Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, this morning's headline herald the fact that the measles epidemic is spreading unchecked, thanks to no longer mandated vaccination that 'nearly' eradicated the disease.

That said, many other illnesses are resurgent and we can only wonder if this isn't an attempt by the feckless/hopelessly stupid to use natural biological weapons in a futile attempt to keep the OOC population in check.

Little known fact that dysentery was the number one cause of death as recently as 1900, yes good citizen, people used to shit themselves to death. How unfortunate for the rest of us that 'verbal diarrhea' isn't as fatal as it's biological counterpart...

It is impossible to overstate it; humanity is neck-deep in STUPID [but you KNEW that!]

Lost completely is why Capitalism and the much vaunted 'profit motive' hasn't saved us from these now ancient threats?

Did you know capitalism took credit for eradicating many of the diseases that cursed humanity? So why are they making such a concerted comeback?

Understand, there is more money to be made from treating the symptoms than curing the disease and who is stupid enough to believe that the feckless are beyond resurrecting long eradicated diseases for 'fun & profit'.

The Capitalist is the original 'Anti-vaxer!'

How do you like me now?

Worse, this is the scatter-brained playing with the forces of nature...we didn't mean to kill everybody, we didn't know this would turn deadly!

Sadly, what the infamous they 'don't know' could fill libraries! [Don't laugh, you are right behind them!]

Worse, YOU let them get away with it because it is only recently that it has been brought to your attention that you have NO WAY TO HOLD THESE ASSHOLES ACCOUNTABLE!

Why isn't the 'profit motive' saving us from these ancient scourges? Likely it's the same reason capitalism can't provide enough jobs for all that need them [yet it conveniently blames this failure on YOU!]

Those of my generation lived through the 'post war prosperity' fed by the need to literally rebuild 90% of the world [from rubble.] Yet it seems we fail to appreciate one of Fifties Rock 'standards' titled 'Get a job'...and these were times of unparalleled plenty!

At the time 'Whitey' brushed off the lament as being a 'colored problem' when by 1970 it became a 'educational issue' that more education never solved...and never will.

Vaccinations against diseases like small pox were legally mandated...until Morning in America, then the legal requirement to safeguard the population was dropped, quietly, by the party of the Great Liar, Reagan.

Also unadvertised and unnoticed by our 'vigilant' FREE PRESS was the termination of the nationwide, publicly funded Civil Defense program.

Kids today don't remember either of these initiatives and people my age took them for granted so it's small wonder NOBODY noticed they no longer existed and WHO got rid of them...[I'M LOOKING AT YOU, CONSERVO-WHACKO! YUP, REPUBLICAN'S DID IT! Waving and humping the flag the whole time!]

Zero coincidence that 'movement conservatism' is the sole survivor of the monetary takeover of our political system post WWII.

If you aren't rich [a card carrying supporter of the oligarchy, who are, by default, monetarily wealthy] you are 'the walking dead.'

Not an 'encouraging' prognosis but it's impossible to candy coat how the feckless regard this ongoing threat to 'their sovereignty', a distinction that excludes you and yours.

You may be left-handedly related to an oligarch but that's like being the cousin of somebody famous which highlights the fact that either you are or you aren't, there is no 'middle'.

A useful tool when trying to triangulate your status in our (hyper) status sensitive culture, there is no 'middle', either you are or you aren't.

Which is to point out that much of the division in our society comes from the STUPID who think they are 'on their way' to becoming what they can NEVER be.

Probably not a good place to add that these people are traitors and can't be trusted, EVER.

Once ousted they must be BANISHED, permanently. [Exile is the ONE-WAY naked nature walk...your failure to appreciate the benefits of 'mutual cooperation' prohibits you from possessing any. Thus you are sent into banishment in your 'birthday suit' with nothing else.]

Selfishness is its own reward.

That and humans don't take kindly to those who conspire to eradicate us...

Until next time, Head


Monday, April 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, um, conservative ideology is thin gruel at the best of times and it keeps leaking into the mainstream on the lips of those who haven't thought anything in their entire lives.

Is the US (and by inference the rest of the planet) 'FULL'?

Opportunity has certainly, er, 'dried up'...but that is being caused by systemic failure and not reality.

Since the bloodless coup of conservatism worldwide our species IQ has dropped a dozen points because STUPID PEOPLE are a lot easier to get over on than the cognizant.

Zero coincidence that the conservative driven 'aversion' towards intellect emerged from the wake of 'Morning in America' (and Midnight everywhere else...)

And only a fool believes Conservatism (and its empty values) are superior to SOCIALISM.

Since the stolen election of 1980 we find ourselves with a bumper crop of idiots thanks to the mis-education system.

When science is replaced with the 'mystery of faith' tyranny flourishes.

'Magical thinking' is the bedrock of conservatism. The 'myth' of the rugged individual dominates from end to lying end.

We are all rugged individuals but our 'superpower' is COOPERATION! TOGETHER we are INVINCIBLE! [Alone, not so much.]

So why is it only a few prosper?

We return to magical thinking and the notion that some of us are simply 'luckier' than the rest...when luck has nothing to do with it. Escaping prosecution is 85% corruption and 15 % ruthlessness/heartlessness.

These people are legends in their own minds, how pathetic is it that the typical narcissist is impossible to satisfy?

The planet is most definitely in trouble but the root isn't [yet] overpopulation as much as it is mismanagement on a colossal scale!

The 'never satisfied' narcissists are broken and have no sense of proportion, which is why they are unable to recognize such a trivial thing as 'enough'.

Have I pointed out that we must stop following the dictates of the mentally deficient?

No? My bad...

What does your inability to recognize this fact for yourself say about you and more pointedly, the people running this shitshow?

Why are you shocked to find yourself sitting under Barnum's bigtop?

TV brought the 'tent' to you. Now you can be duped in the comfort of your own living room without the stench of animal manure and stinking humans pressed together beneath a canvas firetrap.

The only thing 'full' around here is your head and I have told you REPEATEDLY precisely what it's 'full' of.

You're swimming in a toxic environment and this is the ONLY drain plug available; which isn't true because the guys and gals that routinely drop their pants to keep your head topped off with nonsense are planning on ending your miserable existence in a blinding flash of white light.

The laughable part is they think they are going to survive this!

The joke is on them.

If you fail to kick the feckless to the curb and send them on the naked, one-way nature walk you'll never know if your daughter kicked her husband's ass and took over the planet, giving hu-womanity a long overdue chance.

Um, in closing I find it curious that the White House Correspondents dinner decided that their profession had nothing to laugh at after their annual conclave.

You all don't suppose it's time the rest of us get serious too?

Until next time, Head.


Saturday, April 27, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I belabor the obvious when I point out that the general public has abandoned the corrupt and useless political process because it is performs perfectly.

Nothing will ever change because the system only responds to super majorities and there is zero verification so NOBODY trusts it.

Yet we get pleas from candidates (we don't know from a hole in the wall) asking for campaign funding based solely on their 'Party Affiliation'.

Anyone with half an ounce of intellect knows USA is a ONE PARTY nation PRETENDING to be two!

For all the fire of the would be candidates it seems they are all running to lead a nation that doesn't exist. [Because they ALL ignore the very real crises facing our nation on a worldwide basis.]

Everybody knows our species can no longer afford the 'luxury' of remaining divided yet no one is willing to accept the changes necessary to make unity possible.

ASP is holistic and designed for universal application, capitalism (and its bastard child, communism) is NOT.

[The ONLY difference between capitalism and communism is who steals the money from the till.]

Under ASP the till disappears [whatever you spend money on is simply erased from your account...mother nature doesn't have a cash register and nobody 'employs' anyone.]

I keep pointing to a superior system whose time has come yet you all ignore it.

Leading me to ask 'how stupid are you?'

Um, Bernie Sanders is back in the race but he displayed his true colors by folding like a paper cup at the DNC, insuring we got the planet's greatest buffoon as our so called leader in the protest vote that November.

We'd like to think democracy died that day but our Republic as never a 'true democracy'. It was and all that copied what became known as the American Model with it's 'illusion of rights' has always been an oligarchy.

ASP is a 'true democracy' because there are NO LEGISLATORS, YOU vote directly on the laws, insuring your right to choose.

Does it scare you that your fate will be in your hands? The others have done you no favors...

Until next time, Head...


Friday, April 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, many of my posts refer to the rudderless, directionless victims of the feckless and their more for me actions that you are powerless to defend yourself against.

Do you want to defend yourself?

Never thought about it, did you?

Most believe anything that makes them like their oppressors only makes the situation worse. Most would admit it is happening anyway, such is the natural of the endless fight for survival.

The escalation of desperation as resources dwindle is 'inevitable'.

Worse is the inability to do anything about your plight. Nobody to complain to and nobody to hold accountable so you regress and blame your equally as powerless progenitors.

Yup, Mom & Dad wore the same hoodwink you find yourself cursed with. None are so blind as those who REFUSE to see...besides, blaming earlier generations is much easier than holding yourself accountable, isn't it. [Not a question but a fact. The people who were supposed to protect you failed AND they left you with no way to defy the tyrants. This is all their fault!]

I'd once again tell you to find a mirror if you want to SEE who is going to get YOU out of this.

But you're AFRAID.

The good news is 'the fear' of things going tits up is much worse than the actual course of events.

You also need to be mindful that they can only kill you once but they can torture you everyday, all day if that's what they decide they need to do...and they rationalize every shitty stunt they pull as being 'necessary'. [This is full circle to the 'if your only tool is a hammer' conundrum writ large!]

It WON'T stop until YOU stop them...but things aren't so bad...do you really NEED to stop them?

The only thing preventing the streets from running with blood is your resignation/dismissal that 'things could be worse'.

STOP: Think for a moment and that's all it's going to take to see the truth is that your parent's inaction has doomed your children! [Understand that YOU aren't blameless in this.]

You whistle past the graveyard thinking you dodged this bullet but you didn't.

When the dam finally does burst you will be too old to do anything but accept your 'much deserved' fate.

Not only do you not know what to do but you don't have a clue regarding where to begin. The only thing you can be sure of is you should have started forty years ago [and if you aren't yet forty that doesn't let you off the hook!]

Yeah, hindsight is 20/20 but at the time we had no idea what the feckless were up to nevermind any idea that an alternative to predatory capitalism even existed.

[Remove Money from the equation and survival remains. Only MORONS need that parsed.]

We are being led to our doom by people that couldn't think their way out of a paper bag filled with matches.

Honesty is a terrible thing because there is no escaping it. Doesn't matter who claims to lead, without unity and a common, ONGOING objective, humanity it just a band of cannibals preying on one another.

It won't stop until YOU stop it...and if that means ejecting the cannibals from their positions of trust and power, so be it.

You can continue to pretend that you don't know what to do but the only person you are fooling is you.

ASP is waiting to be implemented and the sooner you get started, the sooner you will eliminate that 'lost' feeling that has plagued your entire life!

ASP is holistic and can be found in detail on the website that hosts today's post under the 'about us' section.

Just follow your nose,


Thursday, April 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, constant reader knows I have long promoted the fact that what we are raised to believe is DEMOCRACY, AIN'T by any stretch of the imagination:

Our Revolution


Tomorrow, Our Revolution activists in Illinois will deliver thousands of petition signatures to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chair Cheri Bustos. It's been a busy couple of weeks, so allow me a moment to get you up to speed on what's going on, and how you can help.

First, we need you to sign the petition to stop the DCCC from rigging primaries for Democratic incumbents. Over 28,000 people have already signed, and we're trying to get as close to 35,000 signatures as possible before tomorrow.


We are delivering signatures to end the anti-democratic DCCC policy that was formalized last month. Starting this year the DCCC will “blacklist” consultants, firms, and vendors who work with primary challengers to Democratic House incumbents. They will not be permitted to work with other Democratic congressional candidates. So the teams who helped elect Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ro Khanna, and many others are now being punished for challenging the establishment.

This goes against the very nature of our democracy. Incumbents are being protected, even when their policies are out of step with their constituents. The Democratic Party is hurting itself with this policy, but more importantly, it is hurting millions of Americans who need radical change right now.

I have seen firsthand how you speaking out has moved the Democratic Party in a more progressive direction. As a member of the DNC Unity Reform Committee, we took your input that the party must be more democratic, transparent and accountable. Thanks to your organizing, we were successful in ending the undemocratic influence of so-called “superdelegates” during the presidential primaries.

Our democracy is stronger when we have robust primaries. Add your name to tell the DCCC to stop their policy that blacklists the teams who help primary challengers win elections. Our Revolution activists will deliver your signature to the DCCC tomorrow.

Thank you for speaking up on this important matter.

In Solidarity,

Let's start with the headline, shall we?

How the hell can it be 'Our Revolution' if there is no way to communicate with these self-professed 'Revolutionaires'? Top down is what we suffer now, looks like the 'rebels' don't want that part to change...likely because asking for forgiveness is still easier than asking for permission.

But even this is a digression. Under ASP you would vote DIRECTLY on 'the law' without interference from any 'Party'.

Worse, emblematic of the crisis facing our species is how the Parties themselves have crept beyond their original mandates.

The 'Pro Capitalist' conservatives billed themselves as 'financially conservative' which translated in reality to being adverse to paying for anything! While their opposites, the financially 'liberal' understood moneys' 'true purpose/usefulness' as a tool for improving the lot of all mankind [that's not what 'The Progressives' are about but you can't have a two party system with only one party!]

Wake up and smell the manure, stupid! DEMOCRATS/LIBERALS don't exist anymore! [Not as a political force because the feckless refuse to fund them!]

Do you see anything in the above, er, 'communication/PSA' that would indicate the revolutionaries are interested in getting money out of politics? [My bad, the bottom of this e-mail has the ubiquitous 'DONATE' link but I wasn't about to use chumley's name without permission so I cut it off.]

Neither 'Party' represents what any of us wants for our children and there isn't anything we can do about that either because the whole process has become the captive of $ and is beyond the reach of those without any.

That wet slap you hear a little too close for comfort? [That is the sound your hand makes when it slaps against your sweaty forehead once you realize you are being played for a chump!]

Democracy, we're doing it wrong and there is NO WAY to use the ballot box to fix it! [because the problem starts with 'secret balloting'! We should throw our spears in piles in front of each other because nobody has ANYTHING to Hide, we are truly all in this together!]

Well, that was, er, 'therapeutic'...I don't know about you but I feel better. Nothing may change but I did my part towards setting the wheels in motion.


Until next time, Head


Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it is natural to feel overwhelmed by the confusion that threatens to tear society apart but it can't tear society apart because the collective 'we' are cattle in a chute only capable of following the ass in your face is being pushed into.

You keep moving so you won't be trampled to death...yet logic tells us death by trampling is likely preferable to following the chute to its end.

Picture a raging river, one too swift and too deep to swim across. You're going where that river takes you regardless of whether you can swim or not.

If you can picture it, fill that river with money, it's the reason why you can't free yourself.

It stands to reason that our violent river leads to an ocean of money but the money is decaying as it zips along its aimless course and the longer you spend in the current, the greater the stench of decay for it is truly the river of broken dreams (and floating turds.)

How do we stop this raging turbulent animal so we can free ourselves before we reach the mighty Cesspool Ocean?

Why are you so surprised that money starts off as shit and turns back into it once it has done its job of robbing you of everything you held dear?

Not helpful to be reminded that 'money' was intended to be used much differently but the self-serving got to the ones charged with preventing that from happening.

Bringing the feckless to Justice and restoring EQUALITY is the first step in taming what 'should be' a peaceful and orderly stream from the raging shit storm it has become.

Until we restore money to it's singular useful purpose NOTHING will change.

Money is an 'idea' and needs to remain 'intangible' throughout its lifecycle.

Civilization's greatest mistake was permitting money you could touch, the second was permitting banks to exist.

The list doesn't stop there but you get the point. How frightening is it that THE feckless are telling us that the reckless inaction of the dominant political party is destroying that party when in reality our inability to bring any of them to justice is destroying our species?

Aren't you tired of being a thrall to something that does you more harm than good? [Still talking about/pointing to money.]

Drugs are bad but money is worse, zero irony that one is tied tightly to the other.

How about the fiasco the media dubs the 'war on drugs'? Could it possibly be going any worse? We spend billions and achieve zero results while we have millions with no place to call 'home'?

Can you say 'mismanagement'?

What are YOU going to do about it?

We all know the answer to that one, the same thing you always do.

Nut up for fucks sake!

I know you will when the chips are down but you'll be the only one and it will do zero good.

Have I mentioned that you disgust me, you f'n coward?

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, bad enough the genders are at war with one another followed closely by race which often leads to now ancient animosity between nationalities.

I could go on but the point is thanks to a society without justice humans have learned to hate anyone who isn't a sibling (often 'compromising' by only barely tolerating them.)

While we intellectually understand that war is never the answer, TV shows us repeatedly that war is the only hammer we know how to use, making it our ONLY recourse.

I'm sure some of you are baffled, how did he get here? The answer lies in today's headlines featuring the consensus reached by the US media that the suicide bombings in Sri Lanka are 'retaliation' for the mosque shooting in New Zealand.


Like yesterday's rant about climate change being humanities single greatest problem, blaming rampant sectarianism totally misses the point that both the sniper attack and suicide bombings are the direct by-products of so-called 'FREE SPEECH'.

Is mankind too stupid to live?

This points the cannon in a different direction, what we allow others to teach our children.

The whole 'religion thing' takes on a whole new context when viewed through a military lens...doesn't the religion you were born into govern which ARMY you choose to soldier for? [Religion is a 'gift' from our parents (so you won't be an 'outcast'), choosing to keep that gift is all YOU!]

Yup, we 'inherit' our religion and everything that comes with it...most often not having any choice in the matter.

Funny kids know/recognize what their religion means (socially) more so than their 'jaded' parents do.

Not that the parents aren't aware too, they just keep it to themselves.

Well, look at what the LIES are doing to the fabric of society?

EVERY religion CLAIMS (baselessly) to be the ONE TRUE FAITH, bar none.

How can that be true?

Faith is falling by the wayside as more and more individuals realize religion is responsible for more problems than solutions on an increasingly 'finite' planet.

Is mankind too stupid to live?

Humans are waking up to the idea of 'humans first' [with liberty and justice for all!] but 'peer pressure' is holding the 'doubters' in check and the 'unbelievers' are using this indecisiveness against them. (You're pretty face is going to Hell, despite all evidence pointing to the fact that you are already there.)

Are any of us really here to appease some angry being that we will never meet?

Um, treason is punishable by death and the 'essence of treachery' is 'misrepresentation'.

So about those conversations you claim to have been having with some imaginary being...

Seriously good citizen, Is mankind too stupid to live?

No but we have to step across the threshold of doubt that keeps us from calling out the liars.

Hopefully before the liars come for you and accuse you of 'heresy'.

The name of the game has ALWAYS been Comply or Die...time to put teeth back into only thing keeping people from lying and calling it religion.

Because the name of the game REMAINS 'Comply or Die'.

If you won't stand up for the truth, what WILL you stand up for?

The cesspool you are swimming in is the product of the feckless who have no use for humanity, nevermind honesty or truth.

Zero irony that the those capable of quoting the Bible chapter and verse are the biggest heretics on two feet. Not only do they not believe but they are in a constant state of amazement that YOU fall for it!

Sectarianism will not end until all of humanity is UNITED under the banner of their mutual humanity and not some FAKE deity!

Don't lose sight of the fact that the feckless will attempt to establish 'the church of Superman' because they believe humanity can't lead itself, the beginnings of all woe.

Death to the lying 'pretenders'.

Thanks once again, Head!


Monday, April 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, tis the season and I, like countless of you, received one of many campaign updates asking for what all politicians ask for...$

What I find particularly disturbing is the 'third rail' underlying the narrow narrative the presidential hopefuls are given to focus on.

This morning's letter echoed the rallying cry of the Progressives and insisted the most momentous problem facing humanity as 'climate change'.

Talk about deaf, dumb and blind!

If we fail to address OVERPOPULATION, the climate, er, 'situation' will NOT improve. Under that we have the ongoing collapse of Capitalism, which no one will admit much less address and between the two we have the greatest elephant of them all, the sectarian splits that prevent a consensus being reached by ANY of the major population groups.

I've inferred it repeatedly but perhaps it's time to actually say it out loud so I ask you...is mankind 'too stupid to live?'

The ONLY clearly discernible difference between any human, regardless of gender or color is INTELLIGENCE.

If we came equipped with equal mental capacity it would alter nothing because the deciding factor is deviousness. In the pursuit of their own agenda some humans are totally unscrupulous. [Which is to admit that we ALL have an agenda and most of us that agenda isn't 'evil' per se, we merely want to be 'free' to make the best life we can for ourselves.]

How unfortunate for humanity that 'shortage' is their middle name/a fact of life?

If there isn't enough of a thing to go around the tendency (among humans) is to play 'me first'...but I digress.

I was of a mind to title this piece 'clueless' but that word ignores the fact that YOU are being manipulated using 'made up' issues, some of which we have no hope of controlling.

POLLUTION is the main cause of 'climate change' and you wouldn't have to look too hard to find a hardcore cadre of climate change deniers.

The excessive WASTE produced by rapacious, unbridled capitalism is the driving force behind the reckless breeding we see all around us and the population explosion we are told isn't happening.

...is mankind 'too stupid to live?'

Let's suppose we have a 'Woke' moment and suddenly our [bought and paid for] 'politicians' decide to play along and start preaching the 'I hear you' gospel...

Are any of you stupid enough to believe ANYTHING will change?

Those leading us are 'ONE TRICK PONIES!' [and 'MORE FOR ME' is the only game they know how to play!]

NOTHING will change so long as we ALLOW the 'what's in it for me' mindset to prevail

Isn't THAT what's holding YOU back from getting behind ASP?

You'd think the plethora of things you will get without charge would be enough to convince you that ASP serves humanity's best interests but no, you feel 'threatened' by the idea of not having money you can hold in your hand [which will only get stolen from you.]

...is mankind 'too stupid to live?'

Do YOU know what ASP offers everyone that agrees to live under the 'rules, not rulers' system?

Grand prize good citizen, you get to live AND vote directly on the laws you ALL must live by.

The most disturbing part of this whole scenario is the 'chute' the treacherous politicians are herding you down.

If everybody believes the Sky is falling [and most of you believe Jesus is coming back...to PUNISH those who don't believe, boy those Muslims are gonna be in trouble, huh?] maybe they're dumb enough to believe that more tax cuts for the wealthy will appease the angry King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Ever wonder why we refer to the creator in terms reserved for Royalty? [Once upon a time they were the same thing...but Royalty sucks at pulling rabbits out of their backside...and so does their made up God!]

...is mankind 'too stupid to live?'

If you go anywhere come November and you don't head to the polls specifically so you can BURN THEM DOWN you may as well march to nearest handy tree branch and HANG YOURSELF!

Voting in the future (under ASP) will be done from your keyboard and your 'unique' IP address. [If your census data is incorrect you won't be able to vote.]

Which is to point out they know a lot more about you than they are letting on yet they still force you to jump through hoops because the name of the game remains unchanged...comply or die!

...is mankind 'too stupid to live?'

Remarkably, the jury is still out.

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, April 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, watched HBO's special report on the future of work last night and it filled me with despair. The very people charged with finding solutions to the problems facing human society are 'unconcerned' about the vast economic desert they are creating...and the amplification of the 'uselessness' the majority of humans face as their contributions toward society are undermined by those willing to put their own self interest ahead of the rest of humanity.

We are rapidly approaching the point where the 'Army of the Unemployed' will dwarf the civilian workforce and, technically, the nearly million soldiers are 'unemployed' too because KILLER isn't a talent civilization requires to function.

I am tempted to sidetrack to the founding of this nation and the concept of the 'citizen soldier' [which originally implied a 'self policing' citizenry because it has been humanity's experience that establishing a paid, armed force inevitably resulted in tyranny...at the hands of whoever 'commanded' that force.]

But back to the situation at hand, the one where the few tasks essential to survival are being systematically automated out of existence and YOU stand there with your hands in your pockets while the CHUMP you voted for PRETENDS you SUPPORT his INACTION!

If your job doesn't pay you enough to live on or if you can't find work it's not the employer's problem...IT'S YOURS!

Hollywood keeps making Jurassic Park movies when the public niaevely thinks 'the powers that be' would stop the old crackpot in their tracks before such a fiasco ever took place.

It's what we tell ourselves so we can sleep at night.

Well Bunky, nobody is stopping a capitalist from acting recklessly if he can see a payday before the whole thing goes sideways.

Nobody is stopping the freakishly stupid from eliminating the LIVELIHOODS of tens of millions of workers because robots don't take breaks and never go on strike for higher wages.

A 'cost controlled' world is indeed a desert, nobody lives there because commerce isn't 'symbiotic' it's predatory.

A segment of the show displayed automation being applied to a burger operation...I SINCERELY hope EVERYONE that views the special makes it a point to BOYCOTT 'Cali-Burger' because it's moronic owner claims his motivation to automate his kitchen is for 'consistency' despite admitting it's actually about 'cost control.' You only buy the robot once and it works around the clock...until it breaks and then you either replace it or another robot repairs it.

In yet another segment they showed an 'autonomous' tractor trailer rig, which the 'lying bastard' claimed was to meet a 'shortage' in trucking jobs.

Why is there a 'shortage' of truckers? Medical screens and the limitations of 'human endurance'. A driver can only spend so many hours behind the wheel before he has to stop, rest and service his vehicle...no so for a robot and this is what the 'greedheads' are aiming at.

Despite protestations to the contrary, SURVIVAL PERSONAL remains job number one for each and every living thing.

Constant reader knows UBI [Universal Basic Income] is no different than the 'minimum wage'. It is the ultimate 'chump play'. Whatever you are 'handed', your 'expenses' will rise proportionally...(plus ten percent.)

There is nothing you can DO about being 'wasted' so someone else can live 'the life' (at YOUR expense, it has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is YOUR SHARE!) Your 'distress' is not your elected official's problem, in fact it is their 'bread & butter'!

You'll stop breeding and the greedheads will let you DIE on UBI 'life support' while they tweak their robots to care for them in their dotage.

None are so blind as those who REFUSE TO SEE!

Without RADICAL change the extinction of humanity is but a decade away [Full disclosure, I didn't think we'd get this far but humanity becomes more resilient as it get DUMBER.

Back to the HBO/VICE special. If you don't have HBO you can probably find it on You Tube or online somewhere.

The special pulls no punches, our self professed betters give zero fucks about how YOU are supposed to survive. The 'fig leaf' they hold out as 'hope for the future' is the exact same one held out at the advent of the 'computer age'...coding. The creators of the special included the factoid that AI will quickly take over what coding jobs there are so how's that for a 'you're fucked' future?

Um, not in the workforce number already exceeds 50 % of the working aged population yet we could end unemployment tomorrow. Double hack: lower retirement age to 50 while cutting the work week to 20 hours.

Housing will become a 'gimme' and home maintenance will become a profession...that YOU don't have to pay for because the people that do the job get paid to do it so there is no need for you to pay them too.

Seriously good citizen, how STUPID are you? You know one millionth of one percent of nothing and your 'beliefs' about money prove that.

Death [exile] to the greedheads!

Until next time, Head,


Saturday, April 20, 2019

Time = Money (= stupid)

Greetings good citizen, one of the most prevalent pieces of garbage that can be found inside nearly every human's mind is the notion that two negatives equal a positive.

Money is a nothing and so is Time, neither actually exist so it's humorous to hear someone solemnly intone that one is the other...

Nothin from nothin leaves nothin!

So how can time equal the be all, end all?

No one can make informed decisions without accurate information. If the information is faulty so will the conclusion reached using that information.

Fallacy number one is that 'money' has intrinsic value all on it's own. This is as false as the idea that money makes more money.

STOP: Our 'legal system' is based on both of these 'falsehoods' being true so where does that leave 'justice'?

What it does leave us is neck-deep in stupid.

Worse, this 'simplification' used to justify F-U pay me Capitalism is just the 'tip of the slaver spear'.

You pretend to work and they pretend to pay you. Did you know the slavers say this about both 'F-U pay me' ideologies?

You know this to be true because this is precisely what you encounter in the workplace on a daily basis. Not so much people 'pretending to work' they have to 'keep up appearances' so they actually do SOME work, and often this is as little as they can get away with because neither 'system' rewards overachievement.

[Piecework can be 'gamed' at both ends of the spectrum, ironically, under ASP 'piecework' will return in a big way. Your pay will not be tied directly to the number of pieces produced but you will be required to make 'quota'.

The 'win' here is once you make quota, you may leave and if you choose to 'bank' some of your productivity, you can use it to provide yourself with a 'rest' from an otherwise vigorous pace.

The greatest 'fault' with piecework is the axiom 'haste makes waste'. You may hit your numbers but quality suffers and when quality suffers we all suffer.

Under a more 'just' system [where management is barred from pocketing the savings accrued by cost cutting measures like less inspection/Q.C....yeah, I'm looking at YOU GM.]

Every human will have a job to do and they will do it so they can build the kind of life they want to LIVE!

The operative word here is THEY because each individual wants something different in order to feel fulfilled. Since you will only be required to work 20 hours a week [some of you will bang that out in a single shift!] Everything over and above is 'gravy' [either overtime pay which can be banked towards early retirement or converted into that enviable combination of additional vacation time and extra cash to spend on your 'adventure'!

Let's suppose your niche provides you with the opportunity to put in 40 hours a week, you've doubled your pay while still avoiding burnout from overwork!

Your money is for YOU and the ONLY way to get it is to work for it.

Before you spaz at the idea of having to compete with 20 billion humans, one of the first things the new economy will do is slam the brakes on wanton breeding. In fact, parenthood as we have come to know it will vanish.

You get to have all of the fun without any of the responsibility!

A bitter pill to the already elderly who lived their lives for their children but can't see that those kids they sacrificed so much for have already accepted the idea that they wouldn't be able to bring children into this already overcrowded disaster area the feckless have saddled us with.

At the periphery of our decaying society are towns that have no young people to man the fire departments or keep the roads cleared during the winter...this is the 'end result' of the 'more for me' mindset that plundered the future at our expense.

Your life is in the hands of criminals...wake the fuck up!

ASP lets you live YOUR life for YOU! [If we are to escape the resentful existence created for us by the 'more for me' club we will have to abandon many of the 'cost cutting measures' enacted by the hopelessly stupid.

Money has nothing to do with time [save in the context that work is payed upon completion, which only encourages 'shortcuts' to be taken and all too often those cuts affect both safety & quality to expedite payment so they can move on to the 'next job' as quickly as possible...that's the ONLY reason time is equated with money.

For the umpteenth time I remind you that the main mission remains unchanged. You all know what that mission is because it is a sword dangling over your neck every minute of every day under the dual 'YOU pretend to work and THEY pretend to pay you' system.

THe mission is SURVIVAL and MONEY has NOTHING to do with it apart from the 'social contract' the weasels are doing their level best to void for as many as they can.

Puts the 'border problem' in a whole new light, doesn't it?

Capitalism/wage slavery is dying and needs to be abandoned immediately if humanity is to survive as a cohesive social unit.

Don't need me to tell you that Capt. Feckless could care less about the 'cohesiveness' YOU rely on to survive...

Until next time, Head...


Thursday, April 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as many disasters around the planet vie for an ever decreasing number of increasingly richer 'donors' we must examine this phenomenon called 'charity' because it is CRIMINAL!

Worldwide 'relief efforts' rely on private funds and we can only wonder 'why'? Are conservo-whackos so concerned with 'socialism' that they would prefer to wait for [tax deductible] charity rather than repair vital infrastructure for the public's benefit?

Hard for the STUPID to parse the difference between the Hurricane stricken Caribbean nations and the recently burnt Catholic cathedral in Paris but the 'yellow vest' movement in France is asking the question the feckless media has ignored since Morning in America [that translated to Midnight everywhere else...]

What question are these violent nationalists asking? What about the needy?

You don't care, I know.

You have enough problems keeping the wolves at bay without getting worked up over people that can't fend for themselves.

If you were the victim of calamity your attitude would be one of wonderment, why don't people care about their fellow humans?

But it's not you, is it?

Think again [if you can...]

Rhetorical statement; we already know where thinking rates on your priority list.

I need not apologize because constant reader knows I'm not flipping daggers at them, I'm stoking the fire beneath the NEED to revoke the thoughtless's membership in society because this entire shitshow is the product of being 'subservient' to the hopelessly self-centered.

Yeah, I'm glaring at you, Trump voter.

Is stupid a crime? You bet it is! [Especially when that stupidity is driven by myopia!]

Need a sec to look that one up?

More and more today's youth is holding their middle finger up to the Sky...and the morons are disturbed by this because their 'faith' was already more of an act than a belief.

If the young stop believing then nobody is going to believe it when you defend yourself by claiming all of this is God's fault/will.

It's all the 'excuse' you need to 'do nothing'.

Don't ya think it's about time you stopped listening to stupid? [Now I'm staring at you, Rush.]

Um, humans are not only social creatures but herd animals, we live together for protection despite the babbling of the mindless, self-styled 'rugged individual' who is nothing more than a legend in their own mind.

We live as we do because we go along to get along and are too easily led/driven by our fears.

What YOU really need to fear is the fearmonger themselves because they are using your fear AGAINST you.

Worse, because of their influence over society your constant state of fear unhinges you, destabilizing society.

Nothing like being your own worst enemy.

I lost 3/4's of you on that one...so here it will conclude.

Until next time, Head


Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while our leaders [not that you could point at one, there's a world of difference between a 'trendsetter' and a 'sycophant'] claim to value honesty and plain speech [the more mindless the better] the truth is people really prize 'getting over' on as many people as they can.

So it is our 'beloved by the media' Preznint Pussygrabber has vetoed legislation intended to curb US involvement in Yemen. Isn't this the same dickhead that ran in opposition to the war(s) in the Middle East?

Whoops, my mistake, starting a war at our border with Mexico overtook the nearly two decade, trillion dollar conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, right alongside his PLEDGE to replace Romney Obamacare with cheaper and more effective 'pixie dust' (because he still hasn't been able to elucidate a 'more profitable' alternative to what every 'advanced nation' in the world already enjoys...[yes, I did just exclude USA from that list because it doesn't belong there.])

Since Morning in America we have sunk to 27th in living standards, a statistic our conservo whacko legislators and the morons in the punditocracy are damned proud of.

Somehow they never tire of claiming that USA is number one despite that not being true of nearly any metric.

Whoops, forgot: we ARE number one in one metric. USA has the planet's largest prison population.

Where does YOUR candidate stand on that issue?

Not what they're talking about, is it?

Can't run for POTUS based on the nation's flaws, can you?

Too bad because that's the guy/gal/K-9 I'd vote for!

Seems the voting public lost sight of the fact that USA has problems that the person chosen to lead us is supposed to solve those problems rather than MAKING THEM WORSE like the current knothead is doing.

Imagine that good citizen, 16 REPUBLICANS ran and numbnuts was the 'best of the bunch!'

2020 is still 18 months away. It only take 20 minutes to wipe out 75% of the planet's population and somehow there's a King out there who is jealous.

Like W. told us all, this would be a lot easier if he were a Dictator.

Planet's shortest Junta if he ever declared.

But I digress...as well as apologize for belaboring the obvious [not that most of you remember what numbnuts promised on the campaign trail.]

Are we 'Great' yet?

If we have to ask, the answer is a resounding NO.

I'll shut up now, Head...


Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the only people that believe time travel is possible are writers and pretty much every show that isn't a medical drama, sitcom or a cop show has a time travel element to it.

Since time is a 'function' of motion it isn't what we perceive it to be nor can it be 'manipulated' outside the fevered mind of the writer under a deadline.

Because time is an 'illusion' we are susceptible to being tricked, especially by people who pretend to understand time.

But let's stick to what we know. Because the universe [which may be a whole lot bigger than we imagine] is perpetually in motion, time behaves 'linearly', with moments becoming minutes, minutes into hours and so on. We can mentally relive the past but once 'the moment' passes it is gone, period.

[Bizarrely, this tendency to live in an 'imagined past' is more widespread than one would expect, but this strays from today's topic of time itself into the realm of psychosis, which is also severely 'underestimated' by the 'reality impaired.']

Every individual is aware that time is a limited commodity but we tend to ignore that reality when more immediate needs take priority.

The need to breathe followed fairly closely by the need to sleep and eat tends to distract us from the larger clock of life itself.

The biological imperative has been dampened considerably by the failing economic system as 'failure to launch' becomes the rule rather than the exception.

There is only so much 'pie' and if you fail to, er, 'procure' a large enough of a piece you'll find you have missed your 'window of opportunity.'

Now this is the fault of the feckless, the 'I've got mine' crowd who sees YOUR needs as THEIR OPPORTUNITY. The banking system EXISTS to exploit your limited 'window of opportunity'.

Is this any way to run a civilization?

[Under capitalism it's the ONLY way!]

Borrow or perish (and don't I forget the F-U, pay me part!)

Why can't we live at peace instead of recklessly exploiting the needs of the impoverished for continued personal self-enrichment?

This is the part the disadvantaged can't find a way around and what LEGISLATION is supposed to prevent!

Government, we're doing it WRONG...(I once again apologize for the 'news to no one'.)

Life itself is a series of steps and they all start with the first one. Why are we playing 'king of the hill' when none of us can survive on our own?

Tick-tock Good Citizen, we haven't got time for this nonsense...but it won't STOP until YOU put a stop to it!

ASP provides the HOW, I'm providing the WHY, all you need to do is nod.

Thanks for letting me inside your deeply troubled mind,


Monday, April 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, should we miraculously avoid being blown to smithereens by the feckless [their default solution to any problem that defies being addressed by decree] it is obvious to the 'thinking class' that the next item on the survival agenda is expanding to the stars.

That said, early research shows that human physiology isn't compatible with long term space travel, restricting us to either instantaneous interplanetary travel [stargates] or interdimensional travel a la Rick & Morty.

This returns us to the conundrum of how 'modern man' magically appears in this planet's fossil record, fully developed, less than two hundred thousand years ago.

Space travel plays hell with our physiology so logic tells us this must be the planet of origin...but where are our 'ancestors'?

If we came here from elsewhere, where's the Mothership (or at the very least, the gate we walked out of?) This is why the trans dimensional theory holds the most promise. It is also the scenario that is fraught with the most problems.

Interdimensionalism explains things like the Bermuda Triangle but it also traps us in the 'one Earth' scenario. While we'd hope only significant events would 'split' the timeline, theoretically 'every' decision splits it, making for innumerable [many of them destroyed/uninhabitable] Earths.

So, if we were to travel to different planets, we would first have to conquer the problems surrounding long term exposure to weightlessness and constant bombardment by cosmic radiation...compound that by adding in the prerequisite that we first conquer our own mortality given the vastness of space.

Naturally, if we didn't cross the 'dimensional veil' then FTL travel (on the order of many times the speed of light squared, not doubled!) is still a necessity. [Do these answers lie in the quantum realm?]

We have only our feeble minds and our limited senses with which to comprehend our existence/reality with 90% of our attention being devoted to surviving so we can see tomorrow.

Given how many are working against that happening it is a miracle that we haven't exterminated ourselves...although 'infinite realities' may make that an impossibility.

If every event creates a 'split' every time we 'end' civilization an alternative universe would be created where the event hadn't yet taken place...and here we sit with our feeble minds trying to take it all in.

Welcome to Hell [just one of many...]

Left to our already overtaxed imaginations is whether or not 'significant' events don't just 'split' the time line but splinter it!

Did I mention 'innumerable' [along with infinite?]

Space is getting mighty crowded but I digress.

Let us return to the crux of this postulate, that you can run but you can't hide.

Like ten billion monkeys pounding relentlessly on typewriters would the 'sum' of all of our, er, choices ultimately result in the simultaneous creation of both Utopia and Discordia?

Is it futile to ask 'are we there yet?'

Tell ya one thing Obiwan, if we don't get this sucker back on an even keel the bloodbath is going to be horrendous and that's not going to bode well for any of us.

Stupid is as stupid does, especially if you do nothing to stop stupid!

Ponder the possibilities and despair!

Until next time Head,


Sunday, April 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen, this morning's headlines across all sources were awash in visions of an apocalyptic future. Is it the proximity of Easter and our celebration of divine resurrection that prevents us from acting to stop the reckless destruction of our environment caused by OVERPOPULATION?

In an interesting sidebar I read this morning that the increase in the planet's Co2 level is causing a corresponding drop in IQ.

How this affects 'old enough to know better but too stupid to care' remains a mystery.

Will the feckless capitalists blame environmental degradation on the Communists they exported the planet's jobs to?

Will anyone still have enough synapses in communication with one another to raise the alarm...assuming anyone will listen?

Not for nothing, humanity received a wake up call around the same time we began our march towards space/mission to the moon in the form of the 'population explosion'. The news made global headlines only to vanish almost as quickly as it surfaced...seems the few, having just achieved nuclear supremacy, decided the problem could be 'corrected'.

Rest assured Good Citizen the already know not only how many weapons to launch but where to target to achieve maximum human die off with minimal long term damage.

So yes, good citizen, the 'unthinkable' has become the 'final solution'.

Why else would the issue underlying all others remain unaddressed by the for profit media?

Why do our politicians ignore the obvious?

Even our moron President is claiming that the nation is 'full'...[what he means by that be assured even he doesn't know...]

Under ASP one will be required to pass a test in order to procreate. [Full Stop: HUMANITY must move forward but not ALL of us. In this we have arrived at the 'separation point' where our (alleged) 'intelligence' saves us from breeding our species out of existence.

You may be the last Kukalukapoochie but as long as 'humanity' survives the 'majority' of your bloodline will persist and at some point that's going to have to be 'good enough'.

This is the 'next step' for humanity that the feckless don't want you contemplating.

If the ask YOU to sacrifice it will illuminate the fact that the only ones expected to make sacrifices are in fact the best of us. The 'doers' as opposed to the 'entitled'.

What do you suppose we would 'test' for when it came to issuing breeding permits? [Unlike today, who your parents were would be the last thing and would likely count AGAINST you.]

STOP [Again.]

The writing on the wall is perhaps the most difficult message to convey because you are ceaselessly bombarded with messages to the contrary.

Factor number one, especially with the 'end' of civil defense and the decommissioning ('via defunding') of the nations shelter/healthcare network. [How many of you understand that this wasn't done for 'cost saving', it was done to maximize 'yield'...]

So who will have 'private shelters' and hideaways away from the target areas?

Do you see who is poised to 'survive' the end of 'Western Civilization'?

Don't make me ask you again.

Happy Spirit in the Sky day, Christians!

If that flips you out you may be able to appreciate the magnitude of the problem...


Saturday, April 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, just completed the morning search for optimism and once again have come up empty. I apologize, mostly because this is news to no one but I endeavor to start each post from a foundation of understanding.

Some of you get lost at the greeting and most of you shortly thereafter but I do TRY to start from a place where we are all on the same page.

Last night while watching the Billy show, our boy went where most pundits don't dare and [I do it all the time but you ignore me when I say it!] hit the nail square on the head but I doubt many watching appreciate the significance of this 'duh' admission.

He ended last night's show on a mini tirade directed at the 'youth of the nation' which evolved into the larger issue of over-population BUT he stopped short of criticizing the feckless for their callous mismanagement! [Understand, if the man wants to be back next week he has to respect the borders of his handlers. He can only push so far, which is where I come in.]

Thanks to our current society's nihilism those of us dutifully marching towards the dirtnap have failed to see that our bloodlines have already been eliminated from the future.

Your children can't afford to have kids which means it's the end of the line for the, er, 'responsible' among us. Bill actually sounded hopeful that the younger generation had made a difficult decision based on the facts on the ground.

I fail to see how 'Sucks being you' ends well for anyone.

It is a huge mistake to believe 'the rich' are on top of this situation because it is the rich who are responsible for the misallocation of resources that have lead us to where we are now.

Their failure to 'arrest' capitalism before it drove society off a cliff will result in a catastrophic drop in the global population that will likely result in extinction.

[Still the faintest glimmer of hope twinkling mischievously there!]

But, as usual, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let's rewind to the 'sucks being you' part and ask if this is the best way to go about managing the size of our collective planetary presence.

The REASON our species is suffocating was obvious in Billy's, er, 'indictment'...we are the same age and he can't conceive of society ever 'sharing' the resources of this planet.

The operative phrase here is 'can't conceive'.

A goodly percentage of humanity honestly believes that society only exists because of 'excess'. Start cutting it close and humanity will wipe itself out.

That said, left unchecked and humanity will wipe itself out...leaving us all with that Capt. Obvious moment of why aren't any of our 'legislators' even talking about population control that is so vital to our collective survival?

Is THIS the apex of stupid/stupidity?

The 'PROBLEM' will take care of itself...which totally misses the point that extinction is exactly what the collective 'we' are trying (unsuccessfully) to avoid!

What's it all about? Well, from the very beginning when the first parents kissed their newborns for the very first time then proceeded to stamp 'born to die' upon their blameless brows the only sensible answer to the question 'what's it all about' has been 'future generations'.

If we ALLOW [this is only happening because U put up with it!] the feckless to continue to push us down the road to extinction, quite literally surviving by walking over our corpses [they have done this for countless generations and no it's not 'natural'.]

Society cannot exist without trust but those who would readily exploit that trust must be dealt with in a way so they (or theirs) can never betray us again.

Rules without 'rulers' means let no one make laws to suit themselves nor exempt themselves from prosecution for violating the laws we all must abide by.

How do we put the law 'out of the reach' of the self-serving?

By eliminating 'legislators'. This is the ONLY place where your 'vote' serves you.

The law belongs to all that agree to abide by it, those that choose not to will be banished just as those who disregard the laws.

NOBODY will have 'special provenance' over the law or be allowed to 'interpret' the law. The meaning of the law is subject to 'consensus'. Whatever the majority of the people believe the law to mean is how the law shall be interpreted...and no you can't keep demanding ever larger numbers hoping for an outcome that favors your interpretation.

Juries will consist of seven of your peers and it's what your peers decide together that will determine how to proceed and what punishment (if any) to mete out. [if the jury decides in your favor the judge can overrule them, which is why we currently have judges AND juries! Under ASP there will only be juries.]

This was your 'constitutional protection' against tyranny but the tyrants have taken it away from you along with as your liberty and your ability to pursue 'happiness'...

MY PEERS are unlikely to understand that last part but it's not lost on their children/grandchildren.

Thanks for stopping by Head, we need to do this more often...


Friday, April 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the arrest of Julian Assange marks a dangerous precedent in an already thin veneer of 'legal protection' for whistleblowers.

Only thieves and scoundrels require the cloak of secrecy.

The government didn't collapse and nobody was jailed [per se, Mr. Assange would disagree at the price he has already paid for exposing the liars.]

So what's the BS about? I direct your attention to the fact that there hasn't been a repeat of the wikileaks incident and I suspect bringing the leaker to 'justice' is intended to keep a repeat of wikileaks from occurring.

We have no way of knowing but only the extremely gullible believe that there hasn't been a repeat of wikileaks because the government stopped hiding its actions...

How stupid are you?

[Don't you wish I'd stop asking you that?]

At least I ask, the feckless take it as a matter of faith that you are too feeble to comprehend the truth.

So we live in a world of 'false impressions' and made up pretenses.

How much of your life is somebody else's self-serving lies?

Careful now, there is no going back once the ruse is exposed for what it is.

Truth? Where do we begin? Justice? no such thing under the current system! If we started with 'comply or die' we'd quickly realize precisely how we got where we are standing today.

What you see is the failure to bringing criminals to justice and removing them from positions of power.

This outcome was brought to you by those who love themselves more than they love humanity. Because of a myopic, weak few we all suffer.

When the Julian Assange's of the world step forward and expose the feckless's predations are we going to let the feckless murder those who expose them?

Thanks to a bought an paid for media most of you believe the lies spread about him by the likes of the National Enquirer. Probably where Rupert Murdoch got the idea to label Foxes journalism as 'fair & balanced'...

Society is a fragile edifice and it can't tolerate a toxic environment of lies which start to surface as psychotic behavior [like random mass shootings.]

Rules, not rulers. Time to change it up and put the law beyond the reach of the feckless!

This scares the piss out of the people who seek the corridors of power because with sufficient power they can exempt themselves from prosecution for their crimes...and that is the beginning of the end.

Nobody is above the law.

How pathetic that this is only a saying.

Whosoever controls the law controls YOU!

Enjoy the weekend!


Thursday, April 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in a society filled with misdirection and misconception it is logical to assume an atmosphere of discontent would dominate considering both truth and justice are 'relative' terms.

We could live with the 'that's one way of looking at it' enigma if there were a consensus that the 'greater good' was being served.

Banking, insurance and commerce in general are all FUBAR but the people running things have no idea what to do about any of them because the feckless tell them they have it 'under control'.

Were that true we could be 'patient' while the latest solution worked itself out but it is obvious that NOTHING is being done about a society that is sinking below the waves of inequity/stupidity.

Unsurprisingly, 'because I said so' is starting to rankle. [Along with 'talk to the hand' and 'What are YOU gonna do about it?' coming from the very people who are supposed to be acting to protect 'our' interests...]

As long as the answer keeps coming back as 'nothing' they will continue their self-serving ways.


Those of you who are still capable are asked to wrap your mind around the monumental task of using the feeble system to correct this 'rolling disaster'.

They fully expect a revolt. In fact nobody is more surprised than them it hasn't happened yet.

Actually, not so much. The prime ingredient in a revolt is secrecy, the ability of the conspirators to coordinate their efforts. Outside secure government channels, that 'secrecy' is no longer possible.

The next revolt, should there ever be one, will be conducted in the wide open...very much like the occupy movement...but this time they won't be screwing around.

The push to create AI is partly being driven by the one power the feckless's victims still have and that's the power to refuse. IF the TRUCKERS/Pilots/Rail workers coordinate their efforts they can bring civilization to its knees in days if not hours.

The feckless know this and currently use the slack labor market to keep the driver's seats occupied. THERE IS NO WORK...as evidenced by your kids living in your basement.

So it will begin with the 'slow strangulation' of transit and build with a 'purge' as people seen as being responsible for protecting the unjust are lynched by a frustrated public sick and tired of behaving for a system that offers them NOTHING in return.

Where are the 'committees of correspondence' and the associated 'secret societies' that provide the footsoldiers for revolution?

In a world devoid of privacy that whole game is toast.

Today's revolutionary has seen things turning increasingly hopeless and has already come to the conclusion that there isn't enough 'grease' to keep everybody 'content'.

Because of this the world is steadily become a place where you can seldom let your guard down and that in itself is wearisome.

Nothing drives action more successfully than frustration.

You aren't going to organize a revolt without privacy any more than you are going to be able to coordinate with the like minded under the growing police state...which is why there will be NO POLICE under ASP.

In this perhaps we see humanity's best hope. The only 'battle plans' will be the ones people know and understand.

ASP is that plan.

Would you trade your hopeless, worthless life for one of equity and security?

It ain't gonna happen if you wait until after we start stretching necks...

Just a word to the wise from your old pal Gegner, the author of A Simple Plan [a.k.a. ASP.]

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, is liberty really something the average individual needs to be saved from? Does humanity secretly crave tyranny?

That's what the whackos believe.

For the past two terms the press has railed against the 'wrong way' Netanyahu administration yet the same media tells us he has just won his fifth bid for re-election.

What's his 'secret recipe'? Israel for Israelis. [that way they can ignore the racist part where if you aren't a Jew you can't be an Israeli...]

Most non-jews don't care about Israel and ignore the plight of the Palestinians because Christians stupidly believe that Israel is Jesus's birthplace.

Even fewer remember that the Jewish homeland initiative was first and foremost to establish a nation founded on Judaism and not necessarily in the middle of a war zone.

The reckless few that are doing everything in their power to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible [literally kickstarting the 2nd coming, which ain't ever going to happen because the first one was a fake!] decided to park the Jews in their 'historic homeland' and look at what it's become...an armed camp militarized by fanatic bible thumpers in the US.

What's this have to do with 'order'?

Like the ancient puzzle of which came first, the chicken or the egg, we are confounded by the question of where does liberty end and tyranny begin?

Zero irony that it is clearly marked by the words 'Wherever I say it is'.

In the above situation, the Jews are CLEARLY the tyrants and will remain in place until Jesus [or someone claiming to be him] returns.

[Gegner has zero truck with Spirit in the Sky and is quick to point out that nobody has 'proof' of ANY of their delusional claims.]

Keeping that in mind as the principle defense of the destruction of the planet is 'God's Will'...

Or anything else that 'God' doesn't put a stop to.

Your choices here are either God don't give a fuck or God is a lie...and you know which one the feckless choose...door # 3, God loves you...just not enough to save you.

How f'n stupid are you? [Rhetorical question, sport, everybody knows.]

Remember, whosoever controls your MONEY controls YOU.

YOU have convinced yourself that your continued survival relies on your willingness to go along to get along, knowing full well that once you have 'outlived your usefulness' that all bets are OFF.

So we collide head on with the 'Order' conundrum, where does freedom end and order begin?

How pathetic the answer remains the same...question is do you remember the answer?

Mind ain't what it used to be, is it?

Well, that's enough for today, tomorrow then?


Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, pity those tasked with managing your perceptions for the conflicts of what we witness vs what we are told continues to diverge wildly.

Ya think that infant effigy that greets Preznint Pussygrabber is affecting his, er, judgement or worse, staining/tarring the Republican brand worse than it already is?

The feckless are far more concerned with appearances than facts, which is how this whole 'we're headed the wrong way' thing keeps getting pushed back to center stage.

Is ANYBODY satisfied that the Have Mores have pled guilty to the, er, 'scandal' swirling around buying college 'credentials' instead of earning them? [did anyone responsible lose their post and will any of the colleges involved lose accreditation? These are the same felons with the power to brand students for life!]

How fortunate for the guilty that the existing perception will result in leniency for our victimless criminals. Notes will be included in the transcripts of the students involved and that's where this will end.

NOBODY will follow up to see if the false credentials were removed from the students transcripts and naturally the school will keep the funds.

Justice is never what you think it is...because we don't have the 'power' to insure justice is done.

Under ASP college is free and nobody has cash so you can only get what you 'earn'. Falsifying records is an exile offense so changing the B to an A will get you sent on the one way naked nature walk.

Because 'cheating' is the root of treason and we all suffer when we are 'cheated' out of our share.

[Outlaw cash now and make money non-transferable between individuals.]

We live with the 'illusion of justice' making the fact that there are more inmates in our nation than anywhere else on the planet that much more disturbing.

UNDERSTAND this is only since 'Morning in America' when the 'lock'em up' Conservatives seized control of the judicial system in a bloodless coup.

This coincides with the near universal mandating that the 'brotherhood of the badge' wear body armor.

We ARE at war with the criminals running this society and they are prepared to kill as many of us as it takes to insure that the mantle of justice remains UNDER THEIR CONTROL.

Tyranny is being bent to the will of another and in this the criminal believes everyone who thirsts for justice is a tyrant...when all they want to do is milk the system for everything they can get.

They'd be just fine so long as nobody opposed their desire to take what they want regardless of merit or legal entanglement.

Here we see illustrated the importance of 'equity' as opposed to the 'appearance of equity'.

Shifting mental gears we return to today's headlines and wonder if our 'faux Democrat' [known as 'tax and spend'] ever met a tariff he didn't like?

This 'perception' is tainting the Republican brand as a frustrated voter is suddenly realizing there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between the 'opposing' labels now that it cost millions to run for public office regardless.

Add to that the PERCEPTION that it takes the same thing to seize the ear of our so called 'representatives' and you realize why you feel like your locked outside your house in just your 'nightclothes' [which is tragic considering how many of us sleep naked.]

Since Morning in America the 'Illusion of Representation' has gained a iron grip on the public's perception. While I openly advocate for BURNING THE POLLS and JAILING THE POLICE [who take their orders from the criminals.] You continue to follow the polls and blind yourself to the sham.

The young KNOW this isn't a DEMOCRACY, they also know they were born into a nation that has no use for them.

It is only a matter of time before the genocide begins

Look to your conscience to see in what direction safety lies...money or numbers?

Choose wisely.


Monday, April 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while most of us dread receiving today's title, mostly because it means you have to report that tiny side job you'd have preferred no one knew about it also happens to be the number of today's post.

I'm going to guess 1100 posts without a single comment isn't necessarily a record, nor would it be entirely true because I comment all the time...but commenting on you own work is akin to talking to yourself. Nothing wrong with it, it just isn't productive.

Admittedly I leave little room for argument and perhaps the desert of 'we hear ya' is a tribute to you, my readers who display the good sense to not debate/defend the indefensible.

In a departure from the usual I thought rather than cutting one of the elephants from the pack and parading it around for your consideration that we should look at the lead group and, er, examine what their existence portends considering none of you has the stomach to debate such ponderables.

That said we are confronted immediately by the muddiness of the waters. Which pachyderm is in the lead? Is it money or is it population, or to hear the feckless sell it, is it the destruction of our habitat via man made 'climate change'?

Do we have a 'trifecta' with all three charging down the stretch, neck and neck?

What about the 'also rans' of War and the Slaver economic system that the feckless have disguised as 'opportunity' but it is actually an IQ test of the basest kind. [How f'n STUPID are you?]

In this, your persistent silence is damning.

Some of you would cry HALT and point at what the ancient Greeks valued most, despite it being so relative as to be irrelevant.

If you are feckless you would demand the truth [as YOU see it. How unfortunate for the rest of us that your truth is that Barnum was WRONG, it IS possible to fool all of the people, at least most of the time!]

It was misdirection then and it is no different now.

Let's jump off the lead animals and return to the 'also rans'. It is understood that nothing is being done about any of them because the people running things are too busy protecting their own interests that they have lost sight of the 'runaway train' they have created.

The 'basics' of equality, justice and peace/prosperity are, of course, completely absent from the leader group because popularity has zero bearing on effectiveness and even less on the task of pulling an entire species back from the brink.

Think you can vote your way out of this? [shockingly the answer is yes but first the voter must seize the power to keep leadership 'on task'.] Too many cooks (or kooks, same difference.) The solution lies in the plan and the 'patient' implementation of that plan.

Leaders who can't plan also fail to lead. [Do we have a new lead elephant?]

Are you honest enough to recognize the truth when it's laid out before you?

There's the rub, Head!

Remember why I end these little diversions when I do...


Burn the party controlled ballot box that doesn't allow YOU to decide ANYTHING from the public square, no more LIES!

Sunday, April 7, 2019


Greetings good citizen, recklessness on the part of the few are once again endangering our entire species. While the tendency is to blame the poor it is a well known but long ignored fact that wealth is the cause of poverty.

[For a few to have more than they can use a whole lot of people have to do without which leads to Shit like this. The argument is that there's more money in treating the symptoms than developing cures.

This is the apex of capitalist stupidity.

There isn't a solitary cent in suffering because money isn't the 'reason we exist!'

Conversely money is precisely the reason so many of us have compromised immune systems, inadvertently becoming incubators for superbugs.

Most wil dismiss this warning because the steady return of untreatable diseases isn't 'news' and the media is just shrugging when the public should have its hair on fire! But if they remain calm, so will you.

YOU 'mistakenly' believe the people in charge are on top of this situation when nothing could be further from the truth. Most 'miracle drugs' were discovered by accident. Worse, given that humans aren't nearly as bright as they think they are there is a tendency repeat what has worked in the past rather than taking each situation as a whole and seeking answers holistically.

This is where 'stupid is as stupid does' really gets frightening.

Research departments in universities dump finding cures for these superbugs on kids who have already been mis-educated about what they are dealing with...

It is here that ignorance collides (often fatally) with what we 'think we know'.

Is starting with square one so difficult? [Perhaps it's because many have no frickin clue where to find square one?]

I have once again cast pearls before swine, achieving the expected results.

Adam Smith has been the death of us all because only the phenomenally stupid would believe that personal greed is a panacea.

Yeah, people ARE 'that stupid'. [And the criminals are ever so grateful, even if it is this same stupidity that will eventually end them...small consolation that it will end us all.

You're welcome Head for the unsolicited and unbiased regurgitation of the obvious.

Why you ignore the obvious is probably why we are all gonna die...but that's different, right?


Saturday, April 6, 2019

Pay or Die!

Greetings good citizen, Willy Jeff didn't balance the federal budget anymore that any previous president has ever succeeded in paying down even a penny of it!

So in the current debate of conservo-whackos admitting that a $15 an hour minimum wage and free college all sound fine and well, how do the 'socialists' intend to pay for them only shines a spotlight on the public's profound IGNORANCE regarding THE PURPOSE OF MONEY!

Why do YOU not know what money is?

Ironic that Wyatt Cenac's latest project is examining what is wrong with USA's educational system.

Here comes Rummy with his known unknowns and the accompanying unknown, unknowns.

You remain in the dark about what you don't know and when somebody makes a proposal that defies what you have been taught the morons tear your ignorance off your sorry backside and start beating you with it!

Have you ever solved the mystery of which came first, the chicken or the egg?

You have the same problem with money...where does it come from and what's it worth in light of that fact.


We live in relative squalor BECAUSE money is WILDLY abused. [Coupled with the aforementioned 'profound ignorance'.]

Why aren't you taught about money in school and you protest that you were...um, nope, you weren't.

You were 'coached' to believe the rich had a 'knack' for making money when the truth lies in a justice system that prevents your success.

They lie and YOU pay the price [with your perpetual poverty.]

Again the penalty for TREASON is DEATH.

Lying to line your own pockets at the expense of the rest of us is what? Deceit at the least and since you lack a clear understanding of the matter, lying forms the foundation of 'treachery' with is the 'root' of treason/betrayal!

[In case any of you morons haven't figured out why I tell you repeatedly that we live in a society run by CRIMINALS...who happen to be traitors!]

The price of their crimes; poverty for you and yours.

Zero irony that the same morons asking 'how ya gonna pay for that?' have ZERO COMPREHENSION about the nature or the purpose of MONEY!

Ignorance in itself isn't a crime per se but preventing justice from being done on the basis of ignorance is.

In fact, it's treason.

Thanks once again for stopping by, Head.


Friday, April 5, 2019


Greetings good citizen, stupid is as stupid does and Preznint Pussygrabber is, without question, as stupid as they come. How unfortunate for the rest of us that his followers both embody and embrace this basest of qualities?

Let's start with the issue the average mouth-breather fails to consider when they are throwing stones at the institutions established to protect 'public safety'...why does government exist?

A larger than one would imagine portion of the populace doesn't have the faintest notion of what the government exists to do and, tragically, the stated purpose of government and it's 'true purpose' are at odds with each other.

Governments exist to 'uphold the laws' while those running the government's 'true purpose' is the 'selective enforcement' of those laws.

Emphasis on 'selective'.

Which brings us to the current wind up toy decimating the law books for fun and profit

So if you eat meat — or, for that matter, drink water or breathe air — there’s a real sense in which Donald Trump is trying to kill you. And even if he’s turned out of office next year, for many Americans it will be too late.

Where did so many Americans pick up the poisonous idea that the 'government' is what's wrong with our 'nation'...which isn't 'ours' by any stretch of the imagination. There are the Haves and the Have Mores and then there is the rabble.

If you don't have counties east of the Mississippi named after you or own at least a dozen congress critters you are f'n NOBODY.

Murder Inc came for us around 1968 and has been dogging our backtrail since the stolen election of the same year.

Who poisoned the minds of the electorate? The third 'stolen election' that put a B list actor in the driver's seat.

It is Reagan that is credited with the meme that the scariest words in the human language being, "I'm with the government and I'm here to help" as opposed to the real scariest words you'll ever hear...you work for me now and you'll keep working for me until I say you're done.

Without saying so you already know that means until you're dead...which is likely to happen sooner than you imagine.

Governments are SUPPOSED TO protect you from that but the criminals run the government so they can avoid prosecution!

News to no one.

So why is nobody trying to 'recapture' the government?

Good question, ain't it?

Until next time Head,


Thursday, April 4, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's lede is purposefully vague because the AI people are struggling with the fact that there is considerably more to 'intelligence' than mathematics. That said, our twisted priorities tend to ignore what the numbers tell us.

This is "a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest" writ large.

It also is the cause for the now widespread belief that math savvy = intelligence when nothing could be further from the truth. Seriously, the ability to solve math puzzles IS the 'gold standard' for intelligence and you can witness with your own eyes what this fallacy has produced.

Perhaps it is fortunate that this misguided notion will continue to thwart the morons seeking to replace humans with obedient machines/self-directed automatons...especially on the battlefields of the feckless, where no human should find themselves.

Is anyone else amazed that our identifier doesn't start with a D? Never thought about it, did ya?

Worse, you have to wonder what, precisely, 'human' means in the creator's tongue...

Remember, cattle in a chute.

So it is that math skills are the 'measure of intelligence' among our less than bright species. I suck at math but am quite proficient at the basic operations, which is all the average person needs to function in our current social setting.

I'd posit we'd lose much of our 'humanity' if we were to become cold calculating pure logic machines (a la Mr. Spock.)

That said we can only wonder why our self-professed 'superiors' keep screaming at us that thinking is above our paygrade [usually after being chewed out (and belittled) for NOT catching THEIR mistake!]

Um, the mirror catches my reflection and I squirm a little because I am constantly asking 'how stupid are you'?

Rhetorical question, good citizen...we already know the answer.

Math may be how they constructed 'imitation brains' but math alone doesn't account for our 'analytical abilities'.

That said the 'quest' to create artificial, er, 'minds' is predicated on the belief that life itself can be reduced to zeroes and ones.

This brings us to Einstein's 'universal truth'; that we [humanity] 'know' one millionth of one percent of NOTHING.

Just as scientists learned the 'junk' between the strands of DNA is also critical in making us, us. It's not debris after all. Sadly, we also don't have a clue what it is...we only know what it ain't.

So it is 'beancounters' will be the end of 'us'/civil society as they fixate on computing absolutely meaningless percentages of profit and loss.

ASP doesn't operate on terms beancounters are familiar with although it does operate on currently widely ignored economic fundamentals.

Modern thinking is that markets are global which is total nonsense because everybody knows all markets are LOCAL...so are ALL economies.

We ignore these facts at society's peril. [NOBODY lives in an economic desert!]

We can 'repair' much of what ails civilization by simply outlawing cash [eliminating untraceable payments along with the ability to sell what doesn't belong to you at a discount [because it was 'free' to you, considering you stole it to sell it...and you wouldn't have if you had no way to 'move' the items.]

Beancounters know this but IGNORE it and I don't need to remind you that IGNORANCE KILLS.

We MUST remove the disconnects from reality the swindlers rely on to bilk you out of your pay.

That starts with outlawing cash and making the use of 'cash substitutes' a capitol crime.

ASP is 'holistic' as well as universal. THere are no cops under ASP because it is every citizen's responsibility to insure the law is upheld. That said, most of the 'nitwit laws' will be abandoned. [Laws enacted to 'milk' the populace for largely victimless crimes, like MOST traffic laws.]

Frank Herbert did the public no favors in his fantastic Dune novels because he 'reinforced' the mistaken idea that a 'walking population' was easier to control when in reality a footsoldier is the backbone of any invading force.

Writers put this stuff out there and the next thing you know you have half-wits embracing the dangerous ideas they use as tent poles for a STORY.

This is also how math skills became synonymous with intelligence...stupid only knows what it reads/is told because they are constantly being told not to think!

The 'exception' to this rule happens to frequent this page because here you are encouraged to 'think for yourself'.

It is NEVER my goal to tell you what to think, it IS my intent to provide you with SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!

That concludes today's offering,

Bon chance!


Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we all know data can disappear with the flip of a switch or a yank of the power cord but I'm still seeing all 1090 posts of The Futurist sitting contently in my archive.

Like Liberty and Justice it seems few appreciate what's at stake when they defend lies as 'protected speech'.

Quite literally WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS.

Wanna regale us with your exploits over a beer or two, fine just don't be surprised if nobody wants to give you the time of day the morning after.

Nobody likes a liar and Alex Jones and his role model Rush Limbaugh are both poster children for this social fact.

I frequently come down as be anti-free speech with the caveat being it galls just about everyone to have to endure listening to lies in your feeble defense of the indefensible.

If you can't speak the truth keep it zipped.

The Constitution or even the Bible doesn't protect your 'right to lie' yet we are a society sitting in a pool of excrement because none of the foundations of our so-called society hold water.

That said, the 'Official truth' often varies widely with the 'known truth', and numbnut's claims of Fake News are most often feeble efforts to dismiss what may not be 100% accurate but is still the truth.

It would be dishonest to claim that 'fake news' was invented by Preznint Pussygrabber but it was absent from our social lexicon just as Working Class disappeared right after 'Morning in America'...

Post MIA everybody was lumped into a mythical MIDDLE class that had objectively ceased to exist.

Why do you suppose the Greeks are credited with being the founders of 'Western Civilization'?

The official explanation is the greeks embraced the 'fundamentals' of culture but this is only half of the story. What part do you suppose the self serving have glossed over that points to the REAL REASON why?

What else did the Greeks do [They were the first] that EVERY culture since has emulated?

Funny [as in peculiar] that Tinseltown has shied away from making this connection that, because of the timespan involved, the average moron misses entirely...

Turns out some truths are damning and the 'foundation of modern civilization' isn't commerce but CONQUEST!

It would be one thing to finally UNITE humanity under one flag and quite another to conquer the entire planet.

Technically the armchair warriors declared global victory after 1945 but it was short-lived as allowing their 'strategic allies' to develop nuclear capabilities didn't cement their control, it opened the door to 'competition' and started the race to make total annihilation 'survivable'....a race that continues to this day as the quotient in this equation continues to shrink until it reaches single digits.

The two scariest words in any language [to criminals] is Global Government. ASP is global government with the crucial components separated from one another.

YOU can't get the local government to listen and your annual trips to the polls have produced zero results in YOUR lifetime. [Because the electoral process was hijacked by a global MEDIA was bought by the feckless.]

[We have drifted from our central subject a few degrees but it is all connected. The very beginning of the loop that forms the pillars of civilization is TRUTH. Without TRUTH there can be no EQUALITY, without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE, this entire loop is impossible without truth and truth is absolute yet the feckless manipulate it with abandon.]

Left for your conscience to wrestle with is whether or not 'truth' is absolute...some of you would vehemently disagree and thus do we find the foundations of 'protected speech' which has been used by the feckless to cover their tracks for Millennia!

Without the truth, NOTHING stands.

Once again constant reader knows why I end these missives when I do.

Good Luck Head,


Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I sincerely hope yesterday's frivolity hasn't caused any of you permanent damage but some people don't know the definition of 'too much'.

Either way it was nice to have a 'day off' and if the intel can be relied upon, today is the day Google advised it would start swinging the wrecking ball.

I'm still not clear what that's all about. I was advised last week to 'switch back' to my old blogger profile so this page, sans the 'about me' profile is still here; let's see where this leads.

Speaking about my 'Futurist' profile, I perused this morning's headlines and found, once again, for a society that is falling apart at the seams there is zero being done about any of it. [Why isn't the media on top of this?] Rhetorical question, we all know why.

Gotta have a schtick in this 'stand apart' political climate and now you are being wooed by an openly gay democratic presidential candidate. What 'progressives' they are! The first African American president was also a democrat and in the last election the 'progressives' ran their female hopeful only to have their poor choice polarize the nation, resulting in the election of the nation's worst/dumbest president ever [That said, this shitshow ain't over yet.]

What part of 'representative' don't the king-makers in the media understand?

They keep using these 'divisive' tactics and it will be torches and pitchforks time (again.)

It all comes down to 'education' doesn't it?

They THINK they know what the public wants when they have dedicated themselves to insuring the public has no idea which end is up. [So they feel 'safe' putting minority candidates at the forefront and using shame tactics if you point out that this individual isn't 'representative' of the general public.

But once again I digress.

It shouldn't matter which way the candidate is 'wired' although that is precisely where you end up when the 'race for power' is decided by a f'n popularity contest!

The entire political 'process' is designed to keep YOU away from the dashboard of power.

It is quite effective at doing precisely that...it also allows the few to wield far more power than they should because the process is set up to be hijacked at certain 'choke points'. [Can you say 'national security'?] (True justice doesn't need to hide behind 'buzzwords'.)

The honest don't require the cloak of secrecy but the criminals among us find that cloak indispensable.

This is why ASP ceases the media dominated 'popularity contest' in favor of the Tests. Want to walk the corridors of power and work for the greater good? You have to prove you have the vision to get the job done.

Um, part in parcel with the adoption of ASP is the 'disappearance of national security'. Under ASP there are no nations/criminal underground.

One world, one people, united.

Win the top spot? Still doesn't exempt you from prosecution like the current Criminal in Chief. [Mostly because the law reverts to be controlled by those who agree to live under it. Legislators will go the way of the monarchy/dinosaurs.] 'Leaders' will NOT be able to craft, interpret or implement/decree Law.

One would wonder [if one were bright enough to think] why this isn't the case now?

On this side of the fence it is easy to see that those propping up the current shitshow are criminals.

Time to clean house, from the Blue suit to the Black robe.

The penalty for treason is death.

Happy day after April Fools Day!
