Thursday, August 1, 2019

On Message

Greetings good citizen, with the corporate owned media doing its level best to divide the electorate [with the help of those who fund the charade] the LCD has forgotten the political process exists to discuss the problems facing our species and its survival on this planet.

Now the same people who don't have a clue what money is (never mind what it's for) are being told that Democrats [which are now defunct as a political force and funded by the conservo-whackos because you can't be the opposition party without opposition. [Boy is the LCD getting its chain yanked, bigtime!] are actually socialists, not that they have a clue what that means either!

Zero irony that it is the Republicans who are guilty of colluding with the Russians, who are no longer Socialist so WTF?

The same media that refuses to tell us that we are under siege by the Christian fundamentalists..."The motives of the shooter remain unclear" are telling us of this new 'strategy' to further divide the nation while none of the talking heads lift a finger to put a stop to it.

If Republicans believe Democrats are 'socialists' it is only a tiny step from there to 'death to the infidels' who are strapping the church for money and depriving preachers of their access to young children.

Where is society to discuss these issues because the 'public square' has vanished with the advent of social media, a place so toxic and packed with ignorant trolls as to be useless.

Add in 'influencers' [paid shills] and now point of view is totally skewed!

So it is here in the abandoned blogosphere that the Conceptual Guerillas of our species wage war in the battle for the very soul of humanity.

Democrats [who no longer exist as a political entity] are being labeled Socialists by people that wouldn't know one if it bit them on the ass and a process that was intended to guide society is now used [by the criminals among us, yes, I'm looking at Wall Street and the US Injustice Dept.] to sow division and strife so the public will have no choice but to vote for the candidate who will keep the division at its apex.

There are no 'good guys' here.

It is time to move on and to put your vote back where it belongs, with you and your interests.

Direct democracy and common cause, it is the ONLY way forward.

Until next time, Head.


1 comment:

  1. Where is society to discuss these issues because the 'public square' has vanished with the advent of social media, a place so toxic and packed with ignorant trolls as to be useless.


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