Sunday, March 31, 2019


Greetings good citizen, tomorrow is April 1st and you don't need to be a certain ethnicity or religion to understand what tomorrow means. If society weren't screwed up enough, tomorrow is the day where you are shown true human nature because on April Fool's Day all manners of childish pranking are sanctioned.

Perhaps it would be less of a curse if it were known as 'Sportsmanship Day' and the object were to hone one's ability take thinly veiled hostility in stride but that isn't the, er, 'spirit' of this unofficial holiday.

If you are lucky you will only encounter 'sucker' tricks where your perception/morality is tested along with your patience.

The 'trouble' with setting aside a day where this kind of behavior is sanctioned is it sends the message that deception is acceptable.

Never and under no circumstances is deception acceptable. If you are ugly, you know it and you live with it. It is not a 'kindness' to lie just to spare another's 'feelings'. Naturally, what's on the surface matters least, what's underneath is what counts.

Yet tomorrow you will have your patience and alertness tested by those you would ordinarily 'trust' for the sake of a joke at your expense.

I once again point out that this is NEVER 'acceptable' yet here we are with a day dedicated to precisely this kind of behavior!

Understand this day exists to drive home a dangerous point, the point of Trust No One.

Bizarrely this is a two edged sword. We got where we are today by trusting the wrong people so perhaps a day to put you 'on guard' isn't necessarily a bad thing BUT if you (rightly) lose it after being 'pranked' what's the message? Grow Up, it's just a joke!

When all parties know full well it's nothing like that.

That said there is a fine line between 'harmless misdirection' and malicious pot shots that are justified solely because it's the first of April.

What most of you fail to appreciate is what will happen when "It was a joke!" collides head on with "I was just following orders."

When the gun is already pointing in your face it's a little too late to take to heart the message of 'trust no one.'

Obey your instincts, it's how we've survived this long.

That said, the pranksters among us are messing with your 'programing' and not in a good way, it's more of a sorting the sheeps from the wolves way.

Funny that everybody knows who NOT to prank because that individual has made it abundantly clear that the payback will be a hundredfold.

Which leaves what, good citizen?

April Fool's Day is a day for the feckless to rag on the helpless, those who need society's protection but lose it every April first thanks to a stupid holiday that shouldn't exist in the first place.

April Fool's Day is a shitty holiday and should be wiped out of our collective memory.

In the mean time we need to enforce the reality that if you are 'untrustworthy' you forfeit your membership in the tribe.

One thing at a time I suppose...first we need to ask ourselves how the 'custom' of pranking became enshrined in our cesspool of a culture?

I know, when you're up to your eyebrows in excrement its difficult to see anything but the smell should be bowling you over, wake the f up!

Until, er, 'tomorrow', Head.


Saturday, March 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, just as many of us have reached an age where we can't remember when a nap didn't sound like a great idea the same could be said about the last time we WEREN'T angry. Most of us can't remember a time when we were at least peeved.

Yes good citizen, life is annoying and we spend much our of time annoyed.

Is 'simmering anger' our natural state?

Pretty much if we bothered to conduct a mental review of our mood over the course of the average day.

Happy, that thing we included in our Constitution is a highly subjective state, so much so that there is no consensus regarding what constitutes happiness...except, perhaps, being at Liberty.

How sad that most of you have no clue what liberty actually is.

Ironic to see where society is today considering we revolted principally to obtain Liberty. [Don't forget Justice...and it seems Equality is nowhere to be found so sorry ladies and individuals of color/ethnicity...not even in the f'n Bible.]

What does that tell you? [Apparently nothing as most of you believe you're 'free' and somehow equate that with the Liberty the constitution promises.]

Yet today's society is even more tyrannical than the monarchy we revolted against.

Is tyranny your proverbial 'slippery slope'? Where does the 'rule of law' end and being bent over to accommodate the selfish few begin?

Se habla Capitalism [which is actually just wage slavery in disguise?]

None are so blind as those who 'think' they are free.

Is it any wonder we are angry all of the time? Is there a cure for this?

Lobotomys all around perhaps?

[Suggestion: Let's try lobotomizing the leaders first and see how that works out!] Theory has it if we stop them from peeing in everyone else's cornflakes life will instantly become measurably more pleasant/tolerable.

If we start at the top we would quickly arrive at a point where it was no longer necessary/effective, people who aren't full of themselves have already been lobotomized or self medicated themselves into the equivalent of a waking coma.

While we'd be hard pressed to prove it I could point out that it is a damn good thing we aren't all 'rage monsters' like Marvel's Incredible Hulk although most of us have encountered the 'green eyed monster' that lives inside us all.

Comics or no, all 'art' is a mirror held up so we can see ourselves reflected in it.

Albeit some are so dense they see nothing and register even less.

Perhaps part of the Ire is caused by getting the basic formula wrong. The American Constitution enshrines Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness as being it's founding pillars but without Equality, all three are both meaningless and 'unachievable'.

Without Equality there can be no Justice and without Justice there can be no peace...and without peace there can be no prosperity and without prosperity there can be no comfort...and without comfort there can be no rest.

Some opine that resting is a sin (especially when your efforts are what provides THEM with comfort.)

Death to the tyrants whose sole goal is to make your life miserable so they can be comfortable.

Is it any wonder that we are all so 'annoyed' all the time?

Live and learn, Head, live and learn...


Friday, March 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, 'Happy talk' will take you only so far as we head into the third decade of failure to launch.

The media ignores the elephants we regularly see milling about, surrounding us with destitution as the meat-puppets make truly outrageous claims about a word none of them can spell much less comprehend.

Doesn't help that the majority of non-readers have no rational idea what an ECONOMY IS nevermind what constitutes a healthy one.

Do YOU know what 'economic success' is and how to measure it?

Of course you don't. You've been taught at down is up and black is white because the 'roaring' economy of today is little different than the years post crash.

Let's begin with WHO is doing the measuring and what is being measured.

The enormous mushroom cloud you can clearly see on the horizon, that represents DEBT and it just keeps growing. In order to shrink that cloud the economy has to 'grow' but with NOTHING 'new' since smartphones the FAKE ECONOMY hasn't expanded in decades.

Nothing NEW means ZERO EXPANSION and the debt cloud has only gotten larger with each passing generation.

How many of you know where the 2-4 % in 'economic growth' comes from?

New customers. How can these 'new customers' be driving economic expansion when capitalism is automating jobs as fast as it can?

Your machines don't buy your products...

How much of a moron are you?

So the 'growth' cited by so called economists is actually the birth rate because the 'economy' itself remains 'stagnant'.

Did I mention capitalism is DEAD? For capitalism to function it must CONSTANTLY expand. Again, what part of STUPID don't you get? It (the economy) hasn't collapsed yet? Worse, you already know why...THERE ISN'T AN ALTERNATIVE! [Wake up call number 2, this AIN'T capitalism, stupid! It's economic wage slavery PRETENDING to be 'capitalism'.]

Um, ASP eliminates the need to expand by eliminating the 'stock markets'...and removing banking as an 'industry'...yeah. that means insurance would also cease to exist but never fear because life was never intended to be a 'gamble'.

How damning those that understand what I share here also know there is more to life than chasing the Almighty Buck?

A vast majority operates on the 'simplified' economics of 'chasing dollars' with criminality being irrelevant so long as they don't get caught.

Trump's roaring economy is economic ignorance writ large.

This is perhaps fitting in a society that embraces fantasy over reality at almost every aspect of life?

In this I find myself a modern day Cassandra. While none heed my warnings I can only watch in terror as the stupid suffer hideous deaths that were totally avoidable.

Happy Friday folks,

Thanks for having nothing better to do,


Thursday, March 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, accident of birth governs what kind of 'future' you will be afflicted with. That said even the progeny of the affluent aren't guaranteed an 'allocation' and it is here we should stop once again and ask ourselves why our share of the planet is denied us.

Perhaps it started with Adam and how Eve was described as his 'plus one', Eve only enjoyed what Adam let her have. Sexist? Where do you suppose 'it's a man's world' came from ?

Yup ask your friend Thumpy if this 'corporeal existence' was intended to for man or man and his 'help-meet' and you Biblical scholar will tell you without hesitation that the Almighty created 'creation' for those HE created 'in HIS image' and not those he crafted from that his 'most perfect creation's' rib.

Naturally, priests and holy MEN agreed, the Almighty was their 'mate' without ever laying eyes upon the product of their mental masturbation.

But I digress. The sexual orientation of the imaginary isn't our concern. Today's topic is what's your 'lawful share' considering you have sacrificed your right to a share in the hunt/harvest so you could work for the Capitalist.

Sorry, full up doesn't cut it yet those who stupidly believe there's work out there 'if you want it' regularly turn a blind eye to the fact that work doesn't pay you enough to live on.

Worse, as the labor force swells and the 'need' for labor diminishes, today's employer is as more inclined to fire you than deal with your protests or even a modicum of inconvenience your problems may present.

[This is what 'right to work' and the current 'at will' employment contract has wrought.]

Facts are facts and the current fact is you are allocated precisely ZERO. If you weren't born to a family that couldn't afford to set you up with some kind of income stream, you are ON YOUR OWN.


Where do you think this is going?

'Wild' humans would band togethers, pooling their labor to harvest the fruits of the land as best they could to achieve at least a modicum of security. Now if you don't own the land you are trespassing and not entitled to anything on it.

You are EXPECTED to find employment and sell yourself to meet your needs...and if the only work that you can find doesn't pay enough, oh well.

The 'answer' is ever and always 'less'. Worse, if you can't find work due to the slack labor market the feckless have only grown more emphatic that you aren't trying hard enough.

It's not their problem, it's YOURS.

Did you know that under A.S.P. a job that pays you enough to meet your expenses is your RIGHT? [Caveat: Much of what you are currently forced to pay for will become a 'gimme'.] Your only remaining expenses will be food and fashion.

How did we arrive at a place where advocates for big Agra is able to claim the public can't afford to pay pickers a living wage?

What does that tell you? [Besides that you are stupid beyond belief.]

Even our modern media does humanity zero good, you are just as ignorant as you ever were...don't suppose that is due to the politicization of the educational process?

Did our elected official decide a stupid populous was going to be easier to manage?

Society as we are currently living it is a self-inflicted wound and it only cost us EQUITY that NOBODY is interested in.

If you can't survive on what the job pays your economy is being mismanaged.

Not too tough to figure out, when a few prosper while the rest struggle something is wrong with the 'system'.

If the system is flawed it is up to YOU to fix it.

Corruption is EVERYWHERE and that is due to CASH being omnipresent.

Outlaw cash and everything starts to return towards Equality and Justice.

All crime save those of passion are 'cash and carry'.

Eliminate cash and take a bite out of crime.


The current 'make yourself useful' system is unjust, you can't have it both ways. Claim to Own what's worth having them claim that you have to 'make yourself useful' if you want 'your share'.

The Not in the labor force' numbers are EQUAL to the number of the 'marginally attached' thanks to globalization/automation.

For every worker there is another human capitalism 'can't afford'.

If you CAN'T make it NATURE offer a singular alternative, YOU TAKE IT.

Welfare exists so we aren't overrun by marauders!

Talk about mismanagement.

I wish I could type 'enough said' but unfortunately for all of us there are still those 'too stupid to live' going through the motions because they don't know any better.

Ponder which one YOU are...

Until next time Head,


Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Greetings good citizen, commerce can be symbiotic or it can be predatory and our screwed up legal system takes the stand of 'buyer beware' rather than being rigid on fraud/treachery.

But that's what 'fortunes' are made of.

If humanity is to succeed in saving itself (from cascading systemic collapse) it needs to abandon its 'buyer beware' stance and embrace symbiosis with both, nay, all four limbs.

Trade implies the mutual benefit reaped from exchanging surpluses for deficits. I don't know of a MBA program teaching this basic cornerstone principle anywhere on the planet.

The ONLY factor propping up what we know as commerce is market consolidation, period.

There are no 'new markets' making the system itself viciously predatory. It can't grow so it becomes a survival of the, er, most diseased meaning only the cannibals survive.

The media ignores this despite seeing it occur right under its nose...worse, it is happening in their 'industry' as well, which likely accounts for the dearth of pointed commentary that should be accompanying this hellaciously huge elephant in the room.

All most of you know is that jobs provide us with the income we NEED to continue living. Good job, bad job all you know is that you need one and jobs on the other side of the law pay better.

This too isn't an accident.

What do you do with a system of commerce that doesn't have an exhaust pipe? Good old ducat number one, minted in order to pay the very first tax is still floating around out there in today's economy.

How f'n stupid is that?

Is society run by morons? See above.

All of this 'cannibalism' is being driven by now enormous pools of cash that have nowhere to go.

As with any 'closed system' the pressure will eventually kill us all.

The people with the largest pots of money don't have the intelligence to fend for themselves so when the talent that keeps the wheels turning starts to starve to death what is STUPID going to do? Panic, naturally!

Did you know ASP has an 'exhaust pipe'? Once you spend your money, NOBODY gets it, it is merely it SHOULD BE.

We allow cash to pool today solely because the feckless don't like explaining themselves and using 'their cash' regardless of how recklessly is beyond the laws purview until it's too late and this should NEVER be.

What does longevity research mean to you, good citizen? That you are going to live longer? Given what you know about how society operates don't you think the people that will reap the benefits of longevity research will be the people paying for it?

Like most things medical, cutting edge research is done by publicly funded institutions [so the public pays to run down the 'dead ends'] Only the most promising discoveries are pursued privately.

So longevity research, like the race for operational, controllable AI isn't being done FOR you, it is being done to eliminate you.

If you 'project' what you are seeing today to its logical conclusion, what do you see?

Nuthin, when I awaken I can only see as far as when I'll return to my pillow.

Ask yourself, why it is that humanity is allergic to thinking? The answer lies in where you see this whole shitshow headed.

IF you allow yourself to think about 'tomorrow' it is probable that what you imagine your 'retirement' will be like is a highly unlikely set of circumstances.

First fallacy we all entertain is that we will actually live to collect the funds we set aside for retirement, secondly is that we will survive the cessation of our paid employment.

Third is that we will be able to liquidate our 'hard assets' for a favorable price. This one is laughable because the gulf between what a buyer is willing to pay vs what you think your asset is worth is growing. You're gonna get a lot less for your stuff than you thought because the 'puddle' of buyers is drying up society wide, this is how 'cannibalism' ends.

The people YOU thought you were going to sell your junk to already have everything they want. Worse, the market keeps getting flooded with more and more junk that people are DESPERATE to convert into cash.

Did I mention we're doing this whole money thing WRONG?

Se habla 'market share'?

Capitalism is done.

That's all for today, Head.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, had an exchange yesterday that resulted in yet another epiphany, that we make our own truth.

This trait is closely related to the phenomenon that it isn't possible to teach a mind what it believes it already knows. You can't recognize this disturbing trait in yourself but you can instantly recognize it in others.

Unfortunately this 'misinterpretation of the facts' results in instant hatred...solely because you both can't be 'right' [which does not discount the possibility that you are both at least partially 'wrong'.]

Like 'common sense' that people are honestly baffled by other's failure to exercise it, it likely isn't the case. You have arrived at a difference of opinion because you may both have made faulty 'assumptions'.

Why we chuckle when we discover [repeatedly] that the mind is a 'funny thing' [when in most contexts funny is actually standing in for disturbing rather than humorous.]

Um, don't have the pixels to parse what makes humor funny [or why some sit stone-faced while others are doubled over in laughter.] Like truth itself, funny is 'relative'.

It is here we collide with the perplexing problem of how much 'consensus' can there be if we all believe/are convinced that our truth is the one that matters?

Enter the media, who tells us what to think and why if the news doesn't match/mesh with your personal worldview.

More damning is money. Besides knowing that you need it there isn't a clear, generally accepted definition of what it is because the lies are so diverse and change given the circumstances.

Money is wealth but wealth can be any number of things so which is it...and the only coherent answer you will get is 'yes'.

Money, like god, is a matter of FAITH, it's whatever you BELIEVE it is. [Ironically Bitcoins help illustrate money's 'fantasy' element.]

Why don't you 'understand' life? Because you cart around a head/mind full of nonsense placed there by swindlers.

Why do you 'avoid' thinking? Because the media regularly contradicts your musings (or worse, ignores them.)

Most of us can no sooner conceive of eternal bliss anymore than that of eternal damnation/torment [although this thing we call 'life' comes dangerously close.]

Perhaps this is why we are generally speaking a 'thoughtless' bunch. The more you analyze your situation the stronger your conviction becomes that you are already in hell, which is populated by raving psychopaths.

If you are already in hell does heaven exist (outside your simplistic mind?)

Nope, it's waiting to be YOU!

ESTABLISH Equality and Justice and the rest will fall into place.

ASP contains everything you need to establish an equal and just society, anywhere.

It all flows from a more concise Golden Rule of Share and share alike, one that forbids using what we all need to survive to advance your personal comfort. Treachery and self-dealing need to be restored to the capitol crimes that they once were.

The people that ended vengeance did so to protect their own treacherous behavior.

We were already living in a 'contentious' society and now the media tells us that a 'vindicated' POTUS is seeking revenge on those who 'persecuted' him.

This clown needs to be removed from office NOW! [Despite the whole situation being a kabuki dance, a show.]

Dangerous people have seized the microphone and they are intent on ruining civilization for the 'not them' crowd.

It is obvious that the poor outcomes suffered by the majority of humanity are the direct result of a tiny percentage of self-serving individuals that have lined the corridors of power with their lackeys.

It is also obvious that they number significantly fewer than 1 percent or even a percent of that.

How do they get away with it? They control what you think you know. Remember, we started today's post with the revelation that we all make our own 'truth'.

Why are there so many 'radicals' floating around in the world? Because what they were taught is the truth conflicts with what they have convinced themselves is truth.

Where do you suppose the 72 virgins came from? {most of us yearn for a sexual Green Beret to turn us inside out...that ain't gonna happen with a partner that doesn't know the first thing about any of it.}

Naturally, the fantasy weavers are alluding to 'purity', confusing it with 'desirability' to those who don't know any better...

[Can you say Child Soldiers? I knew you could!]

Again with the 'funny' of how putting the context sexually makes the whole concept of making our own 'truth' more transparent...

The cognizant understand and those that don't will pray the eye that never blinks will explain it for them [but naturally it won't.]

Try not to jostle your head too much or this is going to spill into your consciousness, rendering you catatonic.

Remember, not what to think but something to think about...

Until next time Head,


Monday, March 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we are down to the last handful of posts for blogger I have nothing 'new' to share because EVERYTHING I rage about you should already know.

The topic of my second novel is immortality of the best (albeit most frustrating) variety, that of being 'forever young'. While your biological drives would muddy your already meager mental assets the modern tendency towards hedonism would eventually jade you to the point where the only thing you would be capable of feeling is likely hatred mixed with sorrow and regret.

We desire to be forever young but we aren't equipped (mentally) to handle it.

My novel only covers the first weeks of the planet's first immortal and what a romp it is! Here's a guy that strikes the genetic lottery during his quest to preserve his ill-gotten empire that he inherited via accident of birth he remains incapable of getting out of his own way long enough to enjoy his new gift!

Enter the question nobody thinks of but that shouldn't surprise anyone considering thinking is beyond humanity's paygrade, what do you suppose is the first thing the planet's first immortal would do after bounding across the finish line? Would he 'rush to market' or would he burn the formula?

Who would you 'share' forever with? Most of us can't conceive of forever anymore than we are capable of wrapping our minds around 'eternal bliss'. Do you 'love' anyone enough to want them around 24/7? Imagine extending that to forever and a day...

Humans are a fickle lot and what 'sounds like' an awesome idea in theory often proves highly impractical should you ever have the misfortune of having your 'dreams come true'.

In case anyone was wondering, this is my 'fracture', dissecting human nature and exploring the reality behind commonly held 'fantasies'.

Ironic that reality is such a rare commodity.

What are 'they' really telling you whenever they exclaim, "You can't handle the truth?"

Usually this parses to the simple fact that if you learned the truth you would (want to) kill the responsible party.

Where do you suppose this 'reality' would lead? [Extinction by sunset?]

Took the long way home but guess where we are? The Nile.

Some of the lower functioning among you are asking yourself how I got anyway near Egypt but again I am alluding to the pun most humans are guilty of, that they live in DENIAL.

In this ostriches have nothing on us [and I say that allegorically. I know ostriches don't actually bury their heads in the sand.]

The cognizant know humans live their lives in carefully constructed fantasies, patching them up with whatever is handy whenever reality rips holes in their fragile, often delicate worldview.

Thus presented, wisdom is as fragile as the constructs that pass for reality for most of us.

Takes more than a modicum of inner strength to face reality.

You've got it, you just don't know how to use it...and the feckless have zero interest in your 'waking up'. [In fact they did everything in their power to put you to sleep.]

Wake up, wake up! There are flames all around you!

Until next time, head!


Sunday, March 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as humanity is sent sprawling like a dog that hits the end of its tether at full gallop we have to wonder, did the dog merely 'forget' it couldn't escape or the does the thrill of the chase makes it ignore it's limitations?

None are so blind as those who refuse to see.

Despite the media's attempts to 'glamorize' life among the stars, 95% of people who volunteered to join an expedition to Mars would renege once the swindlers came looking for ticket money.

The reality being 'tested' here is that the colonization of space [especially 'near space'] won't commence until a safe return can be guaranteed.

Switch mental gears as we examine where this particular elephant crashes into the obstacle of the 'tiny mind'.

Space travel is fraught with peril, so much so that prolonged 'manned missions' may indeed be impossible. Abandoning the (relative) 'safety' of our Island in space may only be possible via a stargate type principle.

[STOP] With that as a given our 'home' also doubles as our prison. If we can't manage to share it equitably the final iteration of Home/Prison is Tomb...]

While there are many among us that don't remember what the world was like prior to Nixon/Reagan (and these missives are targeted at those who who are aware but refuse to act!) Tis human to hesitate, even in the face of obliteration! You claim you 'didn't know' when the truth is you didn't dare step out of line. Comply or die is the mandate nobody argues with and it's responsible for our current dire circumstances.

There WAS a time [way back before Willy Jeff] that the US didn't have the planet's largest percentage of its population behind bars.

When compared to China & India, the US has a considerably smaller population and the feckless use our 'freedom' as the principle cause that we have more people incarcerated than anywhere else on the planet but is that really it considering we didn't move into the 'pole position' until after Morning in America (a.k.a. Midnight for democracy/freedom.)

There is 'nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.' Our self styled TYRANTS are buckling down as commerce collapses and Justice (or the illusion of it) fades away behind the 'flag of the tyrants'. [You saw Donald dry humping it with your own eyes!]

Ignorance is bliss until the tyrant steals your lunch and you find out you CAN'T replace it. It was all you had to eat and now you have nothing...worse, no one will help you.

Starving to death sucks but what's even worse is being forced to watch your loved ones starve and being helpless to do anything about it while the feckless either ignore your pleas or give you the butt of their rifle to chew on.

Why so grim? NOW is the time to stop them, while you still can! When you really are starving to death, largely due to being un/mis-informed by a media THEY OWN, remember, you didn't even know the Dead Sea was sick...

Is my 'hair on fire'? Nope but when you are surrounded by flames it's a bit late to be wondering how you came to be standing in the middle of them...

Either we get our act together [starting with recognizing our situation and taking positive steps to insure our survival, principal among these is stomping out IGNORANCE!] or we will follow the feckless into extinction.

It's not too soon to act.

In the meantime you need to sit down with that thing that stares back at you from the mirror and ask it how serious it is about DON'T have a lot of time left.

Thanks for opening your mind for something other than twaddle.


Saturday, March 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, my morning 'fishing expedition' has been routinely 'hijacked' by the 'Pocket' app on Firefox. This morning a microsim of a much larger problem was highlighted by none other than the Harvard Business Review.

In short, the article touched upon how the culture of the 'management team' can turn the entire operation 'toxic'.

Time for another dusty Hobby Horse, one so consistently ridden that the seat is highly polished [because I can't stop pounding on that particular drum.]

Which drum is that? The 'mis-management' drum. Our political well has long been poisoned and let it suffice to say only the, er, 'foolish' vote.

Why? The article tells us the problem is 'accountability'.

Doesn't take a boatload of genius to figure out the lack of accountability is directly related to the decidedly toxic 'justice deficit'.

Funny how zero consequences for bad behavior has turned our society into an unaccountable cesspool where those charged to uphold the law don't dare because of their own criminal behavior.

Doubly damning is how when the politicians turn 'tough on crime' what they are talking about is the 'fish in a barrel' variety of prosecuting the law abiding for minor infractions and calling it 'justice'. While the robbers pay for protection from prosecution.


If you are going to play Mickey the Dunce they will gladly treat you like Mickey the Dunce! [This is just one teaspoonful of the gunk they have shoveled yards of into that space between your ears.]

It starts (and STOPS) with YOU!

If you want to stop being treated like a chump first you have to stop acting like one...[you'd think I wouldn't have to parse that but some people, am I right?]

That said, my popularity drops considerably when I turn the mirror on the general populace. This is unfair because you are also correct, this isn't your fault per se, it's the people that get themselves appointed to positions of responsibility and this is where the bus wheels make contact with the object between your shoulders.

It is 'up to you' to 'prosecute' the 'irresponsible'.

Since when you ask?

Since ALWAYS. [We are all 'soldiers' in the fight against tyranny. There is no such thing as a 'non-combatant' in the game we call life. Those who refuse to fight become 'victims'.]

The criminals don't want YOU taking the law into your own hands...but the 'law' belongs to all of us...and 'selective enforcement' only serves the self-serving.

Half a loaf won't cut it because we aren't dealing with 'half criminals'.

Nothing will change until we demonstrate to the feckless that ropes and light poles are real...and waiting there for them.

It's 'the price' of NOT doing the job properly!

Can't lay it out for you any plainer than that.

Until next time Head,


Friday, March 22, 2019

Tick, Tock

Greetings good citizen, Writers keep trying to tell us something but we can only assume fear makes them use the most obtuse vehicles available as the messenger, but that is not the topic of today's journey into the past.

But it is tangentially related.

Naturally your next question is 'related to what' and the abyss opens up because it is ALL related.

I, on the other hand, endeavor to shed light upon that which is hiding in plain sight. [It only recently occurred to me that most of my posts revolve around the elephants in the room...who knew there were so many?]

Today's 'wacky pachyderm' is the leadership void that prevents anything being done about the inequity that pervades the wobbly hut we've been herded under to shelter us from self awareness.

Who is Team USA's leader? It sure isn't Spray Tan boy, poster child for Peter Pan Syndrome! Is it Mitch the Bitch? Nope he's just one more in a string of puppets used to deflect you from discovering that LEADERSHIP doesn't work for 'the public weal'.

What do you suppose is those pulling the puppet's strings favorite refrain? (fondest saying)

"I can't help it if they are STUPID!"

So, who is your/our Daddy/Mommy?

Turns out 'societies shepherds' have been feeding us to the proverbial 'wolves' for centuries.

Bizarrely, there ain't a f'n thing you can do about it [under the current system.]

EVERY ONE of these posts is an urgent appeal to the human inside each and every one of us!

This begs the question raised by the Capt. Marvel storyline of whether or not 'shapeshifters' exist?

I opine in the negative but do we even need 'shapeshifters' considering how easily the human mind is manipulated?

Nope, so allow me to re-direct your attention to the fact that humanity is essentially 'leaderless'.

Here's an interesting 'thought experiment'. We have two kinds of leaders on planet Earth. There are 'representatives' who pretend to 'serve' at the will of the people and we have the 'autocrats' who are 'guided' by 'party philosophy' that is virtually indistinguishable from the current [at the moment] 'planetary norm'.

Which is to opine that both subsets of leaders are using the same playbook which tells us what?

There is only ONE real 'ruler' and it ain't God Almighty (although that's not what dum-dum thinks.)

It is also not the Almighty Buck (or whatever you want to label the grease that keeps the criminal world lubricated.)

A new 'dark age' is almost upon us and none of you have the presence of mind to do anything about it so you sit, paralyzed with fear, praying to a god you don't believe in that whatever is coming, it will be quick.

Wake up call to the stupid. That thing you keep avoiding (the thing we call a mirror...) When you look into it, your GOD looks back at you.

Is your GOD a puny god?

That's entirely up to YOU.

Thanks once again for letting some sunshine into your warped and twisted mind,


Thursday, March 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we enter the last few weeks of Blogger I thought I'd pull some old hobby horses out of their dusty stalls and take them for one last ride.

Can you guess which one tops today's offering? Didn't think so, for all TV's hype psychic ability isn't nearly as prevalent as the writers would have you think...and just in case you were wondering, time, which is a function of motion CAN'T be traversed multiple times in the direction of your choice. [If you're in a position to] You make your choices and then you move forward...or if you are like most of us, your choices are made for you and you learn live with them...

And no, this is not an exploration of what is 'impossible'. For today's purposes, the height of the bar is directly proportional to the quality of the data...which is only half of the equation; the other half is the observer's ability to comprehend the information and act to effect the outcome.

With this much of the puzzle exposed, Constant reader can now posit I have remounted an old and dusty hobby horse that used to figure prominently in my tirades, that of it not being possible to making informed decisions inside an informational vacuum.

Yet decisions get made all the time with decidedly 'imperfect' data.

The world you wake up to daily is the result of this foolhardy procedure.

No, criticism ISN'T 'unfair'. Your dearth of information isn't an accident, you are mis-informed to protect the guilty.

Is this any way to conduct a civilization? Of course not but nobody is doing anything about 'business as usual' so the prevailing sentiment is that we are being driven off a cliff by the greed of the self-interested who mistakenly BELIEVE [thanks to Adam Smith] that they are doing the best thing for EVERYBODY!]

One more time, slow and in English...we must STOP following the hopelessly STUPID! [See current POTUS as the 'poster child'.]

Seriously, how f'n STUPID are the people in charge of the banking system?

Rhetorical question, good citizen as the answer is well known: MIGHTY!

How fortunate for them their customers are suffering from a near terminal case of ignorant that turns fatal with frightening regularity.

This is the malaize that currently affects modern society...largely because there is no 'cure' being put forth.

The 'fix' lies in reducing expense while broadening the customer base...and there in NO SHORTAGE of work that NEEDS doing despite entire 'industries' [which are essentially fronts for criminal enterprises] being eliminated.

Everybody knows change is vital if humanity is to move forward but nobody who is exploiting their 'accident of birth' has any interest in making the necessary changes.

Originality is not (current) 'leaderships' strong suit. They are following a woefully outdated gameplan they fail to see how it can be 'improved upon'.

Because, to belabor the obvious, they lack imagination. They fail to see how much 'better off' they will be in a world where everybody prospers and obeys a few simple rules.

Life is only complicated because the weasels make it that way.

Death to the weasels!

Thanks once again for letting something other than BS inside your head,


Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Greetings good citizen, difficult to remember when you are up to your ass in alligators that your original intention was to drain the swamp.

Naturally, draining the swamp isn't going to happen when the medium justifying the swamps existence is owned by the swamp creatures. In keeping with yesterday's title the only rational reason the room is filled with alligators is because viewers have a tendency to ignore elephants that are present but invisible.

Elephants and alligators? Why not just toss in a couple of monkeys for good measure?

Elephants aren't particularly fierce creatures yet nobody intentionally provokes one, Alligators live in swamps and most of us avoid swamps not because of alligators but to avoid the snakes.

It is here we encounter irony because the elephant in the room, that the people who OWN the media also control life's narrative is something most of you gloss over, just as most of you fail to appreciate that 'protected speech' is actually a license to lie, the truth needs no protection...problem with the truth is those in power consistently deny it when it surfaces so you end up with a narrative that is missing pieces and for the most part doesn't make sense.

We'd be a race of mutes if we were constrained to speaking only the 'provable truth'.

[Happy Spring, by the way!]

If we were half as concerned with honesty rather than defending the pretty much 'indefensible' by claiming that we are 'entitled' to speak what we, er, 'think' is 'truthy' [usually because someone we 'like' took a dump in our heads during a moment of bitterness and we didn't see it for what it was...and so on and so forth as it continues its relentless downhill journey.]

If we were to circle back to the question that will dog humanity to its grave [how f'n stupid are you?] perhaps it would be possible to knock those scales and motes from our eyes just long enough to see that we are being played for chumps.

Only game in town? For the moment that's true. [I got another notice this morning to remove my content from this place because it's going to shut down on 4/2...]

That why I have been cross posting on Wix.

Zero irony that the silence over there is just as deafening as it is here.

Funny how the snake is always the one promising to drain the swamp but it's their natural habitat so from this we know the snake is just doing what comes naturally and that, of course, is exercising their right to 'free speech'.

Why does the ordinary moron conflate 'free speech' with truth or honesty? Perhaps it's the 'value' those who manage our society place on 'freedom' [mostly their freedom from being prosecuted for their numerous repeated crimes.]

The feckless despise/fear Justice more than communism and God combined!

But that's not the message you are immersed in 24/7 by the owners of 'the narrative.'

To survive on this (or any other) planet we have to outlaw 'ownership', if we can't share we would be foolish not to kill one another on sight because it will ALWAYS come down to 'either it's you or me and it ain't gonna be me if I can help it.

Cooperate will ALWAYS trump compete.

Now what was the question that will dog humanity again?

Thanks for letting something other than BS inside your mind,


Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's title is the result of hitting the 'stupid' button too many times. That said, today's headlines were dominated by the widespread misinformation that passes for knowledge in our foundering society.

Top story today was the 'rift' within the Democratic party over the 'illogical' argument surrounding the healthcare for all debate.

Naturally being concerned with being labeled 'tax & spend' like their predecessors were, the 'New Democrats' want to replace the conservatives by assuming the mantle of 'fiscal responsibility' when there is no such thing.

Why are YOU always being played for a CHUMP? Because you don't UNDERSTAND.

Why don't you understand? Because you have been purposefully 'misinformed'.

What gives 'money' it's value? Most of you are clueless what money 'is', all you know is that you need it.

Well, as the Federal debt continues to 'balloon' and the Republican's continue to cut taxes and slashing social programs to pay for them why does nobody make the connection that there isn't [and NEVER WILL BE] enough money to pay back the federal debt?

It's because of the omnipresent 'dumbness' [you are raised to believe money needs to be repaid. Think capitalism is screwed now, imagine how fucked it's going to be when people realize ALL MONEY IS "FUNNY!"

MONEY only has 'value' to the individual...and that's what has been holding down the economy.

Stupid/Dumb keep railing against budget deficits when money is MEANINGLESS. 'Free Healthcare' is the only kind ANYONE CAN AFFORD and HEALTHCARE is what the 'division of labor concept' was intended to enable. [It takes decades of study to become a competent surgeon so a 'mechanism' had to be created so those students wouldn't starve to death, defeating the purpose of paying others to labor for them.

The capitalist deceives us that he has to pay for resources [which he gets for nothing because mother nature doesn't have a cash register!] Then he has to pay for labor, another lie because whatever he pays out in labor (plus a healthy profit, usually double) is recouped in the cost of the item produced.

Remember 'dummy', capitalism is only a couple of hundred years old.

It didn't work then and it REALLY doesn't work now. [It was (and still is) propped up by 'the crown'.]

But this is not what they teach you in school because the feckless think you don't have 'the need to know'.

Stop for a moment and ask yourself "how's that working out for you?"

Your life is a joke thanks to your profound IGNORANCE!

Why are you ignorant? Because telling you what you don't know would have sent you into a MURDEROUS RAGE...

That said we are past due for Ropes and lamp post time.

Time to give the feckless 'their due' for keeping us in the dark for so long.

Thanks for stopping by and opening up whatever it is you call that thing!


Monday, March 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I once again belabor the obvious when I point out that humans are far from 'binary' yet those who would manipulate you do so by framing the equation in terms of polar opposites instead of the full spectrum life truly is.

Did I mention my mind is a 'strange' landscape, rather bizarre to walk through? Would you be surprised that I'm not the only one?

Of course not, you are smugly betting your crazy can beat mine with one hand tied behind it's back!

And that is likely true, it could but your thinking parts don't work as 'smoothly' as mine so you tend to alternate between puritanical and smut. [The contrast is what provides the 'thrill' of possessing a 'dirty' mind.]

But I digress, while this topic is deeper than the ocean we don't have the time nor the language to explore it so let's keep this up on the surface where most terms are readily understood ['for the most part', he said optimistically!]

Part of being a 'good conservative' is placing God and Country [used to be King, who claimed to be God on Earth so to them it was the same thing.] above ALL else.

Did you catch that bit of 'stagecraft' where the current moron in chief mimed dry humping the flag to show his 'followers' how ardent his love of country was?

How disgusted would you be if you learned that he was 'taught/trained' to do that? [He definitely ain't bright enough to come up with it on his own despite having a long established track record with being creepy.]

Understand the 'inference' here, if you aren't 'bold enough' to dry hump the flag on national Television then you aren't 'patriotic enough' to call yourself a conservative! [You ARE, however stupid enough to qualify for exile!]

Rhetorically, conservative has proven synonymous with psychopath and nobody in their right mind would WANT to be one...but we keep returning to that 'right mind' thing, don't we?

When I list the things that make humans, er, 'noble' unlike our flag waving, dry humping mouth-breathers I'm not drawing a line in the sand nor am I even suggesting that you must LOVE humanity with every fiber of your being.

Yin and Yang, humans are as loathsome as they are admirable. Naturally, some are 'more so' than others. Even the most despicable individual you know has a 'good side' [here we are reminded that 'good' is a 'relative' term, making Einstein's theory unfortunately named.]

So when I say embrace your humanity I am NOT advocating that you blind yourself to the heart's treacherous, self-serving nature. All I ask you to do is give humanity an opportunity to tolerate one another.

If there is a trait I wish we could eradicate [impossible, I know but wishing is 'free'!] it would be the intolerance that becomes hatred.

While we would be tempted to think we are ALL 'binary' all the time nothing could be further from the truth. Sure we alternate between frustration and anger pretty much constantly but only because we live in a world where there is little to be 'thankful' for...and that is no accident either.

Start with 'I was here first' and there is no way this ends in kumbaya!

Switch from 'I was here first' to Welcome aboard, your allotment awaits when you complete orientation and we'd all have an entirely different mindset.

How do you 'borrow your future from a bank' when industry is automating EVERYTHING as rapidly as possible [because this is how the 'I was here first' crowd is working on keeping what they grabbed for themselves, screw everybody else!

Like GLOBALIZATION, AUTOMATION IS NOT being done 'for you', it is being done TO YOU!

Yea, none are so blind as those WHO REFUSE TO SEE!

Yet screaming WAKE UP falls on deaf ears...bringing us full circle to the nagging question that won't go away...

Worse, you know what that question is without my asking, don't you?

But that's not the problem, is it? The problem is what to DO about it?

Again, I have laid it all out for you, if I could do it by myself I would, single-handedly banishing the resistance but we all know what kind of chance that has of success, don't we?

I write this for the cognizant with the recognition that none are so blind as those who believe they are 'sharp'....

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully, if we are lucky [although I told you about 'luck' yesterday] some of it stuck, for humanity's sake.

I will once again thank you for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, March 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in keeping with the rising tide of cynicism (globally) humanity's new meme is 'You'll never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from...'

Sort of redefines the term cynical but look who's talking, eh?

When you are young you tend to believe in 'luck' when what you are actually witnessing is fraud a la three card monte.

As you grow older and begin to appreciate that there is more going on than what the eye captures as it slowly dawns on you that what we call luck is mostly hype.

That said, much of what we call skill is also 'hype'. [Cynical enough for ya?]

Yeah, this is the 'natural' follow up for yesterday's 'revelation' that truth and justice are both 'relative' and when it comes to dealing with these 'variables' we are often 'cheated'.

Do any of you see how 'cheated' is also a 'relative' term? [It's not cheating if you 'win'...]

We will never overcome life's multiple 'swindles' if we can't recognize them until after the fact.

Is humanity 'doomed' to live in a cesspool of 'relative justice' where the only safety lies in averting your eyes and keeping your lips zipped?

This what the criminals among us make you do now but there are 'absolute truths' that can't be 'equivocated' away [not that they don't do it regularly because they insist they can thanks to their constitutionally protected 'freedom to lie.'

This planet is ours to SHARE and in that we must factor in EQUITY. None are 'more deserving' than any other so none can be permitted to lift themselves up at the expense of any other.

If 'poverty' were rare we would be justified in brushing it off as a self-inflicted wound but poverty is both widespread and crushing so the root of the situation is maladministration born of hatred. What fuels the hatred? The 'hater's' sense that the object of their malice is undeserving of their share.

What should we do with those who find the idea of 'sharing' with the undeserving intolerable?

ASP shows that exile is the answer. If your mindset is 'incompatible' with a unified humanity then you will have your membership in humanity revoked. [The 'flipside' of this is the fact that this is OUR PLANET. Your rejection of humanity means you need to find someplace else to be self-centered and narrow minded.]

Can you build your own spaceship {starting with processing ALL the raw materials yourself?} because that's why you are sent into the wild naked. Since you 'fail to value' the contributions of others you won't be permitted to take any with you into banishment...and you will be banished into the most useless land known to man so again, good luck with that rocket ship project...

What's this have to do with luck?

Well, those who rob you of what you need to live and pocket what doesn't belong to them call their theft 'luck' and by extension, your honesty is what makes YOU 'UNLUCKY'.

Do you really want to 'parse' that?

Fraud is fraud and fraud is also treachery and the penalty for treason is death.

Life is hard but so are we.

Until next time Head,


Saturday, March 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, modern politics has transformed from the common good to a team sports approach where one side seeks to crush their opponents.

The 'common good' is abandoned when the objective becomes capturing the vote of the 'disaffected'.

While BOZO keeps hammering away at his BORDER WALL he is hoping nobody is noticing that he hasn't succeeding in bringing back ANY jobs nevermind stopping them from fleeing to the bankster created 'opportunity zones'.

Now jobs = survival under capitalism...but the capitalist isn't interested in being 'socially responsible'. Governments exist to prevent the public from forcing commerce to act responsibly.

This goes hand in hand with yesterday's puzzle...have you unravelled it?

Here's the verse to refresh your memory: Without Equality there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE...[in case you wonder why human civilization is such a violent place and our media is drenched in the blood of those who defy the will of the terminally stupid.

Justice is what is missing and that's because the feckless fear justice more than SOCIALISM!

Capitalism is built upon 'uneven outcomes' like repeating 'business is business' makes it all right.

For some bizarre reason those who administer the legal system are just fine with this [even when it bites their own children!]

Every quibbler knows you can equivocate your way out of anything, making guilt or innocence 'relative' depending on point of view...especially if you ignore outcomes, then equivocating becomes simple.

You probably don't realize this but we live in a society where JUSTICE doesn't exist...worse, seeking justice is abhorrent!

Stop the feckless from being self-serving and they are terrified because you have made them THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE!

Remember, these are the horns that YOU find yourself impaled upon.

Allowing the self-serving to control the justice system throws justice out the window. There can be no justice when those that oversee the system begin and end with 'I got mine, screw the rest!'

This is why NOBODY will claim authority over the law, the law, to be effective must be beyond the reach of the self-serving.

The LAW under ASP belongs to ALL that agree to live under them. NO INDIVIDUAL (or group apart from the majority) can make a law or exempt themselves from the laws we all agree to. ['Coming of age' will once again become a significant event!] The ONLY thing turning 21 means now is a hangover [and for most of us, not our first!]

The H.A.E. is law number one, the golden rule of 'do unto others' comes second.

Sort of makes the feckless's blood boil to legally prohibit the exploitation of humans considering the probability we were created to be exploited by those who MAROONED us here!

Understand, the HAE bans ownership and capitalism is based on ownership so capitalism, feckless or not is banished.

It also outlaws you from 'buying' the labor of others. Money isn't the be all, end all. It was created to facilitate survival and the ONLY way to get it is to work for it, personally.

Our progress as a species relies not only upon our learning how to work with one another but learning how to live with one another and that ain't gonna happen if we cling to the fake divisions the feckless impose upon us.

Again, the cognizant recognizes that 'hatred' is a 'learned thing'. We are, by nature, generally easygoing and forgiving...some might go as far as to say we are an 'understanding' race but they don't mean that in the context of 'intelligence', they are referring to our tendency to be empathetic...entirely different thing altogether.

Politics is now far removed from its intended purpose of problem solving and become the source of 'team enmity'.

See what happens when you stop teaching 'civics' and let the media take over the task of informing the public...

In a parting note the tightrope walker was on last night berating the Democrats for refusing Fox's offer to host the debates. Fox needs to lose it's charter, not be recognized for it's 'fair an balanced' reporting...which absolutely nobody but the truly feeble believes.

That said, you get a pass because of who cuts your paycheck.

Until next time,


Friday, March 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, if we were to make a list of what the media tells us is causing civilization to collapse would you put PEOPLE at the top of that list? Funny because the media doesn't. I saw an article this morning that pointed at 'ageism' being the problem with our political process (and by extension, the rest of society.)

Funny this old chestnut would return to center stage just as the 'nothing in common with anyone, self-styled Champion of the People', Donald Trump is axing billions from the Social Security TRUST.

CONSERVATIVES are fond of calling SOCIAL SECURITY an 'entitlement program' when we PAY IN all our working lives, it's not free nor has it remained 'untouched' over the years, again, historically it has been Republicans that have dipped into the trust fund without paying it back, (because that would mean new taxes!) The last president (on record) to 'reform' social security was the actor Ronald Reagan.

He raised the retirement age and cut benefits...then proceeded to run up the largest peacetime deficits in history...all while the economy recorded its worst performance since the Great Depression.

But I digress.

Thieves walk free when their crimes go...unrecognized (and therefore unpunished.) If the public is agitated by criminals storming through the nation's borders will they pause and consider that the self-professed 'Great Man' is looting the treasury under the PRETENSE of keeping them safe?

Doesn't this return us to the real reason civilization is falling apart?

The cognizant know what I'm going to type next but I want to give them this moment to enjoy their brilliance.

I know it, the cognizant know it but the question is do YOU know it?

Where does the conversation keep returning to? Same old, same old, right?

How F'n STUPID are you?

If this needs to be pointed out then the answer is MIGHTY!

Ready for it because this is the case for the majority of you!

You can pretend to be in the know but the media jerks you around regularly, not because the media has never lied to you, that ship has sailed and EVERYBODY knows the talking heads don't care about truth, honesty or values, they f'n only care about their PAYCHECK and if they want to keep getting one they write what the boss wants them to, the truth be damned.

But I digress...again!

Back to our 'list' and the principle item we would rank as the number one unrecognized crisis destroying human civilization.

Do you know?

It's among the 'THREE PILLARS of civilization' (which also happen to be the three founding principles of ASP.

It's the second one and that's all the hint you're going to get.

Remember how they are 'connected', there's a little verse I use when I lay them out for you.

The middle one is the top of the list.

Until next time Head,


Thursday, March 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I am pained to inform you of what you already know, that what passes for civilization has in fact already collapsed.

The sideshow the media brings to you is precisely what you suspect it is...a distraction.

Wonder what caused them to rip the bandaid off the 'pedigree pretense?'

What pedigree pretense? [Yup, I gonna 'Splain it for ya so just keep yer britches on!]

Constant reader knows I frequently point to the phenomenon where, like money, a degree from the local community college is literally identical to one from an Ivy League why does a MBA from your local CC open the doors to the world of convenience store management while the 'identical' degree from an Ivy League school opens up the corridors of power?

It's not 'what you learned', it's how much you SPENT!

WHO do you suppose started the...'rumor' that money = intelligence?

Wouldn't have been the 'intellectual snobs' would it? Sure it would because we have always been NECK DEEP IN STUPID!

How fortunate for the predators among us that the typical human doesn't/is incapable of thinking?

For the extremely FEW of you that are PAYING ATTENTION...what am I going to share next?

That we have a faction that is taught [usually from childhood] to exploit the average moron's natural inclination to be 'trusting'.

Look at the cesspool [that you and I live in] nobody pays any attention to and understand where it comes from.

This is the by-product of the feckless 'getting over' on each other.

When called to task for their blatant negligence we are suddenly attacked for not being 'more careful' while the legal SYSTEM closes ranks behind/in support of the perp.

See what kind of trouble the mis-handling of money makes?

Almost as much as letting people whose second language is English compose the dictionary in your products!

It's the lack of accountability like this that is driving the recklessness behind the trends that are tearing civilization apart.

Who cares?

We are all affected by it so the answer is...

Until next time Head,


Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we roll towards the nation's hundredth presidential cycle it is obvious to all involved that the process itself is deeply flawed but change is nowhere on the horizon [although the belief that society is on the verge of collapse is nearly universal, how's that for fucked?]

Those who doubt society is imploding to (extremely dangerous, er, 'fragments') do so because there is nothing to take the current messes place and will smugly insist that nature abhors a void, that the pressure to move forward regardless will keep the CF humping until it DIES.

And that is the ONLY way Scrotty Mc Boogerballs sees society coming to an end.

So ferocious are the forces of comply or die.

Sick thing about the badge and the robe is they DON'T KNOW anything else so they just keep on doing WHAT THEY THINK THEY OUGHT TO BE DOING, RIGHT, WRONG OR INDIFFERENT!

So we arrive full circle at how fucked is that?

Not nearly as screwed as watching the election cycle ramp up. Last time the Blue Team fielded one candidate and an outrider also threw his hat in the ring to run for the Blue nomination while the Red Team ran sixteen candidates...and the 'best' they had to offer occupies the White House today because the Democrat's single candidate was seen as Wall Street's puppet.

Why the 'hopelessly stupid' thought the Billionaire scam artist was a better choice remains a mystery to this day.

UNDERSTAND THE FACTS: Numbnuts LOST. The smoke-filled room handed the presidency to Donald the clueless because he needs someone to take him to the restroom so there was little chance he'd wander off by himself and cause mischief!

The media calls the loser's exploits 'boldness' when everybody can see it's A.) Theater and B.) STUPIDITY.

Perhaps the moron thinks he's doing a 'good job', his handlers on the red team media tell him he's doing great but what do they know?

Left to your imagination is why nobody on either side of the aisle is asking if America has achieved 'Greatness' [or what they plan on telling future generations about The Donald's delusional campaign to make and abstract object 'legendary' by merely pretending it is so.

There's stupid and then there's this...

What twisted my undershorts? This morning's front page announced that Joe Biden was the Blue Team's 'frontrunner.'

This is patently untrue but it seems some people get to open their mouth and take a steaming dump on a national forum, just to give you an idea of how dangerous the process is and how bad the outcomes the system produces are.

Yup, push come to shove Hillary won yet the 'shadow government' chose the other guy...mostly because Hillary was/is toxic.

The open secret is 'Everybody Knows' this is NOT democracy. It is something much worse, it's 'pretend democracy' where we pretend to decide and they pretend their bad choices are our fault.

ASP does away with the 'pretense'. Don't perform and you will find yourself out of office faster than you arrived.

Since 'Job One' NEVER changes it becomes the prime directive and the yardstick used to gauge progress.

Do YOU remember what Job One is? [It's NOT 'profits for the shareowners', moron!]

Job One is Survival and not personal but survival of the species.

Using that vague benchmark as our guide, what kind of results do you think the current system is producing?

Some are prospering at the expense of the majority...and for those prospering, that benchmark is 'acceptable' until the consequences of their gross mismanagement come home to roost.

It's NOT overpopulation that is doing civilization in, it's the lopsided outcomes produced by the 'winner/loser' model [especially when the model produces far more losers than winners.]

Thinking, it's not just for breakfast anymore...

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it is human to have a 'hair trigger' on certain topics and for as many humans there are, there exists as many triggers

Under A Simple Plan we would begin the process of weeding out society's mental midgets, those with 'zero tolerance' who idiotically believe life must be lived on their terms or not at all.

Again, I nod in the direction of the cognizant who keenly appreciate how the decision-making process known as politics has been bastardized by the self-serving OWNERS of commerce and the media:

My starting point is a weekend tweet from Representative Devin Nunes of California, who headed the House Intelligence Committee until the House changed hands after the midterms. In that role, he basically acted as Donald Trump’s stonewaller in chief, doing everything he could to prevent any real investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin.

But his tweet wasn’t about that. It was about a waitress who, citing the “straw police,” asked his dining party if they wanted straws. “Welcome to Socialism in California!” Nunes thundered.

If this seems like a weird aberration — he wasn’t even denied a straw, just asked if he wanted one — you need to realize that rage explosions over seemingly silly things are extremely common on the right. By all accounts, the biggest applause line at the Conservative Political Action Conference — eliciting chants of “U-S-A, U-S-A!” — was the claim that Democrats are coming for your hamburgers, just like Stalin. (They aren’t, and for the record, Stalin was a mass murderer, but objectively pro-burger.)

[Paul Krugman did explanatory journalism before it was cool, moving from a career as a world-class economist to writing hard-hitting opinion columns. For an even deeper look at what’s on his mind, sign up for his weekly newsletter.]

One would think the outraged would be all over my blog because I pose a threat to those who believe in 'My way or the Highway' but perhaps what I propose [if you are unhappy living in civil society, leave] concurs with what they want to do although the main difference is I use the scales that weigh 'the good of the species' vs my personal list of pet those listed above attributed to our 'representatives' that allegedly reflect 'us'.

If the current batch of meat-puppets is the best it's going to get, we are definitely going about this whole process WRONG.

Which is why under A Simple Plan leaders will win their posts by besting all competitors to solve society's problems in a holistic manner. [Your solution shouldn't create more problems than it case you were wondering what holistic refers to in this instance.]

The media 'distracting' you from the gross mismanagement of the planet by its 'owners' stymies even the possibility of peaceful solution to the crisis created by those who claim to own the planet and therefore reserve for themselves the right to 'rule' the planet.

Where does this claim of ownership stand in light of the FACT that money is FICTION?

Do you need more proof that we must stop following the STUPID?

Brings us to the second part of this article; the one where the morons refuse to acknowledge there is no 'human flag' so they wrap themselves in the flag of the usurpers [those who 'assume' power from those chosen to lead] and mindlessly support insanity because 'loyalty' is more important to them than equity or justice.

We DESPERATELY need to cull the herd of the STUPID.

The percentage that honestly believe that those who disagree with them and their stupidity are a waste of buttwipe need their membership in society revoked.

Where do 'we' draw that line? With the 'Adam Smiths' of society. People who can't spell treachery never mind recognize it when they are doing it are also candidates for the One Way Naked walk in the Badlands.

Um, here's a 'universal' litmus test...if you think Dr. Smith on lost in space is 'funny' your membership in society is forfeit, a worthwhile individual is stupefied that the Robinsons didn't space the bastard immediately!

If you are that incapable of recognizing loathsome behavior in others chances are excellent you don't recognize those same traits in yourself.

Sadly, most of us fear mirrors and are incapable of accepting the idea we may be flawed or harbor false believes.

Yup this is why mirrors are part of the 'big three'.

People hate them because they dislike what it shows them.

Mind is a funny thing, eh?

The ONLY one that can change it is you...

Until next time Head,


Monday, March 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, one of my favorite hobby horses was the in your face lies the media shamelessly broadcasts for a paycheck.

If you or I did that in the performance of our jos we'd be fired with cause...or made CEO.

[Listen to me, I haven't worked in years and the above is partly the reason. To be a 'member in good standing' of the capitalist management system you have to sell the lie.

My employees and my customers liked me because I never lied to them...and I like to delude myself that my readers like me for the same reason. Conversely, My bosses lived in terror that I would expose them but I didn't because that would have made me totally unemployable.

That said, I tired of the management path that typically ended with being terminated for no reason despite much of what we do regularly defying logic...

Even back in the employee saddle I still managed to vex my superiors because they knew whose fault the problems really were...theirs.

If your assignment is flawed in the first place, whose fault is it when it goes sideways? Yours or the person who accepted it?

What am I talking about? Being given ten minutes to complete a twenty minute task, it's how I landed in management in the first place. I'm rather adept at pulling rabbits out of roasting pits [thinking my way out of tight spots usually with acceptable levels of collateral damage.]

But if the whole operation was flawed (and they ALL are due to the 'central premise' being flawed) the best I could manage was to re-arrange the deck chairs into their most favorable position.

And down they went.

Most of my resume is 'phantom' and I am in good company in that. The greatest generation would pride itself on having worked their entire career for one employer.

The ONLY people who manage that feat under 'fiat capitalism' are the progeny of the operation's owner.

Back when it was one of the nation's largest employers [due to war] the manufacturing sector was commonly referred to as 'The Gypsy Trade'. Unlike auto mechanics, machinists had wheels on their tool boxes because the only way to get a raise was to quit.

If the 'prevailing wage' in a given area was X and the guy that owned the shop down the street needed to hire more guys to meet contract he just won, that was 'raise time'. If you didn't quit, your would get nickel and dimed. If you pushed your tool box to the next shop you'd get at least quarter!

So we find where 'loyalty' died. Some blame the 'skinflint' capitalist while the capitalists blame the worker for 'taking advantage' and truth be told they were both wrong 'economically speaking'.

I remind you that it is not my purpose to tell you what to think but to provide you with something to think about!

IF 'job one' is Survival and Specialization greatly enhances our prospects for survival, this makes money 'necessary' for specialization because the learning process prevents the individual from accomplishing the tasks they need to perform to ensure their survival.

Money exists SOLELY so you don't have to do EVERYTHING yourself.

Misusing money is a crime.

One of the greatest crimes being committed society wide is not paying a worker enough to live on although that crime has long since been eclipsed by denying those who refuse to live on wages that can't support them from making any money at all. [The classifying of jobs that prevent the environment from being poisoned as 'unprofitable' or, at the least, damaging to profitability are a prime example of the WIDESPREAD MISMANAGEMENT I refer to in just about every post!

The ARMY of the UNEMPLOYED has waxed enormous...were somebody to arm them the resultant bloodshed would be 'unimaginable'.

So how long [and it's already been a horrendously long time] will you put up with the 'jaw-boning' and all of the 'happy talk' coming from people who obviously don't know their ass from a hole in the ground?

Nobody [not even the mythical Trumpsters] believes things are getting 'better' or going gangbusters because the evidence to the contrary is everywhere you look.

Um, I once again belabor the obvious when I point out that this is NOT and 'Accident' or intended to be anything more than 'plausible denial'.

The 'Happy Talk' is a fig leaf. We all know what's underneath but the fig leaf pretends to cover it.

Does it disturb you that the infamous 'they' [And I mean 'the criminals'] regularly 'jaw-bone' the stock markets and the Justice system does nothing?

Why do YOU suppose what passes for our economy 'doesn't work' [despite all the myopic 'happy talk'?]

That concludes today's broadcast, tune in tomorrow when we explore whether you are an idiot or merely a simpleton?

Until next time Head,


Sunday, March 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, when life wipes out plan A you have to dust yourself off and put plan B into action while you formulate plan C because the 'whipsaw' will keep cutting the pins out from under you as the endless battle for market share devastates every and all markets.

Did you catch today's headlines? The gig economy is going tits up just like the service economy did because both were based on the concept of a consumer with free cash to spend.

That bird has become a rare one indeed as the 'more for me' crowd scours the landscape looking for the next big swindle.

With Uber & Lyft sucking pond water because business travel is going the way of the postal service will the multi-generational mortgage save the banksters from extinction?

When management turns predatory [they barely make payroll because their product isn't particularly competitive/unique the only place a flat product/market offers gains is from the employees.

More with less is the new profit center, just as multi-tasking [not because it improves performance but it reduces overhead] becomes a do it and like it strategy.

So what's your plan C? [Are you] keeping the shotgun in top working order (because your next job will be marauder, stealing what you can no longer afford to buy...because management spent all it could borrow buying shares in the company and there wasn't anything left over for raises...and the one measly percent you got last year was a third of what inflation took.

Now [thanks to Trump's 'trade war'] you won't get anything this year because the company isn't 'competitive'. Nor will it ever be so long as we let the banksters value money within a nation to THEIR best advantage!

Yet another wake up and smell the napalm moment. Money hitched to nothing is nothing.

Worse, the people demanding you do more with nothing are ripping you off because it's not their problem if you can't live on what they pay you. [You know full well whose problem it is.]

So what's YOUR plan C?

Aren't thinking that far ahead because you can't see where any of this is headed? Funny how a postcard in the mail can send you off to war but you can't do the same thing when the nation is being forced under the waves of tyranny?

Where's our Liberty Tree? Where do the angry meet up to take on the feckless that are stealing our children's future?

Because in case you are too STUPID to see it, that is exactly the situation here. Your future is fried and for reasons unknown you seem to think the kids will be fine...W T F is WRONG WITH YOU?

How insipid of the truly foolish to tell us to 'run for office' while the legal system remains under the control of the criminals.

Nothing is going to change if we can't restore justice...not that we can even remember a time when justice reigned and that is a mighty sad statement all by itself.

The liars will point to the second 'Great War', ignoring that it was waged by the same people that are running civilization into the ground today.

We are literally inches away from the return of slavery [and if it means three squares and a roof over your head most would gladly embrace it because they don't truly understand just how greedy and demanding 'Massa' really is.

ASP is there for the taking but nobody seems able to make 'common cause' with their fellow humans, thanks to the machinations of the feckless that also happen to be the slavers.

Look sharp because NOBODY'S got your back...


Saturday, March 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we approach the end of this website the 'fog of obfuscation' grows thicker as the noose tightens around the neck of faux democracy. Funny how cinema mirrors reality because this is the End Game for life as we have come to know it.

Yesterday's travesty of justice is just one more example of a corrupt system run by criminals.

Will ANY of the candidates from either side of the faux political divide take on the fetid pool that serves as the justice system?

Nobody DARES and until that changes we are all living in a cesspool.

Before becoming the Military-Industrial complex they were better known as the Robber Barons and before that we called them 'your majesty' because every one of them was a ROYAL!

They considered themselves 'noble' for letting you LIVE!

But I digress.

Our focus is on who is responsible for this shitshow that is devastating society and ruining the planet?

WHO is both money AND power?


We aren't talking Al Capone or John Dillinger, we're talking the Morgans, the Mellons and the Rockefellers who are part of the Rothschild criminal organization.

Who keeps the world's greatest Ponzi scheme operating in plain sight? The planet's 'stock markets' are the by-product of the planet's crime family.

There is a coup being plotted [thus the emergence of the Bit-coin] and when they cap off their criminal enterprise with an 'untouchable' layer of faux government there will be war on a level heretofore unseen.

Most know they have zero say in their national government, well, only the leaders of national governments will be allowed to vote in the new global government, which will provide the criminals with the cover they need to operate with impunity world-wide.

In case you were wondering where all of this kabuki bullshit was headed...

Now you's your worst nightmare, times ten.

Your 'need' for food has painted you into a 'comply or die' corner. The 'resistance' will naturally turn renegade and steal what they need to live while the usurpers declare them 'outlaws' and order them exterminated by those too stupid to ask questions, nevermind reach logical conclusions.

And you think you're afraid of the people handed badges now? Just wait until you get a load of what's coming!

If you haven't been paying attention, this is how it's ALWAYS been done. [That's why the cops are quick to exonerate one of their own, because nobody wants to have the conversation starting with the question 'what was numbnuts doing with a badge in the first place?']

Do I need to point at the people running things (again) or draw your attention to the gross mismanagement/incompetence?

If we FIRED the fuckers and told their replacements they would suffer the same fate if they didn't straighten up do you think we'd see some 'results'?

Sure would but we'd need to start weeding out 'the corruptors' while we were at it or the shit show would return in weeks if not days.

Who are the corrupters? These are people pretending to be officials but they are simply posers with flimsy credentials. They walk in and take over, asserting their FAKE authority until they remove the people charged with straightening things out and assume the job themselves.

Sadly it's a simple as that and they have done it EVERY TIME regime change has threatened them with 'exposure' to a legal system they didn't fully control.

Hung from the nearest light pole.

When these posers are discovered, that will be their fate.

You gotta step up and be vigilant.

The situation is salvageable if only because corruption at this level is unsustainable.

Nobody is more astonished than they are that they've kept it together for this long.

While they are preparing to shoot the moon [global government] the whole leaky edifice is collapsing underneath them and chaos is staring them in the face because there aren't enough of them to hold it together...and there ain't a damn thing they can do about it.

Somewhat ironic that you aren't the only one suffering from delusional deception disorder, the 'useful idiots' who are just following orders don't have the mental horsepower to realize they are attempting the impossible with absolutely nothing.

Sort of redefines the creed that starts with "We the unwilling, lead by the ungrateful" doesn't it?

What's worse? That it won't work or it's too late to stop it?

Good thing we have a 'back up plan'! [I double dare ya to ask 'what back up plan?']

Thanks once again for stopping by and having a look see, there's not tellin' how much of this you understand...


Friday, March 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, like maps, compasses tell us what direction we are headed in but like so many other things in life, if there is more than one choice humans have a tendency to argue about which one is accurate, often for no other reason than to be 'contrary'. Show them the map and the compass and they will argue both are upside down despite the evidence of either.

Where is this going? Today's sojourn started with trip down the 'happiness' rabbit hole and ended with puzzle for the MAGA cap wearing morons regarding the record high suicide rate.

Are we 'Great' yet or do we ALL need to off ourselves?

Encountered a similar puzzle yesterday with the markets poised to launch a new batch of millionaires thanks to another IPO boomlet.

Property prices in (of all places) San Francisco are spiking just in anticipation of this fresh demand.

Why would anybody buy in the land that burns and shakes? [What kind of sense is that again? Somehow I don't think that's what term 'common' refers to.]

Let us return briefly to this morning's encounter with a 2 year old article from the Atlantic that raised the question of why 'Smart' = unhappy...and then proceeds to chase that thought across the landscape losing sight of both truths.

Smart is not the font of 'happiness' just as money has zero to do with intelligence.

If you have money in this society you are a criminal, easy-peasy.

Um, the now ancient observation that to a thinking man this life is a comedy [because almost everything we do is stupid, often hilariously so.] and to a feeling man this life is a tragedy (sometimes of epic proportions) as we idiotically discard/bypass what is most precious in the pursuit of our baser desires.

The world is not a happy place largely because most of us have no frickin' clue what happiness is. Doesn't matter if you are smart or dumb if you fail to appreciate the entire package.

[Preacher mode: ON] Life is 'holistic'. Tyranny isn't enjoyable (not even for the tyrant, contrary to popular belief.) Living as we do, drowning in a sea of injustice because our belief system is totally devoid of equality [even God is our 'Master' that doesn't want us to thrive, his principle commandment is OBEDIENCE!]

Humans seem incapable of understanding that there is more than one factor involved in building a 'happy' life. Worse, those who have lead in the past have ignored Equality because it meant 'more for them'. More for them is the ONLY reason anyone seeks the mantle of leadership which is why it is foolish to bestow such a powerful gift upon the self-serving, it is a double curse to hand it to the stupid.

ASP is designed around Equality, Justice and Peace. [We are] One people with One goal, survival. Survival relies on managing what there is so it will be there for future generations. Do ANY of our 'meat puppets' 'politicians' even nod at this basic necessity?

Don't think on that one too hard because the obvious answer is the correct one, it is also the short

Because you 'assume' it doesn't mean they are even thinking about it.

One last thing before I disable Preacher mode, Life is neither good nor bad, life simply is. [The good or bad comes entirely from YOU.]

Were we, er, 'insightful enough' to appreciate the 'duality' of fate we would be able to appreciate that our happy often comes at the price of someone else's dreams being dashed.

[Preacher mode: OFF]

Can't resist the urge to 'pontificate' a bit more [what some consider 'belaboring the obvious' is still educational to the befuddled!]

It is from the observation that 'luck and doom' are two sides of the same coin that we derive the eternal struggle for 'balance', not so much between good and evil but between action and inertia.

Stasis is death, the end result of 'conservatism'.

Viva chaos!


Thursday, March 7, 2019


Greetings good citizen, most of us ignore the purpose of life, we have two jobs, three if we're lucky (and I don't mean employment opportunities) EMPLOYED OR NOT you have to keep a roof over your head and food in your stomach.

Do you need to read that a dozen more times? Pretty straight-forward but there are a surprising number of you that BELIEVE these facts are beneath your notice and so it is we 'ignore' the myriad individuals who are forced into the 'take it' route rather than making it.

Thanks to gross mismanagement (and it is on a colossal scale) that there aren't enough jobs so everybody can enjoy a steady income.

The 'risk adverse' declare poverty and take what society gives unfortunate one of the first things the impoverished are given is a target for the Armed Thugs to aim at.

The, er, BOLD although the more accurate description is those of a criminal bent, satisfy the two 'requirements' by taking what they happen upon (a majority of theft is petty theft) usually centered on turning someone else's 'minor assets' into spending cash for life's small 'luxuries'.

The cognizant don't need a picture drawn for them (although most of you don't spend a lot of time thinking about the trap you have failed to liberate yourself from.) You've got a roof over your head and food in your stomach (if you want to call it that...) Screw the poor, let them deal with it the way 'society' tells us all to deal, by getting a JOB!

Brings us full circle to the issue of finding work and being able to live on what that job pays you.

Fact is most minimum wage jobs AREN'T full time not that anybody can live on forty hours of minimum pay...but hey, if you work hard [while your starving to death] your efforts will be rewarded in a year or so with a raise (that fails to equal inflation.)

The 'unspoken' here is which you will reach first, solvency or the grave?

Grow dissatisfied with that noise and your 'alternative' is to join the 'free' economy of converting other people's assets into spending cash.

Why do you think I want to eliminate cash!

Not to starve out the disadvantaged but to offer them a life free of woe. They won't have to choose between eating and freezing to death because their home will be FREE.

Most of us live like animals so a few of us can have more than they can spend.

While what passes for justice turns a blind eye. [Fire the thugs, exile the judges!]

Anyone old enough to know where the bear shits knows we are living UNDER a 'Den of Thieves'.

It is not just the Communists who [according to the capitalist] 'pretended to work' while their masters pretended to pay them.'

If you 'do the math' here, it illustrates why the thing we know as money is actually 'fiction'...or you can at least 'pretend' you aren't stupid.

Wanna bring on the apocalypse? Eliminate cash. Within hours the streets will run with blood.

First tell the thugs [the original 'easier to take it than make it' crowd] they are out of a job, then outlaw 'hard currency'.

The bizarre part of this is it's not like there is a lack of things that need doing, in fact too much has been neglected for the sake of 'profits'.

Yes good citizen, the cesspool we all are forced to live in is directly due to mass stupidity!

There is work a plenty and it all pays 'a living wage'!

The 'bad news' is NOBODY gets 'stupid rich'.

You all dream of a day when you won't have to do anything and when you finally get there you complain you're bored...

Let's end the madness and all 'do our share' and actually use our 'free time' to learn and grow!

YOU are being PLAYED.

It won't stop until YOU get your head on straight...

Now all you need to do is find the fucker...

Thanks Head. Till next time,
