Saturday, March 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we approach the end of this website the 'fog of obfuscation' grows thicker as the noose tightens around the neck of faux democracy. Funny how cinema mirrors reality because this is the End Game for life as we have come to know it.

Yesterday's travesty of justice is just one more example of a corrupt system run by criminals.

Will ANY of the candidates from either side of the faux political divide take on the fetid pool that serves as the justice system?

Nobody DARES and until that changes we are all living in a cesspool.

Before becoming the Military-Industrial complex they were better known as the Robber Barons and before that we called them 'your majesty' because every one of them was a ROYAL!

They considered themselves 'noble' for letting you LIVE!

But I digress.

Our focus is on who is responsible for this shitshow that is devastating society and ruining the planet?

WHO is both money AND power?


We aren't talking Al Capone or John Dillinger, we're talking the Morgans, the Mellons and the Rockefellers who are part of the Rothschild criminal organization.

Who keeps the world's greatest Ponzi scheme operating in plain sight? The planet's 'stock markets' are the by-product of the planet's crime family.

There is a coup being plotted [thus the emergence of the Bit-coin] and when they cap off their criminal enterprise with an 'untouchable' layer of faux government there will be war on a level heretofore unseen.

Most know they have zero say in their national government, well, only the leaders of national governments will be allowed to vote in the new global government, which will provide the criminals with the cover they need to operate with impunity world-wide.

In case you were wondering where all of this kabuki bullshit was headed...

Now you's your worst nightmare, times ten.

Your 'need' for food has painted you into a 'comply or die' corner. The 'resistance' will naturally turn renegade and steal what they need to live while the usurpers declare them 'outlaws' and order them exterminated by those too stupid to ask questions, nevermind reach logical conclusions.

And you think you're afraid of the people handed badges now? Just wait until you get a load of what's coming!

If you haven't been paying attention, this is how it's ALWAYS been done. [That's why the cops are quick to exonerate one of their own, because nobody wants to have the conversation starting with the question 'what was numbnuts doing with a badge in the first place?']

Do I need to point at the people running things (again) or draw your attention to the gross mismanagement/incompetence?

If we FIRED the fuckers and told their replacements they would suffer the same fate if they didn't straighten up do you think we'd see some 'results'?

Sure would but we'd need to start weeding out 'the corruptors' while we were at it or the shit show would return in weeks if not days.

Who are the corrupters? These are people pretending to be officials but they are simply posers with flimsy credentials. They walk in and take over, asserting their FAKE authority until they remove the people charged with straightening things out and assume the job themselves.

Sadly it's a simple as that and they have done it EVERY TIME regime change has threatened them with 'exposure' to a legal system they didn't fully control.

Hung from the nearest light pole.

When these posers are discovered, that will be their fate.

You gotta step up and be vigilant.

The situation is salvageable if only because corruption at this level is unsustainable.

Nobody is more astonished than they are that they've kept it together for this long.

While they are preparing to shoot the moon [global government] the whole leaky edifice is collapsing underneath them and chaos is staring them in the face because there aren't enough of them to hold it together...and there ain't a damn thing they can do about it.

Somewhat ironic that you aren't the only one suffering from delusional deception disorder, the 'useful idiots' who are just following orders don't have the mental horsepower to realize they are attempting the impossible with absolutely nothing.

Sort of redefines the creed that starts with "We the unwilling, lead by the ungrateful" doesn't it?

What's worse? That it won't work or it's too late to stop it?

Good thing we have a 'back up plan'! [I double dare ya to ask 'what back up plan?']

Thanks once again for stopping by and having a look see, there's not tellin' how much of this you understand...



  1. Yesterday's travesty of justice is just one more example of a corrupt system run by criminals.

    Will ANY of the candidates from either side of the faux political divide take on the fetid pool that serves as the justice system?

    So far the answer is sad this surprises no one?

  2. Who keeps the world's greatest Ponzi scheme operating in plain sight? The planet's 'stock markets' are the by-product of the planet's crime family.

    The world's biggest ponzi scheme and it operates in plain sight...WTF?

  3. Your 'need' for food has painted you into a 'comply or die' corner. The 'resistance' will naturally turn renegade and steal what they need to live while the usurpers declare them 'outlaws' and order them exterminated by those too stupid to ask questions, nevermind reach logical conclusions.

    And you think you're afraid of the people handed badges now? Just wait until you get a load of what's coming!

  4. Will ANY of the candidates from either side of the faux political divide take on the fetid pool that serves as the justice system?

    Nobody DARES and until that changes we are all living in a cesspool.

    Before becoming the Military-Industrial complex they were better known as the Robber Barons and before that we called them 'your majesty' because every one of them was a ROYAL!

  5. We aren't talking Al Capone or John Dillinger, we're talking the Morgans, the Mellons and the Rockefellers who are part of the Rothschild criminal organization.

  6. Sort of redefines the creed that starts with "We the unwilling, lead by the ungrateful" doesn't it?

    What's worse? That it won't work or it's too late to stop it?

  7. Yesterday's travesty of justice is just one more example of a corrupt system run by criminals.

    Will ANY of the candidates from either side of the faux political divide take on the fetid pool that serves as the justice system?

    Nobody DARES and until that changes we are all living in a cesspool.

    Before becoming the Military-Industrial complex they were better known as the Robber Barons and before that we called them 'your majesty' because every one of them was a ROYAL!


  8. Your 'need' for food has painted you into a 'comply or die' corner. The 'resistance' will naturally turn renegade and steal what they need to live while the usurpers declare them 'outlaws' and order them exterminated by those too stupid to ask questions, nevermind reach logical conclusions.

    And you think you're afraid of the people handed badges now? Just wait until you get a load of what's coming!

  9. They hand out badges for OBEDIENCE, not for intelligence or loyalty.

  10. Yesterday's travesty of justice is just one more example of a corrupt system run by criminals.

    Will ANY of the candidates from either side of the faux political divide take on the fetid pool that serves as the justice system?

    Nobody DARES and until that changes we are all living in a cesspool.

  11. Your 'need' for food has painted you into a 'comply or die' corner. The 'resistance' will naturally turn renegade and steal what they need to live while the usurpers declare them 'outlaws' and order them exterminated by those too stupid to ask questions, nevermind reach logical conclusions.

    And you think you're afraid of the people handed badges now? Just wait until you get a load of what's coming!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...