Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I sincerely hope yesterday's frivolity hasn't caused any of you permanent damage but some people don't know the definition of 'too much'.

Either way it was nice to have a 'day off' and if the intel can be relied upon, today is the day Google advised it would start swinging the wrecking ball.

I'm still not clear what that's all about. I was advised last week to 'switch back' to my old blogger profile so this page, sans the 'about me' profile is still here; let's see where this leads.

Speaking about my 'Futurist' profile, I perused this morning's headlines and found, once again, for a society that is falling apart at the seams there is zero being done about any of it. [Why isn't the media on top of this?] Rhetorical question, we all know why.

Gotta have a schtick in this 'stand apart' political climate and now you are being wooed by an openly gay democratic presidential candidate. What 'progressives' they are! The first African American president was also a democrat and in the last election the 'progressives' ran their female hopeful only to have their poor choice polarize the nation, resulting in the election of the nation's worst/dumbest president ever [That said, this shitshow ain't over yet.]

What part of 'representative' don't the king-makers in the media understand?

They keep using these 'divisive' tactics and it will be torches and pitchforks time (again.)

It all comes down to 'education' doesn't it?

They THINK they know what the public wants when they have dedicated themselves to insuring the public has no idea which end is up. [So they feel 'safe' putting minority candidates at the forefront and using shame tactics if you point out that this individual isn't 'representative' of the general public.

But once again I digress.

It shouldn't matter which way the candidate is 'wired' although that is precisely where you end up when the 'race for power' is decided by a f'n popularity contest!

The entire political 'process' is designed to keep YOU away from the dashboard of power.

It is quite effective at doing precisely that...it also allows the few to wield far more power than they should because the process is set up to be hijacked at certain 'choke points'. [Can you say 'national security'?] (True justice doesn't need to hide behind 'buzzwords'.)

The honest don't require the cloak of secrecy but the criminals among us find that cloak indispensable.

This is why ASP ceases the media dominated 'popularity contest' in favor of the Tests. Want to walk the corridors of power and work for the greater good? You have to prove you have the vision to get the job done.

Um, part in parcel with the adoption of ASP is the 'disappearance of national security'. Under ASP there are no nations/criminal underground.

One world, one people, united.

Win the top spot? Still doesn't exempt you from prosecution like the current Criminal in Chief. [Mostly because the law reverts to be controlled by those who agree to live under it. Legislators will go the way of the monarchy/dinosaurs.] 'Leaders' will NOT be able to craft, interpret or implement/decree Law.

One would wonder [if one were bright enough to think] why this isn't the case now?

On this side of the fence it is easy to see that those propping up the current shitshow are criminals.

Time to clean house, from the Blue suit to the Black robe.

The penalty for treason is death.

Happy day after April Fools Day!



  1. One world, one people, united.

  2. The entire political 'process' is designed to keep YOU away from the dashboard of power.

    It is quite effective at doing precisely that...it also allows the few to wield far more power than they should because the process is set up to be hijacked at certain 'choke points'. [Can you say 'national security'?] (True justice doesn't need to hide behind 'buzzwords'.)

  3. It all comes down to 'education' doesn't it?

  4. It shouldn't matter which way the candidate is 'wired' although that is precisely where you end up when the 'race for power' is decided by a f'n popularity contest!

  5. Gotta have a schtick in this 'stand apart' political climate and now you are being wooed by an openly gay democratic presidential candidate. What 'progressives' they are! The first African American president was also a democrat and in the last election the 'progressives' ran their female hopeful only to have their poor choice polarize the nation, resulting in the election of the nation's worst/dumbest president ever [That said, this shitshow ain't over yet.]

    What part of 'representative' don't the king-makers in the media understand?

  6. It shouldn't matter which way the candidate is 'wired' although that is precisely where you end up when the 'race for power' is decided by a f'n popularity contest!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...