Saturday, May 4, 2019


Greetings good citizen, seems the criminal-in-chief believes he's been victimized by the US media [Remember, Fox IS NOT a US based organization, Rupert Murdoch is Australian.]

Anybody notice the sea change in policy with the recent sale to Disney? [PS: the Disney's are f'n stupid are you?]

The answer to the above rhetorical question is NOPE, still the same bullshit, dispensed by the boob posse for the boobs of the nation, 24/7...isn't symbiosis grand?

But I digress.

Did Russian agents act to influence an already cowed population so frustrated by the 'lawlessness' that dominates the current political environment or is the Russia investigation merely a smokescreen for something far more sinister? [The whole process is a kabuki dance that merely provides the 'illusion of representation'?]

I once again direct your attention to the fact that Preznint Pussygrabber only has 27 million 'followers' on SpaceBook and 27 Million isn't even ten percent of the United States nearly 400 million citizens so once again the question becomes are we being 'pranked' by a media that works for a paycheck?

Why does it never occur to the mouth-breathers (who are monumentally bad at math) to ask themselves what the vast majority of the population thinks if they don't support what the paid for media claims they support?

They can't help it if you are both stupid and gullible...

It seems, without anyone saying so, the...'frustration' with the current political system that produces zero positive results is reaching its natural conclusion.

The only 'buzz' surrounding any of the candidates [or either party for that matter] is confined to the media and right wing hate groups who support their party ahead of mankind because they assume the party is 'white like me'.

How many of those 27 million Trump supporters are US citizens considering Facebook has 2.6 BILLION members (with a goodly percentage of those 'phantom') world-wide? But that's the trouble with an easily tainted and gamed info-puddle...hell, the stock market keeps going up and that's ALL bullshit! Quite literally 'opinion'.

Would you be surprised to learn that ten percent of Facebook accounts are phantom? What if it were twenty? How the hell would YOU know?

NOTHING is 'as represented' and that should 'surprise' no one.

How do we get a handle on this 'sleight of hand'?

We knock out the 'middle' so necessary to an ongoing deception.

Put the law beyond the reach of the feckless/self-serving. Eliminate 'popular elections' and replace them with direct democracy backed by PAPER BALLOTS, making the vote 'accountable/verifiable'.

The ONLY viable ELECTION REFORM is returning the power of the vote back to the individual but first safeguards have to be enacted to thwart corruption, The H.A.E. which outlaws slavery once and for all and the abolition of CASH [the H.A.E. forbids ownership so it doesn't have to be outlawed twice!] FOr the 'chickens' among you, ownership will be replaced by a 'registry of users' so your stuff will be registered to you and if you don't have something, you're entitled to it!

Remember, no cash so you can't keep a TV for a week then claim you weren't issued one, sell it and get a new one. Nobody to sell it to and if you 'trade' something for it you have to report the swap or face exile for rule breaking.

Membership in society is both 'voluntary' and revocable. If you don't think the laws governing a united humanity are just, you are free to go to Lord of the Flies Island where the rules are whatever you want them to be...if you are strong enough to get things 'your way'...[otherwise you gonna die!]

The first rule of L.O.T.F. Island is 'trust no one'.

Also crucial to establishing a 'just' society is the elimination of a paid and largely ignorant 'police force'. The law will become the domain of all who agree to live under it. [Woe unto those who flaunt the law of the people!]

Justice will be meted out by your peers for they are the ones charged with determining if the few prohibitions of ASP have been violated.

You have been cowed into thinking the feckless will rob you blind if the police didn't keep the destitute pinned to the ground.

What you fail to appreciate is the cops have kept you from bringing the thieves to justice, the feckless cut their paychecks.

Well, that all ends because the weasels will no longer be able to 'assume' the mantle of authority. If your psyche evaluation shows you are unfit to lead then you won't gain a leadership position no matter how well you score on the tests.

Prove somebody tampered with your evaluation and they will be exiled and your 'honor' will be restored.

Understand, you can fool the tests but you can't fool your peers. If you're a self-serving Dick, they'll know. Same if you're a slacker who is difficult to work with.

ASP requires not only a large degree of selflessness but it also requires unflinching honesty with oneself.

In this you will NOT be taken to the cleaners by the shiftless.

The quickest route to exile is 'false witness'. Better have your ducks in a row if you plan on throwing anyone under the bus.

Any system is only as effective as the people administering it. Right now YOU have ZERO control leaving the self interested free to make your decisions for you and the real bad news is they have already decided to remove you from the future gene pool.

How 'scary' is the idea of being given a chance to fight as opposed to being told 'sorry Charlie'?

I suspect a good deal of these 'lessons' don't end the way you think they are going to...and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Until next time, Head



  1. I suspect a good deal of these 'lessons' don't end the way you think they are going to...and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

  2. Understand, you can fool the tests but you can't fool your peers. If you're a self-serving Dick, they'll know. Same if you're a slacker who is difficult to work with.

    ASP requires not only a large degree of selflessness but it also requires unflinching honesty with oneself.

  3. Did Russian agents act to influence an already cowed population so frustrated by the 'lawlessness' that dominates the current political environment or is the Russia investigation merely a smokescreen for something far more sinister? [The whole process is a kabuki dance that merely provides the 'illusion of representation'?]

    Look at how the campaign is shaping up...same old, same old which the stupid find comforting but the rest of you find alarming. Without change the tyranny will only get WORSE!

  4. I once again direct your attention to the fact that Preznint Pussygrabber only has 27 million 'followers' on SpaceBook and 27 Million isn't even ten percent of the United States nearly 400 million citizens so once again the question becomes are we being 'pranked' by a media that works for a paycheck?

  5. I once again direct your attention to the fact that Preznint Pussygrabber only has 27 million 'followers' on SpaceBook and 27 Million isn't even ten percent of the United States nearly 400 million citizens so once again the question becomes are we being 'pranked' by a media that works for a paycheck?

    Why does it never occur to the mouth-breathers (who are monumentally bad at math) to ask themselves what the vast majority of the population thinks if they don't support what the paid for media claims they support?

    They can't help it if you are both stupid and gullible...

    There are an amazing number of elephants in the room, ever wonder why you routinely ignore ALL of them?

  6. The ONLY viable ELECTION REFORM is returning the power of the vote back to the individual but first safeguards have to be enacted to thwart corruption, The H.A.E. which outlaws slavery once and for all and the abolition of CASH [the H.A.E. forbids ownership so it doesn't have to be outlawed twice!] FOr the 'chickens' among you, ownership will be replaced by a 'registry of users' so your stuff will be registered to you and if you don't have something, you're entitled to it!

    This is that 'threat to their sovereignty' I referred to earlier...

  7. How do we get a handle on this 'sleight of hand'?

    We knock out the 'middle' so necessary to an ongoing deception.

    Put the law beyond the reach of the feckless/self-serving. Eliminate 'popular elections' and replace them with direct democracy backed by PAPER BALLOTS, making the vote 'accountable/verifiable'.

  8. How many of those 27 million Trump supporters are US citizens considering Facebook has 2.6 BILLION members (with a goodly percentage of those 'phantom') world-wide? But that's the trouble with an easily tainted and gamed info-puddle...hell, the stock market keeps going up and that's ALL bullshit! Quite literally 'opinion'.


  9. The only 'buzz' surrounding any of the candidates [or either party for that matter] is confined to the media and right wing hate groups who support their party ahead of mankind because they assume the party is 'white like me'.

  10. The ONLY viable ELECTION REFORM is returning the power of the vote back to the individual but first safeguards have to be enacted to thwart corruption, The H.A.E. which outlaws slavery once and for all and the abolition of CASH [the H.A.E. forbids ownership so it doesn't have to be outlawed twice!] FOr the 'chickens' among you, ownership will be replaced by a 'registry of users' so your stuff will be registered to you and if you don't have something, you're entitled to it!

  11. The only 'buzz' surrounding any of the candidates [or either party for that matter] is confined to the media and right wing hate groups who support their party ahead of mankind because they assume the party is 'white like me'.

    How many of those 27 million Trump supporters are US citizens considering Facebook has 2.6 BILLION members (with a goodly percentage of those 'phantom') world-wide? But that's the trouble with an easily tainted and gamed info-puddle...hell, the stock market keeps going up and that's ALL bullshit! Quite literally 'opinion'.

  12. Did Russian agents act to influence an already cowed population so frustrated by the 'lawlessness' that dominates the current political environment or is the Russia investigation merely a smokescreen for something far more sinister? [The whole process is a kabuki dance that merely provides the 'illusion of representation'?]

  13. We knock out the 'middle' so necessary to an ongoing deception.

    Put the law beyond the reach of the feckless/self-serving. Eliminate 'popular elections' and replace them with direct democracy backed by PAPER BALLOTS, making the vote 'accountable/verifiable'.

  14. NOTHING is 'as represented' and that should 'surprise' no one.

    How do we get a handle on this 'sleight of hand'?

    We knock out the 'middle' so necessary to an ongoing deception.

    Fraud 'hides' (in most cases behind the law) if we deal directly there is nothing to hide behind...

  15. Did Russian agents act to influence an already cowed population so frustrated by the 'lawlessness' that dominates the current political environment or is the Russia investigation merely a smokescreen for something far more sinister? [The whole process is a kabuki dance that merely provides the 'illusion of representation'?]

  16. I once again direct your attention to the fact that Preznint Pussygrabber only has 27 million 'followers' on SpaceBook and 27 Million isn't even ten percent of the United States nearly 400 million citizens so once again the question becomes are we being 'pranked' by a media that works for a paycheck?

  17. The ONLY viable ELECTION REFORM is returning the power of the vote back to the individual but first safeguards have to be enacted to thwart corruption, The H.A.E. which outlaws slavery once and for all and the abolition of CASH [the H.A.E. forbids ownership so it doesn't have to be outlawed twice!] FOr the 'chickens' among you, ownership will be replaced by a 'registry of users' so your stuff will be registered to you and if you don't have something, you're entitled to it!

  18. Membership in society is both 'voluntary' and revocable. If you don't think the laws governing a united humanity are just, you are free to go to Lord of the Flies Island where the rules are whatever you want them to be...if you are strong enough to get things 'your way'...[otherwise you gonna die!]

    The first rule of L.O.T.F. Island is 'trust no one'.

  19. The ONLY viable ELECTION REFORM is returning the power of the vote back to the individual but first safeguards have to be enacted to thwart corruption, The H.A.E. which outlaws slavery once and for all and the abolition of CASH [the H.A.E. forbids ownership so it doesn't have to be outlawed twice!] FOr the 'chickens' among you, ownership will be replaced by a 'registry of users' so your stuff will be registered to you and if you don't have something, you're entitled to it!

  20. Understand, you can fool the tests but you can't fool your peers. If you're a self-serving Dick, they'll know. Same if you're a slacker who is difficult to work with.

    ASP requires not only a large degree of selflessness but it also requires unflinching honesty with oneself.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...