Greetings good citizen, did you figure out what you were supposed to 'remember' yesterday?
There's a bit of a disconnect when it comes to our fallen veterans and the plight many of them face when the uniform is set aside.
While homelessness is particularly daunting for the aged, the whole situation stems from the mismanagement of our civilization that has been ignored by the corporate owned media which pretends what is rapidly becoming the largest sector of the population. DOESN'T EXIST!
To give you a comparison, you may not have ever met a 'transgendered' person [that the corporate owned media is obsessed with] But 99% of you know a homeless person and a good 75% of you have a homeless RELATIVE!
As the article explains (repeatedly) homelessness is 'a choice'. Some of you are mislead by this statement, especially those of you whovote Republican subscribe to the necessity of 'thanking' those who died for 'preserving' the 'wonderful way of life' the capitalist has inflicted on us.
Did I mention that capitalists were responsible for the Third Reich? Probably something worth keeping in the back of your head although the rabid capitalists among us prefer you forget.
Why do people 'choose' homelessness? Because the alternatives are prison.
'Shelters' are run like prisons. You have to report before sundown, once inside you can't leave until they unlock the doors in the morning and once the doors are unlocked you have to get up and out regardless of what it's doing outside.
This is done to 'dissuade you' from remaining homeless but here we run up against 'The Legendary' once again.
Man's 'inhumanity' to his fellow man isn't reserved for strangers, most often it comes rushing forth when a 'freeloading' relative comes knocking.
The ridiculously low unemployment figures belie the fact that the economy is so badly mismanaged that even entry level jobs don't go begging anymore.
And certain other jobs require more stamina than the average individual possesses.
In yet another 'reality check' good citizen, most of the 'voting public' is 'unaware' that the oligarchs have vowed 'never again' to be reined in the way Roosevelt [Franklin, the guy on the dime...remember him, savior of the free world and capitalism itself...but few remember it that way] did.
Seriously good citizen, those responsible for the trainwreck we call the 'Great Depression', rivaled only by the current constantly rolling Great Recession we have today, SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXECUTED!
Funny, it has returned to what it was like during the reign of sovereigns; you can't prosecute the King!
And it won't happen again, the swore they wouldn't let it happen! [And so far they have been good to their word.]
Understand, your continued poverty is the direct result of their mismanagement. Things SHOULD BE much different but today's capitalists are the product of our mismanaged education system.
"Last week I could not spell 'economy' and this week I is running one!"
The other important thing to 'remember' is this can't be fixed with the ballot box, the ballot itself is where they begin stacking the deck.
Let's suppose for a minute we get a bone thrown to us and Bernie wins the White you think the greedy few will let him live if he attempts to roll back the 'excesses' of the Reagan Revolution?
Something about those who live to wrap themselves in the flag, they just LOVE state funerals!
My readers don't need pictures drawn for them. That said, the fight we face is for the very future of our species. Let those who would put their interests ahead of those of our species succeed and we face extinction.
How sad is it good citizen that the final curtain won't fall quick enough for those it would be kindness for?
Once again, thank you for letting me inside your head,
There's a bit of a disconnect when it comes to our fallen veterans and the plight many of them face when the uniform is set aside.
While homelessness is particularly daunting for the aged, the whole situation stems from the mismanagement of our civilization that has been ignored by the corporate owned media which pretends what is rapidly becoming the largest sector of the population. DOESN'T EXIST!
To give you a comparison, you may not have ever met a 'transgendered' person [that the corporate owned media is obsessed with] But 99% of you know a homeless person and a good 75% of you have a homeless RELATIVE!
As the article explains (repeatedly) homelessness is 'a choice'. Some of you are mislead by this statement, especially those of you who
Did I mention that capitalists were responsible for the Third Reich? Probably something worth keeping in the back of your head although the rabid capitalists among us prefer you forget.
Why do people 'choose' homelessness? Because the alternatives are prison.
'Shelters' are run like prisons. You have to report before sundown, once inside you can't leave until they unlock the doors in the morning and once the doors are unlocked you have to get up and out regardless of what it's doing outside.
This is done to 'dissuade you' from remaining homeless but here we run up against 'The Legendary' once again.
Man's 'inhumanity' to his fellow man isn't reserved for strangers, most often it comes rushing forth when a 'freeloading' relative comes knocking.
The ridiculously low unemployment figures belie the fact that the economy is so badly mismanaged that even entry level jobs don't go begging anymore.
And certain other jobs require more stamina than the average individual possesses.
In yet another 'reality check' good citizen, most of the 'voting public' is 'unaware' that the oligarchs have vowed 'never again' to be reined in the way Roosevelt [Franklin, the guy on the dime...remember him, savior of the free world and capitalism itself...but few remember it that way] did.
Seriously good citizen, those responsible for the trainwreck we call the 'Great Depression', rivaled only by the current constantly rolling Great Recession we have today, SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXECUTED!
Funny, it has returned to what it was like during the reign of sovereigns; you can't prosecute the King!
And it won't happen again, the swore they wouldn't let it happen! [And so far they have been good to their word.]
Understand, your continued poverty is the direct result of their mismanagement. Things SHOULD BE much different but today's capitalists are the product of our mismanaged education system.
"Last week I could not spell 'economy' and this week I is running one!"
The other important thing to 'remember' is this can't be fixed with the ballot box, the ballot itself is where they begin stacking the deck.
Let's suppose for a minute we get a bone thrown to us and Bernie wins the White you think the greedy few will let him live if he attempts to roll back the 'excesses' of the Reagan Revolution?
Something about those who live to wrap themselves in the flag, they just LOVE state funerals!
My readers don't need pictures drawn for them. That said, the fight we face is for the very future of our species. Let those who would put their interests ahead of those of our species succeed and we face extinction.
How sad is it good citizen that the final curtain won't fall quick enough for those it would be kindness for?
Once again, thank you for letting me inside your head,