Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it should come as no surprise that the gunk clogging your thinking parts belongs to someone else. You know that you are you and that alone there isn't much you can do in ANY direction.

It takes a tribe and the tribe you choose to be part of will disown you if you 'rock the boat'.

Yeah, lots of bad things going on out there but rule number one is 'don't rock the boat' (because if it tips over you ALL are going to land in the shit! Bad enough you have to paddle around in it, everyday, all day but jesus you don't want to spend your days wearing it too, do you?

So the national anthem has become 'This blows' because the influencers don't want to get any mud on them...and there is an ever so small chance that pension they've been working so hard for might still be there when they go to retire in a couple of years!

Sure, it's not the 'millions' Reagan promised us back in the Eighties but it is all you have, even if you can't 'live comfortably' on it.

Yeah good citizen, our elected leaders have promised us much and delivered little over our lifetimes all because nobody wanted to 'rock the boat' or get 'dirty' [despite being hosed with filth 24/7 by our self-professed betters.]

Carpe diem, the day belongs to the bold and for the past two and a half centuries the 'bold' have ordered the rest of us to talk to the hand.

Don't ask questions, go along to get along and if you are not getting your 'fair share' the problem isn't us, it's YOU...[how do you like those apples, Did everything you were told and still got fooked!]

Sort of irritating to hear them laugh behind your back for not grabbing what you could while you had a chance but wait a minute, you realize you NEVER had a chance!

Rode hard and put up wet [because nobody was looking out for you or yours. That 'promise' was empty.]

So what do you do when you discover you are surrounded by chickenshit liars?

Sad fact is all alone you can get some of them but you won't get close to the ones that deserve it most. They know they are hunted and have taken steps to guard their backtrail.

Think it's time to go for a swim in some shit?

If you want justice it is unavoidable.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind [what little is left of it], Head.



  1. Think it's time to go for a swim in some shit?

    If you want justice it is unavoidable.

  2. It takes a tribe and the tribe you choose to be part of will disown you if you 'rock the boat'.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...