Saturday, August 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in yet another swindle perpetrated by cabal that controls 'value' it is now leaking out that the world is awash in Diamonds...left to your imagination is whether this is due to the ability to manufacture nearly perfect stones artificially or if the global race to the bottom priced the chumps out, causing market saturation?

Which puts the lie to market driven pricing. Availability no longer drives prices now that the 'value' of money is arbitrary.

We are living in the marketplace of 'the greater fool' that preys on the ignorance of the buyer. How many of you morons bought a block of cannabis stock thinking (like bitcoins) what the hell?

I'll stick it out there a little farther and ask how many of you appreciate what both of these 'factors' means?

Answer is: What is REAL?

Money in ALL of its forms isn't. Neither diamonds, silver or gold are 'genuine' storehouses of value so what is 'real'?

Ironically it is the things you can't 'buy' that prove to be most precious. Time is number one on the what is real list, all your money won't another heartbeat buy yet our time is routinely stolen (and wasted) by the feckless.

Peace and justice are two highly undervalued commodities and they are both in short supply, making them precious indeed. While poets rate it highest, love is supposedly the greatest of all but it is also the most ethereal and often crushes those who foolishly try to possess it.

How tragic that most of us fritter our lives away wasting the most precious gift of all, our potential. Most of us never learn who we might have been and that is a disservice to all humanity.

In fairness, being born into the 'great swindle' where first your values are stolen then you potential is wasted is a tragedy all by itself...but most never contemplate what might have been because their potential was snuffed out in the crib when they were still infants.

It is here we encounter that most precious of gifts because of its rarity, the gift of wisdom.

We 'reflect' on what we might have been when we are feeling sorry for ourselves about the mess we have made of our lives. Almost everyone has an event that they think derailed them on the road to happiness and success when almost nobody has a clear idea as to what either of those goals entails.

We all know what we'd 'like them to be', but what we'd like and reality are often two separate things.

Living to the best of your ability for every moment you are given is the most any of us can hope for...still, difficult to achieve even partial potential when your environment demands all you have and then some just to keep some bored sycophant from flaying you alive just for shits and giggles.

Silver and gold and all that is held dear by those who would swindle you of your precious potential are fool's treasure.

What truly matters, what makes life worth living exists inside you. It can't be stolen but it can be crushed out of you...and That is why I keep telling you to revolt!

Here there be Monsters and they are gobbling your dreams just to deprive you of them.

Um, you're probably gonna have nightmares tonight so have a couple of stiff ones before turning in, K?



  1. Um, you're probably gonna have nightmares tonight so have a couple of stiff ones before turning in, K?

  2. We are living in the marketplace of 'the greater fool' that preys on the ignorance of the buyer. How many of you morons bought a block of cannabis stock thinking (like bitcoins) what the hell?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...