Friday, April 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, many of my posts refer to the rudderless, directionless victims of the feckless and their more for me actions that you are powerless to defend yourself against.

Do you want to defend yourself?

Never thought about it, did you?

Most believe anything that makes them like their oppressors only makes the situation worse. Most would admit it is happening anyway, such is the natural of the endless fight for survival.

The escalation of desperation as resources dwindle is 'inevitable'.

Worse is the inability to do anything about your plight. Nobody to complain to and nobody to hold accountable so you regress and blame your equally as powerless progenitors.

Yup, Mom & Dad wore the same hoodwink you find yourself cursed with. None are so blind as those who REFUSE to see...besides, blaming earlier generations is much easier than holding yourself accountable, isn't it. [Not a question but a fact. The people who were supposed to protect you failed AND they left you with no way to defy the tyrants. This is all their fault!]

I'd once again tell you to find a mirror if you want to SEE who is going to get YOU out of this.

But you're AFRAID.

The good news is 'the fear' of things going tits up is much worse than the actual course of events.

You also need to be mindful that they can only kill you once but they can torture you everyday, all day if that's what they decide they need to do...and they rationalize every shitty stunt they pull as being 'necessary'. [This is full circle to the 'if your only tool is a hammer' conundrum writ large!]

It WON'T stop until YOU stop them...but things aren't so you really NEED to stop them?

The only thing preventing the streets from running with blood is your resignation/dismissal that 'things could be worse'.

STOP: Think for a moment and that's all it's going to take to see the truth is that your parent's inaction has doomed your children! [Understand that YOU aren't blameless in this.]

You whistle past the graveyard thinking you dodged this bullet but you didn't.

When the dam finally does burst you will be too old to do anything but accept your 'much deserved' fate.

Not only do you not know what to do but you don't have a clue regarding where to begin. The only thing you can be sure of is you should have started forty years ago [and if you aren't yet forty that doesn't let you off the hook!]

Yeah, hindsight is 20/20 but at the time we had no idea what the feckless were up to nevermind any idea that an alternative to predatory capitalism even existed.

[Remove Money from the equation and survival remains. Only MORONS need that parsed.]

We are being led to our doom by people that couldn't think their way out of a paper bag filled with matches.

Honesty is a terrible thing because there is no escaping it. Doesn't matter who claims to lead, without unity and a common, ONGOING objective, humanity it just a band of cannibals preying on one another.

It won't stop until YOU stop it...and if that means ejecting the cannibals from their positions of trust and power, so be it.

You can continue to pretend that you don't know what to do but the only person you are fooling is you.

ASP is waiting to be implemented and the sooner you get started, the sooner you will eliminate that 'lost' feeling that has plagued your entire life!

ASP is holistic and can be found in detail on the website that hosts today's post under the 'about us' section.

Just follow your nose,



  1. Not only do you not know what to do but you don't have a clue regarding where to begin. The only thing you can be sure of is you should have started forty years ago [and if you aren't yet forty that doesn't let you off the hook!]

  2. Yeah, hindsight is 20/20 but at the time we had no idea what the feckless were up to nevermind any idea that an alternative to predatory capitalism even existed.

    [Remove Money from the equation and survival remains. Only MORONS need that parsed.]

    Will you save yourself while there is still something left to save?

  3. Honesty is a terrible thing because there is no escaping it. Doesn't matter who claims to lead, without unity and a common, ONGOING objective, humanity it just a band of cannibals preying on one another.


  4. The escalation of desperation as resources dwindle is 'inevitable'.

    Worse is the inability to do anything about your plight. Nobody to complain to and nobody to hold accountable so you regress and blame your equally as powerless progenitors.

  5. STOP: Think for a moment and that's all it's going to take to see the truth is that your parent's inaction has doomed your children! [Understand that YOU aren't blameless in this.]

  6. Yup, Mom & Dad wore the same hoodwink you find yourself cursed with. None are so blind as those who REFUSE to see...besides, blaming earlier generations is much easier than holding yourself accountable, isn't it. [Not a question but a fact. The people who were supposed to protect you failed AND they left you with no way to defy the tyrants. This is all their fault!]

    I'd once again tell you to find a mirror if you want to SEE who is going to get YOU out of this.

  7. You also need to be mindful that they can only kill you once but they can torture you everyday, all day if that's what they decide they need to do...and they rationalize every shitty stunt they pull as being 'necessary'. [This is full circle to the 'if your only tool is a hammer' conundrum writ large!]

  8. You also need to be mindful that they can only kill you once but they can torture you everyday, all day if that's what they decide they need to do...and they rationalize every shitty stunt they pull as being 'necessary'. [This is full circle to the 'if your only tool is a hammer' conundrum writ large!]

  9. Most believe anything that makes them like their oppressors only makes the situation worse. Most would admit it is happening anyway, such is the natural of the endless fight for survival.

    The escalation of desperation as resources dwindle is 'inevitable'.

  10. Most believe anything that makes them like their oppressors only makes the situation worse. Most would admit it is happening anyway, such is the natural of the endless fight for survival.

    The escalation of desperation as resources dwindle is 'inevitable'.

  11. Yup, Mom & Dad wore the same hoodwink you find yourself cursed with. None are so blind as those who REFUSE to see...besides, blaming earlier generations is much easier than holding yourself accountable, isn't it. [Not a question but a fact. The people who were supposed to protect you failed AND they left you with no way to defy the tyrants. This is all their fault!]

    I'd once again tell you to find a mirror if you want to SEE who is going to get YOU out of this.

  12. Most believe anything that makes them like their oppressors only makes the situation worse. Most would admit it is happening anyway, such is the natural of the endless fight for survival.

    The escalation of desperation as resources dwindle is 'inevitable'.

  13. ASP is waiting to be implemented and the sooner you get started, the sooner you will eliminate that 'lost' feeling that has plagued your entire life!

    ASP is holistic and can be found in detail on the website that hosts today's post under the 'MORE' section.

  14. [Remove Money from the equation and survival remains. Only MORONS need that parsed.]

  15. STOP: Think for a moment and that's all it's going to take to see the truth is that your parent's inaction has doomed your children! [Understand that YOU aren't blameless in this.]

    You whistle past the graveyard thinking you dodged this bullet but you didn't.

  16. Yeah, hindsight is 20/20 but at the time we had no idea what the feckless were up to nevermind any idea that an alternative to predatory capitalism even existed.

    [Remove Money from the equation and survival remains. Only MORONS need that parsed.]


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