Sunday, March 31, 2019


Greetings good citizen, tomorrow is April 1st and you don't need to be a certain ethnicity or religion to understand what tomorrow means. If society weren't screwed up enough, tomorrow is the day where you are shown true human nature because on April Fool's Day all manners of childish pranking are sanctioned.

Perhaps it would be less of a curse if it were known as 'Sportsmanship Day' and the object were to hone one's ability take thinly veiled hostility in stride but that isn't the, er, 'spirit' of this unofficial holiday.

If you are lucky you will only encounter 'sucker' tricks where your perception/morality is tested along with your patience.

The 'trouble' with setting aside a day where this kind of behavior is sanctioned is it sends the message that deception is acceptable.

Never and under no circumstances is deception acceptable. If you are ugly, you know it and you live with it. It is not a 'kindness' to lie just to spare another's 'feelings'. Naturally, what's on the surface matters least, what's underneath is what counts.

Yet tomorrow you will have your patience and alertness tested by those you would ordinarily 'trust' for the sake of a joke at your expense.

I once again point out that this is NEVER 'acceptable' yet here we are with a day dedicated to precisely this kind of behavior!

Understand this day exists to drive home a dangerous point, the point of Trust No One.

Bizarrely this is a two edged sword. We got where we are today by trusting the wrong people so perhaps a day to put you 'on guard' isn't necessarily a bad thing BUT if you (rightly) lose it after being 'pranked' what's the message? Grow Up, it's just a joke!

When all parties know full well it's nothing like that.

That said there is a fine line between 'harmless misdirection' and malicious pot shots that are justified solely because it's the first of April.

What most of you fail to appreciate is what will happen when "It was a joke!" collides head on with "I was just following orders."

When the gun is already pointing in your face it's a little too late to take to heart the message of 'trust no one.'

Obey your instincts, it's how we've survived this long.

That said, the pranksters among us are messing with your 'programing' and not in a good way, it's more of a sorting the sheeps from the wolves way.

Funny that everybody knows who NOT to prank because that individual has made it abundantly clear that the payback will be a hundredfold.

Which leaves what, good citizen?

April Fool's Day is a day for the feckless to rag on the helpless, those who need society's protection but lose it every April first thanks to a stupid holiday that shouldn't exist in the first place.

April Fool's Day is a shitty holiday and should be wiped out of our collective memory.

In the mean time we need to enforce the reality that if you are 'untrustworthy' you forfeit your membership in the tribe.

One thing at a time I suppose...first we need to ask ourselves how the 'custom' of pranking became enshrined in our cesspool of a culture?

I know, when you're up to your eyebrows in excrement its difficult to see anything but the smell should be bowling you over, wake the f up!

Until, er, 'tomorrow', Head.



  1. Never and under no circumstances is deception acceptable. If you are ugly, you know it and you live with it. It is not a 'kindness' to lie just to spare another's 'feelings'. Naturally, what's on the surface matters least, what's underneath is what counts.

  2. Never and under no circumstances is deception acceptable. If you are ugly, you know it and you live with it. It is not a 'kindness' to lie just to spare another's 'feelings'. Naturally, what's on the surface matters least, what's underneath is what counts.

  3. April Fool's Day is a shitty holiday and should be wiped out of our collective memory.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...