Tuesday, August 27, 2019

One hand clapping

Greetings good citizen, seems the Annual auto auction held at Pebble Beach CA has shown our self-professed aristocrats have lost their appetite for 'classic' automobiles. Not only did sales plummet but the 'reserves' [minimum bid for you non-auction types] have hit ridiculous levels...and you don't care because you can barely afford to keep a 2nd hand beater under your ass to get you back and forth to that job that doesn't pay you enough to live on [all hail federal food assistance!]

Where is 'our revolution' on the banksters pauperization of the nation? Even the One percent can't afford luxury anymore? What's next?

Welcome to the One Party system, (formerly known as monarchy but now the monarch rules by remote control.)

Don't think there is still a monarch [I'm tempted to say king but there isn't a good way to tell. Could just as easily be a queen] out there, laying down the law imprisoning millions [in their 'for profit' prisons!]

Slavery, legalized and called 'rehabilitation'! How's that for a two-fer?

We got us a cesspool on our hands folks (and yes I DO have a MUCH better idea!) Too bad none of you can comprehend it because you have been force fed 'dumb' for so long you believe it is the truth.

Worse is the number of you that still deny the system is rigged and fall into the liberal vs. conservative trap.

EVERYBODY KNOWS the real 'battle' on this planet is the war between the 'rich' and the people they take it from 'legally'.

Doesn't matter if there are two parties or ten, the end result remains the same. Politics worldwide has become the 'illusion of representation' while the rich plunder the planet for their (unborn) grandkids.

Talk about insanity.

We are up to our eyeballs in trust fund babies who don't have a clue...and we can't afford to wait for them to figure it out.

Sadly, the media continues to tell us that our leaders are 'as good as it gets' which has been inspiring more fear than confidence of late.

There is too much at stake to be saddled with loser leadership on a global scale.

Time to wake up and smell the plutonium.

Until next time, Head.



  1. Time to wake up and smell the plutonium.

  2. EVERYBODY KNOWS the real 'battle' on this planet is the war between the 'rich' and the people they take it from 'legally'.

  3. There is too much at stake to be saddled with loser leadership on a global scale.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...