Greetings good citizen, in yet another epic failure of tough love to seize the high ground, the wife and myself are beating a retreat to give my son the freedom he demands for his annual bacchanalian gamefest. {in an over played attempt to point out that he is the ONLY one who actually does this has only served to doubled his resolve.}
So no post today...and it's looking like 'Parent of the year' is gonna pass us by once again too.
Sorry for the inconvenience, such as it is coming on the heels of the news that Jeffery Epstein offed himself in prison overnight, who knew? What some people won't do to avoid a court appearance, eh?
Until next time, Head.
(Heads up, tomorrow isn't looking good either, these things usually end with the landscape littered with pickled bodies...)
So no post today...and it's looking like 'Parent of the year' is gonna pass us by once again too.
Sorry for the inconvenience, such as it is coming on the heels of the news that Jeffery Epstein offed himself in prison overnight, who knew? What some people won't do to avoid a court appearance, eh?
Until next time, Head.
(Heads up, tomorrow isn't looking good either, these things usually end with the landscape littered with pickled bodies...)
(Heads up, tomorrow isn't looking good either, these things usually end with the landscape littered with pickled bodies...)