Sunday, May 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, people aren't afraid graveyards, there's nothing in there that can hurt them. That said, it's what the graveyard represents that gives most of you the willies.

What if it's true, that you will 'pay' in death for the crimes you committed in life?

The human mind is incapable of even imagining 'eternal bliss' so it comes as no surprise that eternal torment is equally unimaginable.

That said [mostly due to our being our own worst enemies] some of us never know peace, we spend our lives torturing ourselves for things we [most times] didn't [but think we SHOULD HAVE] done.

So we are quite capable of, er, experiencing 'lifelong torment' and some of us even grow to relish the pain of our self inflicted torture.

Unsurprisingly, this brings us full circle to the not easily dismissed idea that this existence is some race's insane asylum...

[Not what to think, just something to think about.]

Let's flip that rock over and head in the direction most humans take while they live in 'the here and now.' What if we work with the idea that there is no 'afterlife' that we are born, live until we die and our 'existence' simply ceases to be. No reason to regret BUT every boat we miss is a done deal and there is no getting it back.

Are the 'live for today' crowd a step ahead of everyone else?

Short answer: Nope.

Life's only 'visible' purpose is to 'replicate', once that is achieved and you have succeeded in raising your offspring to the point of self sustainability, you can claim a 'mission accomplished' and kick back until, for whatever reason, you stop being capable of moving under your own power.

Then what?

The Lucky go in their sleep...we old timers have seen what happens to the, er, 'unlucky'. [One can't help but wonder if at some point the mind isn't responsible for those who fail to let go due to fearfulness of what awaits them.]

Now the live for today crowd has this one sussed. They will 'deal' with whatever awaits them when they get there...and regardless of outcome, there is little you can do until you arrive at the way station.

Even if you don't, er, 'accept' the idea that your existence is eternal, only the 'fiction writers' have told us what awaits beyond the veil. No one 'knows' for certain.

So it is that our minds [with the assistance of the freakishly twisted] taunt us with spectres of what might await us, if death isn't 'the end'.

Religion teaches us that death is not the end but religion is handed to us by those who would control our lives [and not for the better!]

So who is filling your head with nonsense? I would be quick to claim 'not me' but what do I know? My self assigned task is to get you to THINK FOR YOURSELF because there is no shortage of those willing to tell you what to think!

It is ONLY through 'self realization' that we can/will succeed in making the changes that will end the factors that make this life a living hell.

Got it 'okay?'

That's just you bullshitting yourself.

Have you ever met a bigger collection of dissatisfied, self-absorbed A-holes?

Hard to imagine if you have and you can't help but wonder why you keep finding yourself in that kind of a place...

[Hint: the key is SELF-realization!] Let A Simple Plan be your guide to the path your 'immortal soul' SHOULD be on.

Will your 'next time' be better or [difficult to imagine] worse than this go round?

Like stupid, the CHOICE is yours and yours alone.

I find it curious that none of you appreciate the role you play in your squandered existence...

Um, I would thank you but once again it appears I speak to myself...more the pity.



  1. Are the 'live for today' crowd a step ahead of everyone else?

  2. The Lucky go in their sleep...we old timers have seen what happens to the, er, 'unlucky'. [One can't help but wonder if at some point the mind isn't responsible for those who fail to let go due to fearfulness of what awaits them.]

  3. Religion teaches us that death is not the end but religion is handed to us by those who would control our lives [and not for the better!]

  4. Will your 'next time' be better or [difficult to imagine] worse than this go round?

    Like stupid, the CHOICE is yours and yours alone.

  5. What if it's true, that you will 'pay' in death for the crimes you committed in life?

  6. The Lucky go in their sleep...we old timers have seen what happens to the, er, 'unlucky'. [One can't help but wonder if at some point the mind isn't responsible for those who fail to let go due to fearfulness of what awaits them.]

  7. It is ONLY through 'self realization' that we can/will succeed in making the changes that will end the factors that make this life a living hell.

  8. Even if you don't, er, 'accept' the idea that your existence is eternal, only the 'fiction writers' have told us what awaits beyond the veil. No one 'knows' for certain.

    So it is that our minds [with the assistance of the freakishly twisted] taunt us with spectres of what might await us, if death isn't 'the end'.

  9. Have you ever met a bigger collection of dissatisfied, self-absorbed A-holes?

    Hard to imagine if you have and you can't help but wonder why you keep finding yourself in that kind of a place...

    [Hint: the key is SELF-realization!] Let A Simple Plan be your guide to the path your 'immortal soul' SHOULD be on.

  10. Will your 'next time' be better or [difficult to imagine] worse than this go round?

    Like stupid, the CHOICE is yours and yours alone.

  11. Unsurprisingly, this brings us full circle to the not easily dismissed idea that this existence is some race's insane asylum...

  12. Let's flip that rock over and head in the direction most humans take while they live in 'the here and now.' What if we work with the idea that there is no 'afterlife' that we are born, live until we die and our 'existence' simply ceases to be. No reason to regret BUT every boat we miss is a done deal and there is no getting it back.

    Are the 'live for today' crowd a step ahead of everyone else?

    They like to think so...but that doesn't make them right.

  13. Religion teaches us that death is not the end but religion is handed to us by those who would control our lives [and not for the better!]

  14. Even if you don't, er, 'accept' the idea that your existence is eternal, only the 'fiction writers' have told us what awaits beyond the veil. No one 'knows' for certain.

    So it is that our minds [with the assistance of the freakishly twisted] taunt us with spectres of what might await us, if death isn't 'the end'.

  15. I find it curious that none of you appreciate the role you play in your squandered existence...

  16. Even if you don't, er, 'accept' the idea that your existence is eternal, only the 'fiction writers' have told us what awaits beyond the veil. No one 'knows' for certain.

    So it is that our minds [with the assistance of the freakishly twisted] taunt us with spectres of what might await us, if death isn't 'the end'.

  17. [Hint: the key is SELF-realization!] Let A Simple Plan be your guide to the path your 'immortal soul' SHOULD be on.

    Will your 'next time' be better or [difficult to imagine] worse than this go round?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...