Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the average person doesn't understand what drives 'the economy'. Apparently neither do the morons who earn their livlihoods studying/analyzing it.

Today's acronym stands for 'No Fucking Magic' which is what the anonymous author of this piece is claiming. Jobs are booming despite no new technology.

There hasn't been anything 'new' since Pong so what's driving the jobs number up? Out of control population growth AUGMENTED by unbridled CHURN...[out with the old, in with the 'fresh' provides the illusion of job growth and 'conditions' the wage slaves to the 'tenuous nature' of their continued employment/survival.]

It is here that I'm tempted to insert a hearty 'same as it ever was' but you have be AWARE that you're being chumped for that to resonate with you.

[PS: anyone that pays to get access to the whole article is DEAD TO ME.]

NFM Baby!

While the saying tells us that it's senseless to put lipstick on a pig that doesn't stop the hosers from trying!

And YOU get hosed with frightening regularity!

Try and imagine a life where you were 'on guard' ALL THE TIME. I belabor the obvious when I point out that you SHOULD BE but you have made pacts so you can 'relax' around certain people in certain situations. Keeping your 'defenses' up 24/7 is exhausting and will 'hollow out' your humanity. We ALL need time to 'recharge'.

Big problem (in case you were wondering why the world has so many self-absorbed dickheads) some have never learned to cultivate the trust necessary so they could 'relax' and reflect, another skill that is easily 'lost' if you don't USE it!

The tendency is to admire the 'broken' despite their 'soul-less' demeanor. Their inability to 'reflect' [see themselves as others see them] turns them into walking talking ghosts (or monsters in the more extreme cases) and it's all because the are incapable of letting their 'guard down'.

Remember, your 'default setting' is to kill non-family members on sight. [If you can't let others 'in' you will never see yourself reflected in them.]

We are SOCIAL CREATURES, people my drive you nuts but its proven that shutting people out makes you 'unbalanced', incapable of forming social relationships.

[In case you were wondering about the morons who fear 'socialists'. That wood ain't stacked proper so it won't burn right.]

But I digress, mightily.

Let us return to the tripe the feckless continues to pedal in support of their ongoing mission to keep the general public 'gulled'.

The 'rich economy' is 'booming' and there is little doubt that those who control the value of assets are doing superbly, all they have to do is convince you that everything's coming up roses!

Too bad your perpetually empty bank account keeps telling you otherwise.

They have an answer for that too [YOU spend too much!]

How unfortunate the answer to 'how much is enough' has the identical answer to the question 'how high is up'...

Until next time, Head.



  1. It is here that I'm tempted to insert a hearty 'same as it ever was' but you have be AWARE that you're being chumped for that to resonate with you.

  2. Today's acronym stands for 'No Fucking Magic' which is what the anonymous author of this piece is claiming. Jobs are booming despite no new technology.

    Only TWO factors drive strong economic growth, NEW technology OR rebuilding after a...'hiccup' [sometimes war and sometimes (semi) natural.]

    Rapid, uncontrolled breeding barely dents the efficiencies introduced by improved processes [which is how famine has been (temporarily) held at bay.] Without (totally) 'NEW' tech an economic BOOM is simply 'perception management' [utilized to cover gross mismanagement across the board. Why isn't the media worried about the planets bumper crop of billionaires that represent market consolidation rather than 'real' economic growth?

  3. How unfortunate the answer to 'how much is enough' has the identical answer to the question 'how high is up'...

  4. Remember, your 'default setting' is to kill non-family members on sight. [If you can't let others 'in' you will never see yourself reflected in them.]

  5. The 'rich economy' is 'booming' and there is little doubt that those who control the value of assets are doing superbly, all they have to do is convince you that everything's coming up roses!

    It DOESN'T have to be TRUE, they only need YOU to believe it!

  6. There hasn't been anything 'new' since Pong so what's driving the jobs number up? Out of control population growth AUGMENTED by unbridled CHURN...[out with the old, in with the 'fresh' provides the illusion of job growth and 'conditions' the wage slaves to the 'tenuous nature' of their continued employment/survival.]

  7. The tendency is to admire the 'broken' despite their 'soul-less' demeanor. Their inability to 'reflect' [see themselves as others see them] turns them into walking talking ghosts (or monsters in the more extreme cases) and it's all because the are incapable of letting their 'guard down'.

  8. While the saying tells us that it's senseless to put lipstick on a pig that doesn't stop the hosers from trying!

    And YOU get hosed with frightening regularity!

  9. There hasn't been anything 'new' since Pong so what's driving the jobs number up? Out of control population growth AUGMENTED by unbridled CHURN...[out with the old, in with the 'fresh' provides the illusion of job growth and 'conditions' the wage slaves to the 'tenuous nature' of their continued employment/survival.]

    It is here that I'm tempted to insert a hearty 'same as it ever was' but you have be AWARE that you're being chumped for that to resonate with you.

  10. There hasn't been anything 'new' since Pong so what's driving the jobs number up? Out of control population growth AUGMENTED by unbridled CHURN...[out with the old, in with the 'fresh' provides the illusion of job growth and 'conditions' the wage slaves to the 'tenuous nature' of their continued employment/survival.]

  11. It is here that I'm tempted to insert a hearty 'same as it ever was' but you have be AWARE that you're being chumped for that to resonate with you.

  12. We are SOCIAL CREATURES, people my drive you nuts but its proven that shutting people out makes you 'unbalanced', incapable of forming social relationships.

    [In case you were wondering about the morons who fear 'socialists'. That wood ain't stacked proper so it won't burn right.]

  13. The 'rich economy' is 'booming' and there is little doubt that those who control the value of assets are doing superbly, all they have to do is convince you that everything's coming up roses!

    Too bad your perpetually empty bank account keeps telling you otherwise.

  14. Big problem (in case you were wondering why the world has so many self-absorbed dickheads) some have never learned to cultivate the trust necessary so they could 'relax' and reflect, another skill that is easily 'lost' if you don't USE it!

  15. There hasn't been anything 'new' since Pong so what's driving the jobs number up? Out of control population growth AUGMENTED by unbridled CHURN...[out with the old, in with the 'fresh' provides the illusion of job growth and 'conditions' the wage slaves to the 'tenuous nature' of their continued employment/survival.]

    It is here that I'm tempted to insert a hearty 'same as it ever was' but you have be AWARE that you're being chumped for that to resonate with you.

  16. While the saying tells us that it's senseless to put lipstick on a pig that doesn't stop the hosers from trying!

    And YOU get hosed with frightening regularity!

  17. Big problem (in case you were wondering why the world has so many self-absorbed dickheads) some have never learned to cultivate the trust necessary so they could 'relax' and reflect, another skill that is easily 'lost' if you don't USE it!

  18. Try and imagine a life where you were 'on guard' ALL THE TIME. I belabor the obvious when I point out that you SHOULD BE but you have made pacts so you can 'relax' around certain people in certain situations. Keeping your 'defenses' up 24/7 is exhausting and will 'hollow out' your humanity. We ALL need time to 'recharge'.

    Big problem (in case you were wondering why the world has so many self-absorbed dickheads) some have never learned to cultivate the trust necessary so they could 'relax' and reflect, another skill that is easily 'lost' if you don't USE it!

  19. How unfortunate the answer to 'how much is enough' has the identical answer to the question 'how high is up'...

  20. We are SOCIAL CREATURES, people my drive you nuts but its proven that shutting people out makes you 'unbalanced', incapable of forming social relationships.

    [In case you were wondering about the morons who fear 'socialists'. That wood ain't stacked proper so it won't burn right.]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...