Friday, August 2, 2019

Repair or replace?

Greetings good citizen, the cognizant know that the tools to repair the leadership platform don't exist, which has never been a problem because the will to repair the process is also non-existent.

Ironically, unaccountable leadership is considered a feature rather than a bug...just don't tell you know who! Worse, it's 'the only game in town' status means every time we are forced to use it, the system is justified in continuing on the way it is.

See, it 'wurks'.

Doesn't work right but apparently that doesn't matter to the criminals behind the system.

Not to put too fine a point on it but the crux of the situation is how the criminals have seized the legal 'high ground' by seizing undisputed control of the justice process.

Only a purge followed by a top to bottom overhaul will return the part to intended parameters.

Does our spank 'em in the wallet justice system work? Only the people with bottomless wallets think so. Everyone else see what 'pay to play' results in, endless violations paid in fines based on the proviso that guilt is left in limbo.

Justice is BINARY, either the culprit is guilty or they aren't. Skinning that cat with a purpose, there is no such thing as a little guilty. When oops kills the victim is undoubtedly dead and no amount of money is going to 'bring them back or make it right'.

The entire difference between killing and murder rests on intent. Clipping a stranger on the side of the road is an unfortunate set of circumstances, waiting for someone to cross the street then running them down with a piece of heavy equipment after chasing them for a quarter of mile is murder. Cut and f'n dried.

A 'justice system' that gives the victim of unfortunate circumstances jail time for vehicular manslaughter then fines the owner of the construction company that chased the victim for a quarter of a mile isn't about justice, it's about who you know.

Don't you think there should many trials springing out of that single instance of willful murder, starting with every 'officer of the court'!

But they don't decide, the guy that appointed the judge decides and the judge goes along with it because he 'owes' the individual that doesn't have a law degree but he does have 'powerful friends'.

Why do prisons exist? Because the criminal's kids screw up too and you can't bring the exiled back from the we will just put the kid 'on ice' for while until the public forgets what he did, then they will free them to live their life, er, 'quietly'. [Can you say repeat offender?]

If the victims family complains you just tell them he 'did his time' and he deserves a 2nd chance, too bad about your loved ones savage murder at the perps hands, you have our sympathy but done is done.

Nope, justice isn't a 'half measure' or 'the appearance' of doing the right thing. The sentence for murder is exile and exile is death. [Stupid has already killed the perp, Exile just holds em until the facts become reality.]

The people want justice but the judge is in somebody's pocket and the individual that 'bought' that judgeship doesn't care about justice, he cares about the favors it allows him to call in.

Did I mention there is zero interest in repairing the system?

Justice is actually pretty simple. Either a crime was committed or it wasn't and that all hinges on...yup, INTENT.

What do you think should be done about the people behind the 'for profit' prison system? Exile solves that problem nicely because they preyed on the helpless, now they will become the prey.

Problem is, like dueling, exile was abandoned centuries they very criminals who were exile's target.

Double ironic that exile was originally devised as a method to sidestep 'regicide' which was considered a crime against God about 'superstitious peasants!

So how are we going to remove the criminals from power if we have no choice but to keep voting FOR them, a SERIOUS design flaw!

I don't need to point out that none of the candidates running for office are campaigning on overhauling the government, so long as you don't count the multiple self proclaimed 'revolutions' that you can't communicate with.

What kind of revolt isn't interested in your input? The more of the same kind I assume.

Thanks for opening your mind, um, before you close it again I thought I heard something drop, you may what to have a look around for it if you think you'll miss it, Head.



  1. Ironically, unaccountable leadership is considered a feature rather than a bug...just don't tell you know who! Worse, it's 'the only game in town' status means every time we are forced to use it, the system is justified in continuing on the way it is.

  2. See, it 'wurks'.

    [typo intentional]

  3. Only a purge followed by a top to bottom overhaul will return the part to intended parameters.

    We can't use the justice system to fix the justice system or we will end up right where we started, the same people with shiny new titles.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...