Thursday, March 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, accident of birth governs what kind of 'future' you will be afflicted with. That said even the progeny of the affluent aren't guaranteed an 'allocation' and it is here we should stop once again and ask ourselves why our share of the planet is denied us.

Perhaps it started with Adam and how Eve was described as his 'plus one', Eve only enjoyed what Adam let her have. Sexist? Where do you suppose 'it's a man's world' came from ?

Yup ask your friend Thumpy if this 'corporeal existence' was intended to for man or man and his 'help-meet' and you Biblical scholar will tell you without hesitation that the Almighty created 'creation' for those HE created 'in HIS image' and not those he crafted from that his 'most perfect creation's' rib.

Naturally, priests and holy MEN agreed, the Almighty was their 'mate' without ever laying eyes upon the product of their mental masturbation.

But I digress. The sexual orientation of the imaginary isn't our concern. Today's topic is what's your 'lawful share' considering you have sacrificed your right to a share in the hunt/harvest so you could work for the Capitalist.

Sorry, full up doesn't cut it yet those who stupidly believe there's work out there 'if you want it' regularly turn a blind eye to the fact that work doesn't pay you enough to live on.

Worse, as the labor force swells and the 'need' for labor diminishes, today's employer is as more inclined to fire you than deal with your protests or even a modicum of inconvenience your problems may present.

[This is what 'right to work' and the current 'at will' employment contract has wrought.]

Facts are facts and the current fact is you are allocated precisely ZERO. If you weren't born to a family that couldn't afford to set you up with some kind of income stream, you are ON YOUR OWN.


Where do you think this is going?

'Wild' humans would band togethers, pooling their labor to harvest the fruits of the land as best they could to achieve at least a modicum of security. Now if you don't own the land you are trespassing and not entitled to anything on it.

You are EXPECTED to find employment and sell yourself to meet your needs...and if the only work that you can find doesn't pay enough, oh well.

The 'answer' is ever and always 'less'. Worse, if you can't find work due to the slack labor market the feckless have only grown more emphatic that you aren't trying hard enough.

It's not their problem, it's YOURS.

Did you know that under A.S.P. a job that pays you enough to meet your expenses is your RIGHT? [Caveat: Much of what you are currently forced to pay for will become a 'gimme'.] Your only remaining expenses will be food and fashion.

How did we arrive at a place where advocates for big Agra is able to claim the public can't afford to pay pickers a living wage?

What does that tell you? [Besides that you are stupid beyond belief.]

Even our modern media does humanity zero good, you are just as ignorant as you ever were...don't suppose that is due to the politicization of the educational process?

Did our elected official decide a stupid populous was going to be easier to manage?

Society as we are currently living it is a self-inflicted wound and it only cost us EQUITY that NOBODY is interested in.

If you can't survive on what the job pays your economy is being mismanaged.

Not too tough to figure out, when a few prosper while the rest struggle something is wrong with the 'system'.

If the system is flawed it is up to YOU to fix it.

Corruption is EVERYWHERE and that is due to CASH being omnipresent.

Outlaw cash and everything starts to return towards Equality and Justice.

All crime save those of passion are 'cash and carry'.

Eliminate cash and take a bite out of crime.


The current 'make yourself useful' system is unjust, you can't have it both ways. Claim to Own what's worth having them claim that you have to 'make yourself useful' if you want 'your share'.

The Not in the labor force' numbers are EQUAL to the number of the 'marginally attached' thanks to globalization/automation.

For every worker there is another human capitalism 'can't afford'.

If you CAN'T make it NATURE offer a singular alternative, YOU TAKE IT.

Welfare exists so we aren't overrun by marauders!

Talk about mismanagement.

I wish I could type 'enough said' but unfortunately for all of us there are still those 'too stupid to live' going through the motions because they don't know any better.

Ponder which one YOU are...

Until next time Head,



  1. Today's topic is what's your 'lawful share' considering you have sacrificed your right to a share in the hunt/harvest so you could work for the Capitalist.

  2. Sorry, full up doesn't cut it yet those who stupidly believe there's work out there 'if you want it' regularly turn a blind eye to the fact that work doesn't pay you enough to live on.


  3. Worse, as the labor force swells and the 'need' for labor diminishes, today's employer is as more inclined to fire you than deal with your protests or even a modicum of inconvenience your problems may present.

    [This is what 'right to work' and the current 'at will' employment contract has wrought.]

  4. But I digress. The sexual orientation of the imaginary isn't our concern. Today's topic is what's your 'lawful share' considering you have sacrificed your right to a share in the hunt/harvest so you could work for the Capitalist.

  5. 'Wild' humans would band togethers, pooling their labor to harvest the fruits of the land as best they could to achieve at least a modicum of security. Now if you don't own the land you are trespassing and not entitled to anything on it.

  6. Did you know that under A.S.P. a job that pays you enough to meet your expenses is your RIGHT? [Caveat: Much of what you are currently forced to pay for will become a 'gimme'.] Your only remaining expenses will be food and fashion.

  7. Perhaps it started with Adam and how Eve was described as his 'plus one', Eve only enjoyed what Adam let her have. Sexist? Where do you suppose 'it's a man's world' came from?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...