Monday, May 2, 2016

The Town Meeting

Greetings good citizen, Tonight is the annual town meeting for my tiny community and the usual suspects will pack the elementary school cafeteria and rubber stamp 90% of the docket.

I'm told (but haven't experienced) that larger communities hold 'digital' town meetings, a sort of televised event where voters can join in online and 'say their piece'...or 'peace', depending on your bend.

One thing hasn't changed, there's no such thing as a 'state meeting' and the logistics of creating a 'National Meeting' stagger both the mind and the technology available to do so.

Now try and wrap your head around a Global Meeting.

Ironically, the US is one of the few major nations that doesn't have an 'official language' despite the default being English and it is a requirement to graduate School here...but our legal system is screwy like that {and purposefully so.)

Without an official 'global language' (and, at the moment, we could safely opine that English would be the one tongue sufficiently understood to handle such a monumental task.)

But, in the future, when our species is united under one, er, 'flag', how would we conduct the business of our kind?

Would it be like today, they speak, we listen (and if you don't like it tough?)

Or would the 'town meeting' survive because at the end of the day, all 'governance' (just as all economies) is 'local'?

Sort of an interesting puzzle because top down government from just about anywhere will, by default, be out of touch with 'local issues'.

Yet we find that local management of local problems is often hamstrung by the directives handed down from miles if not states away!

Imagine those directives coming from the other side of the planet?

Well, brace yourself good citizen because that's the direction things are headed in. [Not that global government which allows even the faintest degree of 'participation' is on anyone's radar.] It's probably a pretty safe bet that the 'top down thing' has been in place for at least a half century. Which should give you pause, good citizen.

None of this is an 'accident'.

Which broaches a different topic altogether, the idea that 'compliance without choice' as being 'against our nature' (said a species conditioned to accept slavery as 'natural')

Not that it has to be this way [unless you want to rip the rest of us off...and ironically, they do!]

In this respect we need a new definition of the term 'criminal' and we should probably start with the definition of tyranny, despite it being plain enough. It's not that we don't understand it, it's that those who sit in judgement are 'unclear' on the concept...being tyrants themselves.

Funny the bounces you can take from the humble 'town meeting', isn't it?

But it's losing sight of these realities that has placed us on the dangerous path we currently travel.

It's all 'cause and effect, good citizen. We didn't land here by accident although the path is more than a little convoluted.

Yup, Town Meeting tonight but, like much of what passes for government, it is just another exercise in 'hand waving' of the 'illusion of participation'.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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