Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, bad enough the genders are at war with one another followed closely by race which often leads to now ancient animosity between nationalities.

I could go on but the point is thanks to a society without justice humans have learned to hate anyone who isn't a sibling (often 'compromising' by only barely tolerating them.)

While we intellectually understand that war is never the answer, TV shows us repeatedly that war is the only hammer we know how to use, making it our ONLY recourse.

I'm sure some of you are baffled, how did he get here? The answer lies in today's headlines featuring the consensus reached by the US media that the suicide bombings in Sri Lanka are 'retaliation' for the mosque shooting in New Zealand.


Like yesterday's rant about climate change being humanities single greatest problem, blaming rampant sectarianism totally misses the point that both the sniper attack and suicide bombings are the direct by-products of so-called 'FREE SPEECH'.

Is mankind too stupid to live?

This points the cannon in a different direction, what we allow others to teach our children.

The whole 'religion thing' takes on a whole new context when viewed through a military lens...doesn't the religion you were born into govern which ARMY you choose to soldier for? [Religion is a 'gift' from our parents (so you won't be an 'outcast'), choosing to keep that gift is all YOU!]

Yup, we 'inherit' our religion and everything that comes with it...most often not having any choice in the matter.

Funny kids know/recognize what their religion means (socially) more so than their 'jaded' parents do.

Not that the parents aren't aware too, they just keep it to themselves.

Well, look at what the LIES are doing to the fabric of society?

EVERY religion CLAIMS (baselessly) to be the ONE TRUE FAITH, bar none.

How can that be true?

Faith is falling by the wayside as more and more individuals realize religion is responsible for more problems than solutions on an increasingly 'finite' planet.

Is mankind too stupid to live?

Humans are waking up to the idea of 'humans first' [with liberty and justice for all!] but 'peer pressure' is holding the 'doubters' in check and the 'unbelievers' are using this indecisiveness against them. (You're pretty face is going to Hell, despite all evidence pointing to the fact that you are already there.)

Are any of us really here to appease some angry being that we will never meet?

Um, treason is punishable by death and the 'essence of treachery' is 'misrepresentation'.

So about those conversations you claim to have been having with some imaginary being...

Seriously good citizen, Is mankind too stupid to live?

No but we have to step across the threshold of doubt that keeps us from calling out the liars.

Hopefully before the liars come for you and accuse you of 'heresy'.

The name of the game has ALWAYS been Comply or Die...time to put teeth back into only thing keeping people from lying and calling it religion.

Because the name of the game REMAINS 'Comply or Die'.

If you won't stand up for the truth, what WILL you stand up for?

The cesspool you are swimming in is the product of the feckless who have no use for humanity, nevermind honesty or truth.

Zero irony that the those capable of quoting the Bible chapter and verse are the biggest heretics on two feet. Not only do they not believe but they are in a constant state of amazement that YOU fall for it!

Sectarianism will not end until all of humanity is UNITED under the banner of their mutual humanity and not some FAKE deity!

Don't lose sight of the fact that the feckless will attempt to establish 'the church of Superman' because they believe humanity can't lead itself, the beginnings of all woe.

Death to the lying 'pretenders'.

Thanks once again, Head!



  1. The whole 'religion thing' takes on a whole new context when viewed through a military lens...doesn't the religion you were born into govern which ARMY you choose to soldier for? [Religion is a 'gift' from our parents (so you won't be an 'outcast'), choosing to keep that gift is all YOU!]

  2. Humans are waking up to the idea of 'humans first' [with liberty and justice for all!] but 'peer pressure' is holding the 'doubters' in check and the 'unbelievers' are using this indecisiveness against them. (You're pretty face is going to Hell, despite all evidence pointing to the fact that you are already there.)

  3. Like yesterday's rant about climate change being humanities single greatest problem, blaming rampant sectarianism totally misses the point that both the sniper attack and suicide bombings are the direct by-products of so-called 'FREE SPEECH'.

  4. While we intellectually understand that war is never the answer, TV shows us repeatedly that war is the only hammer we know how to use, making it our ONLY recourse.

  5. Like yesterday's rant about climate change being humanities single greatest problem, blaming rampant sectarianism totally misses the point that both the sniper attack and suicide bombings are the direct by-products of so-called 'FREE SPEECH'.

  6. This points the cannon in a different direction, what we allow others to teach our children.

    The whole 'religion thing' takes on a whole new context when viewed through a military lens...doesn't the religion you were born into govern which ARMY you choose to soldier for? [Religion is a 'gift' from our parents (so you won't be an 'outcast'), choosing to keep that gift is all YOU!]

  7. Yup, we 'inherit' our religion and everything that comes with it...most often not having any choice in the matter.

    Funny kids know/recognize what their religion means (socially) more so than their 'jaded' parents do.

  8. Like yesterday's rant about climate change being humanities single greatest problem, blaming rampant sectarianism totally misses the point that both the sniper attack and suicide bombings are the direct by-products of so-called 'FREE SPEECH'.

  9. EVERY religion CLAIMS (baselessly) to be the ONE TRUE FAITH, bar none.

    How can that be true?

  10. Yup, we 'inherit' our religion and everything that comes with it...most often not having any choice in the matter.

    Funny kids know/recognize what their religion means (socially) more so than their 'jaded' parents do.

  11. Like yesterday's rant about climate change being humanities single greatest problem, blaming rampant sectarianism totally misses the point that both the sniper attack and suicide bombings are the direct by-products of so-called 'FREE SPEECH'.

    Is mankind too stupid to live?


  12. Humans are waking up to the idea of 'humans first' [with liberty and justice for all!] but 'peer pressure' is holding the 'doubters' in check and the 'unbelievers' are using this indecisiveness against them. (You're pretty face is going to Hell, despite all evidence pointing to the fact that you are already there.)


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...