Greetings good citizen, as we roll towards the nation's hundredth presidential cycle it is obvious to all involved that the process itself is deeply flawed but change is nowhere on the horizon [although the belief that society is on the verge of collapse is nearly universal, how's that for fucked?]
Those who doubt society is imploding to (extremely dangerous, er, 'fragments') do so because there is nothing to take the current messes place and will smugly insist that nature abhors a void, that the pressure to move forward regardless will keep the CF humping until it DIES.
And that is the ONLY way Scrotty Mc Boogerballs sees society coming to an end.
So ferocious are the forces of comply or die.
Sick thing about the badge and the robe is they DON'T KNOW anything else so they just keep on doing WHAT THEY THINK THEY OUGHT TO BE DOING, RIGHT, WRONG OR INDIFFERENT!
So we arrive full circle at how fucked is that?
Not nearly as screwed as watching the election cycle ramp up. Last time the Blue Team fielded one candidate and an outrider also threw his hat in the ring to run for the Blue nomination while the Red Team ran sixteen candidates...and the 'best' they had to offer occupies the White House today because the Democrat's single candidate was seen as Wall Street's puppet.
Why the 'hopelessly stupid' thought the Billionaire scam artist was a better choice remains a mystery to this day.
UNDERSTAND THE FACTS: Numbnuts LOST. The smoke-filled room handed the presidency to Donald the clueless because he needs someone to take him to the restroom so there was little chance he'd wander off by himself and cause mischief!
The media calls the loser's exploits 'boldness' when everybody can see it's A.) Theater and B.) STUPIDITY.
Perhaps the moron thinks he's doing a 'good job', his handlers on the red team media tell him he's doing great but what do they know?
Left to your imagination is why nobody on either side of the aisle is asking if America has achieved 'Greatness' [or what they plan on telling future generations about The Donald's delusional campaign to make and abstract object 'legendary' by merely pretending it is so.
There's stupid and then there's this...
What twisted my undershorts? This morning's front page announced that Joe Biden was the Blue Team's 'frontrunner.'
This is patently untrue but it seems some people get to open their mouth and take a steaming dump on a national forum, just to give you an idea of how dangerous the process is and how bad the outcomes the system produces are.
Yup, push come to shove Hillary won yet the 'shadow government' chose the other guy...mostly because Hillary was/is toxic.
The open secret is 'Everybody Knows' this is NOT democracy. It is something much worse, it's 'pretend democracy' where we pretend to decide and they pretend their bad choices are our fault.
ASP does away with the 'pretense'. Don't perform and you will find yourself out of office faster than you arrived.
Since 'Job One' NEVER changes it becomes the prime directive and the yardstick used to gauge progress.
Do YOU remember what Job One is? [It's NOT 'profits for the shareowners', moron!]
Job One is Survival and not personal but survival of the species.
Using that vague benchmark as our guide, what kind of results do you think the current system is producing?
Some are prospering at the expense of the majority...and for those prospering, that benchmark is 'acceptable' until the consequences of their gross mismanagement come home to roost.
It's NOT overpopulation that is doing civilization in, it's the lopsided outcomes produced by the 'winner/loser' model [especially when the model produces far more losers than winners.]
Thinking, it's not just for breakfast anymore...
Until next time, Head.
Those who doubt society is imploding to (extremely dangerous, er, 'fragments') do so because there is nothing to take the current messes place and will smugly insist that nature abhors a void, that the pressure to move forward regardless will keep the CF humping until it DIES.
And that is the ONLY way Scrotty Mc Boogerballs sees society coming to an end.
So ferocious are the forces of comply or die.
Sick thing about the badge and the robe is they DON'T KNOW anything else so they just keep on doing WHAT THEY THINK THEY OUGHT TO BE DOING, RIGHT, WRONG OR INDIFFERENT!
So we arrive full circle at how fucked is that?
Not nearly as screwed as watching the election cycle ramp up. Last time the Blue Team fielded one candidate and an outrider also threw his hat in the ring to run for the Blue nomination while the Red Team ran sixteen candidates...and the 'best' they had to offer occupies the White House today because the Democrat's single candidate was seen as Wall Street's puppet.
Why the 'hopelessly stupid' thought the Billionaire scam artist was a better choice remains a mystery to this day.
UNDERSTAND THE FACTS: Numbnuts LOST. The smoke-filled room handed the presidency to Donald the clueless because he needs someone to take him to the restroom so there was little chance he'd wander off by himself and cause mischief!
The media calls the loser's exploits 'boldness' when everybody can see it's A.) Theater and B.) STUPIDITY.
Perhaps the moron thinks he's doing a 'good job', his handlers on the red team media tell him he's doing great but what do they know?
Left to your imagination is why nobody on either side of the aisle is asking if America has achieved 'Greatness' [or what they plan on telling future generations about The Donald's delusional campaign to make and abstract object 'legendary' by merely pretending it is so.
There's stupid and then there's this...
What twisted my undershorts? This morning's front page announced that Joe Biden was the Blue Team's 'frontrunner.'
This is patently untrue but it seems some people get to open their mouth and take a steaming dump on a national forum, just to give you an idea of how dangerous the process is and how bad the outcomes the system produces are.
Yup, push come to shove Hillary won yet the 'shadow government' chose the other guy...mostly because Hillary was/is toxic.
The open secret is 'Everybody Knows' this is NOT democracy. It is something much worse, it's 'pretend democracy' where we pretend to decide and they pretend their bad choices are our fault.
ASP does away with the 'pretense'. Don't perform and you will find yourself out of office faster than you arrived.
Since 'Job One' NEVER changes it becomes the prime directive and the yardstick used to gauge progress.
Do YOU remember what Job One is? [It's NOT 'profits for the shareowners', moron!]
Job One is Survival and not personal but survival of the species.
Using that vague benchmark as our guide, what kind of results do you think the current system is producing?
Some are prospering at the expense of the majority...and for those prospering, that benchmark is 'acceptable' until the consequences of their gross mismanagement come home to roost.
It's NOT overpopulation that is doing civilization in, it's the lopsided outcomes produced by the 'winner/loser' model [especially when the model produces far more losers than winners.]
Thinking, it's not just for breakfast anymore...
Until next time, Head.
The open secret is 'Everybody Knows' this is NOT democracy. It is something much worse, it's 'pretend democracy' where we pretend to decide and they pretend their bad choices are our fault.
ReplyDeleteUNDERSTAND THE FACTS: Numbnuts LOST. The smoke-filled room handed the presidency to Donald the clueless because he (still) needs someone to take him to the restroom so there was little chance he'd wander off by himself and cause mischief!
ReplyDeleteSick thing about the badge and the robe is they DON'T KNOW anything else so they just keep on doing WHAT THEY THINK THEY OUGHT TO BE DOING, RIGHT, WRONG OR INDIFFERENT!
ReplyDeleteSo we arrive full circle at how fucked is that?
[Clarification for out of context statement: It's not about 'justice', it's about 'following orders'.]
Not nearly as screwed as watching the election cycle ramp up. Last time the Blue Team fielded one candidate and an outrider also threw his hat in the ring to run for the Blue nomination while the Red Team ran sixteen candidates...and the 'best' they had to offer occupies the White House today because the Democrat's single candidate was seen as Wall Street's puppet.
ReplyDeleteLeft to your imagination is why nobody on either side of the aisle is asking if America has achieved 'Greatness' [or what they plan on telling future generations about The Donald's delusional campaign to make and abstract object 'legendary' by merely pretending it is so.
ReplyDeleteThere's stupid and then there's this...
Left to your imagination is why nobody on either side of the aisle is asking if America has achieved 'Greatness' [or what they plan on telling future generations about The Donald's delusional campaign to make and abstract object 'legendary' by merely pretending it is so.
ReplyDeleteThere's stupid and then there's this...
Just as 'weird' as tasing Thor was the idea that Capt. Marvel got her powers from the same tesseract that was lost under the greenland ice sheet until Capt America was, er, 'recovered'...with the tesseract that was in Shield's possession until Loki stole it from Shield's secret After Loki lost the tesseract and Loki returned to Asgard with the tesseract and it doesn't appear again until Thanos intercepts the refugees from the destruction of Asgard.
ReplyDeletePlot hole much?
What twisted my undershorts? This morning's front page announced that Joe Biden was the Blue Team's 'frontrunner.'
ReplyDeleteThis is patently untrue but it seems some people get to open their mouth and take a steaming dump on a national forum, just to give you an idea of how dangerous the process is and how bad the outcomes the system produces are.
Those who doubt society is imploding to (extremely dangerous, er, 'fragments') do so because there is nothing to take the current messes place and will smugly insist that nature abhors a void, that the pressure to move forward regardless will keep the CF humping until it DIES.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is the ONLY way Scrotty Mc Boogerballs sees society coming to an end.
ReplyDeleteLeft to your imagination is why nobody on either side of the aisle is asking if America has achieved 'Greatness' [or what they plan on telling future generations about The Donald's delusional campaign to make and abstract object 'legendary' by merely pretending it is so.
There's stupid and then there's this...
Not nearly as screwed as watching the election cycle ramp up. Last time the Blue Team fielded one candidate and an outrider also threw his hat in the ring to run for the Blue nomination while the Red Team ran sixteen candidates...and the 'best' they had to offer occupies the White House today because the Democrat's single candidate was seen as Wall Street's puppet.
ReplyDeleteWhy the 'hopelessly stupid' thought the Billionaire scam artist was a better choice remains a mystery to this day.
Job One is Survival and not personal but survival of the species.
ReplyDeleteUsing that vague benchmark as our guide, what kind of results do you think the current system is producing?
Some are prospering at the expense of the majority...and for those prospering, that benchmark is 'acceptable' until the consequences of their gross mismanagement come home to roost.
Those who doubt society is imploding to (extremely dangerous, er, 'fragments') do so because there is nothing to take the current messes place and will smugly insist that nature abhors a void, that the pressure to move forward regardless will keep the CF humping until it DIES.
ReplyDeleteUNDERSTAND THE FACTS: Numbnuts LOST. The smoke-filled room handed the presidency to Donald the clueless because he needs someone to take him to the restroom so there was little chance he'd wander off by himself and cause mischief!