Sunday, August 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as master of the obvious I feel obliged to point out that most of you believe tyranny is the 'natural order of things'. Zero irony that some of you would argue about that.

Between the burning Amazon and the pinhead that thinks China pays the tariffs he levies [by decree no less!] Let me explain to you how tariffs work. They raise the price of foreign products making domestic products more attractively priced.

So if THERE ARE NO COMPETING DOMESTIC PRODUCTS, all tariffs do is make the existing products MORE PROFITABLE!

The Chinese don't pay the tariff, the CONSUMER does. [Man, how f'n dumb are you?]

Yet you already know we are going to get four more years of the moron-in-chief because he is too dumb to say 'no'.

Which brings us full circle to the question of 'What are you going to do about it?' [when the media steals another election? Burn the stations down?] How about a boycott? Like that is going to work.

Yes good citizen, misinformation is just another form of tyranny. Especially when they don't care if they lie/taint what they share with you.

Anyone else find this 'great economy' numbnuts keeps talking about?

Tyranny is my way or the highway in you face. How sad that it is all we expect? They tell us how it is going to be and we all just nod and go along with it (because the name of the game is comply or die.)

[They ARE the law after all...]

I know it isn't helpful to rub your nose in what you already know but perhaps reminding you that this is all your fault (you spineless excuse for a hairless monkey) will get you to stand up for yourself.

You don't have to lead but you can definitely refuse to follow.

Just something to think about the next time you find yourself on the receiving end of 'talk to the hand'.

Until next time, Head.



  1. as master of the obvious I feel obliged to point out that most of you believe tyranny is the 'natural order of things'. Zero irony that some of you would argue about that.

  2. So if THERE ARE NO COMPETING DOMESTIC PRODUCTS, all tariffs do is make the existing products MORE PROFITABLE!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...