Greetings constant reader, just as you have an insatiable appetite to read and expand your worldview, we authors suffer from itchy fingers. There are topics on our minds that we want to write about but it's not quite in step with what our audience expects from us [this post turned into exactly that, sorry] but we want to let it out into the open if only to get it where it can be seen and perhaps appreciated.
The funny thing about audiences is how two people can read the same piece and each will come away with a different take on what the writer is attempting to communicate. This is especially difficult for someone like myself who regards words as blunt axes only capable of conveying the broadest of notions. Perhaps the skill in writing comes from following the KISS rule but that leaves you hungry to express yourself more fully.
If there is one thing humans crave it is the desire to be understood. I suppose writers are the only ones foolish enough to actually try it. Writing instructors LOVE Hemingway..I'd rather read wallpaper, it is my opinion that Ernie's writing lacks depth. It is an emotionless description devoid of meaning. You may feel like you're there but his writing is devoid of warmth or depth.
Me, I can describe hell in exquisite detail but that's because we've all been there. The reader doesn't want you to tell them what they already know. They want a living breathing adventure and only the very best can deliver.
Poets use meter and rhyme to paint concepts the reader must be receptive to for them to be appreciated, bringing us full circle to my blunt ax analogy.
Depending on your perspective you find my work thought-provoking or 'whiny' but that's conditioning, we tend to be influenced heavily by our role models as we fashion our adult mindset...and we don't know what's correct, we just want to be accepted while we strive to be respected for our, er, refinement.
What am I attempting to cut here with these blunt axes?
I've been blogging for thirty years, partly to hone my skills as a writer but also to raise awareness that things aren't what they seem in the land of perpetual disappointment.
People like me make noise to raise awareness regarding needed corrections and to propose changes beneficial to society, a risky undertaking when the self-serving have decided we aren't capable of mustering enough unity to pull off a revolt.
If WE don't unify as a species we won't survive to see the end of the century. Most of you don't see it and the feckless aren't about to tell you, hey, we've got to start getting along and working on our sustainability.
Ain't gonna happen until things are too far gone to turn around.
That's why you have idiots like me on the 'front lines' of the battle to save humanity from the self-serving putzes trying to solve the problem by weaponizing viruses!
Some of you think I'm crazy to be worried about our lack of progress but if nobody does anything, nothing is going to get done.
Too many 'movements' with plenty of fire but no idea how to get a seat at the table. Worse, the bad guys have the Law on their side. Use our best weapon, people power and the shitheads show up with riot guns, tasers and pepper spray which they use indiscriminately.
Occupy SHOULD HAVE worked but it didn't have any LEVERAGE.
The law and this land belongs to those who rely on it, not for their wealth but for their SURVIVAL!
Please wake the fuck up.
The funny thing about audiences is how two people can read the same piece and each will come away with a different take on what the writer is attempting to communicate. This is especially difficult for someone like myself who regards words as blunt axes only capable of conveying the broadest of notions. Perhaps the skill in writing comes from following the KISS rule but that leaves you hungry to express yourself more fully.
If there is one thing humans crave it is the desire to be understood. I suppose writers are the only ones foolish enough to actually try it. Writing instructors LOVE Hemingway..I'd rather read wallpaper, it is my opinion that Ernie's writing lacks depth. It is an emotionless description devoid of meaning. You may feel like you're there but his writing is devoid of warmth or depth.
Me, I can describe hell in exquisite detail but that's because we've all been there. The reader doesn't want you to tell them what they already know. They want a living breathing adventure and only the very best can deliver.
Poets use meter and rhyme to paint concepts the reader must be receptive to for them to be appreciated, bringing us full circle to my blunt ax analogy.
Depending on your perspective you find my work thought-provoking or 'whiny' but that's conditioning, we tend to be influenced heavily by our role models as we fashion our adult mindset...and we don't know what's correct, we just want to be accepted while we strive to be respected for our, er, refinement.
What am I attempting to cut here with these blunt axes?
I've been blogging for thirty years, partly to hone my skills as a writer but also to raise awareness that things aren't what they seem in the land of perpetual disappointment.
People like me make noise to raise awareness regarding needed corrections and to propose changes beneficial to society, a risky undertaking when the self-serving have decided we aren't capable of mustering enough unity to pull off a revolt.
If WE don't unify as a species we won't survive to see the end of the century. Most of you don't see it and the feckless aren't about to tell you, hey, we've got to start getting along and working on our sustainability.
Ain't gonna happen until things are too far gone to turn around.
That's why you have idiots like me on the 'front lines' of the battle to save humanity from the self-serving putzes trying to solve the problem by weaponizing viruses!
Some of you think I'm crazy to be worried about our lack of progress but if nobody does anything, nothing is going to get done.
Too many 'movements' with plenty of fire but no idea how to get a seat at the table. Worse, the bad guys have the Law on their side. Use our best weapon, people power and the shitheads show up with riot guns, tasers and pepper spray which they use indiscriminately.
Occupy SHOULD HAVE worked but it didn't have any LEVERAGE.
The law and this land belongs to those who rely on it, not for their wealth but for their SURVIVAL!
Please wake the fuck up.