Greetings Peasant, you are often being told how well the economy is doing but you can't test this for yourself because your situation remains unchanged.
Your employer squanders its considerable profits buying back it's own stock to keep/retain their top-performing managers so when raise time comes around you'll get the need to remain 'competitive' speech with the undertone that you should be thankful that you still have a job at all. Soon your continued employment will be threatened, not by 'cheaper', 'smarter' people from Asia but by free A.I.
Then will you believe the economy is broken? [Start chanting the refrain, maybe this time at the tops of your lungs!]
Pay to play ain't the way.
Especially considering ALL MONEY IS FUNNY. It has NO fixed value and because of that, it is subject to change RANDOMLY.
Is that what you are staking you and your's future on, Dummy? [Yes, please chant the refrain!]
That doesn't change until YOU change it.
Not telling anyone what to do but it is a leader's job to solve problems. Elephant on the room, artificial shortages. Half of the workforce doesn't. Imagine what could be accomplished if we put that idle fifty percent to work!
(Mis) management tells us there aren't enough 'qualified' workers to tackle humanity's pressing problems, that's why we have a for-profit educational system turning out morons that still have to be trained ON THE JOB! ASP is based on an apprenticeship model of old where the individual, in tandem with the educational system, nurtures and helps to discover the child's innate talents.
Everybody works because NOBODY skates! Better still, paychecks all around! Nobody gets to pocket the (pretend) profits.
You can't afford life on forty hours so how the hell are you supposed to afford it on twenty? [Yup, there are too many to stick with just three shifts.] The work-week would be reduced to twenty hours [how will you 'get ahead' now?] It will be all you can do to avoid starvation...unless most of the items you are currently expected to pay for become gimmes!
Housing, free. Transportation, free [public] If the job requires it you will be given free personal transport, otherwise motor vehicles will work on a 'zip car' model where all YOU pay for out of your paycheck is the fuel you use.
To minimize 'waste' you will be required to 'pay' for food, which is where supply and demand will come in. This will take a degree of tweaking because 'the economy' isn't used to full participation but we could literally start tomorrow.
Our biggest problem as a species is mismanagement. Fire the freaks and problem solved.
That said, a lot of current industries will vanish. Work in FIRE? Not any more. The same deal goes for legal and you won't even be missed! The entire political system will be dismantled as MANAGEMENT both competent an accountable replaces the 'Crony-infested' political system, which will be frog-marched into exile for their crimes against humanity.
Blue suits and robes can all kiss their former jobs goodbye. The law belongs to all who agree to abide by it. Those who disagree will be provided with free transportation to a place where they can live any way they choose, naked.
[Those who fail to value the benefits of civil society shall forfeit them. Clothes are a product of social cooperation. Disavow your membership in society and you will be required to make your own clothes out of whatever you happen to find without the assistance of the tools civil society provides.]
Real society and real participation, no more 'surplus' and no more 'headcount'! Are You ready to become a citizen and stop being a victim?
Fair warning, there will be a 'trainwreck ahead, an avoidable one but you have a job to do first before we can restore 'normalcy' and resume a life worth living.
Follow me or follow them?
It's a choice you don't currently enjoy.
Your employer squanders its considerable profits buying back it's own stock to keep/retain their top-performing managers so when raise time comes around you'll get the need to remain 'competitive' speech with the undertone that you should be thankful that you still have a job at all. Soon your continued employment will be threatened, not by 'cheaper', 'smarter' people from Asia but by free A.I.
Then will you believe the economy is broken? [Start chanting the refrain, maybe this time at the tops of your lungs!]
Pay to play ain't the way.
Especially considering ALL MONEY IS FUNNY. It has NO fixed value and because of that, it is subject to change RANDOMLY.
Is that what you are staking you and your's future on, Dummy? [Yes, please chant the refrain!]
That doesn't change until YOU change it.
Not telling anyone what to do but it is a leader's job to solve problems. Elephant on the room, artificial shortages. Half of the workforce doesn't. Imagine what could be accomplished if we put that idle fifty percent to work!
(Mis) management tells us there aren't enough 'qualified' workers to tackle humanity's pressing problems, that's why we have a for-profit educational system turning out morons that still have to be trained ON THE JOB! ASP is based on an apprenticeship model of old where the individual, in tandem with the educational system, nurtures and helps to discover the child's innate talents.
Everybody works because NOBODY skates! Better still, paychecks all around! Nobody gets to pocket the (pretend) profits.
You can't afford life on forty hours so how the hell are you supposed to afford it on twenty? [Yup, there are too many to stick with just three shifts.] The work-week would be reduced to twenty hours [how will you 'get ahead' now?] It will be all you can do to avoid starvation...unless most of the items you are currently expected to pay for become gimmes!
Housing, free. Transportation, free [public] If the job requires it you will be given free personal transport, otherwise motor vehicles will work on a 'zip car' model where all YOU pay for out of your paycheck is the fuel you use.
To minimize 'waste' you will be required to 'pay' for food, which is where supply and demand will come in. This will take a degree of tweaking because 'the economy' isn't used to full participation but we could literally start tomorrow.
Our biggest problem as a species is mismanagement. Fire the freaks and problem solved.
That said, a lot of current industries will vanish. Work in FIRE? Not any more. The same deal goes for legal and you won't even be missed! The entire political system will be dismantled as MANAGEMENT both competent an accountable replaces the 'Crony-infested' political system, which will be frog-marched into exile for their crimes against humanity.
Blue suits and robes can all kiss their former jobs goodbye. The law belongs to all who agree to abide by it. Those who disagree will be provided with free transportation to a place where they can live any way they choose, naked.
[Those who fail to value the benefits of civil society shall forfeit them. Clothes are a product of social cooperation. Disavow your membership in society and you will be required to make your own clothes out of whatever you happen to find without the assistance of the tools civil society provides.]
Real society and real participation, no more 'surplus' and no more 'headcount'! Are You ready to become a citizen and stop being a victim?
Fair warning, there will be a 'trainwreck ahead, an avoidable one but you have a job to do first before we can restore 'normalcy' and resume a life worth living.
Follow me or follow them?
It's a choice you don't currently enjoy.