Greetings good citizen, as life becomes more complicated we can only wonder who is minding the more basic issues as 'hard learned lessons' are 're-thought' in order to streamline processes and boost 'profitability'?
Some point to 'short-termism' as the root of our modern dilemma but is it really? While nobody is paying attention the treasury is being picked clean yet you're worried if your shoes match your suit/dress...
Like some bizarre carnival, the 'barkers' tell you what to do and you stroll along ignoring them, it's their carnival, you're just visiting. What you don't realize is the morons running things handed the carnies your wallet when they agreed to set up the show in your town!
Not responsible? When was the last time you visited 'the Kitchen Table' to discuss the future with the family?
For most of you the answer is never.
Now you keep your own council on where you are and where you hope to go, the rest of 'em are 'on their own', which is precisely how the Libertarians want it! [In case you were thinking a 'third party vote' would soothe your conscious.]
Do you have any idea what 'competence looks like? What SHOULD you be concerned about?
Besides global warming there is a huge population problem that mysteriously 'went away' right around the time the so-called 'conservatives' seized power and turned the electoral process into the circus we have today.
How many of you have noticed the world has evolved into a eight hundred thousand dollar playground while you're still trying to squeak by on $25 K a year?
Do you seriously think this is 'an accident?'
The 'we're all in this together' boat sailed over the horizon a long time ago, this is now the land of the Haves and the Have Mores...and YOU'RE TRESPASSING!
[Should I challenge Trump for the presidency? It's his championing of issues like this that have cinched the Republican nomination for him! SOMETHING IS RADICALLY WRONG WHEN A REPUBLICAN ONE PERCENTER CAN RUN AS A DEMOCRAT AND NOBODY NOTICES!]
But that's not ALL.
Back in the heady days of early Seventies, when we were protesting the Vietnam War [more the draft than anything else] and the message 'Make Love, not War' became our battle cry [ever wonder what happened to that in this era of 'Islam-o-fascism'?] we were confronted with two very genuine concerns, concerns that have been ingored because our 'betters' are still expressing confidence they can 'solve' the issues.
Actually A. is connected directly to B. so if you solve one the other becomes moot.
The (what we used to call the 'population explosion') is driving a rapid depletion in fossil fuels.
Solve the population explosion and the fossil fuel issue becomes moot.
So how do we 'reduce' the excess population?
Is it beginning to look like war is the answer after all?
Don't want it to be 'birth control'! What would GOD say?
So it looks like killing is our only alternative...or maybe they chose 'infertility' [price/cheat enough people out of their child-rearing years and the problem takes care of first world nations.]
The less fortunate second and third world nations are faced with the choice between disease and famine to keep their populations in check.
So, who put these dunderheads in charge?
Rhetorical question, THEY DID!
We didn't elect them, they elected themselves! [It's not how 'we' do things, it's how THEY do things!]
Why would they do such a thing? Because they knew if they didn't 'seize control' then they would be facing decisions they wouldn't like at all and the 'adults' would make them abandon the 'more for me' system their parents created for them.
Given the choice between systemic collapse and sanity, they are choosing systemic collapse...because they believe they can survive a systemic collapse.
Once the dust settles they plan on re-asserting their dominance once again.
In the most brutal of fashions,'s all we understand [don't even get them started on what we 'deserve'!]
If there is a 'hell' good citizen, we are being trained quite thoroughly on how to survive it.
But I digress, the one thing you can be assured of is there isn't anything 'worse' coming after this plane of existence.
But you'll have to die to prove me wrong...
Let's recap, shall we?
We are living in a world that we've been 'priced out' of by our 'betters' who elected themselves to run things while we jump through hoops trying to 'pretend' we govern ourselves...
Not for the last time will I ask YOU 'Where are the ADULTS?'
I don't expect an answer and I don't care if your 90, I already know YOU aren't ONE OF THEM!
Because if YOU were, we wouldn't be having this conversation!
Population crisis and Energy crunch...take action NOW!
You see, these are 'non-problems for the super rich, if they need more of either all they have to do is price YOU out of the market.
Let the 'hired help' [Read the morons with the guns and badges] deal with the riots and civil unrest that threatens to burn our civilization to a a few can be 'rich'.
Problem solved.
Naturally, they've got another thing coming if they think this is how it ends.
They underestimated their foe on too many levels, starting with the foolish level of 'trust' they have placed in their 'protectors'.
But hindsight is always 20-20 and no 'good deed' goes unpunished.
That's all for today good citizen. Are you ready to be counted as one of the Adults?
Good, I'll let you know what they say.
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
Some point to 'short-termism' as the root of our modern dilemma but is it really? While nobody is paying attention the treasury is being picked clean yet you're worried if your shoes match your suit/dress...
Like some bizarre carnival, the 'barkers' tell you what to do and you stroll along ignoring them, it's their carnival, you're just visiting. What you don't realize is the morons running things handed the carnies your wallet when they agreed to set up the show in your town!
Not responsible? When was the last time you visited 'the Kitchen Table' to discuss the future with the family?
For most of you the answer is never.
Now you keep your own council on where you are and where you hope to go, the rest of 'em are 'on their own', which is precisely how the Libertarians want it! [In case you were thinking a 'third party vote' would soothe your conscious.]
Do you have any idea what 'competence looks like? What SHOULD you be concerned about?
Besides global warming there is a huge population problem that mysteriously 'went away' right around the time the so-called 'conservatives' seized power and turned the electoral process into the circus we have today.
How many of you have noticed the world has evolved into a eight hundred thousand dollar playground while you're still trying to squeak by on $25 K a year?
Do you seriously think this is 'an accident?'
The 'we're all in this together' boat sailed over the horizon a long time ago, this is now the land of the Haves and the Have Mores...and YOU'RE TRESPASSING!
[Should I challenge Trump for the presidency? It's his championing of issues like this that have cinched the Republican nomination for him! SOMETHING IS RADICALLY WRONG WHEN A REPUBLICAN ONE PERCENTER CAN RUN AS A DEMOCRAT AND NOBODY NOTICES!]
But that's not ALL.
Back in the heady days of early Seventies, when we were protesting the Vietnam War [more the draft than anything else] and the message 'Make Love, not War' became our battle cry [ever wonder what happened to that in this era of 'Islam-o-fascism'?] we were confronted with two very genuine concerns, concerns that have been ingored because our 'betters' are still expressing confidence they can 'solve' the issues.
Actually A. is connected directly to B. so if you solve one the other becomes moot.
The (what we used to call the 'population explosion') is driving a rapid depletion in fossil fuels.
Solve the population explosion and the fossil fuel issue becomes moot.
So how do we 'reduce' the excess population?
Is it beginning to look like war is the answer after all?
Don't want it to be 'birth control'! What would GOD say?
So it looks like killing is our only alternative...or maybe they chose 'infertility' [price/cheat enough people out of their child-rearing years and the problem takes care of first world nations.]
The less fortunate second and third world nations are faced with the choice between disease and famine to keep their populations in check.
So, who put these dunderheads in charge?
Rhetorical question, THEY DID!
We didn't elect them, they elected themselves! [It's not how 'we' do things, it's how THEY do things!]
Why would they do such a thing? Because they knew if they didn't 'seize control' then they would be facing decisions they wouldn't like at all and the 'adults' would make them abandon the 'more for me' system their parents created for them.
Given the choice between systemic collapse and sanity, they are choosing systemic collapse...because they believe they can survive a systemic collapse.
Once the dust settles they plan on re-asserting their dominance once again.
In the most brutal of fashions,'s all we understand [don't even get them started on what we 'deserve'!]
If there is a 'hell' good citizen, we are being trained quite thoroughly on how to survive it.
But I digress, the one thing you can be assured of is there isn't anything 'worse' coming after this plane of existence.
But you'll have to die to prove me wrong...
Let's recap, shall we?
We are living in a world that we've been 'priced out' of by our 'betters' who elected themselves to run things while we jump through hoops trying to 'pretend' we govern ourselves...
Not for the last time will I ask YOU 'Where are the ADULTS?'
I don't expect an answer and I don't care if your 90, I already know YOU aren't ONE OF THEM!
Because if YOU were, we wouldn't be having this conversation!
Population crisis and Energy crunch...take action NOW!
You see, these are 'non-problems for the super rich, if they need more of either all they have to do is price YOU out of the market.
Let the 'hired help' [Read the morons with the guns and badges] deal with the riots and civil unrest that threatens to burn our civilization to a a few can be 'rich'.
Problem solved.
Naturally, they've got another thing coming if they think this is how it ends.
They underestimated their foe on too many levels, starting with the foolish level of 'trust' they have placed in their 'protectors'.
But hindsight is always 20-20 and no 'good deed' goes unpunished.
That's all for today good citizen. Are you ready to be counted as one of the Adults?
Good, I'll let you know what they say.
Thanks for letting me inside your head,