Friday, March 22, 2019

Tick, Tock

Greetings good citizen, Writers keep trying to tell us something but we can only assume fear makes them use the most obtuse vehicles available as the messenger, but that is not the topic of today's journey into the past.

But it is tangentially related.

Naturally your next question is 'related to what' and the abyss opens up because it is ALL related.

I, on the other hand, endeavor to shed light upon that which is hiding in plain sight. [It only recently occurred to me that most of my posts revolve around the elephants in the room...who knew there were so many?]

Today's 'wacky pachyderm' is the leadership void that prevents anything being done about the inequity that pervades the wobbly hut we've been herded under to shelter us from self awareness.

Who is Team USA's leader? It sure isn't Spray Tan boy, poster child for Peter Pan Syndrome! Is it Mitch the Bitch? Nope he's just one more in a string of puppets used to deflect you from discovering that LEADERSHIP doesn't work for 'the public weal'.

What do you suppose is those pulling the puppet's strings favorite refrain? (fondest saying)

"I can't help it if they are STUPID!"

So, who is your/our Daddy/Mommy?

Turns out 'societies shepherds' have been feeding us to the proverbial 'wolves' for centuries.

Bizarrely, there ain't a f'n thing you can do about it [under the current system.]

EVERY ONE of these posts is an urgent appeal to the human inside each and every one of us!

This begs the question raised by the Capt. Marvel storyline of whether or not 'shapeshifters' exist?

I opine in the negative but do we even need 'shapeshifters' considering how easily the human mind is manipulated?

Nope, so allow me to re-direct your attention to the fact that humanity is essentially 'leaderless'.

Here's an interesting 'thought experiment'. We have two kinds of leaders on planet Earth. There are 'representatives' who pretend to 'serve' at the will of the people and we have the 'autocrats' who are 'guided' by 'party philosophy' that is virtually indistinguishable from the current [at the moment] 'planetary norm'.

Which is to opine that both subsets of leaders are using the same playbook which tells us what?

There is only ONE real 'ruler' and it ain't God Almighty (although that's not what dum-dum thinks.)

It is also not the Almighty Buck (or whatever you want to label the grease that keeps the criminal world lubricated.)

A new 'dark age' is almost upon us and none of you have the presence of mind to do anything about it so you sit, paralyzed with fear, praying to a god you don't believe in that whatever is coming, it will be quick.

Wake up call to the stupid. That thing you keep avoiding (the thing we call a mirror...) When you look into it, your GOD looks back at you.

Is your GOD a puny god?

That's entirely up to YOU.

Thanks once again for letting some sunshine into your warped and twisted mind,



  1. Wake up call to the stupid. That thing you keep avoiding (the thing we call a mirror...) When you look into it, your GOD looks back at you.

  2. EVERY ONE of these posts is an urgent appeal to the human inside each and every one of us!

  3. Can't teach somebody what they already know and that's the shame of primary education, most people THINK they know what's going on...

  4. Wake up call to the stupid. That thing you keep avoiding (the thing we call a mirror...) When you look into it, your GOD looks back at you.

    Is your GOD a puny god?

  5. What do you suppose is those pulling the puppet's strings favorite refrain? (fondest saying)

    "I can't help it if they are STUPID!"

  6. I opine in the negative but do we even need 'shapeshifters' considering how easily the human mind is manipulated?

    Nope, so allow me to re-direct your attention to the fact that humanity is essentially 'leaderless'.

  7. Turns out 'societies shepherds' have been feeding us to the proverbial 'wolves' for centuries.

    Bizarrely, there ain't a f'n thing you can do about it [under the current system.]

    EVERY ONE of these posts is an urgent appeal to the human inside each and every one of us!

  8. I, on the other hand, endeavor to shed light upon that which is hiding in plain sight. [It only recently occurred to me that most of my posts revolve around the elephants in the room...who knew there were so many?]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...