Friday, August 30, 2019

On Strike

Greetings good citizen, today I am on strike to protest conditions (in general) around the planet.

In a related bit of information, I finished watching Netflix's special on the Tsars and saw how tyranny appears to be the mindset of global leadership, period.

Something is very wrong 'here' [meaning on this planet] and we have to find out what before we get thrown back into the stone age by that 'wrongness'.

I apologize for talking in riddles but like Holmes said, after you have eliminated all the rational explanations, whatever is left is it regardless of how 'improbable'.

The best defense against shock is being mentally prepared.

Either way, enjoy the day, Head.



  1. The best defense against shock is being mentally prepared.

    We have obviously been lied to, a shock to no one.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...