Monday, April 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, tis the season and I, like countless of you, received one of many campaign updates asking for what all politicians ask for...$

What I find particularly disturbing is the 'third rail' underlying the narrow narrative the presidential hopefuls are given to focus on.

This morning's letter echoed the rallying cry of the Progressives and insisted the most momentous problem facing humanity as 'climate change'.

Talk about deaf, dumb and blind!

If we fail to address OVERPOPULATION, the climate, er, 'situation' will NOT improve. Under that we have the ongoing collapse of Capitalism, which no one will admit much less address and between the two we have the greatest elephant of them all, the sectarian splits that prevent a consensus being reached by ANY of the major population groups.

I've inferred it repeatedly but perhaps it's time to actually say it out loud so I ask mankind 'too stupid to live?'

The ONLY clearly discernible difference between any human, regardless of gender or color is INTELLIGENCE.

If we came equipped with equal mental capacity it would alter nothing because the deciding factor is deviousness. In the pursuit of their own agenda some humans are totally unscrupulous. [Which is to admit that we ALL have an agenda and most of us that agenda isn't 'evil' per se, we merely want to be 'free' to make the best life we can for ourselves.]

How unfortunate for humanity that 'shortage' is their middle name/a fact of life?

If there isn't enough of a thing to go around the tendency (among humans) is to play 'me first'...but I digress.

I was of a mind to title this piece 'clueless' but that word ignores the fact that YOU are being manipulated using 'made up' issues, some of which we have no hope of controlling.

POLLUTION is the main cause of 'climate change' and you wouldn't have to look too hard to find a hardcore cadre of climate change deniers.

The excessive WASTE produced by rapacious, unbridled capitalism is the driving force behind the reckless breeding we see all around us and the population explosion we are told isn't happening. mankind 'too stupid to live?'

Let's suppose we have a 'Woke' moment and suddenly our [bought and paid for] 'politicians' decide to play along and start preaching the 'I hear you' gospel...

Are any of you stupid enough to believe ANYTHING will change?

Those leading us are 'ONE TRICK PONIES!' [and 'MORE FOR ME' is the only game they know how to play!]

NOTHING will change so long as we ALLOW the 'what's in it for me' mindset to prevail

Isn't THAT what's holding YOU back from getting behind ASP?

You'd think the plethora of things you will get without charge would be enough to convince you that ASP serves humanity's best interests but no, you feel 'threatened' by the idea of not having money you can hold in your hand [which will only get stolen from you.] mankind 'too stupid to live?'

Do YOU know what ASP offers everyone that agrees to live under the 'rules, not rulers' system?

Grand prize good citizen, you get to live AND vote directly on the laws you ALL must live by.

The most disturbing part of this whole scenario is the 'chute' the treacherous politicians are herding you down.

If everybody believes the Sky is falling [and most of you believe Jesus is coming PUNISH those who don't believe, boy those Muslims are gonna be in trouble, huh?] maybe they're dumb enough to believe that more tax cuts for the wealthy will appease the angry King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Ever wonder why we refer to the creator in terms reserved for Royalty? [Once upon a time they were the same thing...but Royalty sucks at pulling rabbits out of their backside...and so does their made up God!] mankind 'too stupid to live?'

If you go anywhere come November and you don't head to the polls specifically so you can BURN THEM DOWN you may as well march to nearest handy tree branch and HANG YOURSELF!

Voting in the future (under ASP) will be done from your keyboard and your 'unique' IP address. [If your census data is incorrect you won't be able to vote.]

Which is to point out they know a lot more about you than they are letting on yet they still force you to jump through hoops because the name of the game remains unchanged...comply or die! mankind 'too stupid to live?'

Remarkably, the jury is still out.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. If Jesus died for our 'salvation' why are we all huddled around this open cesspool, doing our best to ignore the stench and thanking the 'kind and merciful god' that things aren't worse?

  2. This morning's letter echoed the rallying cry of the Progressives and insisted the most momentous problem facing humanity as 'climate change'.

    Talk about deaf, dumb and blind!

  3. If we fail to address OVERPOPULATION, the climate, er, 'situation' will NOT improve. Under that we have the ongoing collapse of Capitalism, which no one will admit much less address and between the two we have the greatest elephant of them all, the sectarian splits that prevent a consensus being reached by ANY of the major population groups.

    I've inferred it repeatedly but perhaps it's time to actually say it out loud so I ask mankind 'too stupid to live?'

  4. Do YOU know what ASP offers everyone that agrees to live under the 'rules, not rulers' system?

    Grand prize good citizen, you get to live AND vote directly on the laws you ALL must live by.

  5. If we came equipped with equal mental capacity it would alter nothing because the deciding factor is deviousness. In the pursuit of their own agenda some humans are totally unscrupulous. [Which is to admit that we ALL have an agenda and most of us that agenda isn't 'evil' per se, we merely want to be 'free' to make the best life we can for ourselves.]

  6. The ONLY clearly discernible difference between any human, regardless of gender or color is INTELLIGENCE.

  7. If we fail to address OVERPOPULATION, the climate, er, 'situation' will NOT improve. Under that we have the ongoing collapse of Capitalism, which no one will admit much less address and between the two we have the greatest elephant of them all, the sectarian splits that prevent a consensus being reached by ANY of the major population groups.

  8. This morning's letter echoed the rallying cry of the Progressives and insisted the most momentous problem facing humanity as 'climate change'.

    Talk about deaf, dumb and blind!

    If we fail to address OVERPOPULATION, the climate, er, 'situation' will NOT improve. Under that we have the ongoing collapse of Capitalism, which no one will admit much less address and between the two we have the greatest elephant of them all, the sectarian splits that prevent a consensus being reached by ANY of the major population groups.

  9. What I find particularly disturbing is the 'third rail' underlying the narrow narrative the presidential hopefuls are given to focus on.

    This morning's letter echoed the rallying cry of the Progressives and insisted the most momentous problem facing humanity as 'climate change'.

    Talk about deaf, dumb and blind!

  10. If we came equipped with equal mental capacity it would alter nothing because the deciding factor is deviousness. In the pursuit of their own agenda some humans are totally unscrupulous. [Which is to admit that we ALL have an agenda and most of us that agenda isn't 'evil' per se, we merely want to be 'free' to make the best life we can for ourselves.]

    How unfortunate for humanity that 'shortage' is their middle name/a fact of life?

  11. How unfortunate for humanity that 'shortage' is their middle name/a fact of life?

    If there isn't enough of a thing to go around the tendency (among humans) is to play 'me first'...but I digress.

  12. If we fail to address OVERPOPULATION, the climate, er, 'situation' will NOT improve. Under that we have the ongoing collapse of Capitalism, which no one will admit much less address and between the two we have the greatest elephant of them all, the sectarian splits that prevent a consensus being reached by ANY of the major population groups.

    I've inferred it repeatedly but perhaps it's time to actually say it out loud so I ask mankind 'too stupid to live?'

  13. This morning's letter echoed the rallying cry of the Progressives and insisted the most momentous problem facing humanity as 'climate change'.

    Talk about deaf, dumb and blind!

    If we fail to address OVERPOPULATION, the climate, er, 'situation' will NOT improve. Under that we have the ongoing collapse of Capitalism, which no one will admit much less address and between the two we have the greatest elephant of them all, the sectarian splits that prevent a consensus being reached by ANY of the major population groups.

    I've inferred it repeatedly but perhaps it's time to actually say it out loud so I ask mankind 'too stupid to live?'

  14. If we fail to address OVERPOPULATION, the climate, er, 'situation' will NOT improve. Under that we have the ongoing collapse of Capitalism, which no one will admit much less address and between the two we have the greatest elephant of them all, the sectarian splits that prevent a consensus being reached by ANY of the major population groups.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...