Saturday, March 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, my morning 'fishing expedition' has been routinely 'hijacked' by the 'Pocket' app on Firefox. This morning a microsim of a much larger problem was highlighted by none other than the Harvard Business Review.

In short, the article touched upon how the culture of the 'management team' can turn the entire operation 'toxic'.

Time for another dusty Hobby Horse, one so consistently ridden that the seat is highly polished [because I can't stop pounding on that particular drum.]

Which drum is that? The 'mis-management' drum. Our political well has long been poisoned and let it suffice to say only the, er, 'foolish' vote.

Why? The article tells us the problem is 'accountability'.

Doesn't take a boatload of genius to figure out the lack of accountability is directly related to the decidedly toxic 'justice deficit'.

Funny how zero consequences for bad behavior has turned our society into an unaccountable cesspool where those charged to uphold the law don't dare because of their own criminal behavior.

Doubly damning is how when the politicians turn 'tough on crime' what they are talking about is the 'fish in a barrel' variety of prosecuting the law abiding for minor infractions and calling it 'justice'. While the robbers pay for protection from prosecution.


If you are going to play Mickey the Dunce they will gladly treat you like Mickey the Dunce! [This is just one teaspoonful of the gunk they have shoveled yards of into that space between your ears.]

It starts (and STOPS) with YOU!

If you want to stop being treated like a chump first you have to stop acting like one...[you'd think I wouldn't have to parse that but some people, am I right?]

That said, my popularity drops considerably when I turn the mirror on the general populace. This is unfair because you are also correct, this isn't your fault per se, it's the people that get themselves appointed to positions of responsibility and this is where the bus wheels make contact with the object between your shoulders.

It is 'up to you' to 'prosecute' the 'irresponsible'.

Since when you ask?

Since ALWAYS. [We are all 'soldiers' in the fight against tyranny. There is no such thing as a 'non-combatant' in the game we call life. Those who refuse to fight become 'victims'.]

The criminals don't want YOU taking the law into your own hands...but the 'law' belongs to all of us...and 'selective enforcement' only serves the self-serving.

Half a loaf won't cut it because we aren't dealing with 'half criminals'.

Nothing will change until we demonstrate to the feckless that ropes and light poles are real...and waiting there for them.

It's 'the price' of NOT doing the job properly!

Can't lay it out for you any plainer than that.

Until next time Head,



  1. Since ALWAYS. [We are all 'soldiers' in the fight against tyranny. There is no such thing as a 'non-combatant' in the game we call life. Those who refuse to fight become 'victims'.]

  2. Doubly damning is how when the politicians turn 'tough on crime' what they are talking about is the 'fish in a barrel' variety of prosecuting the law abiding for minor infractions and calling it 'justice'. While the robbers pay for protection from prosecution.


  3. Funny how zero consequences for bad behavior has turned our society into an unaccountable cesspool where those charged to uphold the law don't dare because of their own criminal behavior.

    Doubly damning is how when the politicians turn 'tough on crime' what they are talking about is the 'fish in a barrel' variety of prosecuting the law abiding for minor infractions and calling it 'justice'. While the robbers pay for protection from prosecution.


  4. Since ALWAYS. [We are all 'soldiers' in the fight against tyranny. There is no such thing as a 'non-combatant' in the game we call life. Those who refuse to fight become 'victims'.]

  5. Doesn't take a boatload of genius to figure out the lack of accountability is directly related to the decidedly toxic 'justice deficit'.

  6. It starts (and STOPS) with YOU!

    If you want to stop being treated like a chump first you have to stop acting like one...[you'd think I wouldn't have to parse that but some people, am I right?]

  7. It is 'up to you' to 'prosecute' the 'irresponsible'.

    Since when you ask?

    Since ALWAYS. [We are all 'soldiers' in the fight against tyranny. There is no such thing as a 'non-combatant' in the game we call life. Those who refuse to fight become 'victims'.]

  8. Doesn't take a boatload of genius to figure out the lack of accountability is directly related to the decidedly toxic 'justice deficit'.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...