it is no longer the law but tyranny.

This is where freedom meets the shoals of social responsibility.

Society decided that maybe the unions had become a little too powerful and needed to be 'toned down' a bit but that, as always, is a two-edged sword.

The Robber Barons crashed the global economy and didn't get a minute of jail time for their deliberate misdeeds. [Not the first time the, "I can't help it if they are stupid!" defense was rolled out.] So because they went 'unpunished' this emboldened them to dismantle the unions that their own avarice caused to come into being...

And WWII was just the 'excuse' they needed.

What the ignorant public didn't know was the genocide that marked both World wars was a deliberate attempt to 'cull' the surplus population by our self appointed 'betters'.

(Understand, in their minds they are God's Chosen, 'naturally selected' to be life's winners!)

Funny what a pile of 'artificial wealth' can do to the twisted human mind.

Why is no one laughing?

Because it's not 'ha-ha' funny.

For a glimpse at those who are convinced they are 'better' than the rest of us one need look no further than the best of the best, a colossal failure by any measure, The Donald.

Why do humans equate 'wealth' with intelligence is largely due to ignorance of the much larger picture unfolding in the background.

The infamous THEY know the over-population problem (that destroyed the capitalist social model, too many workers and not enough work!) so they set about to 'thin the herd' between outright genocide (perpetual war) and financially squeezing the young until they were too old to successfully reproduce. [Don't think that was deliberate? How dumb are you?]

There are other solutions to the problems facing humanity starting with abandoning the feckless I got mine, F-U capitalism! [Ownership...failure to be specific creates more problems than it solves.]

The question underlying ALL of this is 'Do you want to live?'

Can't parse it any finer than that.

Until next time, Head.


Often 'history' becomes clearer in the 'rearview mirror'...this is not our 'homeworld' so 99% of what you've been taught is utter rubbish! Starting with 'spirit in the sky'.

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as the system continues to collapse those responsible for keeping the broken system in place by pretending nothing is amiss will continue to act in brazen defiance of the reality that threatens to wipe out their oases of happiness.

Zero irony that these islands of material comfort serve as both a source of comfort and anxiety due to their unwillingness to share what has never been 'theirs' in the f'n first place.

The freakishly selfish [same people who are behind the current Iran crisis that will 'snowball' into WWIII before anybody can react. If you don't already have a posh, secluded, fully stocked fall-out shelter it's going to suck being YOU.] THEY are the planet's Billionaires. Trump, Epstein, and a whole bunch of bible thumping asshats.]

Liberal Billionaire is an oxymoron, like unicorns and democrats in politics they don't exist.

So if you think the 'feint' at Iran is just more 'sabre rattling', think again. The collapse of capitalism is upon us and that means turning the social clock all the way back to the dark ages and the world of 'Because I said so!'

[Won't the 'god-fearing' conservo-whackos' love that! Understand ladies, this is going to land ON YOU with both feet! Can you say barefoot and pregnant?]

Perhaps the most insidious aspect of nuclear war is the dismissal of it ever numbnuts doesn't have 'first strike' written across his moronic forehead.

Worse is the fallacy that he will order a 'first strike'. Like the film 'Threads' [produced back in the eighties] there won't be time to figure out who lobbed the first 'tactical' nuke (or 'who' took the worst of it for that matter) because the 'response' will still be 'automatic'.

The population crisis will be 'solved' in a flash of blinding white light and Capitalism will be saved from itself.

The poor will suffer the brunt of the casualties but since capitalism produces so few 'winners' there will be plenty of frightened people willing to jump through deadly hoops for their next meal.

And the 'War' will be dismissed as 'Divine retribution' as Church attendance (once again) becomes mandatory and speaking against the teachings of the church will get you tortured to death for 'heresy'.

So yeah, the freakishly self-centered will enjoy your suffering to the hilt as you toil away in irradiated fields because they own them.

Are you ready for God to come bounding out of the closet like he never left?

Let numbnuts attack Iran and it will be all over before you can ask 'what just happened?'

Therein lies the danger.

Your move.


Saturday, September 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, life is filled with homilies that teach simple winning isn't's the ONLY thing!

Same thing goes for 'image'. It's not everything, it's the only thing!

Humanity has been hoodwinked repeatedly because of its desire to protect the 'sanctity' of public institutions.

This practice leads to fantasyland, where none of the institutions serve their professed function.

Thus the founder's expressed 'belief' that the Tree of Liberty required the occasional watering with the blood of patriots...but today's morons couldn't distinguish between patriotism from militarism and the two concepts are night and day!

Between the cracks is how tyranny keeps slipping in and ironically it is hidden within the urge to protect the 'image' of the office over its established purpose.

Because the first thing the weasels do is 'compromise' the office...then they hold it hostage.

Look at what that has done to the Presidency...[We are staring at YOU St. Ronnie!]

Isn't the private media wonderful? [Talk about a pack of liars who get paid to preserve 'the image' of propriety...]

There is zero difference between this and the 'illusion of representation' that passes for government.

Nothing is 'as advertised' and you are sending your children out to compete for survival in a world you know NOTHING about.

Everything will be fine. Look at YOU, you turned out 'all right' and nobody told you nuthin.

What do you KNOW?

One millionth of one percent of nothing.

You wouldn't recognize the truth if they beat you to death with it.

Until next time, Head.


Friday, September 20, 2019

War Drums

Greetings good citizen, one of the thorns in the side of peace loving people on either side of the non-existent 'political divide' is the ceaseless cry of the war mongers.

In case you are wondering, EVERY candidate for the presidency now runs not for 'leader/laughingstock' of the 'Free World' [an imaginary artifact crafted by the feckless media which, like Heaven, doesn't exist!] runs instead for the unadvertised job that comes with it, to be Commander-in-Chief of the same (largely imaginary) 'Free World'.

Presidents 'lead' but Commanders are OBEYED! [You can keep your 'presidency, I have zero interest in SOLVING any of your problems...elect me and I'll create new ones!

Naturally, none of them admit that last bit...but you can bet every one of them is THINKING it!

Do you suppose THIS is the moron-in chief's major malfunction? He's not interested in leading the, er, 'Free World' as much as he is focused on how history will remember him? If he were assassinated today he'd go down as the most divisive (as well as inept) chief executive EVER.

People wanted change and this guy delivered alright!

Too bad the public was hoping for excellence and what they got was excellence in incompetence!

Like the LAST REPUBLICAN Administration, he has succeeded in bankrupting the economy and paving the way for a return to monarchy. [RESPONSIBLE 'leadership' we can trust...or at least that's what is being 'advertised'.]

Like the morons running the media, they don't care if you 'trust' them as long as you OBEY them.

Like Trump? He is just a 'warm up' for what's coming (if the feckless owner class gets its way.)

There is only ONE WAY to secure the 'sanctity' of ownership and that is through the dictatorship known as Monarchy, where 'pomp & circumstance' overrules self dealing and injustice at the public's expense.

Eyes wide open moron, it is the difference between living and living in Hell.

It will only happen IF YOU LET IT!

Can't say it any plainer than that.

Until next time, Head.


Momma's don't raise your babies to be soldiers...

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, whether you admit it or not most of you have anger issues. While we all tell ourselves that we are 'tolerant and open minded' it largely depends on your mood at any given moment.

To a feeling man this life is a tragedy, to a thinking man, it's a comedy!

We lie to ourselves [nevermind the readiness with which we gobble up the lies of others] constantly, like the one about being open-minded and tolerant [this is only the case when the 'other' in question looks like they could snap us like a twig or is crazy enough that tussling with them would ruin your clothes or make-up.]

Almost none of us are ready for a physical confrontation even if you wear a blue suit for a living.

Yet we are asea in an ocean of 'perpetual' anger.

What do you suppose the source of all that anger is?

Let's back up a few sentences.

Stop right there. It's all the lies we pretend to ignore.

For the moment humanity is the most tolerant beast on the planet if only because of the consequences.

While you would like to rip a liars spinal cord out with your bare've been known to tell a 'fib' or two in your day, pretty much on a daily basis if only to spare the feelings of those who don't deserve it.

No need to be insulting and it should astonish you how broad that bar has become, it's a wonder any of us dare show ourselves in public!

And that 'touchiness' is born of the same thing that makes you angry all the time...lies.

People will be mad at themselves [disappointment] and blame (if not you specifically, people in general) for their failure to achieve their 'ideal self'.

How many of you are marveling that the suicide rate isn't higher? Don't you wish the thin-skinned would do the rest of us a favor and just get it over with? [Not that one has any direct correlation to the other...]

Mental toughness takes years to achieve and this existence is the perfect place to work on losing any bothersome 'sensitivities' you may have been saddled with.

Seems nobody is interested in Empathy, which is really going to suck come crunch time.

How frightening is it that some honestly believe empathy is the problem and not the solution?

Sounds like 'Peace through Strength' which is just a 'diplomatic' way of saying 'comply or die'...

So how many of you morons, looking at the shitpot you are TRAPPED in, still believe GREED is GOOD?

Even the A-holes at the top have to watch their back every moment of every day, and they can trust absolutely NO ONE. Small wonder they all hide in plain sight, pretending they are nobody.

What kind of life is that?

Probably never occurred to you to ask, did it?

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, talk about 'Pandora's Box', raising the topic of empathy to a herd of self-centered egomaniacs is suicidal at best.


I am not asking you to feel sorry/guilty for anyone or any of the many torches burning fruitlessly on your doorstep. If we sympathized with every little thing our teeny heads would explode.

There is an OCEAN of wrong out there and almost nothing the individual can do about it...or so the media would have you believe.

All of those flickering flames of hope exist because some feel the need to bring the matter to YOUR attention, hoping you will forgo your morning latte in exchange for a few dollars [most of which will go to 'administration'] but you'll 'feel better' about yourself for having contributed to the 'greater good' of the freakishly selfish.

Intellectually you know that MONEY will NEVER cure cancer or any of the myriad of debilitating diseases they regularly hold marathons and telethons for.

So in that respect 'empathy' is useful to the criminals who seek not to cure but to leverage your 'guilt' and provide you with an 'outlet' for your powerlessness.

Truly bizarre is how many of you 'give' mentally imagining how your 'good deed' is smoothing the way towards your ultimate goal of entering a 'kingdom' your mind cannot conceive of. ['Eternal Bliss' would break you!]

But we have already established that the mind is a fiercely incomprehensible place, haven't we?

Thanks mostly to our 'playful' fellow opportunists that revel in filling each other's heads with bullshit, the more outrageous, the better!

Yup, repeat until true. Funny how that 'works'.

We have arrived at a place where you must be asking yourself, how do we get our heads straight if we are so gullible?

There's the rub, isn't it?

We need to rewind to 'what's real'...which is more difficult than it sounds but that is the 'benchmark'.

Cue Mission Impossible theme, until next time Head.


So we return to a question that refuses to go away: How dumb are you? (do you know the answer?)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, most of us falsely believe our 'ordered life' is something that always has been and always will be.

Left to you imagination is what is driving the diaspora around the Capitalist world? Is it people 'fleeing' communist oppression or something more sinister like the finish line of capitalism's global race to the bottom?

With Immigration ranking high on many 'values voters' lists it seems the thing nobody is willing to admit is the Economic DESERT that was left behind in the wake of the 'Search for Excellence'.

Why is the youth of the third world so desperate to gain entry to the First? The (modified) explanation for the desperate hoards running from South America to the U.S. is violence.

People are MEAN to each other in the poverty stricken Banana Republics, where the gap between the haves and the have nothings staggers the mind.

If asking for a hand out evokes a violent response then I guess there's that...but it isn't the 'cause', is it. No, around the world those who have carved out a personal fife from this planet we all need to share are defending their theft the same way the grabbed what didn't belong to them in the first place.

[The Natives must be howling in their graves over the outcome they saw long before the Europeans got smacked in the face by reality...there is and always will be just so much to go around...and nature don't give a fuck if you don't like or believe that.]

So we return to where all of my posts lead. As the pressure cooker of escalating population collides violently with dwindling resources how many of you think/believe A.) we'll figure something out or B.) that 'Spirit in the Sky' is gonna come and save us from ourselves?

How F'n Dumb are you?

Here's one you don't hear the F'n media even whispering about, POVERTY is the result of THEFT.

Your 'fair share' was claimed as some criminal's 'profits'.

Isn't that 'capitalism' in a nutshell?

Oh, it's more 'complicated' than that?

Is it really?

Is it though?

Until next time Head.


Monday, September 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it is quite a shock to some of us when we discover that there is no such thing as 'common sense', no matter how viscerally we defend the notion.

This trips some of us up permanently because many of the decisions we made earlier in our lives were based guessed it.

Understand, this common 'misperception' taints our idea of right and wrong because we BELIEVE EVERYBODY thinks the same way we do. [This is a 'side effect' of our mimic nature.]

We, circumstantially, speak the same language and live in the same, er, 'nation' but we don't observe the same RITUALS that our fellow inhabitants embrace and this in itself produces striking differences.

Starts with Spirit in the Sky and trickles down to how you like your coffee...or not.

Humanity is NOT in synch with itself, largely due to the efforts of those who are too dumb to see the world and life itself from outside their own myopia.

This is where the 'blindness' comes in. The inability to overcome 'I-Me' centered thinking amplifies the impression of disunity that the media endlessly proclaims.

The media is focused on the way they are PAID to think. If they want to keep their jobs, they regurgitate whatever the boss tells them to.

Thus is humanity's 'refrain', repeated endlessly throughout the day and night is 'What's wrong with you?'

Note this question is seldom self-directed. It is always the other whose behavior YOU find disturbing.

Now, this happens constantly yet YOU remain oblivious, despite regularly laughing about it when you observe others doing the exact same thing! [The answer to 'you'll know it when you see it...NOT!]

The cognizant recognize where this is leading but only a few can follow it to its conclusion.

When the media hammers on the LCD, bad things happen...and we have the 'wrong people' signing paychecks for their own wild agendas.

Nobody want a dictatorship and that is only a temporary solution at best. We need to start over with a bulletproof foundation that puts the power of law beyond the reach of the self-interested.

A single touchstone is all it takes.

The LAW belongs to us all. No uniforms, no badges and no gun makes YOU special.

If we posit that the law belongs to all then NO AMOUNT OF EDUCATION can make you 'more qualified' to apply the law the way YOU see fit and claim it's 'common sense'...

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, September 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, jingoism surrounds the 'war machine' that keeps an otherwise foundering economy sputtering.

Yes good citizen, even the war machine went in 'search of excellence' and those jobs are lost [for the moment] but fear not, the only difference between a foe and an ally is time...and what side of the economic fence you happen to be sitting on.

Got something the other guy wants but you need it too?

Seems our hippy forefathers had it right after all, War is 'good business' [because the warmongers don't want to see 'the factories of freedom' sitting idle.]

No such thing as a freedom factory. War facilities make bombs, not love or peace. The 'fucking' that goes on between the employees has nothing to do with either, it's just scratching the proverbial itch.

Isn't that lesson number one between what love 'is' and what it 'isn't'. But we don't teach our young about such matters because lust and love are so 'sinful' and closely related.

The irony here is how many 'so-called adults' don't understand the difference between love and lust which is why this existence is the shitshow it is. Worse, these same 'feebs' [Old school shorthand for 'feeble minded'] equate 'war' with 'freedom'...when one has nothing to do with the other.

Think unemployment is 'bad' now, eliminate the death industry from the system and a good third of the planet's population would find themselves out of sustenance providing employment!

Is our civilization run by MORONS?

Rhetorical question, good citizen. Everybody KNOWS.

Although amazingly enough this elephant dwarfs the planet itself yet few even realize it exists...[how dumb are you now? Skip it, that is another rhetorical question you all think you know the answer to.]

There is no lack of (non-violent) things that need doing yet our very survival in this hell hole is predicated on our ability to wipe out those who oppose us regardless of the legitimacy of their quarrel.

Go DEFENSE! Yay TEAM! {Can I get a sis-boom-bah?}

We have been in the Middle East for 18 years and the locals are sick of case you were stupidly wondering what's behind the fresh attacks on the actual oil fields.

The 'writing on the wall' has finally hit home and, faced with extinction, the Muslims have decided to take the war to where it belongs, to the resource that gives the feckless a reason to fund an endless military occupation.

Murika number 1!

Bad news Clem. Murika has maybe five years worth of fossil fuel in the ground and NOBODY in charge has been keeping up with the need for clean energy...because Murika has been abandoned BY THE BANKSTERS! [Frauds and cheats that they are.]

If you can't get your head out of your underwear long enough to realize there is no such thing as Democrats and Republicans anymore then you deserve what's coming, you gullible moron.

But that's what I like about you, Head. Your damn near bulletproof when it come to insults yet you take offense to the craziest things!

Funny thing about the truth, it can stand right there in front of you and still you will refuse to believe it much less comprehend what you are rejecting because it conflicts with your 'ideology'!

Did you go to Church, stand, kneel and pay on command?

Until next time, Head.


Saturday, September 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen, life is an education from your first day here to the last; it is always something new, often as we age it is just a subtle shift in perspective that reveals a larger truth.

So I was watching snickerdoodle last night, which featured 2 of the 3 M's of liberal-dom. [Mahar, Moore and Maddow.] and the issue quickly turned to the 'effectiveness' of the Democrat's efforts to unseat the moron in chief.

Lost on NO ONE (with two functioning brain cells) is the fact that changing the 'Head Clown' solves absolutely nothing.

Obama ran on the message 'Change you can believe in' and spent 8 years making insurance mandatory. He didn't end the war nor did he make the war criminals stand trial for their crimes against society. [Couldn't besmirch the 'sanctity of the Office', could he?] So what we 'learned' from this exercise is more emphasis is placed on 'propriety' than actual justice.

Only a moron can't see when appearances count for more than what is right the institution is beyond salvage.

This is what did the Church in.

So what can the public 'believe in' now that the office has been revealed to be a sham, for sale to the ignorant rich so they can PLAY 'Leader'?

What do TRUMP, Pelosi and De Vos all have in common?

They are all Billionaires. [Trump for not much longer, he has DESTROYED his 'Brand'.]

Wake up and smell the napalm, NOBODY enters (corrupt) public service for the good of the people, they do it to get rich! [I'm looking at you Willy Jeff & Barack.]

Not only does the job pay 'well' but once you leave office it pays even better! [How's that for honest, selfless work?]

Too bad all jobs don't pay better after you 'retire' than they did while you were performing them, eh?

A recent development but still, selling lies is hard.

Which leads us back to the question of WHY 3 M finds themselves 'gainfully employed'?

Selling lies is hard.

Did YOU learn anything you didn't already know?

I was afraid of that.

Oh well. All I can do is try. Think maybe you could 'make an effort' too?


Friday, September 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I haven't watched any of the debates nor have I contributed a single cent to any campaign because if you are paying attention, you can see the S.O.S. floating in the same circles it always bobs along.

Hillary stepped aside for Obama to run, then Biden stepped aside for Hillary to run and now the feckless media is telling us Biden is the frontrunner? WTF!

When we see the polls telling us how this group feels or what that group thinks we all wonder [especially when it comes to numbnut's approval rating] who did they ask? The alzheimer's unit at the nation's nursing homes who think FDR is still president?

How many time will you walk down this primrose path to your doom?

If you want change [you can believe in] you're going to have to make it happen yourself!

What do you need to remember? NOBODY [except the criminals] agreed that this is the way things SHOULD BE.

What do YOU vote for? NOTHING. Worse, once you've done that minor task you are all done for the next 4 years! You can never hold an incumbent accountable, the other nitwits are 'supposed to' do that.

Understand your vote serves only as the 'illusion of participation', the whole circus is staged for YOUR benefit [and you'd best damn enjoy it because it is ALL you're getting!

Like the stock market, the economy sucks but so long as they tell you the market is rising then prosperity [for the already rich] abounds even if you can't find any trace of it.

Aren't you sick and tired of being lied to? [Everyday, all day?]

Worse, the lies only serve one end, them rich, you not.

I'll belabor the obvious one more time. A 'revolt' doesn't need guns nor does it involve marching in the streets, those are both the inventions of those who would keep you meek and subservient.

When you go on 'strike' you do nothing.

If things start catching fire while you've got ample free time on your hands, who says they are related?

Time to burn the privileged out. Start with the courts and the police stations and work your way to the Statehouses.

Word to all 'reservists' and on-call military, now is the time to decide where your loyalties lie, with the criminals or with your fellow humans?

Those who claim to stand for 'JUSTICE' don't. It's been 240 years, WTF?

A.S.P. Everybody works and everybody lives indoors and eats regularly as a result. No magic, it was ALWAYS possible! [The WILL to make it happen was lacking, the criminals enjoyed yanking your crank and threatening you with starvation BECAUSE THEY COULD! [and NO other reason!]

I shouldn't have to tell you this yet here we are.

Think we should overhaul the education system while we're at it?

It's baked into A.S.P.

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, September 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen, few appreciate the level of deliberation it took to deliver a useless vehicle with which to replace Monarchy.

Letting people elect representatives who were only 'accountable' when they stood for re-election was quite the coup. How much more 'useless' can you get?

And again, the key lay in denying them an alternative. It's this or you get a King!

Rhetorical question to ask if humanity is really that 'dumb' and we have been paying for that cowardice ever since.

Given 240 years of experience with the 'prototype', how would you change the peacekeeping mechanism too few understand the purpose of?

It is not a f'n 'teamsport', get your head out of your ass!

From the beginning 'ownership' (the principle behind slavery) has been sold as being crucial to 'freedom'.

No alarm bells, no flashing red lights to warn a largely ignorant public that is is this one feature that separates the commoners from the Royals?

It still works today.

Reality check, YOU (nor anyone else) NEEDS to 'own' ANYTHING! You merely need the 'use' of things while you are here.

Were our, oops, THE patriot forefathers too dumb to understand this?

Criminals, every one, unfortunately for the rest of us. They knew full well what they were foisting upon an unsuspecting public. Naturally, they followed up by establishing a 'conservatorship' (via the media) to keep the public 'mis-informed' and to shout-down any dissent.

The legal system was established to protect and preserve the 'key to tyranny', the principle of ownership.

We can only wonder if this is the first time population levels have risen to the point where the need to share what there is, er, 'challenged' the desire to own what belongs to us all?

That's a keystone folks. It holds up the very foundation of capitalism and along with it, tyranny and still you don't SEE it...or worse, pretend not to.

Blah, blah, blah...words, words, words! Shut the hell up already, we know.

No you don't. You can see 'the end' rushing at you and still you pretend something is going to snatch you from the jaws of destruction at the last possible moment, maybe even 'Spirit in the Sky' itself!

Either way most of you are going to find out if 'it's true' together, mostly likely in a blinding flash of light.

[You can almost here the collective 'oh shit' in your mind. Chumped again!]

God only exists to cement earthly claims of ownership, where you find one, you'll find the other.

Any questions, y.o.y.o.?

Until next time then.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, what does it take to get you to appreciate the gravity of the situation facing humanity? What words will motivate you to stand up to save your children from the consequences befalling the bulk of mankind thanks to the actions of the 'feckless few' that PRETEND to lead us?

Have you become so resigned to your fate that the most you hope for is to keep your head down and not draw attention to yourself?

As the situation continues to erode you are going to have to fight them eventually.

But let's forget the armed thugs that operate 'above the law' for a moment. How many times can we rebuild the Caribbean Islands before people abandon them as being too risky to live on?

As I point out in yesterday's post, the feckless don't give a shit about climate change any more than they care about the population explosion...although you can bet the TV series The Purge was born of a discussion about getting in front of the escalating homeless population before it overruns the polices ability to rein them in.

This is what the FREAKISHLY SELFISH spend their time thinking about (when they think at all.)

How would THEY 'sell' a purge? Step one is dress it up as an evening of zero consequences 'bloodsport' that would appeal to the crowd that swoons when you dry hump the flag. Then you put that 'idea' on television and make the mouth breathers hungry for it.

Like for profit prisons, the idea of legalized lynching only appeals to the type who think nobody would DARE take them on.

In the show, the masked marauders wade boldly into the rundown parts of society and mow down whatever they encounter with virtually no opposition. [The other 'mouth breathers' (the ones that wear badges) will be using their 'night off' to lead their bosses to the best 'hunting areas'] because they made sure that the 'human garbage' doesn't have weapons.

In reality the sackless would be murderers will stay in their rental vehicles and do drive bys. They aren't about to risk their personal safety ridding society of the 'surplus population'...which is the whole idea behind 'purging'.

How does this stuff get past the censors? Oh, that's's 'free speech', even when it advocates murder! WTF?

[Full Stop: these are the people who claim to OWN what belongs to all of us?]

How do YOU let this continue? As long as they are not hunting YOU it doesn't matter, right?

The world is getting more crowded every day and you are getting older, making you more 'expendable'.

May not be YOU today but honestly, how long do you think you have?

The only solution is to unite and take down the animals that use their badges to commit atrocities, in essence, 'The Purge' is already ongoing.

One need only watch one episode of Cops to realize the WRONG PEOPLE have guns and badges!

These 'public servants' already consider humanity 'garbage' and the only people they 'respect' are other cops and judges who can screw THEM with impunity.

If resistance is futile, defiance is inevitable.

If you are doomed to go anyway, take as many of the bastards as you can with you.

Humans originally banded together to fight off bandits, now the bandits pretend they are the law.

Doesn't mean you don't have to fight them.

What does it take to wake you up to the fact WE are at war? Comply or Die is waiting for you to make one threatening move and even then, the badge isn't obliged to wait until they are threatened.

It truly is a situation of shoot first, explain later and that goes a hell of a lot smoother if there is only ONE SIDE to the story.

Tick tock, good citizen. Time is running out.

You have to realize what is going on inside THEIR head as the situation gets rapidly worse.

This is kill or be killed and by putting on the suit, they have made their choice, don't be a victim.

As the pot comes to a boil you are one traffic stop from being roadkill.

It's going to get a LOT worse before it gets any better.

Not what to think but something to think about...

Good luck, Head...if you go in for that sort of stuff.


Monday, September 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I'm sure by now you've seen the ads urging you to 'oppose' socialism when most of you couldn't define the word correctly much less understand what you were fighting.

Now, thanks to a feckless corporate owned media and a captive public mis-education system people parrot what they see on social media without comprehending what they are advocating against.

All starts with a 'definition' doesn't it?

Let's see what Google reveals: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Social nihilists would have you believe that the individual's 'natural claim' to the resources they require to survive is thwarted by the claim of the ['lucky'/criminal] owner.

The...argument/explanation is capitalism maximizes 'individual success' and morons like Adam Smith came along and threw the gospel of personal greed into the mix and suddenly 'individual ownership' was a 'win, win, win! situation but that is not how things work out, not now and not then.

The owners are rich because EVERYBODY MUST buy what they need from them. No mystery, no magic and now we have widespread poverty that the owner class pretends is the individual's fault.

This is not true. This is what happens when you ALLOW the few to exploit the many.

YOU go along with this illegal behavior and your children will suffer for it as the puddle of resources sees ever increasing demand...because the 'owners' don't give a fuck about the population (OR the climate), they've got theirs and if you want yours you'll have to PAY THEM for it!

The ones that can't afford it are, weirdly, 'out of luck'.

Do you really want to take your chances (as the world's population swells with ever dumber people?)

Cognizance is a CURSE and GOD doesn't explain ANYTHING!

We are [at the moment] the only species that is aware of their existence and that also possess the 'presence of mind' to question it.

Nietzsche went looking for answers where there are none and he drove himself insane.

Truth of the matter is YOU don't have a choice in the matter. You have to survive 'the best you can'.

Do you want your 'fair share' or do you want to 'take your chances' knowing most don't have much of an advantage while others are 'born to it'.

That is NOT 'luck' but ruthlessness, writ large. [Look at the bonehead-in-chief, his future competitors are going to eat him alive once he pisses through his inheritance.]

But this isn't about him, no matter how hard he tries.

This is about YOU and what you need to do to get an even break.

You need to kick the criminals to the curb.

They really are 'dumb' and don't know how to do pretty much anything but demand that YOU pay THEM or else!

You on, the other hand, have been forced to make yourself 'useful'. You have skills that people will pay you for, they don't.

See your advantage?

They have guns...screw 'em. They aren't going to shoot owe them money and they want to collect.

I jest.

What you must do is vote socialist, unless you are stupid enough to think you can fight off the rest of us.

Like I said, capitalism is collapsing and when it falls YOU don't want to be caught on the 'wrong side of the fence'.

But don't let a 'pinko' like me tell you what to do, simply look at your life so far and ask yourself if the predators are going to start playing fair now that the F-U pay me system is failing on its face.

If you can't pay, you are GOING TO TAKE IT, you have ZERO choice.
Then the video takes a turn. Fawzi Kamel, the driver, presses Kalanick on Uber’s dropping prices for customers, which in turn has hit the drivers hard. “I lost $97,000 because of you,” Kamel tells him, “I’m bankrupt because of you. You keep changing every day.”

“Hold on a second!” Kalanick interrupts. The conversation starts getting heated. “What have I changed about [Uber] Black?”

“You dropped everything!” Kamel pushes back.

“Bullshit. You know what?” Kalanick says, beginning to get out of the car. “Some people don’t like to take responsibility for their own shit!” he shouts, now shouting over Kamel’s protests and into his face.

Kalanick raises a finger and jabs it into the air as he finishes his thought. “They blame EVERYTHING in their life on somebody ELSE. Good luck,” he jabs back. Kalanick exits the car to a shouting Kamel, disappearing from the frame of the video seconds before it ends. Someone closed the laptop.

Kalanick—the flesh and blood one in the hotel that Tuesday morning—already brought to his knees, began muttering to his lieutenants. “This is bad. This is really bad.” He fell further forward, writhing around on the floor. “What is wrong with me?” he yelped.

Uber is capitalist utopia, you 'own' a piece of the rock but have zero control over it. The people making the 'choices' affecting your life only care about themselves and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

There is ONLY ONE alternative to F-U pay me capitalism and so we return to today's title...

Ask yourself who is the criminal. the one doing the taking or the one getting taken?

Not what to think but something to think about.


Epic Fail

Greetings good citizen, did someone rescue Trump and the Republican party from themselves? The attack that resulted in the death of a member of the US armed forces is a gift that continues to keep giving for the 'Flip-Flopper-in-Chief'.

Rewind to 2001 and the assault on the nation 'suspected' of harboring Osama bin laden. It was not Afghanistan that gave bin laden safe haven but the the Taliban, widely recognized as 'Muslim Extremists' who were 'removed from power' when the US invaded in 2001.

I needed to 'verify' the exact year [there was a considerable delay between 9/11 and the puzzling Middle East invasion of 2 nations with no obvious connection to the Saudi hijackers were invaded for the crime of harboring terrorists.]

Eighteen years is a long time and those born into conservative, evangelical families are likely clueless to the true circumstances surrounding historical events leading up to the longest armed conflict in modern history.

Were we to investigate it is 'likely' that we'd discover the children raised by the 'true believers' have been 'led to believe' that the US is on a 'mission from God'.

So why was numbnuts even talking to the suicide bombing Taliban?

Honor among thieves?

[Here even the cognizant might be confused...again at what price peace as opposed to the fact that nobody thinks the Mafia disappeared/disbanded because it is no longer making headlines, if you're picking up what I'm laying down...]

Criminals have a tendency to, er, 'overlook' the criminal organizations of other cultures because cooperation is more 'profitable' than hostility. [If only we could get the law abiding to comprehend that in order to overcome the criminals we must first stand united against will be a lot easier to do when cash is outlawed.]

Given the correlation between cash and crime why hasn't this been done long ago? Stupid lawmakers or should we substitute dumb for 'corrupt'?

The BULL stops here good citizen so if it is to be, it is up to thee.

[Perhaps it is time to get a 'true accounting' because everybody knows 'the books' are WAY out of whack.]

Funny how the 'go along to get along' system obscures just how badly you are being 'chumped' (so 'a few' can be 'rich'.)

Do the criminals care? Of course not, this is the 'law of the jungle', prey or be preyed upon...and that is the 'attitude' we must 'wipe out' with extreme prejudice.

Is banishment 'too harsh'?

Consider the consequences...don't know what those are? You're soaking in them!

Go along to get along = I got mine F-YOU!


So let's return to why the question of why the Moron-in-Chief was 'negotiating' with the organization we originally forcibly ousted for providing sanctuary to Osama bin Laden? [They 'refused' to surrender him, remember that.]

Keep that one in mind when you are standing in the polling station, deciding what is 'best' for the future...

The media operates on the belief that the public doesn't remember one day to the next and that MOST PEOPLE will swallow whatever they are told because life is to hectic to keep track of the multiple piles of horseshit they are fed.

That part is true.

You are the media's victim, they treat you like a mushroom, keeping you in the dark while feeding you copious amounts of bullshit.

What should we do to the feckless media?

Fire 'em all, same answer as the entire 'legal' system, the politicians and the 'owner class' that already pretends it doesn't exist.

Fun fact: wipe out 'ownership' and you will wipe out organized crime in one fell swoop!

Until next time, Stinky!


Sunday, September 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's headlines acknowledge the multiple crises facing humanity while insisting their cause is 'mysterious' or asking (semi-rhetorically) why that universal beast of burden, 'government' can't get a handle on a problem that resides solely in the private sector.

You 'may' not have your head up you backside and you may know that the people you see at Trump rallies are the EXACT same people every time! [There is actually a group that follows him around...and the feckless media is unwilling to reveal who funds these violent thugs.]

So that is one 'mystery' solved. You don't have to like Trump or what he stands for, all you have to do is like money more.

Then there is the dual issues of human induced climate change and the overpopulation problem, which is laterally linked to our persistent 'Bankster' crisis.

One of today's headlines asks why California can't get a handle on its housing crisis when the 'answer' lies with the Banksters. You can't buy a house you can't afford, no mystery here but the feckless media prefers the 'simplistic' approach of blaming government.

Technically, it IS a 'government problem' just as the solution to the population crisis ultimately rests with those who 'own' (and therefore rule) the land.

What will you do when our self professed betters dictate mandatory sterilization for the 'surplus' population?

Rhetorical question, good citizen, you WON'T be given a choice.

Isn't the land on the outskirts of DeNial fun? So many interesting things to consider when you cut through the denialist bullshit.

We live in a world that denies climate change because admitting human influenced climate change means acknowledging the existence of the overpopulation problem that spells the death of capitalism.

In fact, ninety percent of the problems facing humanity are the result of the collapse of capitalism.

But to admit one is to admit the other so we live in a neverending nightmare pretending that everything is just peachy.

The mystery is why YOU keep accepting these boldfaced lies?

I know it's a paycheck but how do reporters/editors live with themselves, lying to the public for the sake of keeping the peace?

Which brings us to the greatest 'mystery' of all, at what price, Peace?

Ambien is making a fortune and nobody cares.

You know why I stopped going in until next time, head full of shit.


Saturday, September 7, 2019


Greetings good citizen, since you are included in absolutely none of the decision-making processes [you vote but that is 'the illusion of participation'] you must wonder who this 'our' is that the feckless keep referring to.

This 'electing' others to make decisions for us (without ever consulting us) hasn't worked from the beginning and it's not about to start working if we are just a little more patient.

Give it a chance? It's been 240 years, how much 'more' does it need?

Entrenched stupidity is its own reward.

It would be an understatement to opine that the public is 'ready' for a more inclusive approach...but how can you make war when the ones expected to sacrifice their lives for the 'good of the greedy' have a say in the process?

How's that for a giant sized elephant in the room? How does 'gunship diplomacy' continue when the public has a say in an otherwise 'private' matter?

How blind are you? [Wait, rhetorical question that you don't want to know the answer to because it staggers the mind how easily you've been 'played'.]

Let me set you straight. There is only 'YOU', there is no THEM [aside from the infamous 'they' who are criminals foisting the greatest swindle ever on a daily basis BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO STOP THEM...which isn't fair because if there is no 'us' then it is up to the individual and one person against a highly organized criminal operation is ineffective.]

So, the 'us' in this situation is nonexistent and Democracy only works if we are ALL in it TOGETHER.

Without a seat at the legislative table you remain on the 'wrong end' of 'taxation without representation...'

Without accountability the shitshow that passes for 'government' now is merely a publicly funded and staffed military the owner class uses to force other regions to surrender its resources with.

Don't think 9/11 was 'staged', think again.

In retrospect, they ALL were!

And this is the result of the failure to remove the power to make war from the 'self-interested'.

Like I said, the 'other' doesn't exist, we are ALL humans and part of the convention that keeps us from killing one another on sight is the 'natural edict' that members of a species (especially humans) need each other to survive.

We've all been there at one time or another. Even the 'superheroes' who tell anyone that will listen that they never needed anybody's help with anything know that they are lying but that is mankind's other and perhaps most prominent talent.

And who do the practice that talent on the most?

Any wonder why things across the board are OOC?

Leaders who can't/don't know how to lead, anyone?

So the next e-mail you get (BUT CAN'T 'reply' to) with 'OUR' in the header is a steaming pile of crap.

'Our Revolution' is anything but...everybody knows and they keep pounding you [for MONEY] because it is all part of the 'illusion of participation' that is part & parcel with 'election season''s like a holiday with nothing to celebrate, how's that for 'ironic'?

Your mistakes are the only things you CAN 'own'...but nobody wants to, welcome to the 'human condition' where everything is someone else's fault.

No US spells big trouble...but only a few realize just how 'divided' we truly are.

Until next time, Head.


Friday, September 6, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in an attempt to burnish his 'tough guy' credentials, El Pussygrabber is overstepping his bounds in every conceivable direction [the way he is free to do in 'private commerce' but he abandoned that to perform in the public arena, which has different rules.

Seems he is not the only one who is ignorant of the 'rift' between how a public company operates and how servants of the public behave.

W. another self styled 'tough guy', once opined that the job would be much easier were he a dictator and it appears both 'failed businessmen' did precisely that in the 'private sector'.

Trump will eventually be penniless, of that there is no doubt. The presidency and the selling out/betrayal of America was his last ditch effort to stave off the inevitable.

[Trump's 'real job' is to make a global laughingstock of the title 'Leader of the Free World', this latest fiasco over the hurricane hitting Alabama should allow the Moron-in-Chief to hang his own 'mission accomplished' banner on some aircraft carrier parked alongside some third world hellhole that exists solely to protect US commercial interests.

[Ever wonder why the 'copycat' governments of these impoverished nations never lift a finger to help their people?]

Isn't Democracy [where you decide nothing] Great?

Yet the dictum of 'Peace through strength' prevails across the capitalist nations of the world.

Rhetorical statement, good citizen. We all KNOW who is behind 'comply of die' and it ain't the R's or the D's, the so-called Libtards or their ideological opposites, the is those who claim to own what belongs to all of us, standing resolute in the defense of 'F-U, PAY ME!'

What will happen when Trump succeeds in disgracing public service? Who will resist the call to return 'responsible leadership' to a deeply divided humanity?

Certainly not the privately owned media...

Trump's job is to bring the world to the 'brink of war', when a female is elected to replace him as the 'Leader of the Free World' the 'owners' will spring their trap and return the planet to dictatorship that will be indistinguishable from Monarchy.

[Game of Thrones was 'fun' but we have no Daenerys and no dragons to unseat those insane with power lust.]

By the way, BILLIONS will die when the tyrants are returned to ABSOLUTE power, a phenomenon humanity hasn't dealt with in centuries. [If you think Stalin was bad, (4x the confirmed kills of Hitler) he is going to look like a sissy when compared to what's coming. Even the mighty Khan will be humbled by the destruction that is coming, and the 'owner class' will worship HIM as their 'savior'.

ALL of the indicators are flashing RED and YOU just sit there with your thumb in your rectum.

Thinking, it's the 'Anti-Dope!'

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Q & A

Greetings good citizen, those who control the money are doing their utmost to retain their control despite the consequences of their outrageous lack of competence.

The Laissez faire moron-in-chief is naturally hoping for the problems facing humanity to solve themselves [by dying] which will work for nobody.

Let's stop screwing around. There is a 'they' and we all know 'who' they are. 'They' are slowly but surely stripping away the layers between them and the literal 'reset button' and all the Flag humping patriots have to say about that is 'Hallelujah' because the fatally dumb believe is it will be 'God's (long overdue) Judgement' against the wicked.

Again, since thinking is nobody's strong suit I'll spell it out for you. The 'wicked' are the ones pushing the button after using what they stole to build THEMSELVES a plush shelter they hope to ride out the destruction of mankind in.

Only slowly did it dawn on the governments of the world that building large public shelters was a bad idea when the whole point of dropping the bomb was to escape justice at the hands of their victims.

Let God sort 'em out is meant to be rhetorical, the feckless invented God to justify their theft. [All those 'bill of sales/proof of purchase' were signed by God...]

So when the feckless instruct their mindless minions to 'kill'em all' it is an admission that they are sending the foolish back to the nothingness from which they came.

F 'em all (and the dumb ones twice!)

If nobody is 'exploiting' you then you are the problem. I can't explain it any more clearly than that.

Now for the 'Q' part...

Are you intelligent enough to appreciate your position and the consequences of 'doing nothing'?

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Low hanging fruit

Greetings good citizen, feckless conservatism drives wedges wherever it can and an already vulnerable, rudderless society reels under the relentless attack. Doesn't help that the media paints any voice that opposes the true blue conservo-patriotism as being pinko liberal to a culture that couldn't identify either with any clarity as the sheeple line up behind the desecrators and cheer them on, not wanting to be 'unpopular'.

What is the conservo-whacko 'vision'? Forever war will Make Murika 'GREATER'?

I'll pick the low hanging fruit left behind by those seeking to destroy society [or reduce it to just them and their simpering sycophants.]

Let's start with wiping out the rich, housing the homeless and providing everyone with jobs that pay a living wage?

Our naysaying 'values voters' will cry it can't be done, we can't afford it but the widespread poverty you see EVERYWHERE is the result of theft by the criminal owner class. [And no need to parse that one, if you 'own', you are a criminal.]

We SHOULD BE in the middle of a never-ending rehab boom with craftspeople tripping over one another across the planet. There probably still aren't enough people for all of the jobs that need doing, starting with the 'recovery' industry.

But the people that believe we are at 'full employment' also believe we have a surplus population and not a winner take all commerce system that screws most of the planet.

Where is the candidate willing to run on the 'reality ticket'?

Certainly won't be a 'R' or a 'D'...

What is it about politics that makes people ignore reality? [Is the answer stupidity?]

Relax, rhetorical question. We all know the owner class doesn't want to give anything away. That's why step one is wiping them out by denying them their 'right to own'.

Just think, without ownership slavery is impossible!

Tyranny will take a touch more doing but that is where the tests (for competency) come in. If you are a my way or the highway A-hole, you CAN'T be 'the boss' (and yes, the tests will reveal that.)

I'll conclude today's missive by sharing what I read this morning: Divorce is down...but it's not what it appears to be because to get divorced you must first get married. What started as a trickle in my generation has become a torrent as more and more young adults question the 'validity' of marriage.

Sadly, the choice wasn't the realization that we are living on a shrinking planet but the sincere desire to avoid being chumped by a partner who would take more than they contributed.

Ha-ha got you can't end badly if you don't let yourself get got.

Still the exception rather than the rule and we have arrived at a point where society itself needs to ask if marriage is crucial to humanity's survival or if we'd all be better off letting 'nature' take her course and provide for our offspring from the cradle to the grave...and it is the latter that is imperative. The elders mold the minds of the young...more than we realize in case you wonder where our racism problem comes from.

[Center, focus.]

'Greed is good' is and always has been wrong. More isn't 'better' for anybody and those who ridicule (and who will ultimately sabotage the Green New Deal) will resist the managing of resources for the benefit of future generations.

Just a little something to chew on as you ponder if Murika is Great again yet or if it is still a work in progress.

Seems more like the question of what VICTORY in the Middle East will look like if it ever comes?

Been 20 years and still nobody can answer that question...still feel good about voting your way out of this shit?

Good luck to you and the Red Sox.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Smack Water Jack

Greetings good citizen, the line that prevents us from killing one another on sight is only a hair's breadth away from the one that keeps us from off-ing ourselves at the first opportunity.

Futility is both ever-present and persistent.

Part of the price of sentience is the need to constantly tamp down the urge to give in to frustration.

We all cross the line and in the heat of the moment do things we know we can't return from like the fellow who committed 'suicide by cop' in West Texas.

While we are taught it is society that creates 'monsters' (people that can't deal with life's 'expectations' of them) it is actually the fault of COMMERCIALISM. [Another 'bad' C-word!]

'Lost in translation' is the true reason why we do what we do (because it NEEDS doing, if you don't do it, you and everybody counting on you is going to die!)

But no, in a world that has (bizarrely) a decreasing 'need' for 'unskilled labor'; life is no longer focused on necessity but 'prestige'...and the public's image of what 'appears' to be a 'good job' is magnified by the highly commercialized media.

Everybody who (thinks) they can carry a tune desires to become the next 'Rock Star' even if the only riff they know is 'Mary had a little Lamb.'

Part of the curse of sentience is our collective failure to rein in our imaginations! [I'm looking at you, Orangutan Boy!]

So why is Smack Water Jack so Pissed off? [Ol' Smacky has ALWAYS been P.O.'d, that's why he got hisself a shotgun!]

Because he got sick and tired of hearing 'Nope' from people that had little to no 'use' for him.

[Pay attention now cuz this is yo smack upside the head for today!]

People are SOCIAL creatures and NEED to fit in, especially in a world that has no room (and even less tolerance) for 'loners'.

Our STRONGEST DRIVE is not 'merely' to breed but to be ACCEPTED by an increasingly 'insular' society.

Pink [Floyd] nailed it in 'On the turning away'.

Stop the scorn, spread the love!

Until next time, Head.


Monday, September 2, 2019

Time line

Greetings good citizen, finished the series and as expected, Freud was anticlimactic.

Ironically all three missed the glaring neon sign that said YOU are all the victims of a criminal cabal run by tyrants. How can that be?

Not that any of you would appreciate the truth, you have to get along here with the rules as they are...until you can't.

Since the 'Enlightenment' humanity has been assaulted by scientific awakening and superstitious psycho-babble from both ends of the spectrum.

But it's hard to believe in an all powerful entity that allows a cesspool like this to exist. 'You are being tested' isn't exactly a solid reason given the almighty's omnipotence, why test us at all?

It doesn't add up.

So reality is we are all the victims of an outrageous swindle that allowed the self-appointed 'representatives' of the 'greater than ourselves' who would lead us to a 'paradise' that none of us can comprehend.

Abandoning the creator is what has caused the untethered peasant to become fearful of those who don't share their faith in what never existed in the first place.

Ah yes, thinking. That other activity you loathe to engage in it because in the end if you want to avoid pain the best strategy has been ignorance.

Have faith that it will all work out in the end and if not the mindset is that you'll probably be dead long before things get real bad.

Ahem...I'm rubbing your nose in it and you still don't see, God UNITED humanity [into groups anyway...and that may not have been an accident.]

Why isn't man united by their humanity? Could it be our inbred tendency towards unspeakable cruelty? [Thus the endless hunt for a non-existent 'creator' that would lead us to a place we neither deserve nor understand.]

This nation [USA] was founded on the premise than all 'good' men were 'god fearing'.

How unfortunate for mankind that 'GOD' is a figment of a frightened man's imagination confronting the reality that he is the smartest entity on this planet.

We WANT to be saved! It seems nobody wants to hear that the who or what we want to be saved from is ourselves! [Thus does our mind create a 'super-being' that can't live up to our expectations or grant our wishes. What does this god do? He awaits our death so he can deny us access to paradise. How fitting.]

Doesn't help that the definition of success is heavily massaged in favor of the thieves who rule us.

Unhappiness is our lot because life isn't 'more'. Perhaps Freud did us no favor by pointing out we live in the (decidedly selfish) world of 'I'.

As I keep returning to, survival is still job one and if we don't make allowances for the generations to come our species will not survive.

Then your imaginary superman will be waiting to slam the gates of heaven shut in your face. Ironically your 'god' can't save you from you. [nor is it possible to live up to standards that don't apply to you.]

But I digress, this is about the progress we [haven't] made in the journey from awareness to the [fruitless] search for something greater to the [very] slow realization that we are truly 'on our own'.

What will the feckless do then? [Push the button?]

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind, Head.


Sunday, September 1, 2019

Center point

Greetings good citizen, TV can be educational and last night I watched most of a series on the 'great minds' of the 19th century. I did not finish but it did offer insight into a mystery that has vexed me since I struggled through Das Kapital [Where do the Commies come in? It is also totally devoid of any political philosophy.]

Apparently the Manifesto came first and because of the times, it only achieved a 'cult' following. [You can see what he was trying to accomplish via the 'broad strokes' but it is obvious he had no clue how to get from where we are to where he thought we 'should be' and perhaps that is the 'sin' of being a philosopher.

The belief that you know what's best for 'everybody'.

The 2nd contemporary philosophical giant introduced was Nietzsche, The man Hitler modeled his thinking upon and who coincidentally drove himself insane looking for explanations where there are none.

[Sometimes the answer to why really is because.]

The third is Freud and I haven't watched that one yet so I'm keeping an open mind.

Without saying it, the documentary presented both philosophies independently of the twists capitalists added to discredit them. Marx correctly pointed at ownership [based on 'divine proclamation'] as the root cause of social injustice and not that the ownership of the means of production had any bearing regarding the tyranny capitalism operates on.

Totally 'unmolested' by both philosophical giants was 'the enabler' of it all, money.

[It is impossible to solve the puzzle without ALL of the pieces.]

The 'justice system' is based on God's divinity (on earth, as it is in Heaven) but god is a case you wonder why there is no 'justice', (God tends to look the other way when 'the chosen' step over the line.)

Can you say fraud? (Didn't think so.)

Understand it is all based on the Almighty...and you think I mean god but all they need is the BUCK!

[I care not who 'rules' a country so long as I control its MONEY!] Absolutely nuthin philosophical about that statement but it is dumb to ignore it as our 'genius men' both did...and the third guy isn't remembered for his keen financial insights go fuck your mother already!]

The key to a harmonious society lies in our 'opportunistic mimic' nature.

Capitalism is collapsing because the maximization of profits has already decimated the customer base leaving adrift a HUGE 'army of the unemployed'.

What are the capitalist's [God's chosen] thinking? Obviously nothing.

So where does this leave you [on the day before Labor Day?]

Understand, the capitalist reset button not only has mushroom clouds attached to it but it is also predicated on continuing the exact same, er, 'system' that brought us here in the first place.

Tyranny is real and that tyranny starts with Spirit in the Sky.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, Head.


Now will you revolt? Abolish ownership of what we must all share and preserve for future generations, PLEASE?