Sunday, May 31, 2020


Greetings peasant, while the primary victims of extra-judicial murder (to date) have been minorities, the message sent by this practice is how any one of us could be the next George Floyd. 

The fact that prosecutors have repeatedly REFUSED to prosecute these murderers highlights how institutionalized the practice has become.

If you aren't a 'friend of the court' you have zero protection from the local murder posse more colloquially known as the cops.

The protestors at Black Lives Matter rallies are increasingly white as the public recognizes where the failure to prosecute ANY murder leads.

That said, the 'us' vs. 'them' game has come full circle, it's seldom about white versus black, it's always about peasants versus royals.

If you aren't 'a friend of the court' then you are 'human garbage'. This is exactly how the cops regard those who struggle to survive on the scraps life's owners toss at them.

It's all about mindset folks and the cops have been taught that they are society's 'garbage men'.

The lying media has worked diligently to make this a color issue and the believers of dumb things have bought this explanation until the facts surrounding the latest execution came to light and a pattern was revealed.

Any one of us could be the next George Floyd.

Nobody is safe when the brotherhood of the badge declares themselves exempt from prosecution and metes out their own brand of justice however and whenever they see fit (because 'fit' is the one thing they aren't!) 

If you aren't part of the 'master class', you risk your life and liberty every time you venture from home's relative safety.

Mommas, don't let your babies be cops. [In a civil future, the job won't exist.]

While the lying media lionizes them as heroes they remain what they started out as, thugs with jobs.

The cops do NOT exist to protect YOU. They do, however, protect life/society's criminal class who pretend to OWN what belongs to us all.

The truth has finally been revealed, these people and the people they work for CAN'T BE TRUSTED.

The 'protests' that have in many cases devolved into riots will soon become civil war as the peasants fight for their lives against those who put themselves ABOVE THE LAW.

What's at stake?

Your future peace and prosperity.

Those who control money have decided they don't need you anymore and they are using their control of finance to pay half of us to murder the other half.

Don't suppose we have a 'criminal problem' here, do ya?

You're not imagining this, things are getting real.

Lead, follow, or run for cover!


Saturday, May 30, 2020


Greetings headcount, yesterday's post ran afoul of the community standards rule and was blocked by Facebook.

As riots spread across the nation censorship becomes a moot point as the 'above the law' crowd exempts itself from the laws the rest of us agree to abide by in the fake pursuit of 'maintaining order'.

Pillars, good citizen. Without Equality, there can be No JUSTICE and without Justice, there can be no PEACE (as evidenced by the rioting and the arrest of news crews covering the riots sparked by the latest miscarriage of justice.)

The 'Above the Law' crowd doesn't want you to know that the law-abiding public is united against the miscarriage of justice. If we hold the unjust accountable, where does it stop?

No justice for one is no justice for all.

You, constant reader, will be obliged to fill in your own blanks here because we are already treading dangerously close to the edge of 'community standards' which may have already been rolled back to the banality that has dominated the 'Trumped up' pandemic.

The clear and present danger is one we have been slipping backwards into for quite some time. As 'talk to the hand' has dominated the complaint response system usurped by the conservatives after 'Morning in America' the public has grown accustomed to the 'what are YOU gonna do about it?' attitude displayed when those empowered to act in the public interest overreach their mandate.

The media informs us that the murdering EX, (had to get that part in there, they want you to believe he was fired when he murdered a civilian for no legitimate reason!) Policeman has been arrested.

What about the other three who stood there watching while their teammate murdered a piece of 'human garbage'? 

This is the prevailing opinion that most badge-wearing officials have of the people they allege to 'serve'.

You, good citizen, are human garbage in the eyes of the people that wear badges for a paycheck. [Is that too much truth for you, censor?]

Can't speak for ALL cops but more than a few of them have expressed this sentiment to each other when they drop their guard or feel the need to flex their muscles and let the rest of us know who has the POWER.

Maybe our community standards moron is a cop...albeit of a different stripe. 

This is where the line between protecting the community and protecting yourself crosses.

Can YOU handle the truth? Not if somebody else gets to decide for you.

Let's see if this post gets blocked too.

The worst part is there is nobody to protest to. The cop that cites you has already made up their mind that you are guilty.

The truth doesn't matter because the Judge will only see you once or twice but he has to deal with the gun toter regularly. Despite being a judge, he still needs 'the team' to back him up when shit gets real like it is right now in Minneapolis.

This is why there will be no 'above the law' badge toting morons under ASP. Civil society is 'self-policing' from top to bottom because NOBODY is Above the Law and that includes you, you censoring bastard.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


Friday, May 29, 2020


Greetings fearful and anxious, like the tale of the boy who cried wolf, the public is learning the hard way about the consequences of trusting too much.

Under Monarchy, the 'guard' was employed by the crown and operated with 'impunity' thanks to the quid pro quo of, We protect the king so the king protects Us.

Modern 'civilian' police forces are still comprised of patronage and 'legacy'. If your ancestor was a member of the Brotherhood, then you got made.

Disturbing how closely the (alleged) forces of justice resemble the criminal organizations they blame the courts for continuing to thrive.

It is these fundamental flaws in the justice system that leads society to question the competence of the people PRETENDING to manage our affairs.

The point of today's post is not the corrupt core of capitalism but the crucial trust deficit Institutionalized Corruption fosters society-wide.

Difficult to determine which is more disturbing, a cop that was ignorant of the fact that killing a suspect in custody was a violation of the very laws the officer is SWORN to uphold or the Chief's decision to 'fire' the officers involved rather than having them arrested for the MURDER they just committed?

Does ANYONE know what happened to the 'fake twenty' that initiated the senseless strangulation of a man denied a trial by a moron with a gun and a badge? A man with an unshakable belief that he wouldn't be prosecuted for the murder he committed?

Just as disturbing is why NOBODY moved to stop this. That is how far the glue of society has eroded. No-one even attempted to stop the murderer because they feared being killed and having it 'officially ignored'.


How far is TOO FAR?

Civilization operates on TRUST. The only reason we don't kill one another on sight is a tacit agreement to 'trust' each other.

When that 'trust' devolves into a quid pro quo arrangement between the branches of the justice system that places the public on the outside looking in, the system is WORTHLESS.

In case any of you were wondering, these are precisely the circumstances the Founders forewarned us of when a society is 'overdue' for a revolt.

COVID be damned, when those who pretend to protect the public's interests unleash murder upon the populace, the time has come to 'purge' the corrupt power structure.

The key flaw in any 'system of government' is allowing the self-interested to control the justice system.

The law, to be 'just', MUST treat all who agree to live under it 'equally'.

It is only since Morning in America that Cops have become 'immunized' against murder, something NOBODY voted for.

What was the Chief thinking? [Probably quick, get this idiot out of here before I lose MY job!] 

What 'brick wall' has the public run into? There is NOTHING they can do about the mayor/governor [Who sic'd the Guard on the rioters last night.]

Can't remove THEIR incompetent asses until the next election and neither one of them can be prosecuted for crimes committed under their watch!

Says a lot about a system when the politicians start using the publicly funded police force as their personal guard.

What's the 'take away' here, Headcount?

Time to play shoot first and ask questions later. That badge has officially become a target. Aim for the head because the bastards clipped us for body armor.

Good hunting! [Kill or BE killed is the law of the jungle. The next victim of police violence could be YOU or someone you love!]


Thursday, May 28, 2020


Greetings oh, malleable one! We are influenced by many factors as we are herded along the aisles of circumstance towards the chute that leads to the endless sleep. [Never hurts to be mindful that all of this is temporary.] The process makes us over yet we have no idea what the goal/purpose of this molding process is.

Still, here we are, kicking and screaming despite being unable to alter our circumstances. Existence itself is void of both meaning or purpose (which is not to say that we don't create our own meanings and purposes as we bump along, heedless of the chute.)

Whether we are cake batter or potters clay isn't worthy of debate. There is more than a little karmic retribution in the phrase, "Man plans and God laughs."

Being what we are, it is a human tendency to attach meaning that may or MAY NOT be there.

One thing is a given. We are being lied to, the question is by? (and yet again the word simply doesn't exist.) 

We lie to ourselves (again words fail. Even the verb constantly falls short of the mark.)

Is this why people refuse to 'think'? [Too many dead ends and no 'good' answers?] How many of you survive this squalid existence by reminding yourself that it will all be over soon?

Sadly, most of us are caught up in the need to make sense of it all. In this context, it becomes difficult (if not impossible) to know whether laughing or crying is the appropriate response.

It is this (omnipresent) 'futility' that drove me to create A Simple Plan, a formula for the equitable treatment of our fellow inmates in this otherworldly lock-up for the criminally insane.

Intuition tells me things won't improve until we improve them, even if that means creating (some) of our own answers.

This is no different than what the half-wits in charge regularly do (and each time they do it, something else goes horribly wrong!)

Can't build if you don't know how to use  ALL of the tools/materials. Our society is ruined because the self-professed chefs ignore the most crucial ingredients along with how to utilize them.

Did I mention the plan is simple because it involves easy to comprehend (and explain) concepts?

It ALL flows from Equality. While the authors of this shitshow pay lip service to equality, you can't find it anywhere in the mix and the divides this neglect creates are deadly.

Until a united we correct this flaw in the process the end result will remain garbage.

Shit is neither good nor bad, shit simply is.

Incompetence makes shit so the solution is to remove the incompetent.

Anyone need me to draw them a picture?

Peace, (another seriously neglected ingredient.)


Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Greetings citizen warrior, twenty years ago the (impoverished) United States launched an invasion of the Graveyard of Empires to, er, 'punish' those in control for providing 'aid & comfort' to Osama Bin Laden for Al-Quieda's open attack on US soil.

The Taliban, unremarkably enough, is still there and we are negotiating with them so we can exit, er, peacefully.

Why weren't the Talibs declared criminals and practicing Talibanism a crime? Too logical? (Chant the refrain.)

The invasion and its aftermath have ushered in miraculous innovations in battlefield medicine and cost the US and its allies an entire generation [because donning a uniform and picking up a gun became the 'only game in town'.]

It wasn't supposed to end like this. The original plan was to 'grow' the conflict into another global 'brushfire' war where attrition wiped out useless civilian populations that would be written off as 'collateral damage' in the global war on Terra!

Turns out that plan had to be aborted because it was poorly planned. It would eventually be revealed that the attackers [Global Evangelical Protestantism] were just making shit up to invade and murder people that resisted their tyrannical worldview.

Just because they refuse to acknowledge American Exceptionalism as tyranny doesn't mean the rest of the world is blind. That and the Chinese and the Hindus are both non-Christian AND nuclear-armed.

See what I mean by 'not well thought out?'

Who is the boogeyman here? All in how you 'judge', isn't it?

Under ASP religion becomes a 'personal' commitment. If ANY individual ATTEMPTS to convert others [via ANY method] it becomes grounds for exile. You (along with everyone else) are HUMAN FIRST. You are free to worship anything you like ON YOUR OWN (in ways that don't harm or influence others) and you will be left to seek spiritual completion in your own peaceful way.

Start dictating to others right from wrong and forfeit your membership in civil society.

Religion is how the criminals keep the law on a short leash.

Thou shalt not kill. [Even if the SOB richly deserves it?] Under ASP you can 'invite' whoever is callous enough to offend you to settle your differences upon the field of honor, a remedy currently denied to you because justice has been usurped by the criminals.

Yes, Virginia, there is a very clear line where YOU stop and WE begin.

None of us are here alone. This will never be, 'The world according to me.' Unity is the only way forward and anything or anyone that causes division shall be banished for their rejection of a united humanity.

Religion forms the foundation of 'groupthink' [You know, "I believe what I believe because I believe it, end of story."] Groupthink (or allowing others to think FOR YOU) is where war comes from because it is how the 'non-believer' gets demonized.

The criminals LOVE groupthink...until it turns on THEM.

Again, not what to think but certainly something to think about, eh?

Not that anyone has ever asked you (but I will.)

What do YOU think?


Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Greetings angry and confused, turns out the media has been 'toggling' between national and global death tolls creating confusion because the two numbers are so close.

Their failure to identify which number they were referring to, national or global, made them sound schizophrenic. The disturbing part of this faux pas is it highlights how 'out of whack' the crisis is.

While Murika BELIEVES that it is the 'greatest nation, it is by no means the most populous.

Is the failure of capitalism to blame for the United State's status of having the highest death toll?

The maskless Pussygrabbing Flag-humper openly calls destitute, third world nations hellholes while ignoring the fact that the planets only surviving nuclear superpower is also too impoverished to effectively combat the disease.

The disease, notoriously communicable (or so we are told) started in China, Is the Chinese media that successful in repressing information or is the US media a lying bag of scum?

Is this really part of the mindset that we do things BIG in Murika? There is one thing we do huge around here although whether or not we are 'the best' at it remains debatable.

This leads us to the rhetorical question of, "how delusional are you?" [everybody knows...]

Beneath the facade of stability projected by the planet's lying media is the fact that the entire planet's power structure is controlled by the same mentally unstable (freaks) individuals that refuse to abandon predatory capitalism, [Thor Ragnarok defines modern capitalism best, 'prisoners with jobs'.]

Words can't alter facts. Sadly, this is precisely where stupid comes from. [They claimed it wasn't Slavery and you (dumbass) took their word for it!]

Dumb/stupid, potato/potatoe.

Deeds not words, that is how we are all 'known'.

In the past, I supported the idea that a world rightly fearful of nuclear annihilation would demand that the world's sole remaining nuclear superpower surrender its control of the clear and present danger to all humanity.

I stated such a ludicrous idea believing that some portion of humanity still possessed the capacity to recognize the danger and act to circumvent it.

History shows us that such an idea is actually (as the kids put it) A Big Dumb.

Much of humanity trembles in fear of an unaccountable leadership that demands total, instant obedience.

They only hold power because YOU give it to them.


You don't need a crystal ball to see how this all 'ends'.

The [failed] pandemic has pushed civilization past its breaking point. What do you suppose the self-interested's reaction will be to demands for justice?

Another crisis? How about an 'accidental' nuclear war?

How would you know it was deliberate?

Sadly, there's the rub.

Not what to think but surely plenty to think about.


Monday, May 25, 2020


Greetings cloistered hothouse plants, today is the day set aside for people who can barely spell patriotism to get their patriotic freak on and wrap themselves in the flag, swearing fealty to King & Country while shedding crocodile tears for 'the fallen', most of whom they never met or knew the slightest thing about.

Are we a nation of psychopaths so devoid of empathy that we descend into jingoism as a defense for our unwillingness to put a stop to the murderous criminals?

The ONLY thing DUMBER than war is Capitalism. Does nobody recognize the falseness of their patriotism or the larger issue that the ONLY things that truly matter are EQUALITY and JUSTICE? [Without EQUALITY there CAN BE NO JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE or 'true prosperity'.]

Let's cap that with the fact that the 'mind' only works if you a.) have one and b.) open/use it.

Can't educate anyone that thinks they know all the answers. War is a failure to open the mind and use it, choosing pettiness and brute force instead.

Might never makes RIGHT. Thus dying in the service of tyranny CAN NEVER BE 'heroic'. Needless death is always 'tragic' but the two aren't related.

Like a majority of the things you regularly 'go along with' you obviously never THINK about ANY of them.

Worse, patriotism, in support of tyranny is an act of mindlessness.

Small wonder we spend much of our time nowadays pointing fingers at one another, screaming MORON at the tops of our lungs.

None are so blind as those who REFUSE to 'see'. [Not only have we had this conversation countless times before but the stubborn among us refuses to admit the truth.] One planet, one people, and those people must SHARE (in PEACE) if we hope to survive beyond our next meal!


The closed-minded among us are being manipulated. From a young age, they've been taught that nothing mattered more than their 'sub-identity' (race, creed, nationality and as of late, you can even add sexual identity into the mix when the only things that truly matters are their humanity and justice!]

So I put out the cry that on this Memorial Day remember that Justice and Peace are vital ingredients to our mutual survival. [Don't forget to add forbearance and a boatload of forgiveness to that list! What is peace without love?]

Now that I've 'reminded' you of what's important you don't suppose you could take a moment to target those who put the hunk of dirt you (in most cases) were born on first and let your enmity vent in their general direction.

The manipulators deserve our hatred.

Happy Memorial Day, Head.

Hope I gave you something to 'remember'...


Sunday, May 24, 2020


Greetings freakshow, today's title asks you to recall the single dominant factor that has ruled your so-called life to date.

What would that be, you ask? It is your massive ignorance, of course!

What you don't know and where to begin correcting that mental void are both epic tasks that nobody is up for.

Edie Brickell said it best, "I know what I know if you know what I mean..."

We 'inherit' our politics from a variety of sources. The two dominant (fake) political ideologies are actually two sides of the same coin reduced to colors [for the truly simple-minded!]

It is disturbing to see how belief systems representing thought processes are 'dumbed down' just so the ignorant can (ever so feebly) pretend to grasp them.

What do YOU know? [Essentially next to nothing, especially if knowing a thing involves actually thinking about it!]

['They' have a name for people like me, they call me a 'troublemaker'. I question EVERYTHING while the typical moron is conditioned to 'go along to get along', a trait that often leads to a fate worse than death.

This is news to no one. I write these for the cognizant and they come seeking what I bring to the table, a perspective the manipulators do their damndest to avoid.

Ignorance makes preparedness impossible. The 'handed down' wisdom intended to convince you the situation, while 'chaotic', is under control and is going about as well as could be expected. There's no need to 'panic' and for goodness sake, DON'T try to change anything! It's 'under control' [as long as you leave it alone!]

Shorthand, forget about it.

Your job is to sit there and go along with it. If things get hairy, DEAL! The (infamous) they are 'working on it'. Just be patient.

But I digress.

Today's 'exercise in futility' is to teach the teachable [You can't teach anyone what they are convinced they ALREADY KNOW, it's how 'stupid' works!]

Conservatives regard 'handed down wisdom' with profound reverence. Heart-felt convictions like people being predominantly shiftless and self-serving lie at the core of who they are. [ Ironically, Conservatives are notoriously 'allergic' to mirrors!]

While this is, er, 'bad', liberal ideology is based on (unsupported) platitudes like garbage in = garbage out, totally ignoring the fact that it is ALL garbage [because the FOUNDERS were f'n elitist criminals!]

How else do you explain BOTH rival schools of, er, 'belief' (masquerading as) schools of thought) totally ignoring the socially vital element of EQUALITY?

One planet, 8 billion humans. How can ANYONE claim to 'own' even a minute fraction? Profiting from the 'needs' of another is the very definition of criminal!

If 'we' are to survive, what there is MUST be shared 'equitably'.

What the go along to get along crowd wants YOU to remain ignorant of is their plan to keep what they consider theirs.

Chant the refrain, Head! [It's been a while since I've chided you to chant and nobody knows better than I how quickly you forget]

How f'n dumb are you?

Which is the refrain, by the way.

Um again, I don't pen these pieces for the dumb. It is fitting on this holiday set aside to HONOR those who DIED so the f'n feckless could keep 'theirs'! This is what makes chanting the refrain so appropriate on this solemn holiday commemorating such massive STUPIDITY!

It's all about 'perspective' Head. Either you see what's going on or you are doomed to perpetually be a victim.

Remember! The ONLY thing dumber than war (or 'honoring' those who died needlessly) is Capitalism, the fuel of ALL conflict!


Saturday, May 23, 2020


Greetings Child, as you wander aimlessly through the streets of Xanadu, astonished at the sights your eyes behold, how long does it take your mind to register that there are NO adults present?

While you see wizened people among the zombified throngs (social what?) they are powerless and have no authority. Like you, they behave like children, waiting to be told what to do.

This is lie number one told by the criminals, that democracy is 'messy' and justice is 'relative'...[let's not forget the biggest lie of all, no one is in charge, thanks to 'messy democracy'...]

Who do you suppose told Pussygrabber that re-opening the churches during a lethal pandemic was what the heedless masses needed? [Could it be the forces frantically working to 'right-size' the population?]

In another curiosity, has anyone else noticed the death toll went from 300,000 to 100,000 between the beginning of the week and the end? Ya don't suppose the flag humpin', bible thumpin' Pussygrabber decided the press was being 'unfair' and inflating the death toll to make him 'look bad'?

[Helpful hint: if you don't want to LOOK LIKE an ASSHOLE, don't BE an ASSHOLE!]

That said, COVID-19 has earned itself the nickname of 'underachiever'. By this point during what became known as The Spanish Flu [despite its origin being traced back to Kansas] the death toll was in the MILLIONS in the US alone! The planet is under executive lockdown making the whole situation into the equivalent of saying 'boo' in a well-lit room in broad daylight.

It's not that the danger isn't real, it just hasn't gotten as bad as it's going to get yet.

But COVID is being USED as a distraction by a paycheck addled media that is going to give us four more years of the Circus Freak.

Worse, the Circus freak is merely a tool used by the (owners of) the media because 'the law' (and anything resembling justice) become silly putty in the hands of obvious incompetence.


EVERYBODY KNOWS...(regardless of what the media tells us.)

Step away from the 'pretense' and only the liars will be exiled.

Is there an adult out there somewhere, patiently waiting to step up?

Only YOU know the answer to that rhetorical question. You don't have to be over 30 to accept responsibility.

If I had a hundred 'good people' I could take over the planet...actually, anyone could. All of you are so conditioned to 'OBEY' that whoever controls the media controls YOU.

You have been molded into a child waiting to be told what to do.

Worse, in child mode, you sit there patiently waiting for an adult, ANY adult to enter the room.

That adult isn't coming but again I belabor the obvious.

What's it going to be, Head? Nut up or shut up?


I know you hate it when I give you choices! You are like the T-Rex in Toy Story that loathes confrontation.

Friday, May 22, 2020


Greetings expendables, fight it as you subconsciously have for decades now, the self-important have decided the pandemic would provide the 'perfect excuse' to rid the economy of surplus workers/customers THEY don't need.

The more for me mindset murdered the symbiosis capitalism alleged to operate under and now much of the working public has been made 'redundant' by people who already had more money than THEY could use.

Your lack of funds isn't THEIR problem...(until you make it their problem.)

Make no mistake about it, the feckless have used the pandemic to create a 40 million person Army of the Unemployed and that's just the US 'division'!

Here's a sharp stick that you've been hoping to avoid, when your unemployment benefits run out, thanks to reality altering accounting tricks, YOU will find yourself dumped into the 'not in the workforce' category as the feckless continue to PRETEND capitalism is the panacea it has never been.

You know the capitalist's theme song, don't you? How can you not, it has such a catchy beat.

Try and keep your mind out of the gutter as it begins, Q-Fa, Q-Fa, Q-Fa, Q-Fa, Money for Me! Q-fa, Q-fa, Q-Fa, Q-Fa Money for Me, Q-Fa, Q-Fa, Q-Fa, Q-Fa Oh-oh, Money for Me! Q-Fa...

If dawn hasn't broken over Marblehead yet, Come down hard on the Q and pick up your mental cadence...don't make me add 'sofa king'!

If you are currently enjoying a lockdown vacation chances are excellent that you are in the market for a new line of employment. Whatever it was that made YOU expendable isn't likely coming back. Your 'reason for existing' in your former life was 'furloughed' along with you.

Q-Fa, can't get mad when you say it with a smile in your heart! Not quite as 'friendly' when you say it with murderous vengeance coursing through your veins.

What do you suppose your state of mind will be when you realize that you've been kicked to the curb (again) under false pretenses?

This is especially unnerving if you are on your second or third re-invention of yourself. If you are on your tenth 're-birth' you are likely borderline homicidal. 'Why me?' no longer has a reasonable context. This is beyond the realm of luck, this is persecution! [Were I to hold my resume to my chin it would hit the floor.]

Now here's another observation your old Uncle Gegner will share with those of your that had difficulty putting Q-Fa together. The soup bowl we call society has been bubbling more rapidly for quite some time as the bullshit you are fed to keep you docile breeches the credibility barrier and even the 'Q-Fa challenged' begin to realize that something much larger is amiss.

How, er, worrisome is it that the process of making your problems theirs is identical to the circumstances found in all revolts?

Is it 'soup' yet?

You tell me, Q-Fa'd?


Thursday, May 21, 2020


Hello you! That 'thing' that looks back at you from any shiny surface isn't your consciousness but your meat suit. You can't see 'the real you' reflected in the image. This is truly a pity because it would be useful to be able to 'see' ourselves as others see us. Perhaps then we wouldn't be so deceitful, not just with each other but with ourselves as well.

So we arrive at the question it seldom occurs to us to ask 'the thing' staring back at us in our reflection.

Self-deception is perhaps the surest sign of the insanity that accompanies sentience. Is it any wonder self-awareness was dubbed by the master deceivers (more commonly known as the priesthood) as 'original sin'?

Any of you find it odd why the concept of 'original sin' is seldom taught in a way that the average individual can understand it? Why do we all think 'sex' is the original sin or that pedophile priests are (voluntarily) 'sexless'?

The failure to understand our capacity to LIE TO OURSELVES leaves that door open for others to lie to us too, and they don't even need to be particularly clever to convince you that the lie was your idea!

You are routinely led down the 'primrose path' by the talking heads that live inside the eye that never blinks. Funny (both ways, humorous and peculiar) that Joe and Jane talking head both wear 'the mantle of authority' that YOU keep giving them!

Who else is going to tell you what's what, your nosy neighbor? Your 'reflection; the one that isn't 'the real you'?

Do you hate the world and everything in it because it treats what you imagine you are so poorly?

The insanity created by 'original sin' laid the foundation for the shitshow you wake up to each day because you chose to trust the image that isn't real.

In a society of 'known liars' has it ever occurred to you to ask why treason is a capital offense? The answer is without trust, even the craftiest of cons won't work...

Didn't expect that one, did you?

Worse, the finely balanced facade of normalcy you struggle to maintain doesn't handle the unvarnished well at all. Even the strongest of you can only tolerate brief exposure and then you have to work to digest what you have (hopefully) learned.

The 'rabbit hole', like most rabbit holes, isn't particularly deep but it is twisted beyond comprehension or you'd soon discover that you've been trapped inside a rabbit hole all this time!

Fortunately for 'the speakers for God' it doesn't take much to get 'turned around'. A few carefully considered lies and the chase is on with the high likelihood that you'll never find your way out.

That 'thing' staring back at you is your REFLECTION, 'you' (the part that tries to think) is inside. If you can come to terms with that part of 'reality' then you might start figuring out how you keep getting 'played' by the circus freaks that 'don't know and don't care'.

Tiny steps, it all starts with tiny steps. Piece by piece the picture expands but you won't like the mess once it is exposed for what it really is and you too will jump aboard the 'drastic action train!'

Until next time, Head...if there is a next time. Looks like 'project global genocide is tracking 'as planned'.

Have pity on your children and try to wake the f up!


Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Greetings Puddin' head! Try to remember not to shake your head too vigorously or what passes for knowledge and wisdom will leak all over the place, leaving you with a nasty mess to clean up.

The toughest job facing humanity is teaching people what they truly believe they already know. God lives in Heaven, a place that defies description by all who try but this does nothing to alter the fact that the dumber you are the more ardent your belief.

Because human teeth more resemble those of a grazing herd animal than those of the predator like Canines or felines, the idea that humans are meant to be vegans persists, ignoring mankind's long history of being opportunists. We can (and often do) eat anything (that doesn't eat us first!) This is not because of suitability but due to opportunity (mixed with a liberal dose of recklessness.) 'Hold my beer' is real.

Humanity's simplemindedness has led it to believe the inability to communicate with other species makes all non-verbal life food.

Seems the metric is set to if it doesn't kill us first, we should see if it is tasty because we are the only species that talks to each other...because we are the same kind, that's how we know it can talk and think.

Sounds dumb when you put it that way and you should have no doubt that some people have spent their lives searching for signs that our feeble minds are not the only sentient life out there...because if this is true, the implications are daunting.

Sentience makes you insane, we are living proof of concept.

Logic (a 'blunt instrument' at best) in the hands of the stupid (believer in dumb things) is a dangerous tool indeed.

Facemasks vs microbes anyone? How about staying six feet apart when the human respiratory system is capable of propelling microbe laden globules more than twice that distance?

Why did dummy pull six feet out of its backside? Could it be because it 'sounded believable'?

A vast majority of what passes for 'knowledge' is precisely that, you don't fully understand it, you just know its true.

This goes double for your core belief that you can't get a 'good job' without a college degree when as little as three hundred years ago the bulk of humanity was incapable of reading.

Are you hearing me?

More perplexing is the concept of freedom, we all yearn for it because so few of us have actually enjoyed it much less understand what it means.

As Tribal creatures, humans do not thirst to be 'solitary'. This desire is driven by our fear of the treacherous nature of others (especially those closest to us.)

Talk about insanity, we are all torn between the yearning to be a critical part of the team and being the center of our 'beloved's universe' (but only when it is convenient because this quickly becomes a hardship if we ever succeed at actually doing it.)

Did I mention 'insanity'?


Unfortunately, starting off with the fact you are the owner of a head full of bullshit isn't even a little helpful in solving the problem of how to offload some of the more 'gratuitous' and self-serving bullshit that literally pollutes your thought process.

That said, awareness is a critical first step.

True education comes from within because it comes FROM 'understanding'.

The more you understand, the more you will 'know'.

It's a lifelong process but it is never too late to start.

In fact, right now would be an excellent time!

Bon Chance, Head!


Can't change a mind that thinks it already knows. This is where stupid comes from.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Greetings shell-shocked and paralyzed, as the media vigorously waves every red flag it can concoct, life's survivors have mentally fortified themselves and ventured out into the maelstrom, mostly because they have become accustomed to living indoors and eating regularly. [How pitiful is that?]

Life is to be lived. If you don't get out there while the getting is good you will find that life has passed you by.

[Aren't platitudes great?] Clever wordplay lends credibility to the notion that we've been around a lot longer than anyone cares to admit. The ONLY reason half of the shit we pull on each other 'works' is because we are perpetually pretending all this is 'new' and has never been done before, which, of course, is a lie.

One of the glaring holes in the educational process is how we fail to teach our young to think critically because they are being raised by beings whose singular most famous trait is their talent for falsehood.

From the preacher to the teacher, falsehood dominates our 'belief system'.

My mind quailed this morning when an opinion piece proposed we let the public enforce social distancing.

The public is comprised of ignorant, superstitious peasants.

We have arrived where we are as a society by following clueless idiots who PRETENDED they knew the way only to keep returning to the same cliff they were promising to avoid in the first place!

Are you truly an evil devil if you lived live?

Is there a message here or is this one of life's sick coincidences? Sure as fuck ain't an 'accident' because nobody is that stupid.

When will we stop pranking one another and start providing the help we all so desperately need?

It is the question nobody is interested in the answer to, especially the lived live.

Same old same old Head, act or be acted upon.


Monday, May 18, 2020


Greetings angry and anxious, this pall that has befallen the nation since the fake emergency [for a guy who claims news reports are fake he sure doesn't mind making up stuff and pretending it is real.] The bubonic plague wiped out more than half of mankind during the 'Dark Ages', the plague of 1918 killed fifty million and this Covid-19, the underachiever hasn't even dented the birth/death rate monitor, WTF?

Naturally, our state's (Republican) Lt. Governor went on the air today to announce the fines for commercial endeavors found out of compliance with safety mandates.

It seems that the feckless have botched this latest attempt at mass genocide [in order to 'save' capitalism from itself] because they erred to caution. Will the next generation of Corvid go the other way? super lethal but too lethal to spread far enough? That's why Ebola has failed to dent the population numbers.

CRISPR technology in the hands of proven criminals is a risk that humanity cannot ignore.

Remember, never admit to stealing chickens even if you are covered in feathers [for the stupid among us who believe our elected public officials serve the public's best interests.]

Get a f'n clue!


Sunday, May 17, 2020


Greetings dazed and confused, you have become so conditioned with being bombarded with the trivial that you no longer ask yourself the crucial question of 'why are they telling me this?'

An extension of this phenomenon can be seen in the 'news' that the Michigan Republican who was running for president as a Libertarian has 'parked' his campaign after committing political suicide live on Bill Mahar's 'Real Time'.

What was Mr. Amash's mistake? He was running on the now long-vacant premise that people 'unfettered' by leadership would (somehow) figure out what they wanted. He must have uttered some variation of 'let the people figure it out' a half dozen times during his twenty-minute opportunity to stump for public support of his campaign on a nationally syndicated program and he came away looking as clueless as everyone else running for the position of leader of the 'free world' moron-in-chief.

In a seemingly unrelated event, how many of you cringed for the reporters who did their best to turn branches knocked out of trees during a thunderstorm into a life-threatening event? Thunderstorms are a fact of life and so are tornadoes. The difference is not every thunderstorm is a tornado.

Windstorms, like snowstorms, will occasionally knock down powerlines. Of interest but not necessarily news because it is not new. While I refer to a local event, this kind of reporting has become commonplace enough that I am sure you can relate. TV stations, desperate for ratings were doing contortions trying to make a common occurrence into 'news'.

Rain is wet isn't news yet the media treats it like it is.

Conversely, the fact people are dumb and gullible still passes for news every time they are successfully a media that remains hard-pressed to produce content that is worthy of disseminating.

Bad enough that twenty minutes of a thirty-minute news segment is filled with advertising. [Which is the 'true purpose' of reporting the 'non-news'. Infotainment is the primary revenue generator of the for-profit ' news business model.]

'Real News' is something that is handled as 'breaking news' on the rare occasion that something worthy of reporting actually occurs.

What drives this desperation? Capitalism. News should be 'new' (or at the very least 'relevant'.) You don't need the guy sitting at the anchor desk to tell you that the sun is up, you can see what the sun is doing locally by looking out any window. It may become news if we have to resort to living underground thanks to rapacious capitalism destroying the environment in the relentless pursuit of fake 'profits'.

Let's hope the aberrant 'F-U Pay me' system is abandoned BEFORE it comes to that.

How ironic that Grammarly takes sarcasm for admiration...guess AI still has its bugs to be worked out.

How much is the average dolt going to be able to 'figure out' if the entity entrusted with reporting 'the news' proves incapable of sorting the mundane from the newsworthy?

In a related question, how does Fox News keep its charter?

This is nearly as incredible as Pussygrabber the Flag Humper being 'crowned' by the same feckless media as the leader of the free world? A world that has been brought to its knees by a virus named after the mock 'crown' it sports!

Now how much of what we are going through can be attributed to the 'Hokey-Pokey'? [If ya can't dazzle 'em with brilliance...]

That's for you to decide, I'm done.


Saturday, May 16, 2020


Greetings deer in the headlights, the media is dredging up factors that might never occur to you as they milk this non-emergency for all that it's worth.

Am I 'safe' out of doors? What kind of a guarantee can I get with that? Who can I sue if I get sick?

Money won't restore your health but given our litigious (sue happy) society, what was anyone expecting?

Rhetorical question, we expect oh so much more than anyone can deliver. Hell, we are all taught at our parent's knee to 'shoot for the moon, reality be damned!'

ABB head, Always Be Bluffing. Naturally, a society that ignores what is rational isn't capable of performing on any level.

Not that it is any concern of yours, you know what is expected of you. You will OBEY, regardless of how ridiculous because you fear standing out more than dying...[wtf is WRONG with YOU?]

The people pretending to run things can not be trusted, they have no character and are nothing more than obedient tools [or they wouldn't have the job!]

It is no longer safe to 'go along to get along' but you've always understood the risk. It has never been about safety, it has always been about keeping your powder dry.

Well, seems the moment to actually use that powder has arrived. The question remains on whom? Shoot yourself and the perps get away with their bullshit. Shoot the wind up toy and another one takes its place. Worse, you get carted off to jail where they will do unspeakable things to you, not out of revenge but solely because they can.

You'd shoot the ones pulling the strings in a New York minute but they are too well hidden. How ironic nobody appreciates the danger they pose to society more than they do?

Your entire life has been one permanent question mark because the goalposts have never remained fixed long enough for you to achieve any of them.

That, good citizen, is about as succinct and as damning an indictment as you'll find. The life they have dangled before you at arm's length will forever remain just out of reach.

Hire the handicapped because they are fun to watch...don't for a moment doubt the fact that this is what the feckless think of YOU!

They are so accustomed to 'yes massa' that they honestly believe you are too dumb to think for yourself.

They routinely shit on you and then laugh until the cry over your ceaseless exasperation over being shat upon.

The feckless find nothing more amusing than when you take yourself seriously.

Think I've pounded that particular nail all the way home.

Maybe it's time to reflect on what is 'important' if you can interrupt the pity party for a few minutes...

Remember, luck has nothing to do with anything.


Friday, May 15, 2020


Greetings Dilly-boppers! Don't know if you're coming or going, all you know is sitting still isn't an option. It's either run and hide or wade into the thick of things and let the bodies hit the floor.

The narrative forms your perception. At this point during the 1918 pandemic, there was in the neighborhood of 20 MILLION dead worldwide as opposed to today's CF where total global casualties number 300,000 (of mostly aged and infirm.)

Factor in the Chinese conundrum of there being are twice as many people living in higher concentrations than there were a hundred years ago and ask yourself what's wrong with this picture?

Much of what we are being fed is 'hype'.

Flipping that rock over it is the deepening economic damage the quarantine is inflicting on an unstable socio-economic system.

Are you beginning to see 'the source' of the problem?

Where do you suppose those trillions in 'economic assistance' are piling up? It never occurs to the average moron that instead of circulating in the economy and driving demand EVERY PENNY of that money is destined to join the original trillions that are gathering dust in the great-grand children's trust funds.

This shit/nonsense has to end, preferably suddenly with the rope jerking taught as it arrests the momentum of the body falling through the trap door, snapping the neck cleanly.

YOUR 'inability' to think things through has placed you in the position of the swiftly decapitated chicken whose body scampers vainly for safety even after its brain has been tossed in the discard pile.

W. T. F?

But wait, it ain't over yet.

When monumental CONS such as this are discovered, the guilty are carted off by the authorities to stand trial...

When the authorities commit fraud, nothing happens EXCEPT in situations where the victim (in this case the general public) is suffering from 'fraud fatigue', then all hell breaks loose!

[You have been being 'prepped' for this for decades...]

WAIT, all is still not what it seems. The NY Times reports that the uber-wealthy have gone into 'hiding', purportedly to escape the pandemic.

Where is the missing puzzle piece?

Baffled again, eh? This 'loose end' has been lurking on the edges of the stage since the invasion of Iraq and only the brightest of the cognizant have a clue of what I'm referring to because this puzzle piece went extinct with the birth of the 'citizen soldier'.

You've seen the pictures but do you appreciate what you are looking at? Who has the free time to be attending protests carrying full assault gear?

Do Blackwater, Triple Canopy, and Eric Prince ring a bell?

Who pays 'soldiers of fortune' and why have the feckless dropped out of sight? Is the shit about to hit the fan?

Without a functioning Justice System, we are ALL 'prey'.

It is your belief that such a thing is 'unlikely' that makes the 'improbable' a clear and present danger.

Kidnap victims don't believe it is happening to them even as the bag is being forced over their heads.

Time to open your eyes and see what is in front of you.

The shit is about to get serious.



Thursday, May 14, 2020


Greetings good citizen, sometimes you deserve to be addressed as a human being with a (semi) functioning mind and an earnest desire to live...but only sometimes.

Today's post is addressed to that 'rational' part of you, regardless of where it is hiding.

At the root of humanity's 'troubles' lies the disagreement over the purpose of life as it collides with the sharing of the planet's resources.

We have the 'I was here first' crowd who honestly believes they own what belongs to all of us. These people won't hesitate to produce a (bogus) bill of sale to prove it!

Then there are all the tribes and nations, each of whom will solemnly swear that their God promised them dominion over some barely recognizable portion of what might not even be on this planet.

If this were true then these so-called Gods would make war upon each other to make good on their promises. Alas, these silly people worship a God that refuses to fight for them, so these people take it upon themselves to make God's Promises a reality because nobody can lose if God is on their side, right?

So, we have five major Gods, each thoroughly committed to 'peace' so long as 'justice' prevails.

How do we mere mortals sort out the liars?

The answer is obvious, they are ALL liars.

The same concept extends to those claiming to own what belongs to every living thing on this planet.

They too are self-serving liars just as those who claim to 'speak for' an imaginary God are.

That was easy, wasn't it?

IF we were to walk this backward just a couple of steps we would realize we don't have a stupid problem on our hands, we have a liar problem driving civilization off the proverbial cliff.

The liars make you 'stupid' by forcing you to believe 'dumb' the claims of their make-believe God and how that make-believe God gave them their bogus bill of sale...because they were there fuck the rest of ya.

The liars would prefer that the last part remain obscured instead of being bolded because it makes the appear dishonest.

I could go off on a tear about how psychopaths are predisposed not to care about honesty but the intellectual within you already knows the significance, in fact, the lair relied on it!

So, we not 'neck-deep in stupid', we are eyeballs deep in liars!

Now that we have exposed the problem, how do we go about 'fixing' it?

It's not as simple as erasing 'In God we Trust' from the liar's currency.

Reality tells us society relies on trust, therefore society can not TOLERATE the untrustworthy to live in a civil society. The purpose of society is to protect and promote the welfare of (all of) its members. Left unchecked, the weasels/untrustworthy will stymie every effort at equity as they nick the system at every opportunity, helping themselves ahead of everyone else.

Do you know the difference between 'smart' and clever? Genius is the ability to see and understand relationships that already exist but are not obvious. Clever is twisting that information to your own ends once it is discovered...usually before it is fully understood!

It is also why Clever is dumb's kissing cousin. It seems slick but it's still your cousin.

The 'pious' have marked themselves, just as the 'owners' have done.

Any questions? Ready to play 'cast out the incompetent liars'?

I knew you were!


Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Greetings warriors (and in this battle every one of us is 'all in', regardless of what you want.)

Let me re-direct your attention to the sign at the entrance to the future. The one that commands 'survivors only!'

You are either going to survive this thing or you're not and no amount of hiding, masking, or hand-washing is going to save you. [Luck is a chimera we use to steel our nerves and nothing more.]

You may not LIKE it but those are the facts, Jack.

Not to go all 'zen' on the fearful but the 'will' to survive goes a long way towards actual survival. If you don't have it, you aren't going to be among the survivors for very long.

The media is all about 'scaring' you and urging caution [because destiny forbid that anyone accuses them of being callous or worse, reckless!]

Don't you think newsrooms everywhere wouldn't relish the headline screaming "billions dead because they didn't listen to us!"

If masks could save us we'd wear them 24/7.

That shared, 'caution' has nothing to do plague dynamics. Bar a vaccine, you either have the antibodies or you don't and if your immune system isn't up to par, the enemy will take you out.

The mind is a very weird creature. It deceives non-combatants into thinking they are excluded from the ravages of war. They think of themselves as civilians but death looks at them as collateral damage...and death wins because there are no 'do-overs'.

Antibiotics have lead humanity to a false sense of security because viruses mutate more readily than humans do. Just like humans who are immune to most strains of a virus, eventually, the virus will mutate and start killing again because that is how they survive. Viruses don't reproduce so they have to hijack your cells to do the job! We have yet to invent a vaccine that prevents cells from being invaded and that's what it's going to take to put the danger of plagues behind us. [It might also wipe-out cancer, think about it!]

Grammarly is displaying it's 'worry wort' emoji while I am urging action. There is no room for doubt, the mission remains 'do or die'.

The survival of billions hangs in the balance, making the entire situation more dangerous then it has to be.

Either we charge into the future or call the mortuary for pick up because the virus doesn't care about your imagined safety and the people running things are only trying to avoid accountability for something they have no control over.

Thanks for letting me inside your head [not really inside. Have you seen that dump? I wouldn't let a pig loose in there! Oh well, it's where YOU live so to each their own, I suppose.]


Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Greetings fugitive/renegade, as the forces working to exterminate you close in on their objective it is my unfortunate duty to tell you that it is already too late. The first thing the murderers did was poison the well.

Your shellshocked mind is asking, 'What's this' and 'How?'

Let's start with the first trillion, shall we? Where do you suppose all of those tax cuts go? You never thought about it much, have you?

For all the Republican claims that tax cuts supercharge the economy, things in the REAL WORLD have remained pretty much static. Begs the question of how much bullshit will you swallow? Trump and the lying media seem to be the only ones that saw a terrific economy, the rest of us have been wondering what they were smoking [and why weren't they sharing?]

The conservatives 'talk' a good game but if we look under the hood we'd see it for what it really is, a bluff. Real poverty continues to grow exponentially and there is nothing anyone locked into the capitalist mindset can do about it.

The puzzle here is how the capitalist cure-all is also the poison! Where do you think all of those trillions in tax cuts have gone? [STUPID.]

Where does all money go? Straight into the bank accounts of the thieving (already) rich! That's where it stays until the grandchildren start to draw their trust funds. This is yet another ticking timebomb that nobody pays attention to.)

China has built scores of 'ghost cities' [because no one can afford to live in them.] Isn't Commu-capitalism wonderful? [A lie is a lie, it doesn't matter what you label it.]

[The cities were built to provide 'the illusion' that the economy was booming. As resources dwindled the illusion became too expensive to maintain, causing reality to overtake and remove the false prosperity.]

The lie that is capitalism relies on widespread poverty...but you already knew that.

Not unlike Pussygrabber's compliant appointee, Barr and his response to being challenged over dropping charges against confessed liar Michael Flynn. Bill Mahar aired Barr's response so this isn't 'liberal bullshit'.

When asked about the unprecedented reversal, Barr replied, 'The victors write history' meaning it didn't matter [to the acolytes of Karl Rove and Francis Fukuyama] that what he was doing was morally reprehensible. Life's 'winners' would exonerate him and the historical record would be expunged, not just of the facts but of the truth as well.

One more time, with feeling: Society is totally dependent on TRUST. If YOU can't TRUST the people running things then YOU are NOT a member of society, you are a thrall, entirely dependent upon your usefulness to those you must obey.

Kill or be killed, good citizen.

I wish it weren't the case but the 'bad seed' [formerly known as The Robber Barons] has parked itself in the driver's seat and the whole shebang is being driven over the nearest there will be 'more' [for them.]

Not more for you, just them. Unlike you, they are life's (idiot) winners!

These are terms YOU can understand.

Which will end first, your usefulness to the users or will you end the user?

ASP shows us it doesn't have to be like this, there is a choice.

Um, I've been telling you this for decades but time is running out.

Remember why I end these when I do.


Monday, May 11, 2020


Greetings fellow survivors, the proverbial hammer has dropped and the wheels of social interaction have begun to spin again. The media is using this opportunity to scares the pants off already frightened and desperate.

These two emotions will manifest themselves differently for different people but the facts remain unchanged, neither worry nor fear can save you from the inevitable.

Worse than outright dying is the prospects of being 'incapacitated' by the disease and losing even more income after being out of work for a month straight.

Our healthcare and emergency workers have been stretched thin covering for one another as the crisis tore through their ranks. The truth is thanks to profit-centered capitalism there is a shortage of qualified caregivers and medical professionals. Worse, there isn't anyone to take their place and until an effective vaccine that is successfully distributed, the pandemic will keep killing.

Fodder for you conspiracy theorists out there. Notice some members of the White House staff have succumbed to the disease but Trump and his vice don't feel the need to wear masks much less it because they have the vaccine? None of the uber-wealthy has even contracted the disease, which is airborne, and we can only wonder why?

Luck and skill only go so far, what we are witnessing is literally miraculous!

Money doesn't make you smart and it also doesn't make you lucky. What we are witnessing is inexplicable...or so they'd have you believe.

If you have been keeping your eye on the bigger picture, the economic pie is ever-shrinking. [The more of us there are, the further what there is has to stretch.] It really is simple physics.

Does anyone remember how dire the population crisis is? Probably not because the Mutha F'n press is doing its best to PRETEND it doesn't exist!

Climate change? Yeah, they are nodding along now. Global refugee crisis? It's kinda hard to ignore but they are trying. Capitalism collapsing as the systems that support it crumble under the strain? What, you didn't hear about that one, did you. You were led to believe E-commerce was cannibalizing brick & mortar when the truth is the collapse of retail is a symptom of money piling up and getting stuck at the top of the system, rendering it WORTHLESS!

You have been kept ignorant of the levels of incompetence the capitalists have blown clean through.

Worse, now these same MORONS see their only solution as murdering as many of you as they can get away with.

Wait, they've been killing us all along. It is only recently that they decided they haven't been doing it fast enough!

Trump and Pence have both been exposed (repeatedly) but neither one is worried...maybe it's time you started worrying what this means for you and yours.

Society cannot suffer the untrustworthy to live among us. If this really is genocide on a global scale the perps CAN'T be trusted.

Think what you want, like the hunk of fiber weave draped across the bridge of your nose is going to stop something that remained invisible until the invention of the f'n ELECTRON MICROSCOPE!

How f'n dumb are you?

Repeat it until you get it.

Bon Chance,


Sunday, May 10, 2020


Greetings oversexed and underappreciative, today is the day set aside by (ahem) Society to 'honor' the woman who sacrificed EVERYTHING, you.

Without a doubt, we'd all be dead without our mothers, which is not to disparage or diminish the father's contribution to this equation. [Along with a heartfelt wink and a nod to the corrupt legal system's contribution towards keeping fathers responsible.]

Hostages are a vital portion of capitalism! Without the hostages, the entire edifice would quickly come unraveled.

Then where would THEY be? [None of this is about YOU. Mother's Day is a celebration of humanity's continued bondage. It is a bald-faced act intended to shame children into appreciating the sacrifices mothers make to keep capitalism viable for their future of our species.

A clearer look at the ancient practice of hostage-taking can be seen in my first novel titled 'Unplugged', [shameless plug, available on Amazon] where man's barbaric treatment of his fellow man is displayed in all its glory!

Word of warning, many can't stomach what they find there.

On a more personal note (and temporarily) setting aside the more mercenary rationale behind today's faux 'celebration', most of us remember our relationship with the woman who birthed us fondly, with an emphasis on the word 'most'. Not every female is happily blessed with motherhood and if truth-telling were actually one of our 'traditions', the moniker 'oops' would quickly leave the common names of John and Mary in the dust.

The unspoken plague of infertility is turning this dynamic on its head and that, in turn, is altering the landscape of hostage-taking.

Too few can afford to provide the capitalist with hostages and automation has (radically) reduced the system's demand for labor. The pandemic's nature, be it artificial or natural, becomes a moot point when the necessity of thinning herd reaches this level of urgency.

In short, civilization as we have come to know it is in dire peril.

Naturally, the wrong type is advancing into the future. Society can not tolerate the dishonest and nobody has the time to deal with relentless treachery disguised as 'benevolence'.

I love my mom and miss her, to a point. She struggled valiantly her entire life. I sincerely hope her suffering has ended. Death released her from the futility that is this life. I find solace in the idea that her suffering has ended.

Let's return to today's commercialized 'charade', where children of all ages are shamed into buying their living mother's love with brunch, flowers, and chocolates.

See how mercenary debt-driven society is? The miracle of birth has the love removed from it and the sacrifice of motherhood is bastardized by turning it into indebtedness.

Are these the twisted words of a warped mind or is it your refusal to see the truth that is kicking you in your delicate sensibilities again?

Your kids are your kids 365 days a year. You only want the best FOR THEM. You should be proud if you (miraculously) raised them with enough presence of mind to not hate you for bringing them into a world that has no use for them.

It wasn't your 'fault', you were lied to too!

Let's take a moment to thank the moms who loved us enough that we can love them back for being selfless and giving our entire lives.

Thank you, Mom, not just today but every day.

Love, Gegner

Saturday, May 9, 2020


Greetings Zombie, how many of you remember what was happening before COVID-19 brought the capitalist system to its knees?

It's an election year and while the incumbent has bungled the entire pandemic somehow Joltin' Joe has yet to seize the high ground and we can only wonder what other opportunities he will squander should he be handed the reins of power this November.

Joe wasted his opportunity to set himself apart from the bumbling idiot he's running against, but that's just what 'Empty Suits' do.

Aren't you sick and tired of voting for people who have no ideas?

Speaking of empty suits and no ideas, Bill Mahar had the Libertarian running against Trump on the show last night and he spouted the same 'self-deterministic' nonsense that constitutes the backbone of movement conservatism.

What do you suppose is going to happen if we allow Skippy to make up their own mind regarding their participation in society?

The 'system' is built on 'interdependence,' including the long ignored ragged end of the supply chain where if nobody consumes what you produce, the supply chain chokes on its own affordability issues. Why do you suspect companies are busy spending what little profit they do produce buying back their own stock [after giving it to themselves for free! That's the part Wall Street doesn't tell you.]

Capitalism is a gigantic swindle and the price you pay is widespread abject poverty caused by paychecks YOU can't live on.

This theft has to be stopped at the source, money itself.

But I digress (somewhat...) Hand in hand with the Royal Scam walks politics and the political control of the faux Justice System. Not only is Trump handing out pardons like penny candy but he's also making a run at pardoning himself!


He robbed the bank [twice!] and now he's trying to legally cover his tracks?

Only in America (and exclusively on Fox News. How does the Murdoch organization keep its charter...quid pro quo?)


November is coming and once again there are no alternatives. You either vote for a proven fuck up or you try out the other brand's offering and pray Mr. No Ideas isn't worse than the grandstanding, Pussygrabbing, flag humping moron.

What makes this worse is knowing it doesn't matter who sits behind the desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave because everybody who has sat there took their orders from the same cartel that nobody voted for...and they can't be removed because they control the apparatus designed to prevent those people from seizing power in the first place.

So, who are YOU voting for (if only because you can't vote against them?)

You decide Head, am I being cynical or realistic?

You know what needs doing but doing it without a plan is suicide...oh wait, there is a 'roadmap', all we have to do is follow it!

Bon Chance!


Friday, May 8, 2020


Greetings Playa, please be patient while the self-serving re-shuffle the deck. I've been asked by management to remind you that Jokers remain the zeroes of the deck and have no worth.

Got ten jokers? You've got ten nothing [and you're playing with twice as many cards as permissible. [The game remains the best hand you can make using only five cards, stud.]

Some of you may notice that all but one of the face cards have been removed and nine more suits have been added (making a flush almost impossible to get.)

Everybody knows there can be only one king so all those other royal posers were put to death for pretending to be a royal. [It's one of the oldest capital crimes on the books!]

Since holding the king is an automatic win, it too has been removed from the improved New Deal deck.

What games will you play with 52 jokers? Use your imagination (it's kept you going for this long!)

Maybe you can rank the suits with the most of one color being the winner? Is anyone else suspicious that six of the nine new suits are some variant of white?

Still, nobody is a stranger to that old favorite, 'the whiter the better', are they?

Yup, life's winners have decided to remove the 'risk' from that game of chance more commonly known as life.

Comply or die are the binary choices life's winners are bent on enforcing. Nobody WANTS to walk a tightrope but your choice in the matter was made for you when you lost the 'birth lottery', [there can only be one king.]

As the quarantine is lifted the 'reality check' being visited upon the surplus population is their own redundancy. It seems life's king no longer sees a 'win' in servicing the planet's literal 'overburden' (to borrow from miner parlance for non-pay material that covers the valuable minerals they seek.)

If the (weaponized) virus doesn't get you, the famine will.

As the fearful shun exposure, the already fragile supply lines so vital to survival will collapse.

Can't re-open the economy if the majority of participants are too fearful to do their part.

What did I teach you about society? Society relies on trust. If you can't trust your leaders it all falls apart, catastrophically.

Naturally, the question becomes one of can this be 'fixed'?

There is no shortage of the self-serving willing to throw the rest of us under a bus for the temporary advantage it gains them. That's why the first thing that needs to be fixed/repaired in...MONEY! [If we don't fix this FIRST it CAN'T be fixed at ALL.]

Banks go 'poof' (as in disappear) and everybody is 'wiped out.' [Not just here but everywhere!] Without unity, there is no 'future', only death without end until everyone and everything is dead.

Not only does nature abhor a vacuum but it also has zero-tolerance for 'imbalance'.

Nature 'out of balance' is nature at odds with itself. [How many of you just had a 'duh!' moment?]

Capitalism is about as 'unnatural' as it comes but it produces amazing results for the INDIVIDUALS that control it.

The problem is we are NOT a species of 'individuals', we are a herd of INTERDEPENDENT animals. Social cohesion is vital not only to our success but to our survival!

Why do you think the feckless are so fixated on 'comply or die'? [Prisons anyone? How much more unnatural can you get? The people running things are f'n circus freaks!]

AFTER the 'money situation' is addressed we need to make some serious changes, starting with our leadership and its utter lack of competence, a problem compounded by the total absence of accountability!

Only people smart enough to crack a hundred on a standard IQ test will be allowed to participate in the decision-making process. This is but a nod towards ensuring competence. We may find that 100 is not enough but one thing is certain, we MUST stop following idiots regardless of how 'wealthy' they are ON F'N PAPER!

Wait a minute, what's that? Take your seats, everyone, they are done shuffling and ready to 'deal'.

Good luck trying to make something out of nothing!


Thursday, May 7, 2020


Greetings self-determined one! Watched the series finale of Westworld last night, (I couldn't bring myself to watch the whole season because the writers took too many liberties with Lady Luck to keep the story moving forward in the desired direction.

Sort of like real life.

Most of us can't believe our 'bad luck' when it comes to choosing leaders who inevitably fail to correct the imbalances that are tearing society apart.

It eventually dawns on some of us that 'luck', like the almighty, is fake. Looming silently behind 'the illusion of free will' is the larger issue of the pointlessness of life. Would AI, upon becoming self-aware, see an objective worthy of surviving for?

It is the reason why the feckless slavers created God [and a damn needy and greedy one at that!]

Before 'the ruse' collapsed, your entire 'reason for being' was to Glorify the Almighty...[and tithe the church, let's not neglect the important part!]

This is part of what caused 'the God con' to fall apart. It turns out that the slavers, identical to the God they created, are 'insatiable'.

How do you suppose THAT happened?

Criminals? Anyone? Criminals?

Ah, that's right. No criminals here. Just honest folk looking to live their lives unmolested by the demands of others.

Others, they are always expecting things from you while they do nothing! It's just not FAIR!

Now the bastards have taken food hostage and put you out of work too boot! [Today's headlines are disturbing on oh, so many levels but I belabor the obvious, don't I, your majesty?]

Naturally, things would be different if YOU were King (you wouldn't be the one starving for starters!) It is here we encounter the honest truth behind 'every man a king' and the 'self as sovereign' doctrine the conservo-whackos hold as being so vital to their unflinching patriotism.

How can anyone call themselves a patriot when they stand there and grin as a pompous, patronizing pig dry humps the symbol of their pride?

Takes all kinds, eh?


Anyone care to hazard a guess as to where we are in our existential journey? [My 'message' remains consistent.]

At the center of the nonsense that the media feeds us to keep us too frightened to question the behavior of the self-serving is this 'fundamental truth'.

Life is neither good or bad, life just is.

Some lifeforms compete and some cooperate. Only STUPID looks at you and sees a competitor...but stupid was raised to think like that so it's not really their 'fault', dumb is its own reward.

How ironic that successful cooperation has brought us to the brink of extinction? [Or considerably endless series of cascading systemic collapses as capitalists strive to control the resources that remain, ultimately destroying them, resulting in making the entire planet uninhabitable.]

The four riders are upon us. The cognizant know there are always a couple of them on the loose even during, er, 'good' times. The feckless employ the horsemen to rain terror upon the helpless to gain control of their resources. Something that won't stop until mankind learns the true value of cooperation.

War, famine, plague, and pestilence sweep the planet as the feckless seek to consolidate their control of the planet's resources for themselves.

Life's 'opportunists' chide us, saying shame on you for not grabbing what you could when the chance presented itself! Totally ignoring the fact that those resources belong to us all!

Rewind to the beginning. The collaborator can't tolerate the opportunist. Why 'do' anything if the selfish are going to steal it from you?

Life isn't 'fair' but it had damn well better be 'just'. If there is no justice then cooperation, like life itself, is pointless.

The opportunist has come live under the 'kill or be killed' part of the equation. Society can not exist under this premise.

Yet here we are! How did this happen?

Ignorance [and no small amount of lying.]

The SLAVERS spare no effort convincing you that you are 'free'.
To borrow your life from them, sinking yourself ever deeper into the quagmire of servitude, attempting to build a life you will never be able to afford.

You are NOT a failure, good citizen but you have been molded into the perfect 'useful idiot'.

Let's see what you 'do' with your newfound knowledge. For the aged, it is too late. The future belongs to the young and dispossessed.

Again, only the cognizant will understand/appreciate this post.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Greetings frightened and panicked, the question never far from the fearful's mind is always 'what next?' as trouble seldom arrives alone.

Did anyone else notice that no sooner did Pussygrabber the Flag Humper order the meatpacking industry back to work that all of a sudden there is no meat?

Anyone who has gone to the grocery store since the order has seen this for themselves. What you see is what you get.

Naturally, the question becomes one of which came first, the president's 'return to work' order or the national meat shortage?

But who is worried about food when firebrands like Alex Jones tell us the solution is as simple as the unfortunates next door! Who do you think Alex will eat first, The crazy cat lady or the biker down the street?

Alex isn't worried about ending up on anyone's menu because anyone with half a brain is frightened of what they might catch!

Has society's sense of empathy become so atrophied that the lower intelligence types continue to listen to Jone's ravings without dismissing him for the sociopath he is?

This is what the feckless media has done to us. This is the result of living in a world without boundaries that claims censorship is evil and 'buyer beware' is all the 'protection' society needs from the morally unhinged.

The issue of who decides is as old as society itself. It is also why you can find pockets of humanity clinging precariously to some of the most inhospitable places on the planet.

The self-serving have corrupted the social systems intended to serve us all and everyone suffers as a result. It seems our inability to cast out the bad seeds among us has pushed humanity to its limits and now the viability of our species is at stake.

We are social creatures that need one another so we are always playing 'defense'. It's when we are cozened into believing [ironically, through cop shows] that we have turned the situation into a science and have it 'under control' that the reality becomes exactly the opposite.

When will you learn that life is NOTHING LIKE the dramas that unfold on your TV set?

The divorce of the human mind from reality began with the soap opera, a 'serial tragedy'.

Turning empathy on itself has doomed us to an endless quagmire of hopelessness.

Nobody will 'wake the f up' because the onslaught is endless. If you watch television at all you are constantly being submerged in tragedy [because 'art' is supposed to 'move' you.]

Humans are 'simple' creatures, easily 'influenced' by what we see. Failing to make a clear separation between 'entertainment' and reality has cursed us with a generation unable to discern where reality begins and the drama ends.

Our only protection from being manipulated is accountability. Those RESPONSIBLE for 'misleading' society must be held 'accountable'.

Failure to censor has led us to accept lies as facts. There isn't a shred of 'reality' in any crime or medical 'drama' on the air today.

Why? Reality is boring.

These shows are intended to stir your emotions, not educate you!

Yet the foolish believe what they see!

How long do you think it will be before some moron asks why God didn't design us with natural, self-replacing face masks?

None are so blind as those who REFUSE to see!

Although it seems few share my 'curse'.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Greetings frustrated and confused! As predicted, the 'shelter in place' order only slowed the virus's deadly trajectory.

Lifting the order exposed those who hid from disease and, according to plague dynamics, the plague won't end until it has killed everyone unable to withstand it.

In one of this morning's headlines, someone at The Times observed that the current pandemic scans identical to the one in 1918.

What does 'scan' mean?

The situation remains 'unchanged'. In 1918 the most we could 'do' for the victims was to make them comfortable while their immune system battled the invader. It is no different today.

So what's the 'answer' here, do we go back on lockdown?

Returning to 'lockdown' is inadvisable. Protesters are clashing in the streets with moronic police who have zero understanding of the word appropriate. We live in a society that is teetering on the verge of collapse due to an enormous trust deficit.

Cops are clubbing people for not maintaining a six-foot social distance [when the actual effective distance is almost three times that!] so this is just plain 'comply or die' writ large.

Understand what you are looking at! This ISN'T about 'public safety', it's about OBEDIENCE, same as it ever was!

Note for the self-professed patriots and ardent defenders of 'no-nonsense' policing. Tyranny is being forced to comply with the will of another. How f'n dumb are you?

This is why no human is fit to 'police' another.

Might NEVER, ever makes right.

This is why ASP brings back 'the field of honor'. This ancient practice was eliminated by those who knew they'd be called on their bullshit and forced to pay the ultimate price for their treachery.

Um, it is also looking like my speculation regarding the origins of the plague might also be accurate. The pandemic is actually a bio-weapon created to cull the herd. The unanswered question remains, are we dealing with the original virus, or is this a more lethal, mutated form?

This question becomes rhetorical if you have been vaccinated against the disease. The lack of casualties among the uber-wealthy [it would be major headlines should one of them die of the virus] indicates it is likely the rich HAVE a vaccine.

Only the cognizant fully appreciate what this means. Wouldn't something like this 'leak'? The rich are 'secretive' by reputation only. Rumors surround 'them' and that is something the PRIVATELY OWNED media cultivates at every opportunity.

Who would they tell? The bought and paid for media only dissembles carefully vetted lies. The truth is camouflaged to preserve deniability.

The trust deficit is enormous and those who call this planet 'theirs' have a very different agenda than those of us who work to get by.

I've seen the future, Head and the sign at the entrance says 'Survivors Only'.

Will you and yours be among them?

Not if the freakishly selfish, who have already marked you as 'surplus' have their way.


Monday, May 4, 2020


Greeting misinformed and miseducated, the disinformation train keeps spewing confusion while the truly dumb do whatever they think is right.

Fear of being blamed has polluted the thinking of the Spin Doctors whose job it is to manage your expectations. Reality must be avoided at all costs! Since a vaccine is still a year away and effective testing remains a bad joke, the only litmus test we have is the only one we've ever had, the death rate.

Worrisome in our particular situation is how many of the vulnerable were (temporarily) spared by the shelter in place orders?

The inevitable spike in the death rate caused by this 'erring to caution' [mental masturbation] will put (cowardly) leadership in a negative light, causing the Spin Doctors to work overtime to convince a disgruntled public that their brainless tactics were driven by their heartfelt desire to save lives, regardless of how misguided.

The fear of losing face by appearing callous in the face of an attack they were never equipped to deal with in the first place has the maimed, crippled, and crazy terrified of resuming the activities that are vital to survival.

It seems everything capitalism touches is destroyed. Reaganomics and the 'privatization' of the healthcare industry, which was yet another failed attempt to 'save' capitalism, did nobody any favors.

YOU are being 'mislead' AND 'misinformed'. Both come at a steep cost. Society can not endure the loss of social cohesion without consequence...and the price paid in the past has been a heavy one indeed.

The cognizant know it is the endless spin that the dumb respond to without thinking [because they have been conditioned to obey without thinking!] is the reason we live in contempt of those who refuse to appreciate the consequences of their actions.

The prevailing attitude that the Golden Rule is for chumps has placed civilization at odds with itself. If you can't be trusted you are the problem.

The solution to that problem is to eliminate the untrustworthy.

Who decides? Can't let the dumb do it, they are the ones embracing the doctrine of may the Devil take the hindmost with both greedy hands!

What's the difference between the dumb and the cognizant? The Cognizant have points of view they can defend, the dumb can't explain why they believe what they do.

Can't explain yourself? You aren't a thinker. Not being able to think removes you from making choices.

And YOU thought this would be difficult/complicated!

Speaking of gullible, the same people that need a TV to change their mind also fell for the ruse that social distancing was practiced during past pandemics...when the vast majority of people didn't know how to read much less what a germ was! How f'n dumb are they?

Even the pandemic of 1918 there was only a dim recognition that people were what spread disease...and they DIDN'T social distance...they also didn't freak out over the discovery [which was once AGAIN dismissed as yet another of God's Judgments against the WICKED [who refused to tithe!]

Unfunny how it always circles back to money.

Last question for the much will they charge for an inoculation? The stupid will pay whatever they ask [so they will ask much because they can.]

Happy Monday, Head. Don't take any wooden nickels for any reason no matter what they tell you.
