Thursday, August 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, before going further in explaining today's title let us take a quick look at this morning 2nd set of headlines.

Top News

Climate Change Threatens the World’s Food Supply, United Nations Warns

The world's land is being exploited at an “unprecedented” rate, a United Nations report on climate change warns, putting pressure on food production and amplifying the risk of mass migration.

Trump Uses a Day of Healing to Deepen the Nation’s Divisions

As the president traveled to Dayton and El Paso after this weekend’s mass shootings, he was greeted by protesters and lashed out at rivals.

Reports are Pussygrabber came away from his 'mission of mercy' so perturbed that he ordered the justice department to craft legislation to make deriding the POTUS on social media a crime.

It's only the first amendment until its not.

At the moment even the most repulsive Democrat is still a better choice than 4 more YEARS of the 70 year old Child!

But I digress, mightily.

It was the first headline that pinged your panic button hard, wasn't it?

The exploding population is driving a world-wide immigration crisis as capitalism fails, spectacularly, around the planet.

Now we can talk about 'evolving'.

IF we fail to remove the criminals from controlling society we shall suffer consequences far worse than war (which the feckless regularly visit upon us.)

Most of us have never personally witnessed a food riot, something that occurs right after your household pets start disappearing...mysteriously. [Now compound that by 8 billion opportunistic mimics...]

The feckless have slashed 'redundancy' and taxed stockpiles out of existence so the coming famine should come as a shock to noone but that is because the mouth breathers have once again failed to appreciate what they were witnessing.

Um, it is here that the Rubicon was crossed. Once it became obvious that stockpiling was a waste because the items needed to be 'rotated' to prevent spoilage and the only way forward was to overhaul the entire economy [but this is a task that is beyond the minds of the 'me first' crew.]

Which is why instead of planning to head off the coming crisis they are devising ways to 'survive' it...and this isn't the kind of 'evolution' that is going to work.

The 'plan' [if that is what you want to call it] is to simply let the 'surplus population' die off, then to start over again with a radically reduced number of, er, 'dependents'...never acknowledging that humanity has a CRUSHING Parasite problem.

How silly is it the rest of humanity remains ignorant of this crisis?

Until next time, Head.



  1. How silly is it the rest of humanity remains ignorant of this crisis?

  2. The exploding population is driving a world-wide immigration crisis as capitalism fails, spectacularly, around the planet.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...