Sunday, September 11, 2016


Greetings good citizen, start unravelling history and it becomes apparent things started going sideways all the way back to Eisenhower's now famous 'Warning'.

For those of you too young to remember I will paraphrase it here: Upon concluding his term as President he rather cryptically warned of the 'rapacious' Military-Industrial complex, a group bent on extracting wealth (for themselves) by building a 'strong military' to...protect the nation from enemies both real and [mostly] imagined...or worse, perceived.

Which, in retrospect, makes us wonder just how many Nazis escaped Nuremberg only to be embraced by the war profiteers on the side that won?

Our current set of woeful circumstances has its roots in the Nixon presidency and his [at the time inexplicable] opening of the 'trade doors' to China. But in order to get there some 'groundwork' had to be laid first.

Neither of us has time for a novel [although I'm sure it would be a best-seller if it ever saw the light of day but some truths will remain concealed for as long as it takes, thus the speculation.]

If you REALLY want to get technical, the whole revolution thing went sideways right from the beginning when the founders allowed some of their number to remain slaveholders...while expounding BS like "All men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights"

First thing wrong with that statement...MEN?

I don't think we need to go into ALL the 'exceptions' that were made within such sweeping appeals to an already downtrodden public to rise up and fight so a few could be rich.

Needless to say, four CENTURIES later and we're still scratching our heads trying to figure out just who the founders were talking about and it appears the answer is it wasn't anyone A.) here and B.) still alive.

Now we arrive at an observation that few even take the time to acknowledge, never mind contemplate. War, even the tiny brush-fire ones, are EXPENSIVE...

We have already spent more on the War on Terra than we did on WWII! [What's up with that?]

While tens of millions died in WWII, the GWOT has been a windfall for the prosthetic limb industry!

So who goes around starting all these wars?

What was Eisenhower trying to tell us?

Worse, was his warning more than a teeny bit 'too little, too late.'

War profiteers have been with us since the beginning of 'kingdoms'. [Usually located in a nearby, neutral country, clever huh?]

So it is that we as a nation are forced by the media to once again pick at the scab of 9/11; we have to take a step back and wonder if whoever marooned us here didn't have a valid point?

Just how STUPID do you have to be to keep letting these morons push our buttons?

Naturally, knowing that its happening and having a choice in the matter are two entirely separate issues but still, NOBODY can put a stop to this?

Once again the spotlight shines on what a 'small world' it is that we live in and how phony the whole political process is.

Is keeping the population in check really the 'purpose of government?'

Just something to think about while you watch everybody boo-hoo over 9/11, the question remains, Cui Bono?

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Hey, we got a fancy new Police State out of the GWOT! [but so did everybody else...]

Just how much more are you going to put up with?

[Rhetorical question...the only one who cares about the answer is YOU!]

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