Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Failure to plan

Greetings good citizen, most of you are familiar with this phrase mostly because you've been stiff armed with it personally! The expression that goes, "Failure to plan ahead/follow procedure on your part does not constitute an 'emergency' on mine."

While we'd all like to think that today's 'rudderless' youth are an 'oversight' by some functionary, somewhere but it's beginning to look like the 'failure to plan ahead' is falling on those of us who foolishly brought children into this world that 'weren't needed'.

Which makes us all a little crazy because it's not like there is a lack of things that need doing. What's missing is 'the will to do them!'

This is Mismanagement on an entirely different level! It is here that we collide head on with the 'we don't have the money' argument when all they're going to do is whip up the funds out of 'thin air' like they do for their BS 'defense budget'

All MONEY is FUNNY because MOTHER NATURE DOESN'T HAVE A CASH REGISTER! [So the 'we can't afford it' argument is BS!]

We have countless members of society living in abject poverty and why is that?

Seriously, there is absolutely NO reason for this yet its happening every day, all day!

Worse, we can't hold 'the government' responsible. As soon as we...well, it isn't really 'we', is it? The most 'we' can do is have our congress-critters look into things and 'poof' out of nowhere the 'excuse shirt' appears.

And the excuses are as nebulous as the causes, anything from sunspots to a lack of washing machines!

NEVER is a POLITICIAN held responsible for what is so clearly THEIR FAULT!

IF YOU did as poor a job as your typical politician does at their job you'd be FIRED in a heartbeat! Tens of millions of homeless and nobody held accountable!


Don't question the math, good citizen, someone YOU KNOW is homeless as you read this. EVERYBODY knows at least one homeless person personally.

Wanna know what the Occupy Movement was really about? It was about those kids winding up homeless in a world that didn't have a place for them!

UNDERSTAND, [*now universal] CAPITALISM doesn't provide a solution for this! [But A Simple Plan does!]

The capitalists will 'house you' all right, but they have a different name for it, it's called 'prison'. Where you will work for your 'room & board' and you can't leave or do what you want to do but there isn't much difference between being in prison and being penniless, is there?

When we all get to hell at least we will know what to expect...

Did I mention the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight are wearing thin?

Keep your head up and your eyes peeled, you never know what's waiting for you around the next bend! Needless to say some of us have already dropped the pretense of 'live and let live'...

Once again we arrive at the 'Rinse & Repeat' portion of our essay: Who is responsible? [YOU] What can we do about it? [STRIKE] What do we want? [A Simple Plan] When do we want it? [NOW!]

Now tell me, Bunky...it this what's keeping you awake at night? If it isn't giving you NIGHTMARES, it SHOULD BE!

Thank you once again for letting me inside your head,


* Nominally capitalist countries are fed the BS that there are still places on the planet that are communist, this is not 'true', per se. Those places that claim to be communist are in fact dictatorships that participate in the global economy albeit on a limited basis.

Capitalism is 'universal' and those who run capitalism for their personal benefit [I sincerely hope you aren't stupid enough to think they're doing this FOR YOU as opposed to TO YOU, we wouldn't be here if this wasn't a game of US vs THEM!]

So for the sake of this blog, capitalism is 'universal' and that universiality seals our species doom.

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