Friday, September 9, 2016

The lesser Evil

Greetings good citizen, every election cycle we are basically given the choice between a 'bad candidate' and a 'worse one', a phenomenon we have come to call 'the lesser of two evils'.

How ironic this cycle's match-up is between to great evils and it is impossible to decide which is 'less' because they are BOTH 'unacceptable'.

Sadder, even the acceptable [marginally] candidate turned out to be a 'shill' in disguise.

How many times are we going to let Karl Rove get away with this?

But I digress, the lesser of two evils IS STILL EVIL!

So it is, good citizen that we are faced with yet another 'stolen election' where knowing the results ahead of time isn't any comfort at all.

Left unanswered is 'what are YOU going to DO about it?'

By yourself, probably curl up in a quiet corner somewhere and whimper for your mommy...collectively, well, that's another story, isn't it? We sort of have a 'historic precedent' on our hands, don't we?

The one too many stolen elections and here we are, once again being offered a 'historic first' instead of the trusted leadership we so desperately need.

We don't NEED a 'Woman in the White House', we need Wall Street BEHIND BARS! [Along with those running the current judicial system!] We NEED banks to cease preying on the public...they're 'accountants' for Pete's sake, when did they turn into hitmen?

YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU! Paying a banker for what they don't own in the first place is fact, paying ANYBODY for what belongs TO US ALL is downright CRAZY!

Understand good citizen, your children's children's children are so far in hock they will be obliged to pay off the mortgage YOU took out to repair the leaky roof on that catastrophe you call a 'house' ten years ago.

All thanks to our 'out of control' financial system.

[Sidebar: Credit cards are less than a hundred years old...and look at where we are? We can safely lay our homeless population at the feet of the credit card companies...but does the media share this fact?]

A FEW have had a wonderful time (at our expense) but now it's time for them to DO TIME for their unfortunate for them that we won't have 'nice warm prisons' to serve out their 'life without parole' sentences in?

UNDERSTAND good citizen, the choice facing us this November is NOT between an egotistical attention whore and some guy that can't keep his facts straight

It's the choice between SAVING HUMANITY from global financial collapse OR sucking our thumbs as the world we once knew vanishes behind the cadence of marching feet sent to trample the poor out of existence.

The warning I'm sending you is this: either wake up and fight to take our world back or prepare to be vanquished.

We are literally being drown in a cesspool the oligarchs created to kill us with.

First they created easy debt traps and then you were herded into taking the the whole Ponzi scheme is set to collapse under it's own weight.

What you're not seeing is 'what comes after'.

After YOU have been rendered 'penniless', yes good citizen, the Devil you know will still reign supreme! YOU will be enslaved, for real this time...and if Massa doesn't have any use for you...he'll have you KILLED!

So if you're over fifty and a little pudgy around the middle, fight like your life depends on it BECAUSE IT DOES! You're 'no good' to someone who wants brute physical strength.

Forty with a heart condition? Better be a good shot because it is unlikely they will 'waste ammo' on you. They will also be 'cost conscious' when it comes to 'thinning the herd', don't want to feed 'useless mouths'.

And YOU WON'T be the one deciding which ones are and which ones aren't...

Horrors await, probably why the eye that never blinks serves up an endless stream of them, so you'll be conditioned for what's coming.

The lesser of two evils is STILL EVIL...and before you dismiss this as 'prepper nonsense' and those managing our civilization 'wouldn't do that to us'...well, history says you be WRONG...and you're likely to learn you're 'DEAD WRONG'!

Man's inhumanity to his fellow man is legendary...and it's probably high time the general public is reminded of this.

Not because they have to but because THEY WANT TO!

Is my 'intent' to frighten you? Quite frankly YES! Am I making stuff up just to frighten you?'s really going to go down just like I say.

If you wait, you won't be able to turn aside the 'juggernaut' they plan on unleashing.

We need a 'FULL DEAD STOP' [A strike across the board that halts EVERYTHING in its tracks] and we need it NOW!

The election may be too late, they KNOW they're playing with fire! Neither candidate is 'playing right' and the public smells the blood in the water, we may well 'stampede' before the election!

But they [damn auto-correct!] the eye that never blinks is keeping a lid on things...for now.

IF YOU haven't put aside a months worth of non-perishables aside, DO IT NOW, TODAY! Leave work NOW and go to the store! Screw the bills, nothing will be more important than food in the coming weeks!

We really can't afford to screw around here good citizen because (third time's the charm) The lesser of two evils is still EVIL!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


What? You're going to ignore this? Well, don't say I didn't warn you!

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