Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ya know?

Greetings good citizen, today's missive belabors the obvious, when someone is smarter than you there is no need for the person to tell you so, YOU know it.

From this morning's Pocket and reprinted from The Atlantic earlier this year.

Smart is actually 'the awareness' of knowing what you don't know.
Here are three traits I would report from a long trail of meeting and interviewing people who by any reckoning are very intelligent.

They all know it. A lifetime of quietly comparing their ease in handling intellectual challenges—at the chess board, in the classroom, in the debating or writing arena—with the efforts of other people gave them the message.
Virtually none of them (need to) say it. There are a few prominent exceptions, of talented people who annoyingly go out of their way to announce that fact. Muhammad Ali is the charming extreme exception illustrating the rule: He said he was The Greatest, and was. Most greats don’t need to say so. It would be like Roger Federer introducing himself with, “You know, I’m quite graceful and gifted.” Or Meryl Streep asking, “Have you seen my awards?”

They know what they don’t know. This to me is the most consistent marker of real intelligence. The more acute someone’s ability to perceive and assess, the more likely that person is to recognize his or her limits. These include the unevenness of any one person’s talents; the specific areas of weakness—social awkwardness, musical tin ear, being stronger with numbers than with words, or vice versa; and the incomparable vastness of what any individual person can never know. To read books seriously is to be staggered by the knowledge of how many more books will remain beyond your ken. It’s like looking up at the star-filled sky.

We can think of exceptions—the people who are eminent in one field and try unwisely to stretch that to another. (Celebrated scientists or artists who become ordinary pundits; Michael Jordan the basketball genius becoming Michael Jordan the minor-league baseball player.) But generally the cliche is true: The clearest mark of intelligence, even “genius,” is awareness of one’s limits and ignorance.

Disturbing is how the media and the rest of the world acknowledges that the corrupt electoral system is likely to 'gift' us with another 4 years of the current moron (like they did with Reagan and W.) and there isn't a thing we can so about it.

Perhaps that is the nail we need to pound on.

But I digress. You can recognize 'superior intelligence' for yourself, nobody needs to tell you when you are in the presence of genius.

Ya know?

Until next time Head,


Friday, August 30, 2019

On Strike

Greetings good citizen, today I am on strike to protest conditions (in general) around the planet.

In a related bit of information, I finished watching Netflix's special on the Tsars and saw how tyranny appears to be the mindset of global leadership, period.

Something is very wrong 'here' [meaning on this planet] and we have to find out what before we get thrown back into the stone age by that 'wrongness'.

I apologize for talking in riddles but like Holmes said, after you have eliminated all the rational explanations, whatever is left is it regardless of how 'improbable'.

The best defense against shock is being mentally prepared.

Either way, enjoy the day, Head.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Long dark road

Greetings good citizen, As yet another milestone goes zipping by it is easy to get the idea that we follow this long, dark road alone. [If the comments section of this blog is anything to go by, it's a lot 'lonelier' than you'd ever imagine.]

[Is this the product of empty hearts or empty minds...either way it is not 'up to me' to decide as I neither know or particularly care.]

But that is a fantasy. The reality is we are marching into the unknown together, in lockstep.

You can't go to the left or the right, all you can do is follow the path straight ahead to wherever it leads.

The 'aloneness' is an illusion created by our inability to influence the course/trajectory our lives have taken. When viewed through this lens it is easy to fall into the 'predestination' trap, that all choice is an illusion.

The mind rebels against the idea of 'pointlessness'. If it is all unalterable, why bother in the first place?

Why bother indeed?

What escapes most of us is how the 'purpose' of life is to LEARN. If the lesson were as simple as how not to get chumped we are an epic failure, aren't we?

This appears to be the result created by the 'go along to get along' culture that sprang forth from the pointlessness this life represents. If you are here to 'grow' you had best not be reliant on the sunshine of shared knowledge because we have also evolved into a society that believes ignorance is to be exploited rather than cured.

[Dunno what you 'see' when you hit a milestone, just sharing what it looks like from here.]

What if this 'exercise in futility' were actually a 'self-inflicted wound'?

You know you are not alone but you prefer to think you are and YOU have NOTHING to teach yourself [although you are constantly 'discovering' things you never knew about yourself...a riddle, I know.]

Here's a thought, what if this shitshow wasn't about what you want but what WE need to do to live in harmony with one another?

Scary thought considering how wrapped up in ourselves the media encourages us to be...

Until next time, Head.


Now dust off that old Hollies tune and walk down memory lane with me, remembering how much I love you.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it should come as no surprise that the gunk clogging your thinking parts belongs to someone else. You know that you are you and that alone there isn't much you can do in ANY direction.

It takes a tribe and the tribe you choose to be part of will disown you if you 'rock the boat'.

Yeah, lots of bad things going on out there but rule number one is 'don't rock the boat' (because if it tips over you ALL are going to land in the shit! Bad enough you have to paddle around in it, everyday, all day but jesus you don't want to spend your days wearing it too, do you?

So the national anthem has become 'This blows' because the influencers don't want to get any mud on them...and there is an ever so small chance that pension they've been working so hard for might still be there when they go to retire in a couple of years!

Sure, it's not the 'millions' Reagan promised us back in the Eighties but it is all you have, even if you can't 'live comfortably' on it.

Yeah good citizen, our elected leaders have promised us much and delivered little over our lifetimes all because nobody wanted to 'rock the boat' or get 'dirty' [despite being hosed with filth 24/7 by our self-professed betters.]

Carpe diem, the day belongs to the bold and for the past two and a half centuries the 'bold' have ordered the rest of us to talk to the hand.

Don't ask questions, go along to get along and if you are not getting your 'fair share' the problem isn't us, it's YOU...[how do you like those apples, Did everything you were told and still got fooked!]

Sort of irritating to hear them laugh behind your back for not grabbing what you could while you had a chance but wait a minute, you realize you NEVER had a chance!

Rode hard and put up wet [because nobody was looking out for you or yours. That 'promise' was empty.]

So what do you do when you discover you are surrounded by chickenshit liars?

Sad fact is all alone you can get some of them but you won't get close to the ones that deserve it most. They know they are hunted and have taken steps to guard their backtrail.

Think it's time to go for a swim in some shit?

If you want justice it is unavoidable.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind [what little is left of it], Head.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

One hand clapping

Greetings good citizen, seems the Annual auto auction held at Pebble Beach CA has shown our self-professed aristocrats have lost their appetite for 'classic' automobiles. Not only did sales plummet but the 'reserves' [minimum bid for you non-auction types] have hit ridiculous levels...and you don't care because you can barely afford to keep a 2nd hand beater under your ass to get you back and forth to that job that doesn't pay you enough to live on [all hail federal food assistance!]

Where is 'our revolution' on the banksters pauperization of the nation? Even the One percent can't afford luxury anymore? What's next?

Welcome to the One Party system, (formerly known as monarchy but now the monarch rules by remote control.)

Don't think there is still a monarch [I'm tempted to say king but there isn't a good way to tell. Could just as easily be a queen] out there, laying down the law imprisoning millions [in their 'for profit' prisons!]

Slavery, legalized and called 'rehabilitation'! How's that for a two-fer?

We got us a cesspool on our hands folks (and yes I DO have a MUCH better idea!) Too bad none of you can comprehend it because you have been force fed 'dumb' for so long you believe it is the truth.

Worse is the number of you that still deny the system is rigged and fall into the liberal vs. conservative trap.

EVERYBODY KNOWS the real 'battle' on this planet is the war between the 'rich' and the people they take it from 'legally'.

Doesn't matter if there are two parties or ten, the end result remains the same. Politics worldwide has become the 'illusion of representation' while the rich plunder the planet for their (unborn) grandkids.

Talk about insanity.

We are up to our eyeballs in trust fund babies who don't have a clue...and we can't afford to wait for them to figure it out.

Sadly, the media continues to tell us that our leaders are 'as good as it gets' which has been inspiring more fear than confidence of late.

There is too much at stake to be saddled with loser leadership on a global scale.

Time to wake up and smell the plutonium.

Until next time, Head.


Monday, August 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, at the heart of the Red Team/Blue team hostilities is the deep seated belief that the 'other side' is hopelessly 'out of touch'.

This is a charade but the principle factor behind every theory of governance is that the public is stupid and ignorant of what the real issues are.

Amazingly enough, it is the 'sidestepping' of the central issue [that governments are criminal enterprises] that serves as proof of the politician's lack of accountability and there feigned ignorance of the problems faced by the public.

Who knew the Billionaire class craved tax relief? Who knew increasing the cost of goods via tariffs would result in an artificially pumped up economy 'masquerading' as prosperity?

We are supposed to be too dumb to understand how 'the economy' works.

Are you really though?

Well, the media does its best to convince you that most of you are. [Can't have the rabble making common cause with one another, that's how revolts start!]

This is where the 'both sides are hopelessly out of touch' comes in. Red team makes bad decisions based on faulty assumptions then the Blue team criticizes the bad results and now nobody 'understands' the opposition, which is exactly what the criminals want.


See, if nobody agrees then nobody is going to go after the criminals!

You know that, they know that and still nobody does anything about it.

In case anyone was wondering why governments don't work...[infested with criminals, just sayin', ya know?]

Can't wait to vote the current nitwit out of office...oh, that's right, the out of touch will keep him in office so the Red team can keep acting on bad ideas that nobody had a clue about. Yeah, and nobody will be more amazed than the totally complicit media with their 'fake news'.

Think we got a problem on our hands?

Not a huge problem...unless you are as stupid as they insist you are...

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, August 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as master of the obvious I feel obliged to point out that most of you believe tyranny is the 'natural order of things'. Zero irony that some of you would argue about that.

Between the burning Amazon and the pinhead that thinks China pays the tariffs he levies [by decree no less!] Let me explain to you how tariffs work. They raise the price of foreign products making domestic products more attractively priced.

So if THERE ARE NO COMPETING DOMESTIC PRODUCTS, all tariffs do is make the existing products MORE PROFITABLE!

The Chinese don't pay the tariff, the CONSUMER does. [Man, how f'n dumb are you?]

Yet you already know we are going to get four more years of the moron-in-chief because he is too dumb to say 'no'.

Which brings us full circle to the question of 'What are you going to do about it?' [when the media steals another election? Burn the stations down?] How about a boycott? Like that is going to work.

Yes good citizen, misinformation is just another form of tyranny. Especially when they don't care if they lie/taint what they share with you.

Anyone else find this 'great economy' numbnuts keeps talking about?

Tyranny is my way or the highway in you face. How sad that it is all we expect? They tell us how it is going to be and we all just nod and go along with it (because the name of the game is comply or die.)

[They ARE the law after all...]

I know it isn't helpful to rub your nose in what you already know but perhaps reminding you that this is all your fault (you spineless excuse for a hairless monkey) will get you to stand up for yourself.

You don't have to lead but you can definitely refuse to follow.

Just something to think about the next time you find yourself on the receiving end of 'talk to the hand'.

Until next time, Head.


Saturday, August 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, since 'the my way or the highway' crowd took over, the rabid capitalists among us have turned politics into a bully pulpit. We no longer discuss the problems facing our species through the lens of the greater good since the ONLY good that can come of politics is turning the Have's into the 'HAVE MORES'. [W's confessed constituency...on global television, no less!]

More shocking perhaps is how the 4th Estate dropped that and the whole issue of war criminality like they were too hot for the public to handle.

Okay, there is nothing we can 'do' about our circumstances. Those of us not born to great wealth are prisoners of a system controlled by criminals and the people who are supposed to bring the criminals to justice are criminals too.

Worse are the criminals hiding behind the work of fiction created by the criminals universally known as the Bible.

This week we have Preznint Pussygrabber calling out Jews that oppose him as 'disloyal'. Not all humans are jews but all jews are HUMAN...seems there is some question regarding Pussygrabber's claim that he too is human.

So it is we have 'lost control' of the process established to protect us from the voracious among us, like Trump.

When a government no longer represents the will of the public it is the duty of the citizens to remove that government and replace it with something 'more equitable'.

We are LONG OVERDUE for 'regime change'. Pussygrabber represents a tipping point that should never have been reached. Naturally we find ourselves in a 'Potteresque' situation of how do we sort out the true criminals from the people who were just following orders? [In this case their 'bank accounts' will clear or damn them.]

While we'd like to say their social media activities would do the same it is too easy to hijack online user names.

But in real life 'by your actions shall you be known.'

You may think you have everybody fooled but none are so blind as those who refuse to see.

So while you sit there cursing at the television, wondering how we will save our children from the cesspool we let form at our feet. [Yeah, it's that bad!] you think MAYBE you should have done something [besides voting in rigged elections.]

We 'vote' for the wrong things anyway. That was the first clue you were being swindled. There should have been a revolt then but you know the old saying, 'better late than never!'

Key to the crisis is OWNERSHIP, revolt NOW!

Thanks for listening, Head.


Friday, August 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while most ignore it the issue remains of whether or not 'talkin' shit' about the state of commerce is a Nobel worthy 'science'.

The 'faith based' community believes whatever you shovel over it [with a priest/preacher] but the rational based community is still divided. Yeah, 'consumer sentiment' is a thing but can you really draw worthwhile conclusions from something so easily manipulated? [Is that where the 'science' comes in?]

One of the items in today's 'click-bait' was a review of the rent for a 2 bedroom apartment nationwide. Even in the cheapest 'markets' the minimum wage worker was skunked. Understand that the mission objective was not a single individual being able to afford a two bedroom place but the assumption was two people teaming up to afford a single unit.

The math, when it was displayed, was absolutely goofy...but that's economics for you where reality has nothing to do with heuristics. Economists can attach a monetary value to the scent of the air, that's how fucked this stuff is.

Amazingly the lethality of the water in Flint did nothing to its economic standing...(nor did it affect its rent. Yay Heuristics, only work when you want' em to!)

How large of a sledge hammer do I need to smack you upside the head with? [We are already north of a 25 pounder and still it has zero effect.]

Returning to today's headlines apparently Pussygrabber's handlers have told him he can't provide the working class voters with tax relief. Tax cuts are only for those who don't pay taxes in the first place.

Not only is ALL money 'funny' (it's 'true usefulness' is in regulating the behavior of the INDIVIDUAL! Thus under ASP your money is for YOU and YOU alone!)

You'd think one of our educated morons would be able to figure that one out but there is no Nobel Prize for HONESTY!

With that as a given it becomes plain to see that the infamous 'they' award Nobel prizes in economics to lend credibility to the lies told to justify the status quo.

If we were to draw a line from the gun toting thug wearing a badge to the town hall, to the state house to congress, to the Supreme Court to the potus, that line doesn't stop until you arrive at the people funding this whole shitshow.

The Presidency was supposed to be the supreme power of the land, checked by the two houses of congress but that no longer applies since it all runs on bought and paid for politicians...including an anything but free media.

Don't you love 'heuristics' where public sentiment can be jaw-boned into submission by boobsie bimbos reading whatever you put in front of them?

Humanity is in trouble and it is only going to get worse if you don't wake the fuck up.

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, August 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's cryptic acronym stands for Cascading Systemic Collapse.

While the media will refrain from airing the actual collapse of society until it reaches the stage of beleaguered citizens clashing with government forces over fill-in-the-blank, the 'revolt' will not be televised. Should a 'real' revolt break out the media will be the first casualty. Neither side can afford to let the resulting bloodbath be viewed by the public.

Violence belongs in video games.

Sadly, those unwilling to listen to logic or bow to reason often make violence the only course of action.

Especially those who have adopted the position that they ARE the law. This is the beginning of criminal behavior, the law belongs to us all! It is not justice if only one group gets to decide what is just. [Might as well bring back the royals...]

So it is good citizen the fabric of society is being torn to shreds while the pompous/clueless stand there with frowning glares of contempt as the desperate fight over the scraps that fall from their overflowing table.

Problem with rhetoric is they start to believe it, even they can't sort the bull from the facts anymore.

First they create the problem then they pretend it is not their fault.

What do you do with people like that? Makes you want to test their claims of divine dispensation, doesn't it? [The default is they are rich because that is the way GOD wants it, it has nothing to do with THEM.]

The Real reason is because they are thieves and 'the law' answers to them which is how they get away with robbing the rest of us blind.

This planet is OURS just as the law is OURS. If we are to survive the collapse we must remove the self-serving from the artificial corridors of power they created to shield them from prosecution.

Yes, 'remove' means exile. Firing won't be enough and prison reforms no one.

But I digress, justice needs to be overhauled from top to bottom around the globe (or the freakishly selfish will make war on us.)

It's what they do. Their only 'real' tool is Comply or Die. They are the original My way or the Highway crowd.

Time to kick them to the curb so they can no longer use murder to keep the rest of us cowering.

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Out to lunch

Greetings good citizen, 'Out to lunch' is a sign you encounter when you are dealing with a sole proprietorship that can't afford to have someone watch the shop while they step out for a meal.

How did it become synonymous with government bureaucracy?

I needn't draw you a picture. If you had some matter to deal with and couldn't get time off from your job most people would run out at lunch time and encounter the now much mocked sign because it was THEIR lunch time too!

Eventually, after much frustration, government bowed to public sentiment and scheduled coverage so the harried worker could deal with government induced problems on THEIR lunch break.

How many of you think you can see where I'm going with this already?

Only the cleverest of you will see I am pointing to the crux of the 'unresponsiveness' issue. Workers want 'regular hours' while employers want a full shift's production. Government workers weren't interested in working 'weird hours' to accommodate production worker's schedules...the bankers had no problem getting their business conducted by the end of the 'business day'.

Well, it is this inability to adapt that is threatening our civilization with extinction.

What you say?

Still aren't getting it, are you.

The 'service' part of the agency established to, er, 'protect' us doesn't have an ear. It isn't listening to you OR paying attention to the needs of our species.

Parts are listening, perhaps too keenly to what you say when you think nobody can hear you but that isn't 'helping' either.

Nobody is looking up from their routines and seeing how failure to adapt is tearing civilization apart.

If only one 'good thing' comes out of the Trump Presidency it will be that those claiming to be the solution are in fact THE PROBLEM!

The wealthy {and if numbnuts isn't wealthy then what is he?] are always ready with an empty platitude on their tongues and fake sympathy for your troubles [that they are responsible for.]

Will the grieving families of the next shooter's victims be comforted to know we already have 'strong' background checks?

In this respect, the 'out of touch' bureaucracy that pretends to serve us is permanently 'out to lunch'. The ballot box isn't capable of fixing that problem either so wake up and smell the napalm!

The OWNERS of this shitshow don't want to hear about your 'unhappiness' with their performance, they know and they DON'T care.

Do YOU know why malcontents aren't publicly executed? Because people stop working if they think their 'employer' is Evil.

Didn't know there was something other than 'human decency' preventing them from publicly executing malcontents, did you?

That 'ignorance' is costing you large because that pendulum has almost swung as far as it is going to.

Why do you think the push for AI is a balls to the wall race that humanity can't afford to lose?

You know WHY I stop when I do. Take heed or get lost contemplating just how dumb you truly are.

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tax cuts and lobotomies

Greetings good citizen, how fortunate is it for the people yanking your chain everyday, all day that YOU don't have a clue what money is or what the 'legal construct' is intended to do?

The most fortunate part is your ignorance of the criminal acts committed, there'd be a ton of people exiled if justice understood the law. [This is why the exiles must begin with the criminal 'upholders of justice'.] This wouldn't be possible without them.

Is anyone else picking up on the sudden 180 in the business world where 'shareOwner Value' was no long the 'primary deliverable' corporate management teams are responsible for?

How many of you are dumb enough to believe this BS? Profits before people now and forever, same as it ever was under the I OWN this system. {I want all the money and none of the responsibility! capitalism.}

Anyhoo, numbnuts is worried that the public may toss him on the scrap heap if the economy takes a nosedive like W's did so he, true to form, is breaking out the 'tax cut axe' to hack down income taxes for the 45% of working age citizens who have jobs...although it isn't going to do much for the people making minimum wage, they don't pay spit in taxes anyway.

Does anyone else smell another 'giveaway' to people who need 'tax relief' like another hole in the head?

Wanna fix the economy? You have to go a darn sight further than putting an extra Jackson in the take home pay of the impoverished.

You start with making housing a gimme. Then you follow it up by globalizing the energy industry so you can eliminate energy bills. [It's all fake anyway.] Then you consolidate the communications industry and make that 'free' too.

You eliminate the automotive industry and produce a single line of well-rounded vehicles and make them available on a zip-car basis, where all you pay for is fuel [to discourage 'unnecessary' use.]

Life has become too expensive and the privileged have persisted in raising prices to the point where billions have been 'priced out' of their future.

Taxes ARE NOT the problem, F-U pay me [for everything is.]

The ONLY way to repair the damage done by the privileged is to remove them from the process, which translates to a ban on OWNERSHIP.

We can no longer permit the self-serving to control the resources of this planet, subjecting the rest of us to war and terrorism as a result.

Remember why I end these where I do, Head.


Monday, August 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, let's begin today's jaunt with the question is it possible to fall off the floor? Have we been down so long that everything is starting to look like up?

Besides denying the obvious, the Oaf-in-Chief is unable to provide a single instance of economic success, not one. If you are 'already rich' you are doing fabulous but if you are not...(insert rigid middle finger here.)

How long will it be before kids start aspiring to become lottery winners? [Even professional sports is losing economic ground due to rampant mismanagement.]

Is nothing sacred? [Rhetorical question...]

Seriously good citizen, the 'next stop' on the crazy train is bloodsports.

While the moron meat-puppet is honestly is too dumb to realize the global economy is being pushed into a black hole that the people who elected him to office created. [Not the mouth-breathers, his other 'cronies', the Billionaire crowd.]

The 'purpose of commerce' is to better the circumstances of society...and not just the owner class, which is why government exists...supposedly.

When the owners of commerce decided to buy their overseers (for what amounted to chump change) the purpose of commerce changed from the public good to the good of those who owned 'A piece of the Rock'.

What do pendulums do? They swing and the long overdue 'correction' is going to wipe out the owner class with the same extreme prejudice they eliminated 'redundancy' [it is responsible for creating the billionaire class.]

Econ 101, commerce is symbiosis. Wipe out your customers and what's left? A collection of parasites that don't need money because they are already 'rich'...they need 'workers' and (for the moment) they are up to their armpits in people absolutely desperate to be 'useful'...regardless of how menial or demeaning the job is.

When the tables turn it will be because the owners weren't any 'smarter' than their victims.

The precept of your worker being your customer is already rubbish. I didn't attend business school so who knows what they are teaching these days...probably something along the lines of the 'market' is your customer, which is absolute bullshit and that brings us full circle to the Oaf-in Chief's problem...his whole life is one where he has been told bullshit is ice cream.

[Full Stop] Where does this leave YOU?

Are you planning to jump off before things get too ridiculous? Bad Plan.

You have let things get out of control and now you are going to pay the price for your cupidity. [If they don't kill you outright you will wish they had.]

The time to revolt is now, while there is still something to save.

I know you can't see where this is headed and that might be a blessing in itself because you'd never sleep again.

Revolt while there is still time.

End of message:


Sunday, August 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I am not able to list all of the questions that go unanswered in this existence nevermind the ones that plague you personally (for obvious reasons.)

So if we return to the fundamentals we would find the First problem plaguing humanity is the liar. The second troublemaker is the braggart who pretends everything would be fine if we would just do things their way...[this is also a lie.]

The contradictions of capitalism are causing it to collapse as supply, demand and manpower circle the insane policies being applied to money.

Logic is straight-forward. You have something that needs doing, you get it done but capitalism prevents you from allocating time in ways that are not profitable to an owner.

You have a need and a idle laborforce but if you can't fill your pockets it is not 'worth doing' [kinda like Uber is an exercise in how stupid are you? How long are you going to sit in your car, waiting for something to happen and if it doesn't the time is wasted?]

This is capitalism writ large.

It is also gross mismanagement but it seems the public is sympathetic to how thinking makes their teeny-tiny head hurt.

Let's ask why the typical moron thinks the people running things are even remotely competent? [The proof is all around you, they are NOT.]

So how do we fix the growing crisis of inaction?

While you'd think the answer would be split into teams that would be a mistake because teamwork depends on something that doesn't exist under you know what the crucial missing ingredient is?


The central premise of capitalism is the 'greedy' will do what is 'best' for themselves, which will result in doing what is 'good' for everyone.

What part of Fuck you, it's magic! Don't you get?

Market saturation has caused the monied (but non too clever) go off in directions they THINK will do them SOME good while neglecting the things that need doing right under their noses.

Market forces are tearing civilization apart as the increasingly desperate search for the overlooked key to INDIVIDUAL PROSPERITY.

Bad news Buckwheat...either you bring everyone along with you or you are going to die [horribly.]

Myopia is always fatal and mankind has seldom experienced a case as severe as that which currently afflicts the freakishly selfish leaders of this shitshow.

So we return to yesterday's observation...what is 'real'?

Tick-tock good citizen, you don't have a lot of time left.

Until/if there is a 'next time', Head.


Saturday, August 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in yet another swindle perpetrated by cabal that controls 'value' it is now leaking out that the world is awash in Diamonds...left to your imagination is whether this is due to the ability to manufacture nearly perfect stones artificially or if the global race to the bottom priced the chumps out, causing market saturation?

Which puts the lie to market driven pricing. Availability no longer drives prices now that the 'value' of money is arbitrary.

We are living in the marketplace of 'the greater fool' that preys on the ignorance of the buyer. How many of you morons bought a block of cannabis stock thinking (like bitcoins) what the hell?

I'll stick it out there a little farther and ask how many of you appreciate what both of these 'factors' means?

Answer is: What is REAL?

Money in ALL of its forms isn't. Neither diamonds, silver or gold are 'genuine' storehouses of value so what is 'real'?

Ironically it is the things you can't 'buy' that prove to be most precious. Time is number one on the what is real list, all your money won't another heartbeat buy yet our time is routinely stolen (and wasted) by the feckless.

Peace and justice are two highly undervalued commodities and they are both in short supply, making them precious indeed. While poets rate it highest, love is supposedly the greatest of all but it is also the most ethereal and often crushes those who foolishly try to possess it.

How tragic that most of us fritter our lives away wasting the most precious gift of all, our potential. Most of us never learn who we might have been and that is a disservice to all humanity.

In fairness, being born into the 'great swindle' where first your values are stolen then you potential is wasted is a tragedy all by itself...but most never contemplate what might have been because their potential was snuffed out in the crib when they were still infants.

It is here we encounter that most precious of gifts because of its rarity, the gift of wisdom.

We 'reflect' on what we might have been when we are feeling sorry for ourselves about the mess we have made of our lives. Almost everyone has an event that they think derailed them on the road to happiness and success when almost nobody has a clear idea as to what either of those goals entails.

We all know what we'd 'like them to be', but what we'd like and reality are often two separate things.

Living to the best of your ability for every moment you are given is the most any of us can hope for...still, difficult to achieve even partial potential when your environment demands all you have and then some just to keep some bored sycophant from flaying you alive just for shits and giggles.

Silver and gold and all that is held dear by those who would swindle you of your precious potential are fool's treasure.

What truly matters, what makes life worth living exists inside you. It can't be stolen but it can be crushed out of you...and That is why I keep telling you to revolt!

Here there be Monsters and they are gobbling your dreams just to deprive you of them.

Um, you're probably gonna have nightmares tonight so have a couple of stiff ones before turning in, K?


Friday, August 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in what SHOULD be apparent to all of you is the need to share our one and only home. So why the hell are there over 190 nations on the planet? Do you suppose it is to 'preserve the peace'?

Why humanity isn't united is probably not as critical an issue as what is going to happen in the VERY near future if we don't address this situation...

Three letters, starts with W...(come on, you got this!)

Worse the economic situation continues to decay and nobody knows what to do about it. We already have too many workers with nothing to do and the owners of commerce keep pursuing AI to replace what's left.

Is this 'God's Plan'?

These people can't spell moron never mind realize it applies to them.

But the rest of you go along with it because the people pushing the WAR agenda are the same ones that cut YOUR paycheck.

What a terrible position to find yourself in!

Either you delude yourself that everything will work out in the end or you greet your children with a half-hearted apology because you couldn't change things on your own...and you didn't dare to speak up only to get branded a troublemaker.

No job = no eat.

Unity, it is our most powerful weapon, we just need to learn how to 'use' it.

We united briefly once but the self-serving used their ownership of the legal process to hamstring the organizations protecting us.

So it is we need to seize control of the justice process so we can stop them from screwing us and calling it 'legal'.

Back to our original question, why isn't humanity 'united'?

Because the most frightening words in ANY language is 'World Government'. We can't even get a response from our elected officials over minor annoyances, how would adding another layer of confusion help that situation?

The answer is obvious, We are doing this 'wrong'.

Instead of electing people to make decisions based on how much their major campaign contributors scream, we should vote on the issues directly so 'the will of the people' is exercised. THAT is the theory behind Democracy, something we all talk about but the selfish are too afraid of what WILL happen if 'majority rule' actually becomes reality.

Ownership ban anyone? [No more buying you future from a banker who exists to repossess it the moment you are late with a payment?] Besides, what you are FORCED to buy (for the banksters benefit) you don't need to OWN, you just need to use them for a while.

Without UNITY we will soon (already happening) run headlong into conflict over who gets what and why.

The 'world of plenty' is gone for good, the collective WE have to get our heads out of our buttocks and start figuring out how to SHARE what's left with those worth saving.

[Reality check folks, we ain't all going to make it without some extreme sacrifices being made right NOW!]

We need to jettison a considerable amount of 'deadwood', the good news is it's all at the top so it won't affect form, fit or function.

Act or be acted upon.

Thanks for stopping by, Head.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Incompetence Crisis...

Greetings good citizen, moron-in-chief aside, the planet is suffering from an incompetence overload caused by faith based divisions.

For a pack of heartless bastards that would murder their own mothers without blinking we can only marvel at the conundrum this presents because this level of narcissism is both unprecedented and astonishing. We are literally awash in a world run by people who believe they are God's 'mates'.

Servants isn't adequate as the dangerously deluded readily admit they are God's 'vassals' but it doesn't stop there, their relationship is 'special'...because God told them so.

The cognizant, who are few, realize the crisis facing humanity is planet-wide.

Many people understand the problem facing humanity is larger than their home nation and this has been building for a long time...but only the few appreciate that the ONLY solution is to UNITE.

The collective WE will not survive if we resist unity and a leveling of the playing field.

In this the Oaf-in-Chief is clueless. It really is 'all about him' despite his being unable to 'see' beyond the tip of his nose.

Understand, Trump supporters/sympathizers are 'birds of a feather' because they believe 'war is the EVERYTHING!' [Alternatives are unimaginable and peace is 'inconceivable'.]

Is this the 'human condition' in a nutshell, it is bad to fight but it is worse to fight and lose...?

Understand, those sick enough to believe they were born to greatness don't see a future where they don't rule until the end.

How unfortunate for the rest of us that most aren't bright enough to appreciate what this means for the future of mankind on this planet.

Incompetence isn't restricted to the vain-glorious, the dumb suffer from it equally.

Now try and figure out 'how dumb are you?'

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

F is for Finished

Greetings good citizen, as today's lede implies I finished watching the netflix special report on The Family, which, disturbingly enough, is the english translation of the Italian word Mafia.

Ironically the, er, 'torchbearer' for evangelical outreach program is deceased but like the mafia, the organization itself lives on.

Lenin had it right, religion is the opiate of the masses.

What the devout routinely miss is those who profess to be 'committed to God' do so for one reason, to usurp its authority.

God isn't the problem, those who claim to be doing God's work are.

We have a name for people who hear voices in their heads and that name is crazy. People who believe they can talk to God are insane.

Um, the megalomaniacs who wrap themselves humility, claiming they only seek to 'serve god' are raving lunatics.

Let's have a look at where that kind of thinking leads...shall we?

Yesterday the 'replacement' Attorney General called for ZERO TOLERANCE for resisting police...which will somehow make them 'safer'.

NOTHING is going to keep the ever more intrusive stance of those dispatched to harass the public on a daily basis for whatever strikes them as 'suspicious'. Here's a solution that will work. Want to keep police 'safe', Mr. Barr? Abolish the damn job and let people solve their own problems!

[Can't do that because YOU are part of the problem!]

We already have cops tasing people to death because they were 'frightened'.

If you are a coward you have no business wearing a badge...and the job isn't 'as advertised'.

The people who have claimed the law for themselves NEED the protection of the armed thugs so they can dispense injustice however THEY see fit.

Just as those who claim to 'speak for God' are only interested in 'the power and the glory', god can keep his alleged compassion and humility. The 'speakers for god want YOUR BLIND OBEDIENCE, just like Mr. Barr demands.

The problem with these zero tolerance, my way or the highway types is they don't THINK...and Mr. Barr got his job using his considerable skills at fellatio and not because he is either 'smart' or 'wise'.

How many times do I need to explain the obvious? A man bends the knee to no one, regardless of who they think they are. The LAW stands ALONE and means no more or no less than what those living under it agree that it means.

There can be NO justice until all humans receive equal treatment under the laws, not the laws of GOD but those of humanity.

God is a lie and those who claim to speak for God are liars.

Those who achieve public office then claim they are there to do 'god's work' are unfit to serve but I again belabor the obvious.

Jesus + nothing leaves YOU on your own.

Jesus/God made them leaders and they don't have to do anything for YOU. God chose THEM and NOT you...

This is not the end of their 'selfishness' nor did Doug Coe's death spell the end of the Family. The media's long silence doesn't erase the existence of that other 'more honest' family. The Mafia doesn't pretend to be one thing and act like another but the Evangelicals have the rubes chumped with Trump.

Little difficult to cast The Donald in the role of the Wolf King...if that were the case, wolves would be extinct already.

YOUR first duty is to your HUMANITY, NOTHING comes before it.

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, How bizarre is it that in the wasteland that passes for 'info-tainment' in our rudderless, mutilated culture the truth is exposed and it doesn't matter (or so the infamous THEY think.)

If you have ever wondered who 'THEY' were [the people responsible for wages you can't live on and policing that does YOU more harm than good, sit down and watch the latest Netflix special titled The Family.] we finally have a definitive answer.

Disclosure: I have only viewed the first two installments and haven't looked to see how many remain but what piqued my interest is the knowledge that Hillary is an alleged member of this Christian organization that works in secret to insert 'God' back into politics.

They [The Family] are being presented as a 'cult' and from what I've seen thus far, the description fits!

How many of you believe there is no such thing as a Christian Cult? [How many of you think the whole shitshow is a cult?]

The family doesn't exist to promote the 'teachings of God...or jesus (if you want to 'quibble' and they sure do!) It exists to promote blind obedience to the 'cult of the chosen', the self-professed 'elect of God' when the fake almighty has nothing to do with anything, God is no more than the drapes hung over the windows for the public to gawk at.

Poverty isn't YOUR choice, apparently poverty is the doom of the 'unchosen'. The capitalist is a thief who uses the authority of the almighty to rob you of what doesn't belong to them.

Did you know the capitalist has a 'bill of sale' signed by god that only they can see because they are 'chosen'?

For reasons unexplained, the chosen feel zero obligation to better your lot, god decided and that's fine by them because 'god' chose THEM [thus the THEY.]

Evil walks among us an they are full of themselves. If they feel anything at all for their 'fellow humans' it is revulsion over the fact that they befriended some of us before they received their 'true calling'.

Why is society a cesspool? Because the 'god loving' believe they are better than the rest of us. [And because they love god without reservation, they don't question when a perceived leader tells them to act.]

Hello? Does anyone else see why one of the founding principles of this nation was the separation of church and state?

Funny how that morphed into the pursuit of religious 'freedom' [but if you don't worship the 'right god' (the god of money) your 'freedom to worship' is heresy!]

Yup the god YOU believe in doesn't matter because only the CHOSEN can know 'God's Will'.

Now ask yourself if our government hasn't been taken over by a group of seriously dangerous psychopaths?

There IS a solution and most of you should get some sadistic pleasure out of the schadenfreude it will produce.

Money is what we say it is.

Cash is illegal and EVERYBODY'S bank account is ZERO.

The only way to get money is to WORK for it (in the service of mankind, no 'gods' allowed!) and if you don't want to work to build a better environment for humanity, you will be provided free transportation for your naked buttocks to a place where you can live however your fellow 'human haters' allow.

Unless you are the biggest and the baddest it is highly unlikely 'they' are going to listen to you so don't go there thinking you are going to rule in hell, it already has a master and you aren't up to the job.

Reality, what a shocker!

Watch the series and doubt some of you will see that 'opportunity' that you've been waiting your whole life for...but that is just for the under 20 crowd, the rest of us will be doing the holy fuck as we goggle in amazement that this shit is legal, what are our lawmakers doing?

Isn't this where the whole shitshow begins?

Until next time, Head.


Monday, August 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I wish I could report having a pleasant two day break but that wouldn't be true. Still, nothing to be gained by dwelling on the negative so let's stop with the boo-hoo and get on with the holy fuck.

The 'clear-eyed' cognizant know that the deceased Mr. Epstein swindled his way to a fortune 'piggy-backing' on his well heeled connections. What was his secret? He was sleazy enough to be believe-able...that and the 'wealthy' aren't any smarter than the rest of us. [Again with the morons who equate wealth with intelligence...and even wisdom. Even the rich point to god and bless their 'luck' (that they haven't been prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.)]

The odd part is the swindlers who are trying to turn the Epstein suicide into something other than the 'payback' it was. Part of Jeffery's success was caused by his being dirty and that dirt, by necessity would rub off on the people associated with him.

So it is the 'used' are trying to use him.

Before it vanishes into the brain fog that has become your mind, let me point out that the whole situation stems from the basic dishonesty that permeates our society from top to bottom, exceeded only by the willful ignorance of the hopelessly dumb.

Remember ying and yang? For each bit of 'darkness' I point out, I balance it with a solution of how the situation can be corrected.

No correction is possible with the current corrupt justice system, the fact it is 'for profit' is all the evidence needed to damn it for the criminal venture it is.

That said, if cash were outlawed, crimes like Jeffery's wouldn't happen. Numbnuts would have taken a job, tried to get himself appointed to a made up position and exiled along with whoever was stupid enough to try to make such a thing happen.

Jeffery was a successful swindler because we are neck deep in stupid and nobody can remember a single instance when justice has prevailed so steeped in corruption is our culture.

The sleazy will always be with us no matter how many safeguards we enact. How unfortunate for mankind that the justice system itself attracts sleazeballs like no other? [It's that 'power corrupts' thing and there is no getting rid of it.]

Abolishing 'ownership' would go a long way towards minimizing the sleazeball's ardor to play the rest of us for chumps.

We are living in a toxic stew that is 99.999% Swindled and .001% swindler. It is the 'stickiness' of dirt that keeps infecting those entrusted to protect us from the predators among us.

Worse, all they have to do is slip a little and the swindler owns them. [Sometimes not even that!]

It is here that the debate hinges on punishing the criminals...if there were no punishment perhaps the enforcers would be less fearful of being prosecuted? Sorry, that doesn't work. If punishment is to be a 'deterrent' it must be 'effective' and that means it must remove the criminal permanently.

[Unlike the criminal enterprise we call 'prison'. Prison is a safety net for criminals, it saves them from banishment, which is their just due.]

It is when there are no alternatives that society and civilization totters towards inevitable collapse.

If you can't 'see' the future there won't be one.

If there is no protection from the criminals (who would exploit you and your children for their own gain) and your entire existence is dedicated to getting chumped as little as possible life is not worth living.

It all flows from justice, equal inclusion that provides you with a means to contribute to society and to be fairly compensated for that contribution.

Without justice life is worthless.

Happy Monday, Head.


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Quick Post

Greetings good citizen, in yet another epic failure of tough love to seize the high ground, the wife and myself are beating a retreat to give my son the freedom he demands for his annual bacchanalian gamefest. {in an over played attempt to point out that he is the ONLY one who actually does this has only served to doubled his resolve.}

So no post today...and it's looking like 'Parent of the year' is gonna pass us by once again too.

Sorry for the inconvenience, such as it is coming on the heels of the news that Jeffery Epstein offed himself in prison overnight, who knew? What some people won't do to avoid a court appearance, eh?

Until next time, Head.

(Heads up, tomorrow isn't looking good either, these things usually end with the landscape littered with pickled bodies...)


Friday, August 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, who indeed! There are many direction such a query can take and depending on which why your mind leaps determines your state of mind when you encountered the indefinite.

Some of you finished the open ended question with 'will save us', the most common answer because humans have been trained to believe that saving them is someone else's job. [Why do you think 'superheroes' are on the rise while the Gods are vanishing?]

Everybody knows none of the Gods are coming to save you. How sad is it that God's replacements are equally as 'mythical' [and just as deeply flawed...]

Time to wake up and swill the ovaltine! The cavalry ain't comin' so it's up to you to pull your own bacon out of the fire. Now our 'who' morphs into 'who is up to the task?'

Certainly not YOU! You couldn't possible sacrifice everything you've worked your entire life to achieve [often committing unspeakable acts just to inch ahead!] Saving humanity requires selflessness and dignity and neither of those words apply to you, do they?

If not you, who indeed?

Perhaps we can work this from the opposite end, who hates humanity? If we were to be completely honest the answer to that loaded question would be, 'got a mirror on ya?'

Now 'hate' is a strong word and usually the most harm is done not because of hatred but stupidity and its progenitor, ignorance.

That and humans seem unable to resist the opportunity to 'get over' on one another (but I already mentioned stupid.)

Invisible to most of you is the parasites that make your existence an exercise in futility. They call it 'luck' but truth be told the real reason for their 'luck' is criminal. [They have taken what doesn't belong to them and they charge YOU for it!]

And that is the kick in the 'nads you need to understand.

Why do criminals run the justice system? We all know HOW they got there, their 'friends' appointed them!

How do we restore justice and at least a modicum of dignity for the rest of humanity?

Did we just return to the original question?


You'll figure it out...but will you figure it out in time?

Later, Head.


Thursday, August 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, before going further in explaining today's title let us take a quick look at this morning 2nd set of headlines.

Top News

Climate Change Threatens the World’s Food Supply, United Nations Warns

The world's land is being exploited at an “unprecedented” rate, a United Nations report on climate change warns, putting pressure on food production and amplifying the risk of mass migration.

Trump Uses a Day of Healing to Deepen the Nation’s Divisions

As the president traveled to Dayton and El Paso after this weekend’s mass shootings, he was greeted by protesters and lashed out at rivals.

Reports are Pussygrabber came away from his 'mission of mercy' so perturbed that he ordered the justice department to craft legislation to make deriding the POTUS on social media a crime.

It's only the first amendment until its not.

At the moment even the most repulsive Democrat is still a better choice than 4 more YEARS of the 70 year old Child!

But I digress, mightily.

It was the first headline that pinged your panic button hard, wasn't it?

The exploding population is driving a world-wide immigration crisis as capitalism fails, spectacularly, around the planet.

Now we can talk about 'evolving'.

IF we fail to remove the criminals from controlling society we shall suffer consequences far worse than war (which the feckless regularly visit upon us.)

Most of us have never personally witnessed a food riot, something that occurs right after your household pets start disappearing...mysteriously. [Now compound that by 8 billion opportunistic mimics...]

The feckless have slashed 'redundancy' and taxed stockpiles out of existence so the coming famine should come as a shock to noone but that is because the mouth breathers have once again failed to appreciate what they were witnessing.

Um, it is here that the Rubicon was crossed. Once it became obvious that stockpiling was a waste because the items needed to be 'rotated' to prevent spoilage and the only way forward was to overhaul the entire economy [but this is a task that is beyond the minds of the 'me first' crew.]

Which is why instead of planning to head off the coming crisis they are devising ways to 'survive' it...and this isn't the kind of 'evolution' that is going to work.

The 'plan' [if that is what you want to call it] is to simply let the 'surplus population' die off, then to start over again with a radically reduced number of, er, 'dependents'...never acknowledging that humanity has a CRUSHING Parasite problem.

How silly is it the rest of humanity remains ignorant of this crisis?

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I belabor the obvious when I point out that if you screwed the pooch as regularly as our elected leaders do you'd get a can tied to your ass and the bum's rush out the door.

So why is it there is nothing the collective 'we' can do about our unresponsive and incompetent politicians?

Is it because the only thing we can do about it involves the risk of getting shot? [And we're all 'keeping our powder dry', right?]

WTF, citizen...double WTF considering the issue is people picking up guns and mowing down anything that moves!

How f'n cowardly is that? [on both ends...why isn't anybody holding our 'well-compensated protectors' to account? Bloody terrors with friggin' RADAR GUNS (or tasers after they have you zip tied in the backseat of the cruiser) but when the real 'justification for their existence' pops up it takes 30 of them to take one guy out.

Um, there is a very real danger that this post will start echoing yesterday's because more heavy handed policing will only make the problem worse.

If you want the problem 'solved' the answer lies in the way society operates.

Should not be a surprise to anyone that the high-handed manner appointees to public office act is the root of the problem.

Compound this by electing a moron to the job of selecting these appointees and you have a real crisis looking for a place to happen.

The Times asked this morning (and it's not going to hurt to ask you again) is there anything to be gained by numbnuts attacks on China? Isn't this akin to trying to extinguish a fire with napalm?

The same could be asked of occupying the Middle East. What kind of fools do they take the public for? [Rhetorical question, good citizen, everybody but the morons of this nation knows the answer.]

Who knew there would be so many?

[Again with the rhetoric!]

Doesn't help that half of these flag humpers are lily white and have guns and badges, does it?

Does anyone else see a pattern?

Every question raises a dozen more ultimately leading to the only one that matters, which is WTF are 'we' doing?

Does it scare you that the answer is 'who is 'we'?

That tears it for another session, until next time Head!


Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Greetings good citizen, different terms have different meanings depending on context, today's topic is a prime example How 'woke' are you?

Most of the article spoke to the great thinkers who brought us modern society...after reading to the end most of you will think we took a wrong turn after Diogenes.

Can humanity be reduced to males seeking Father figures while wanting to dominate/humiliate their mothers? What a screwed up bunch we are but don't take my word for it, the proof is in the pudding!

It seems neither Freud or Jung could get their heads out of their pants long enough to see humanity's aching desire to be 'loved'.

Since we aren't particularly 'loveable' rather than settle for 'liked' it seems the other default setting is 'obeyed'.

Look at the indecision/disarray caused by this weekends back to back mass murders. The public wants it to stop but our leaders are paralyzed with indecision. Calling for 'stricter oversight' of gun regulations and actually acting to stop the causes of gun violence are apples and oranges.

Remember, the gun is just a tool, if the psycho can't get a gun he will use a bomb or poison instead.

Hell, can't outlaw fire, which many suspect is the 'weapon of choice' in the War in the West. [Raging since the Reagan administration was still in CA.] Ronnie was on the 'ranchers' side of the conflict, which helped propel him towards the WH as the head of the Conservative revolution, which actually marked the murder of the Democratic party as Reagan spearheaded the nationwide fight against unions, the Democrat's main source of funding. [How 'woke' are you? Missed that, didn't you?]

I made several leaps there and most of you followed me. Very good, the bad news is most of you don't agree with me, preferring to guzzle the media provided kool-aid instead.

Returning to today's title and accompanying article it is the bit at the end that slapped me upside the head, how in the past 50 years perfectly 'normal' men have murdered 100,000,000 people in cold blood without batting an eyelash and none of you has a clue how to stop it (or even if you should!)

Speaking of 'woke', how many of you discounted the incident in El Paso as 'just a bunch of Mexicans' and let it go as no reason to be 'concerned'? You know some people count it as 'a good start'.

Instead of wishing death on the omnipresent other why don't you cut to the chase and just off yourself? Them immigrunts won't bother you no more if you are dead...and if they do you've got problems nobody can handle.

Thanks for giving me a moment there Head, just needed to get that off my mind.

Until next time,


Monday, August 5, 2019


Greetings good citizen, most of us have a bee in our bonnet and some of us have a dozen or more but, thankfully, we resist the impulse to go shoot up the town screaming, Walter Beal-like,"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

While we'd like to think there are people who go screaming off the reservation for good reason, when it does actually happen the media puts on its 'clueless' hat and asks incredulously "What happened here?"

What do you suppose is behind the wannabe rich who only recently decided to take 'active measures' in their mutual hatred of humanity that they share with the oligarchs?

Unlike the numerous incidents recorded since the beginning of the Trump Presidency, this time the media is pointing the finger at 'White Terrorism'. Like the Global War on Terra launched at the beginning of the century, one man's terrorism is another man's patriotic cause.

Could it be true? Are the people behind the 'Global War on Terra' themselves terra-ists?

Conversely, the religion based terrorism encountered in the Middle East actually boils down to ill-equipped fleas trying to outwit armored elephants that have invaded their land.

The actual fighting takes place between the hardliners and the collaborators who assist the invader in dominating the culture.

Again, war isn't what you see in the theater or read about in the biased, agenda driven media.

The press, complicit in so many camouflage operations that is has lost almost all credibility is beginning to reveal a small degree of the truth if only in a feeble attempt to remain relevant.

Fox is becoming like the Rush Limbaugh show, an echo chamber that plays solely to the already deluded. Stupid is a choice you've already made.

Why do you suppose our oligarchs are so worried about 'domestic terrorism'?

Perhaps a better question would be what do you think they are going to do about it?

They are already talking about 'making an example' out of the El Paso suspect, who they managed to capture alive, amazingly enough. Will executing the 'Mexican Killer' turn him into a martyr to his fellows on 8Chan?

Echoing a deeply disturbing episode of Last Week tonight I ask what are prisons for if the guy who shot Reagan is walking around free yet the morons running the 'Justice Department' want to make and example of guy who looks like he needs to be tested for rabies. You can be certain he has been abusing himself with something stronger than a vaping pen.

Is our whole society walking the tightrope of sanity or is it just the people running this shitshow who have lost all touch with what makes life worth living?

Bizarrely, those who don't think much fail to appreciate the truth in the words, 'the rich, they are NOT like you and I...'

If you are just plain folk you tend to think EVERYONE is 'just plain folk' when the differences, often minute, are insurmountable because not everyone shares the same 'values'.

Trump don't share yours yet the mouth breathers think he's a long lost brother from another mother.

In this the mouth breathers aren't wrong as both tend to be quite delusional...but isn't that the 'human condition' in a nutshell? [delusional = believes things that aren't necessarily true.]

Much to consider and time is running out, Head.


Sunday, August 4, 2019


Greetings good citizen, with two more 'random acts of violence' committed by persons unknown for reasons we are left to believe are attributed to untreated mental defects, unless the disturbing truth emerges and the shooters adopt the symbol of their leader (which is universally recognized) then perhaps the feckless media will be more forthcoming than, what thirty years since Columbine and we still don't have a 'motive'?

Watched Vice news last night which featured the Pro-Life movement, which might be more closely related to the kamikazee attacks on the public than the media wants you to know, specifically, the program reported on an scholarship based initiative to indoctrinate young christian students with comparisons to the holocaust genocide as being the 'equivalents' to the acts of women seeking to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

This is neither factual nor in any way comparable, especially in the face of a worldwide overpopulation crisis! What kind of tripe are Christians filling children's heads with? [Is it the same stuff that makes the 'faithful' buy an assault rifle and go gunning for sinners?] Wonder what preacher is promising those animals?

The boss don't care about you, all the capitalist wants is workers with no 'leverage' who will work for the least they can legally get away with. [Thus the 'thrust' behind the moronic 'pro-life' movement.]

Understand, numbnuts don't care if you are starving. The response of the freakishly selfish is, 'you shouldn't have been born poor!'

Do you pity them because they don't know what it's like? [Because you sure do...]

The pillars of equality, justice and unity [which is one of the 'by-products' of Peace] are not achievable when the self-serving OWNERS put themselves first. [Make no mistake about it, YOU don't 'own', you 'owe' which is a critical difference!]

And there is No Way we can level the playing field without cracking a few heads [and summarily banishing them.]

We COULD ask them to step aside but it is against their nature, Me First is who they are. If cooperation is an alien concept then you can't name a single benefit of civil society because as far as you are concerned, you are the only one that counts.

It starts by teaching the children (by our actions) that the 'wrong things' are worthwhile while instructing them (again through our actions) that what truly matters is inconsequential and its extracting a heavy toll on our soul.

Then we marvel why our children don't listen to us...nor do we comprehend why they call us hypocrites!

Oops! Gotta aim the cannon back where it belongs, on the privately owned media!

We got problems and they have been identified, now it's time to do something about it.

Until next time, Head.


Saturday, August 3, 2019

Red Flag

Greetings good citizen, the recent Democratic debate revealed a none too shocking truth. That the people calling themselves Democrats...aren't.

This leaves you where, good citizen?

A one party system.

Politics have changed and not for the better but the talking heads are pretending everything is normal it is the public that is confused and divided.

No need to remind the cognizant who OWNS the the media and what that means. Only the people who get lost in thought because they never go there are cozened.

Who knew there were so many?

Erase all of the R's and D's and replace them with OP [which stands for 'opportunistic poser'] None of these jerks people are going to find a job that pays as well with equal benefits in the private sector...and that's a fact jack!

Worse, isn't there a pension they get upon leaving office that is good for life? Where did this BS come from? The founders weren't the saints the flag humping morons make them out to be.

From the beginning the whole exercise has been about 'perception management'.

The criminals crushed the truth tellers out of business (by offering a product they couldn't compete with that didn't 'cost' them a cent considering the 'true nature' of money.)

These are the people we need to remove from society! Their allegiance is to themselves and only themselves.

Remember, you can't solve a problem without addressing its root cause. Those too stupid to lead can't even FIND the root cause nevermind identify it and craft a workable solution!

The unthinking are in a panic over their nation while the feckless have stolen the planet out from under them...and intend to kill as many of us as possible to escape prosecution for their crime(s)

The current 'hiatus' is just a game of 'guts' being played out among the various factions. They don't need to pull the plug just yet and the collective we couldn't stop them because we are clueless.

Talk about pathetic...but these are the same people who fail to recognize the red flag waving from the inside of their TV sets.

Much to consider and time is running out, Head.


Friday, August 2, 2019

Repair or replace?

Greetings good citizen, the cognizant know that the tools to repair the leadership platform don't exist, which has never been a problem because the will to repair the process is also non-existent.

Ironically, unaccountable leadership is considered a feature rather than a bug...just don't tell you know who! Worse, it's 'the only game in town' status means every time we are forced to use it, the system is justified in continuing on the way it is.

See, it 'wurks'.

Doesn't work right but apparently that doesn't matter to the criminals behind the system.

Not to put too fine a point on it but the crux of the situation is how the criminals have seized the legal 'high ground' by seizing undisputed control of the justice process.

Only a purge followed by a top to bottom overhaul will return the part to intended parameters.

Does our spank 'em in the wallet justice system work? Only the people with bottomless wallets think so. Everyone else see what 'pay to play' results in, endless violations paid in fines based on the proviso that guilt is left in limbo.

Justice is BINARY, either the culprit is guilty or they aren't. Skinning that cat with a purpose, there is no such thing as a little guilty. When oops kills the victim is undoubtedly dead and no amount of money is going to 'bring them back or make it right'.

The entire difference between killing and murder rests on intent. Clipping a stranger on the side of the road is an unfortunate set of circumstances, waiting for someone to cross the street then running them down with a piece of heavy equipment after chasing them for a quarter of mile is murder. Cut and f'n dried.

A 'justice system' that gives the victim of unfortunate circumstances jail time for vehicular manslaughter then fines the owner of the construction company that chased the victim for a quarter of a mile isn't about justice, it's about who you know.

Don't you think there should many trials springing out of that single instance of willful murder, starting with every 'officer of the court'!

But they don't decide, the guy that appointed the judge decides and the judge goes along with it because he 'owes' the individual that doesn't have a law degree but he does have 'powerful friends'.

Why do prisons exist? Because the criminal's kids screw up too and you can't bring the exiled back from the we will just put the kid 'on ice' for while until the public forgets what he did, then they will free them to live their life, er, 'quietly'. [Can you say repeat offender?]

If the victims family complains you just tell them he 'did his time' and he deserves a 2nd chance, too bad about your loved ones savage murder at the perps hands, you have our sympathy but done is done.

Nope, justice isn't a 'half measure' or 'the appearance' of doing the right thing. The sentence for murder is exile and exile is death. [Stupid has already killed the perp, Exile just holds em until the facts become reality.]

The people want justice but the judge is in somebody's pocket and the individual that 'bought' that judgeship doesn't care about justice, he cares about the favors it allows him to call in.

Did I mention there is zero interest in repairing the system?

Justice is actually pretty simple. Either a crime was committed or it wasn't and that all hinges on...yup, INTENT.

What do you think should be done about the people behind the 'for profit' prison system? Exile solves that problem nicely because they preyed on the helpless, now they will become the prey.

Problem is, like dueling, exile was abandoned centuries they very criminals who were exile's target.

Double ironic that exile was originally devised as a method to sidestep 'regicide' which was considered a crime against God about 'superstitious peasants!

So how are we going to remove the criminals from power if we have no choice but to keep voting FOR them, a SERIOUS design flaw!

I don't need to point out that none of the candidates running for office are campaigning on overhauling the government, so long as you don't count the multiple self proclaimed 'revolutions' that you can't communicate with.

What kind of revolt isn't interested in your input? The more of the same kind I assume.

Thanks for opening your mind, um, before you close it again I thought I heard something drop, you may what to have a look around for it if you think you'll miss it, Head.


Thursday, August 1, 2019

On Message

Greetings good citizen, with the corporate owned media doing its level best to divide the electorate [with the help of those who fund the charade] the LCD has forgotten the political process exists to discuss the problems facing our species and its survival on this planet.

Now the same people who don't have a clue what money is (never mind what it's for) are being told that Democrats [which are now defunct as a political force and funded by the conservo-whackos because you can't be the opposition party without opposition. [Boy is the LCD getting its chain yanked, bigtime!] are actually socialists, not that they have a clue what that means either!

Zero irony that it is the Republicans who are guilty of colluding with the Russians, who are no longer Socialist so WTF?

The same media that refuses to tell us that we are under siege by the Christian fundamentalists..."The motives of the shooter remain unclear" are telling us of this new 'strategy' to further divide the nation while none of the talking heads lift a finger to put a stop to it.

If Republicans believe Democrats are 'socialists' it is only a tiny step from there to 'death to the infidels' who are strapping the church for money and depriving preachers of their access to young children.

Where is society to discuss these issues because the 'public square' has vanished with the advent of social media, a place so toxic and packed with ignorant trolls as to be useless.

Add in 'influencers' [paid shills] and now point of view is totally skewed!

So it is here in the abandoned blogosphere that the Conceptual Guerillas of our species wage war in the battle for the very soul of humanity.

Democrats [who no longer exist as a political entity] are being labeled Socialists by people that wouldn't know one if it bit them on the ass and a process that was intended to guide society is now used [by the criminals among us, yes, I'm looking at Wall Street and the US Injustice Dept.] to sow division and strife so the public will have no choice but to vote for the candidate who will keep the division at its apex.

There are no 'good guys' here.

It is time to move on and to put your vote back where it belongs, with you and your interests.

Direct democracy and common cause, it is the ONLY way forward.

Until next time, Head.
