Greetings good citizen, the annual celebration of our independence from England is almost upon us and all that entails. Zero irony is lost on the question did we make the right choice? considering how few actually benefitted from 'regime change'?
Good intentions aside we have literally followed the path of revolutions across the planet resulting in The Who's observation in the refrain of their song 'we won't get fooled again'..."Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!"
Seems everybody's scholastic experience regarding the 'rationale' behind the American Revolution differs and it's difficult to say if this is due to teachers putting their own spin on history or kids not comprehending [fully] what they are being taught.
Back in the day our teachers were pretty straight-forward about the (required) American Revolution...despite allusions to the contrary, the US revolt was more about 'commerce' than overthrowing monarchy [which most people at the time thought they had 'tamed' considerably.]
While the post 'Morning in America' crowd likes to focus on the gaining the right to vote, few were granted this 'privilege' immediately after the original revolt succeeded.
In the beginning only FREE, WHITE LAND-OWNERS could vote.
It wasn't until the 'natives' started getting restless [because the 'free, white land-owners quickly demonstrated they were no different and in some cases worse than the monarch they had overthrown!] that voting rights were 'liberalized'...and that's where the original 'rift' between conservatives [who actually believe the non land owning 'riff-raff' shouldn't be allowed to vote!]
Another 'glossed over' fact regarding revolutionary times was the fact that a majority of the men who fought in the Revolution were 'indentured' meaning someone had paid their way to the New World and many of them had years of servitude to 'work off' BEFORE they could begin their lives as 'free(d) men'.
They were easier to recruit because they were told once they were free of British Rule, British law could no longer bind them...again, turns out that was a lie!
As it turns out many of the 'promises' made by the founders were in fact lies...
Which brings us to today and rule by the progeny of liars.
One cannot emphasize enough just how clueless and out of touch the 5% are [The uber-rich .01% AND THEIR HIRED GUNS]
Here we are, 6 days from the global general strike that no one thinks is going to happen and I ask you if you are 'prepared' but it's a rhetorical question because nobody is EVER ready for 'CHANGE'!
Once begun there is no turning back but like I asked in one of yesterday's bumps isn't it better to die on your feet [fighting for what you believe in] than to live on your knees knowing your efforts only serve to dig your grave deeper?
Those are your choices. I'm not pulling a 'fast one' here like the royal wannabes did with the indentured, once the corrupt capitalist regime falls YOU [and everyone else] will be DEBT FREE!
[It's yet another 'false premise' that civilization runs on debt, a meme created by those who profit off of, you guessed it, DEBT!
Life is [and always has] operated on NEED. We do what we MUST to survive and making the ungrateful unbearably wealthy isn't what any of us signed up for!
So it's one to get have 6 days, use them wisely!
Good intentions aside we have literally followed the path of revolutions across the planet resulting in The Who's observation in the refrain of their song 'we won't get fooled again'..."Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!"
Seems everybody's scholastic experience regarding the 'rationale' behind the American Revolution differs and it's difficult to say if this is due to teachers putting their own spin on history or kids not comprehending [fully] what they are being taught.
Back in the day our teachers were pretty straight-forward about the (required) American Revolution...despite allusions to the contrary, the US revolt was more about 'commerce' than overthrowing monarchy [which most people at the time thought they had 'tamed' considerably.]
While the post 'Morning in America' crowd likes to focus on the gaining the right to vote, few were granted this 'privilege' immediately after the original revolt succeeded.
In the beginning only FREE, WHITE LAND-OWNERS could vote.
It wasn't until the 'natives' started getting restless [because the 'free, white land-owners quickly demonstrated they were no different and in some cases worse than the monarch they had overthrown!] that voting rights were 'liberalized'...and that's where the original 'rift' between conservatives [who actually believe the non land owning 'riff-raff' shouldn't be allowed to vote!]
Another 'glossed over' fact regarding revolutionary times was the fact that a majority of the men who fought in the Revolution were 'indentured' meaning someone had paid their way to the New World and many of them had years of servitude to 'work off' BEFORE they could begin their lives as 'free(d) men'.
They were easier to recruit because they were told once they were free of British Rule, British law could no longer bind them...again, turns out that was a lie!
As it turns out many of the 'promises' made by the founders were in fact lies...
Which brings us to today and rule by the progeny of liars.
One cannot emphasize enough just how clueless and out of touch the 5% are [The uber-rich .01% AND THEIR HIRED GUNS]
Here we are, 6 days from the global general strike that no one thinks is going to happen and I ask you if you are 'prepared' but it's a rhetorical question because nobody is EVER ready for 'CHANGE'!
Once begun there is no turning back but like I asked in one of yesterday's bumps isn't it better to die on your feet [fighting for what you believe in] than to live on your knees knowing your efforts only serve to dig your grave deeper?
Those are your choices. I'm not pulling a 'fast one' here like the royal wannabes did with the indentured, once the corrupt capitalist regime falls YOU [and everyone else] will be DEBT FREE!
[It's yet another 'false premise' that civilization runs on debt, a meme created by those who profit off of, you guessed it, DEBT!
Life is [and always has] operated on NEED. We do what we MUST to survive and making the ungrateful unbearably wealthy isn't what any of us signed up for!
So it's one to get have 6 days, use them wisely!