Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What you've become and where that leads...

Greetings good citizen, let's start today's missive with the observation that the ONLY place you are a 'citizen' these days is right here. {in YOUR head, in case you're wondering where 'here' is.}

Outside the realm between your ears, YOU have been reduced to less than nothing, an expendable piece of offal. [In case you wondered why nobody gives a crap what you think if they're not trying to weasel something from you. Your 'rights' have dwindled to less than zero, you have finally made the grade, you are LESS VALUABLE than a SLAVE!

The icing on the poop sundae is there isn't a single thing you can do about it. The wealthy already have 'more money than they can spend', going on strike isn't going to affect them one way or the other.

What IS going to affect them is the rope around their neck. If you want your 'personhood' back you're going to have to TAKE IT BACK!

While the, er, [we're ALL people] but the ones most effected by police violence have mounted a campaign they call 'Black Lives Matter' it highlights a more frightening point, the only lives that 'matter' these days are the lives of the 'superwealthy'.

Don't think for one second that because you're not black and unlikely to be 'mistaken for black' that you're safe. You're not. If you don't have Blackwater or some other private security firm on your speed dial, you're toast. [Which is to say if you have to call 911 you're just as likely to get killed as to be rescued.]

Is the job of recapturing your life looking more than a little bit daunting? Well, there really wasn't anything you could have done about it anyway. You're 'stuck' and you'll remain a 'non-person' until you A.) escape their sphere of influence (nearly impossible but rumor has it there are still uncontacted tribes in the Amazon.) Or B.)You can unite with the BILLIONS of other 'non-people' and retake our civilization.

Sadly, option/door C.) is kow-tow until you are murdered for collaborating or for resisting, pick one...and probably both if you flip-flop too much!

From appearances we may well be on the eve of the day when 'law enforcement' only exists to protect the wealthy, the rest of us will be 'on our own'.

Left to your imagination is whether or not the self-interested have instructed their criminal employees to keep extorting whatever they can out of us? [You know their credo, 'no mercy!']

While the billions of freedom fighters will be up against (initially anyway) an 'Alphabet soup' of elite fighting forces from around the world, the 'mindset' that engineered this sorry set of circumstances will, er, 'alienate' the protected and their protectors soon enough.

You might turn your head once or twice for the 'Me Tarzan, You hired help' BS but once they have a nutty and order one of yours 'punished' for displeasing them. Well, as 'gun rules' stretches into it's second month, the 'protectors' will learn just who has the 'upper hand'.

Which is to say the, er, 'revolt' won't have to go too long before the 'Masters of the Universe' become worm-food (money is useless in a 'gun rules' world.) So the 'contest' becomes between the oppressed masses, fighting for freedom and the former 'defenders' of the now dead 'masters'.

These people forfeited their place in human society when they chose to exterminate us for a 'paycheck' and they know this.

So their objective is no different, they were trained to be 'the best' and they will subjugate those who fail to fight them while killing the rest.

And the cycle will begin anew.

This is what Mr. Vonnegut referred to as Idiot's Delight, 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss!'

Not a particularly pleasant future to contemplate. You've lost all your life and now it looks like your kids are facing the same odds.

But all is not lost!

Funny thing about this is everybody is related to somebody and while most families hate one another, often for a variety of petty reasons...these family connections can pay big dividends if used properly.

The Key to turning this hopeless situation around is removing the teeny-tiny head of the 'elite'. The 'best of the best' are nothing without someone telling them what to do, when.

Good at fighting but planning isn't their strong suit. Take out their planner and you effectively take them ALL out!

Identifying this vital lynchpin is key to upending the current and coming 'world order'.

One of you KNOWS who this lynch-pin is.

Will you give them up?

That remains to be seen.

Lots on your plate good citizen, much to contemplate. I'll leave you with one final puzzle, one of YOU may know this lynchpin!

Do you?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS: I have 'lobbied' for a strike following the upcoming presidential elections but let's face facts good citizen, money has zero influence on those who would toss you and your needs aside like a used rag. They also 'command' [have at their personal beck and call] the paramilitary 'corporations', staffed with former special forces members that were unsuccessful in getting their own reality show.

This is yet another glaring 'red flag' in our corrupt social system but, again, too late now. It is small comfort that these 'elite' forces will bite the hand that feeds them because they will also realize, as I explain above, that they became criminals when they chose a paycheck over civil society.

Once the supplylines break down and the 'exterminations' begin in earnest you WILL be forced to fight, as best you can with whatever you can lay your hands on, for your life.

Winning will hinge on your ability to leverage information. The goal will remain unchanged, to remove the 'head' from the beast.

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