Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Greetings good citizen, different terms have different meanings depending on context, today's topic is a prime example How 'woke' are you?

Most of the article spoke to the great thinkers who brought us modern society...after reading to the end most of you will think we took a wrong turn after Diogenes.

Can humanity be reduced to males seeking Father figures while wanting to dominate/humiliate their mothers? What a screwed up bunch we are but don't take my word for it, the proof is in the pudding!

It seems neither Freud or Jung could get their heads out of their pants long enough to see humanity's aching desire to be 'loved'.

Since we aren't particularly 'loveable' rather than settle for 'liked' it seems the other default setting is 'obeyed'.

Look at the indecision/disarray caused by this weekends back to back mass murders. The public wants it to stop but our leaders are paralyzed with indecision. Calling for 'stricter oversight' of gun regulations and actually acting to stop the causes of gun violence are apples and oranges.

Remember, the gun is just a tool, if the psycho can't get a gun he will use a bomb or poison instead.

Hell, can't outlaw fire, which many suspect is the 'weapon of choice' in the War in the West. [Raging since the Reagan administration was still in CA.] Ronnie was on the 'ranchers' side of the conflict, which helped propel him towards the WH as the head of the Conservative revolution, which actually marked the murder of the Democratic party as Reagan spearheaded the nationwide fight against unions, the Democrat's main source of funding. [How 'woke' are you? Missed that, didn't you?]

I made several leaps there and most of you followed me. Very good, the bad news is most of you don't agree with me, preferring to guzzle the media provided kool-aid instead.

Returning to today's title and accompanying article it is the bit at the end that slapped me upside the head, how in the past 50 years perfectly 'normal' men have murdered 100,000,000 people in cold blood without batting an eyelash and none of you has a clue how to stop it (or even if you should!)

Speaking of 'woke', how many of you discounted the incident in El Paso as 'just a bunch of Mexicans' and let it go as no reason to be 'concerned'? You know some people count it as 'a good start'.

Instead of wishing death on the omnipresent other why don't you cut to the chase and just off yourself? Them immigrunts won't bother you no more if you are dead...and if they do you've got problems nobody can handle.

Thanks for giving me a moment there Head, just needed to get that off my mind.

Until next time,



  1. It seems neither Freud or Jung could get their heads out of their pants long enough to see humanity's aching desire to be 'loved'.

  2. Speaking of 'woke', how many of you discounted the incident in El Paso as 'just a bunch of Mexicans' and let it go as no reason to be 'concerned'? You know some people count it as 'a good start'. [same people that view 'woke' as an insult.]

  3. I made several leaps there and most of you followed me. Very good, the bad news is most of you don't agree with me, preferring to guzzle the media provided kool-aid instead.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...