Friday, May 13, 2016

Suicide...or is it?

Greetings good citizen, while Futurists past dreamt of a day when 'drudge-work' was automated out of existance, liberating man to 'expand his mind'; the current imbalance between the laborforce and the requirements of industry reveals the horror of being made 'redundant'.

We don't have (worse, we don't UNDERSTAND) a society that rewards 'idleness'. While 'improving ones mind' has produced some astounding outcomes, the road to enlightement offers only sporadic (and then often miniscule) 'paydays'.

Yesterday's proposal to Unionize is driven by the NEED to focus leadership's attention on this behind the scenes crisis, one they're completely aware of but have copped a 'hands-off' attitude towards because their largest campaign contributors would be directly affected by their actions.

Capitalism is dead good citizen but to keep 'pay/go' running (the slaver's grip over you) they will re-establish monarchy where the simple act of questioning the crown's will carries a death sentence...sorta redefines 'you will do it and like it', doesn't it?

Yes, man's inhumanity towards his fellow man is much so that it's a marvel we don't kill one another on sight! [Back in the really murky past, we did!]

But I (once again) digress.

I am NOT proposing Smack Water Jack get his shotgun...I am suggesting he pull it out of his own mouth.

Under a 'pay/go system, if you can't make 'ends meet' then you may as well be dead.

This is the crisis I'm referring to above. Many, having failed to 're-invent' themselves, reach the end of their proverbial ropes and end it all; giving their creditors the same 'rigid middle finger' society gave to them.

To make matters more poignant, the most frequent victims of 'self-directed violence' are the working poor {Remember those guys, the ones whose job doesn't pay them enough to live on?} Well, sometimes they reach the conclusion that the only way off the 'treadmill' our mercenary lifestyle has made for them is to step in front of fast moving traffic, although there's always 'over-medication'...

But don't be mislead, sometimes those around them get 'sick' of supporting the redundant one and they turn him or her out.

With no means of support and Clinton's nuking of the welfare system, they have no place to turn but the frail and growing more fragile 'safety net', the criminal ridden food pantry and homeless shelters that more closely resemble prisons than refuges, the way they are run.

Absolutely no irony should be lost on how 'Morning in America' turned millions out of public institutions established to help the handicapped and mentally challenged, with most of them now residing in the 'shelter system' for the burgeoning homeless population.

Add that to the 'churning' of the domestic workforce and you have more complete picture of the horrors of conservatism. Although those horrors are apparent in the platitudes and attitudes of its adherents: people in the shelter system 'did it to themselves'. When nothing could be further from the truth.

Which brings us full circle to the corporate owned media. If you don't go seeking answers elsewhere you will remain ignorant of the facts behind the decidedly corrupt regime running things. [Mercenaries anyone? A free nation has no use for 'soldiers for hire' yet our military is riddled with 'elite units' that answer to unknown masters.]

You don't need me to tell you that this is NOT how an 'above boards' government does business.

Worse, all of this has been done so 'A few could be rich'...

Um, since we're here, did you give any thought to that union idea? I'd love to get your input...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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