Friday, May 31, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's headlines inform us of new taxes in the form of tariffs on Mexican imports levied not to make US products more competitive but to punish them for allowing refugees to cross their nation on their way to the planets largest gulag.

The 'Democratic frontrunner' stumbling Joe has come forth to claim responsibility for the Clinton era crime bills that filled the nation's FOR PROFIT PRISONS with innocent people.

Um, seems we have a serious lack of competence among those receiving the funding of the OWNERS in their bids to become the next POTUS.

The incumbent, the 'genius businessman' doesn't have a clue how tariffs work and Obama's sidekick is taking credit for something he had nothing to do with which SHOULD seal his fate.

And that's the plan, run a pack of Bumbolinis against the moron and the public will once again be faced with the choice between a giant CRIMINAL Douche and a turd sandwich.

Isn't it peculiar replacing Obamacare has disappeared from the political agenda? Where are the 'disappointed' Trumpsters now?

Where are all the Democrats keen on overturning Citizen's United? What happened to the 'Working Class' did they get left in the dust again after Trump dusted them off and made them feel like somebody had their back? It sure wasn't The Donald but all he had to do to get their vote was whisper those magic words and let them think someone had finally remembered who makes this shitshow kick over every morning.

Nope, they have disappeared again, having fulfilled their one time trick.

How f'n DUMB are you?

Seriously? Are YOU too dumb to understand how tariffs work? [Tariffs are designed/intended to make domestic products the cheapest alternative but they only work when domestically produced products EXIST! In the ABSENCE of products produced domestically the only thing tariffs do is make the products more expensive, literally boosting profits AT YOUR EXPENSE!

Hell of a question to ask of people who have NO F'N CLUE WHAT MONEY IS/IS FOR!

One more piece of evidence in the case against allowing the stupid to vote. If you can't crack a 100 on an IQ test you got no business making decisions that affect our entire species!

It doesn't matter who you LIKE [because you barely recognize your name when it is shouted at you!]

Which brings us to the shitshow that is the electoral process.

Wouldn't it be 'wiser' to have our candidates for leadership tell us which problems they'd tackle and how they would go about it?

Would you vote for someone who didn't make ending poverty/homelessness their first task?

Would you 'save' your vote for the celebrity who promised to show up every day?

Would you vote for someone who SHOULD BE 'retired'? [The current 'moron in chief' is 70 and he should have taken an early retirement if he was half the 'whiz-bang' he claims to be!

How DUMB are YOU?

If none of this occurs to you chances are excellent YOU shouldn't be making decisions affecting the future of the species either!

Good talk, Head!

Until next time,


Thursday, May 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's title is a fraught subject because most of you fantasize about the 'upside' of society falling to pieces, thinking if things go to shit the institutions you owe money to will cease to exist.

Now the adults in the room know that ain't gonna happen regardless of what burns or doesn't survive the collapse.

Yup, in a war between capitalists you know SOMEBODY is going to come out on the other side clutching an unassailable claim to the planet's wealth. [It will be 'unassailable' because that individual will already have the courts in his/her pocket.]

If you were clever/sneaky you might get away with paying someone to erase your records but that's no guarantee our new overlord isn't working off the archives.

But I digress, there is nothing 'hopeful' in that direction.

Your [and everyone else's] best hope is the abolition of debt driven society. Somewhere the psychopaths among us got the idea in their heads that if you didn't 'owe' you would stop working and go on welfare/relief.

The anti-intellectual elite ask all the time 'why work'? This statement is often misinterpreted as 'why work at all' but in reality they already know if nobody works there won't be enough of anything except water to go around. So their rhetorical question laid bare is 'why should I have to work?'

Am I not worth keeping around for my pleasant demeanor and generous spirit? Wouldn't you miss me if I died?

That's what A-hole is really saying when he questions 'work'.

This has lead to yet another misperception, that there are 'good jobs' and, er 'bad' jobs because the bad ones lack 'prestige'.

Everybody knows 'job' number one is King/Queen/Regent but let's take a look at the 'jobs' just behind that. Monarchy is forbidden in most cultures but most fail to realize that the job didn't 'go away', it hides in plain sight because OWNERS took the place of the Royals.

Backing this shitshow up is the 'legal community' with judges being legal royalty and attorneys being their highly paid vassals.

Who is behind that on the food chain? Entertainers. [Weirdly you'd think healers would come next but the entertainers do more than break up the monotony of 'doing/contributing' NOTHING and serve the vital function of distracting the chattels!]

[Isn't Capitalism GREAT? That's what 'The Donald' was attempting to restore. What the criminally stupid doesn't know is there was NEVER a time when EVERYBODY loved 'capitalism', like fantasy America, it only exists in the minds of the criminals.

What the criminals think is so 'great' about Murika is the way they rip us off and we keep showing up for work the next day!

So muddied are the waters of motivation.

Church teaches that you are building a 'mansion in the sky' so you have a comfortable place to retire to when you finish your labors in this life.

Your OWNER also subscribes to this theory that you only need to stay alive, that life's pleasures will distract you from building your forever mansion, so your OWNER pays you as little as they can get away with, so frustrating and complete is their boredom.

Your OWNER is giving you the gift of misery so you will be eager to work hard building your mansion in the sky so you can get away from this wretched existence.

The raises you didn't get and the lower prices you never saw went towards the OWNERS tax deductible charitable contributions he made in the name of his shareowners. [It's not what you make but what you keep...]


Everybody over the age of thirty knows it's all a charade, and act passed down from father to son...until it collapses under its own weight.

Worse, we've already passed the 'inflection point'. [The detachment of money from anything tangible back in 1972.]

Still don't see a problem/alternative?

That's because thinking isn't what you do best and there has been an ongoing, all out effort to keep you from thinking about any of this.

You are born the 'hired help' conditioned FROM BIRTH to 'follow instructions.'

If you encounter a problem/contradiction you have been conditioned to DO NOTHING until someone in 'authority' comes to tell you what to do next.

Why do you suppose you were taught to wait rather than figure it out for yourself?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Because if you do what you know to be 'right' chances are you will set a bad example for everyone else.

Why do you suppose Insurance payouts are tax exempt but a lottery win is taxed like 'normal income'? [when it's anything but!]

One small example of why you aren't allowed to THINK nevermind make your own mind up about anything!

The other thing you need to understand [and the cognizant know this] is that the people 'in charge' are where they are not because they are competent but because they are 'trustworthy'. [Meaning they are more than a little 'stupid', they have chosen, repeatedly, to believe dumb things and trust people that would kill them than look at them a second time.]

This shitshow is brought to you by the planet's chickenshit bastards who are too dumb to figure out they are screwing the rest of us by enabling the feckless!

But again I digress.

What will provide our species with 'Hope'?

How about ensuring the survival of our kind? [And not just the worthless few!]

Hope starts with fixing/returning money to its original purpose and placing it beyond the reach of the feckless.

It can be done but it relies on EDUCATION (and not the nonsense the grifters call education!)

Allowing parents to teach their children has proven disastrous for our herd/hive mind.

The idea that 'my little snowflake' is not only unique but 'special' has infected the thinking of our kind so the incompetent are convinced they are worthy of leadership solely because their parents believed in them!

It is only in old age that wisdom catches up with ego and teaches us the difference between reality and aspiration.

So it is if we are to head off overbreeding we must regulate the process and educate our children on the threat of exhausting this planet's resources before we find a way to access more from elsewhere.

We can eliminate homelessness overnight if we abandon predatory capitalism. We can also solve poverty just as easily I might add that it will spur a hunt for those responsible for the wanton swindling of the helpless (so 'a few' could be 'rich'.)

It really is 'mismanagement' and when the public becomes aware of these manager's crimes they will DEMAND justice...and they will get it too!

ASP is driven by the survival of our species and not the prosperity of the feckless at everyone else's expense.

All we have to do is ACT.

Until next time, Head.


For those of you that haven't already, a thumbnail of ASP can be found under the More tab of Human's United @

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the average person doesn't understand what drives 'the economy'. Apparently neither do the morons who earn their livlihoods studying/analyzing it.

Today's acronym stands for 'No Fucking Magic' which is what the anonymous author of this piece is claiming. Jobs are booming despite no new technology.

There hasn't been anything 'new' since Pong so what's driving the jobs number up? Out of control population growth AUGMENTED by unbridled CHURN...[out with the old, in with the 'fresh' provides the illusion of job growth and 'conditions' the wage slaves to the 'tenuous nature' of their continued employment/survival.]

It is here that I'm tempted to insert a hearty 'same as it ever was' but you have be AWARE that you're being chumped for that to resonate with you.

[PS: anyone that pays to get access to the whole article is DEAD TO ME.]

NFM Baby!

While the saying tells us that it's senseless to put lipstick on a pig that doesn't stop the hosers from trying!

And YOU get hosed with frightening regularity!

Try and imagine a life where you were 'on guard' ALL THE TIME. I belabor the obvious when I point out that you SHOULD BE but you have made pacts so you can 'relax' around certain people in certain situations. Keeping your 'defenses' up 24/7 is exhausting and will 'hollow out' your humanity. We ALL need time to 'recharge'.

Big problem (in case you were wondering why the world has so many self-absorbed dickheads) some have never learned to cultivate the trust necessary so they could 'relax' and reflect, another skill that is easily 'lost' if you don't USE it!

The tendency is to admire the 'broken' despite their 'soul-less' demeanor. Their inability to 'reflect' [see themselves as others see them] turns them into walking talking ghosts (or monsters in the more extreme cases) and it's all because the are incapable of letting their 'guard down'.

Remember, your 'default setting' is to kill non-family members on sight. [If you can't let others 'in' you will never see yourself reflected in them.]

We are SOCIAL CREATURES, people my drive you nuts but its proven that shutting people out makes you 'unbalanced', incapable of forming social relationships.

[In case you were wondering about the morons who fear 'socialists'. That wood ain't stacked proper so it won't burn right.]

But I digress, mightily.

Let us return to the tripe the feckless continues to pedal in support of their ongoing mission to keep the general public 'gulled'.

The 'rich economy' is 'booming' and there is little doubt that those who control the value of assets are doing superbly, all they have to do is convince you that everything's coming up roses!

Too bad your perpetually empty bank account keeps telling you otherwise.

They have an answer for that too [YOU spend too much!]

How unfortunate the answer to 'how much is enough' has the identical answer to the question 'how high is up'...

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's headlines announce what we already know; that the meat-puppet-in-chief's handlers are using the office of the Presidency to reinforce their message that science is the domain of big-brained poopy-heads!

Who needs evidence? Besides, capitalism is collapsing and the only solution offered by the big brained poopy-heads is to abandon it.

[How many of you just shit yourselves a little?]

I think most of you would be amazed how quickly the climate/environment situation would stabilize if we ended OWNERSHIP and replaced it with MANAGEMENT.

YOU don't need to own Jack, you just need your 'share'...but you'll never hear a banker to admit that. Enabling YOU to own [regardless of how temporary] is THEIR bread & butter!

Why hasn't anyone else tumbled to the fact that capitalism is swindle within a swindle, wrapped up in a cheat?

[Rhetorical question, youngling.] Your parents hold their silence because they fear your being branded a heretic if they told you what they figured out for themselves.

Fear is a terrible thing but the most fearful thing of all is the realization that you are surrounded by 'tiny minds'.

People get lost in thought because they don't go there often. It's easier [and SAFER] to mimic what everybody else is saying.

So we arrive at that way-station of where we ask the question of when does being a 'follower' becomes detrimental to YOUR survival?

I've got some bad news for you, sport. The bandwagon with the neon sign that reads 'Hop on if you want to live!' is being driven by psychopaths that truly want to see God more than they want to spend another minute in this shithole. [REAL bad news: this god of theirs is just as batshit crazy as they are!]

The 'truth' avoided by those who were taught they will be rewarded in the 'afterlife' is the fact that THIS IS PARADISE, all we have to do it not fuck it up! How unfortunate is it that the self-important swindlers ignored that reality in favor of selling you all on 'pie in the sky'?

Dumb is often equated with trusting, stupid is choosing to believe the lie after you know the truth.

Which concludes today's 'lesson'. [Most of you already know this but I like to think that we get the occasional stray wandering through here seeking confirmation of what they have (secretly) thought all along.

Until next time, Head.


Monday, May 27, 2019


Greetings good citizen, most don't question the increasing madness that surrounds us constantly. In that life is the same as it ever was [fueling the rumors that this existence is some long forgotten race's insane asylum.]

Which is where we shall stick our first 'pin'.

Today has been set aside to 'remember' those who laid down their lives for our...can't think of the word. Doesn't matter, it was a lie anyway.

The war mongers set today aside to remind us of all who perished to keep us enslaved...because that the truth of the matter, you aren't 'free' and only the deeply deluded think otherwise.

It's the 'nuthing go up top' crowd that drapes themselves in the flag and parrots (both insensitively AND insincerely) what amounts to 'better you than me'.

That's what you're really telling the poor son of a bitch that heads out into a senseless battlefield to 'preserve our way of lies' life...

War is NEVER about 'freedom'.

Just as we are all soldiers, push come to shove [it doesn't matter if you suck at it.]

Uniforms and flags are simply the 'costumes' of fake liberty.

Why are we so 'warlike'? Because the losers in old time conflicts became the SLAVES of the winners...and if the winners couldn't 'use' your sorry ass, they killed you to prevent you from avenging the deaths of your friends.

Tribe against tribe, enslaving the losers was a given. [Man the 'opportunist' at his finest!]

The stupid, playing the easier to take it than to make it card persecuted their fellow humans so they could 'live like kings'.

It wasn't until these vicious bastards had their shoes put on the other feet did they learn to appreciate the truth behind the words 'without peace there can be no prosperity'.

So why does man still make war against his fellow man?

It's a crime and until all who prosper from arming the dumb are, er, punished for their crimes the real 'message' of Memorial Day is 'it's not over yet'.

If you 'remember' anything from this exercise in glorifying the horrific, remember those WHO DIED FOR NOTHING!

You aren't free despite what the ignorant tell you, regardless of how much they insist otherwise...because you don't need a bill of sale to own somebody and the ability to fire them is the same thing as condemning them to DEATH.

Oh it's not like that!


Being held hostage to a paycheck is NOT FREEDOM.

Capitalism has got to go [capitalists first! Your membership in society is REVOKED!]

Nothing is 'as advertised' and you are the prisoner of people who would kill you as look at you.

Have a nice Memorial Day, Head.


Sunday, May 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, some people take it upon themselves to dictate to the rest of us what we should and shouldn't be doing and that's all they have going on, just amazingly huge balls.

This DOES NOT make them 'adults', kids have 'opinions' too and like their older counterparts, the kids believe they are 'right' and unafraid of speaking their mind.

Nope, fear doesn't enter the equation until it's time to slap some sense into the hopelessly incompetent, then suddenly nobody has any balls and they also aren't sure just how much weight their titles carry...

So it is we are frequently bullied by the brash into thinking we have to go along with their bullshit because they are simply 'more courageous' than we are.

Newsflash: Presidents can be wrong too.

Now take that one and step it all the way down to the badge wielding moron with lights on the roof of their publicly supplied motor vehicle.

[If this ain't hell then I don't know what is.]

Fear and incompetence are overwhelming for the average individual. [which, in case you were wondering, is how the grossly incompetent continue to wield power.]

Since the typical psychopath has zero empathy they are unaware of the danger they place themselves in.

As the people running government are keenly aware, people are very interested in 'Safety, personal' and when the incompetent threaten that safety and the so-called 'adults' pretend the threat doesn't exist, the people become disgusted with the posers who have been exposed as the children they actually are.

So what do you do when the people responsible for protecting society from the 'unhinged' fail to take steps to 'censure' the rogue?

The Dems can't decide if they want to impeach so close to the election, they are fearful of energizing a non-existent base invented by the media.

Notice none of Trump's 'campaign rallies' are televised? How many people are actually there, a couple of dozen and half of them are working the event?

A Trump rally must be a pitiful thing indeed or the f'n media would be showing us the crowds supporting the maniac in chief to back up their fake claims regarding his 'popularity'.

Let's suppose we find a shower somewhere and rinse off the slime of faux politics for a moment, shall we? Now that we've cleaned ourselves up we can set aside the 'distractions' and talk like adults.

Capitalism is collapsing and there isn't anything they can do to stop it.

That said, how are we going to 'save' humanity from the children that refuse to relinquish 'ownership' of what doesn't belong to them?

It's crunch time folks, either we share what's left or a whole lot of us on both sides are going to end up eating bullets needlessly/so 'a few' can be rich.

Happy Sunday, Head.


Saturday, May 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, if ANYTHING grinds our gears it is incompetence, partly because life is filled with 'imperfect' compromises for reasons nobody bothers to take responsibility for.

As most of you are aware, the media frequently runs shows highlighting the incompetence that plagues our civilization and many of you watch, nodding and clucking your tongues. Worse, the pundits zero in on perceived incompetence and magnify it [border wall anyone?]

Fox News should lose its charter...and the nitwit in chief should be removed from office for gross incompetence.


Isn't this just magnifying the problem?

News Flash America, there are NO PARTIES! The same people who put Republicans in office donate to the campaigns of people willing to run against them because there has to be 'opposition' to point the finger at after you fuck the public!

The advent of the US security state marked the end of Democracy in the former US. How fortunate for the tyrants that the Average Citizen is too dumb to understand the nuances that separate 'participatory government' from the illusion of participation.

Just because you vote doesn't mean your vote counts for anything as evidenced by three of the last six elections being 'stolen' by individuals that proved unfit for office.

[Barry proved to be almost as big a disappointment as Bernie. His failure to jail the war criminals and roll back the Patriot Act (How bout it Nancy?) are all the proof anyone needs that what passes for government [pretty much around the globe] is an elaborate charade.

Good thing ASP is intended to operate on a 'universal' basis, martialing the resources of the planet to benefit ALL mankind... and not just a handful of self-important nutjobs.

Have you ever asked yourself why isn't humanity united?

The answer would shock you.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your 'head'...such as it is and in as much as it is 'yours' when you are obviously NOT using it...


Friday, May 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today presents yet another steaming cauldron of bullshit that adds to the now mountainous pile of evidence that our/human civilization is on a crash course with decimation.

The fubar economics system still has the majority of the population living hand to mouth [in case you were wondering what's making everybody so cranky...] Yeah. you'd think the average adult would be used to not knowing which minor catastrophe would upend their finances irrevocably.

Hell, a flat tire and you don't eat THAT WEEK. Okay/manageable every once in a while but a steady barrage of minor hits like that and the next thing you know you're homeless.

Speaking of which, the Trump Tax [his misuse of tariffs] has caused, er, 'Congress' [didn't hear jack about no vote but the f'n media is always falling down on the job!] has handed 'FARMING' [no distinction made between 'family farms' and the corporate food behemoths so you can only assume the family farmer is going to take it in the shorts AGAIN.] are being tossed a 16 Billion dollar 'lifeline' as their customer base responds to the tactics of the psychologically unbalanced POTUS.

Harsh you say? Look at your own life after 20 years under the Patriot Act and try again.

Capitalism HAS FAILED but it greases the wheels of corruption that keep so many 'in the chips' without having to produce anything that it persists in being the 'system of choice' and is rammed up the customer's backside whether they like it or not.

So it is we confront a society dominated by criminals...on the edge of collapse with no 'alternative' in sight besides chaos.

ASP provides for everyone.

Only the criminals don't like it because it CAN'T be exploited. [no cash = no corruption.]

To clear that up, on one hand you have the typical swindle of making your victim 'reward' you for something that doesn't belong to you. Removing their ability to pay usually severs that cord BUT the 'criminally inclined' won't stop there. There are other ways to extract payment...but under the Human Anti-Exploitation Law if you do it, you revoke your membership in society and take the one-way, naked nature walk that is Exile.

Crime will persist until the 'dumb' cull themselves from society.

Why film/literature 'romanticizes' the criminal...only some of them are 'misunderstood' but writers, especially contemporary writers not only lack imagination but they are also too dumb to appreciate the 'consequences' of their cupidity, the 'imagination' is nothing to play with, especially when the 'god pen' is in your hand.

Ironically, the lack of standards [brought on by the [publish or perish mindset that is capitalism.] is destroying our society, mostly be demeaning in the average individual's mind WHAT society IS.

They will produce dreck just to keep SOMETHING on the screen and don't forget the 'urgency' behind keeping the morons 'preoccupied'.

Let 'em start thinking and it all turns to shit.

Have you ever wondered why movie society is dripping in criminality but nobody seems to care? Worse, what about the disconnect? The studios actually 'romanticize' the rampant criminality that keeps bubbling to the surface like the indictment of Julian Assange for exposing classified information that was ILLEGALLY withheld from the press? [Whose 'national security' are we talking about here? It's not like they exposed the Manhattan Project!]

The fact that you sit still while honest people are persecuted for exposing THE TRUTH makes it that much more damning...but we are damned anyway, aren't we?

Doesn't HAVE TO BE like this.

We have the power to send the criminals packing without firing a shot, shunning is a powerful weapon.

Time to decide what kind of world do you want to live in? Haven't you witnessed enough depravity in the name of the 'Almighty'?

Nobody knows better than you.

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, May 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, life has become complicated because lies require more lies to prop up the original lie and our feeble minds have a tough time keeping track.

What's the original lie? God exists. [Which led to the One True Religion and all this being 'God's will'.]

What followed that lie? Ownership is 'freedom'. How fortunate for the Owners of this planet that THEIR God provided them with deeds for being his 'trustees'?

Humanity is what it has become due to the *Three major religions of mankind and their unity in preaching the message of Ownership being 'freedom'.

This is the non-existent God's gift to the 'faithful'. The gift of ownership permits the owner the complete freedom to dispose of his possessions anyway they want.

Ownership is shit on a planet all must share. NOT ONE can be 'permitted' to claim possession of anything except their screw-ups.

It is also the only time 'competition' [to have the least screw-ups] is beneficial to society.

But those who insist this planet is theirs [and theirs alone!] have no interest in being accountable for their many crimes against society which is where the other cascading chains of lies come from...all told to distance themselves from culpability for their actions.

Like the current Moron-in-Chief.

Why doesn't he just come clean? Oh, that's right, he's so f'n clueless he would probably perjure himself without realizing it.

Why this isn't sufficient grounds to remove him from office casts doubts about the competence of the people in charge. Why aren't these people being held accountable?


Is the media asleep or has it been drugged into submission by those claiming 'sole ownership' of this planet and everything on it?

Don't look now but the only thing you can call 'yours' in this shithouse existence is your debt...even after you've paid the agreed amount there is still a string attached to the item that returns it to bank ownership should you ever decide to dispose of your single largest purchase.

So once again we bump in to the 'big ask' [How f'n **dumb are you?]

Oh wait a minute, this is all God's plan...isn't it?

Now that the shaman don't hold the sway they used with the public although not too long ago your 'sect' 'protected' you from the 'other' who wanted what you needed.

Funny how 'want' and 'need' are matters of perspective when filtered through the eyes of those that claim to speak for God.

Nobody in the public spectrum will admit it but our ongoing 'conquest' of the Middle East is just the latest edition of the Crusades with Christianity facing off against Islam for DOMINANCE over the HOLY LAND.

Despite the lies does anyone know why the Holy Land is the Holy land?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

I got nuthin.

The shaman point at the Bible and claim it holds the answers but the Bible was written [and re-written multiple times] by flaming opportunists to support their agenda of 'ownership'.

Remember, when everything is said and done, this is all God's fault...and god can condemn you to ETERNAL PUNISHMENT [but only if you agree to get married!]

Didn't know there was a choice involved, did ya?

One lie leads to another but most of us don't dwell upon the verity of what we are taught/told.


Until next time, Head


* It's all bullshit. There is hardly a nickel's worth of difference between Judaism and Christianity just as there are more similarities between Islam and Christianity than differences Yet Islam & Christianity are two of the three while we once again make the same observation about the slight differences between Buddhism and it's cousin, Hinduism. [Potato-potatoe, get over yourselves!]

** Glossary: Stupid is choosing to believe lies, dumb is the inability to determine the truth for yourself.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, once again the moron society believes something that isn't factual. Willy Jeff was impeached, successfully yet he was not removed from office for 'contempt of Congress', soliciting or a plethora of other crimes that were glossed over by the Beaner.

While Nixon resigned (PRESUMABLY over the botched burglary but chances are the real reason was the 30 minutes of silence on the Oval Office recordings. Loose lips being what they are...)

So what do you suppose his handlers (employees of the Oligarchs, one and all.) would do if their lapdogs pretended to prosecute their stooge for 'obstruction/collusion?'

We all know the verdict without ever going to trial...'not guilty' [because the criminals can't afford to allow the fake electoral process to fall under scrutiny.]

This is why Russia was thrown under the bus after Hillary beat the Orangutan in the popular vote.

Good thing Hill-Billy is was the Oligarch's girl too or this could have resulted in a REAL fuck-a-ree [maybe even a fuck-a-roo!]

The boundary pushing 'brinksman' Howard Stern put forth the not so far fetched idea that The Donald pursued the presidency because he 'needed a raise' while I'm sticking to my guns opining that he did it to avoid prosecution for the failed "Trump University".

Understand the first sitting President to be impeached also survived to complete his term, MEANING 'impeachment' does NOT terminate a presidency. There actually is no way to remove a sitting legislator apart from resignation/assassination.

Let that be a lesson to the freaks that want you to THINK the ballot box holds the solution to our rampant 'rogue administrator' problem.

It also marks paid to the quaint notion that our elected officials are capable (or even willing) to 'Police' themselves.

A 'for profit' justice system insures justice won't be done.

What's the solution to this dilemma?

We already know we CAN'T legislate our way out of the cesspool of corruption that passes for justice under a 'for profit' government.

Let those who OWN the country, rule the country!

It is only under Capitalism that anybody OWNS anything [including our fellow humans regardless of what the 'property' itself thinks.]

And that's the hell of it. The few deciding for the many...*and getting away with it, which only further emboldens them.

The other Elephant in the room is how the media manages not only our expectations but our 'values'.

Hate liberals [because of political correctness]? You can thank Rush and the posse over at Australian owned Fox news for you love of jingoism and embrace/definition of what is 'patriotic'.

Liberty and Freedom are not PLACES, they are the 'ideals' of people WHO RESPECT OTHERS!

Your 'programmed hatred' is PROPAGANDA born of YOUR inability to THINK FOR YOURSELF!

This failure is also demonstrated in your inability to recognize that you are being 'chumped' by calm talking liars.

The ability to mentally map is much rarer than you think, assuming that you are capable of thinking in the first place.

If you never try it you'll never know.

Which brings us to next time, Head.


* Do you know how the few get away with this? The media gives them permission. Question it and the media will defend them REGARDLESS.

These are the consequences of placing a 'profit muzzle' on the public square, the truth suddenly has a price tag on it!

Journalistic integrity my ass! More like 'nice tits hon!'

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Numbers (landmark)

Greetings good citizen, the focus of the current IQ methodology is centered on mathematics or the ability to solve equations.

Numeric literacy has little to do with social cohesion but it is how 'water' in our society finds its own level, so to speak.

This morning's headline in the planet's paper of record [The NY Times] was that Ford (a planet-wide company) was eliminating 7,000 management positions so it could allegedly 'speed up' its decision-making process.

[Sidebar: I write these pieces for the cognizant [AND THEM ALONE] those with intellects capable of understanding the impact of the questions I raise. The unthinking/uncaring will not comprehend what I share beyond the 'broad strokes' like when I call to burn down the plutocracy that shields the criminals from prosecution.

The feeble minded [those who avoid thinking because it makes their teeny heads hurt] may be mathematical savants, demonstrating the low correlation between math aptitude and intellect.

The current Moron-in-Chief claims to be a genius but every time he opens his mouth he sticks his foot in it...which is to point out the wisdom of remaining silent and letting your actions do the talking...but if numbnuts did that no-one would know he existed.

So we zero in on the other factor that masquerades as intelligence, Money.

[If you're rich you must be 'smart'...and that is precisely what Trump's base believes.]

A more concise measure of intellect is the ability to 'landmark'...again, 'the cognizant' know precisely what I refer to without the need to parse it. The intelligent have a vastly larger 'worldview' than their math competent brainics who are so full of themselves.

You ability to 'map' the factors of life leads to your 'understanding' of the relationships involved. How unfortunate for our species this trait is feared by those who put their personal well-being ahead of that of our people?

Which is to belabor the obvious, Numbnuts doesn't care about you or yours. His dry-humping of the Flag demonstrates his failure to understand that 'America' is a people and not a place.

He is not alone in this mental deficiency but what can you expect from people who equate intelligence with money? [Zero irony that these are the same people who believe money can make money BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND WHAT MONEY IS!]

The artificially low unemployment figures, those who are incapable of mapping and also have substandard math skills have NO FUCKIN CLUE what that number is supposed to represent!

Back to today's headlines [for the less than mentally nimble, the cognizant made the connection almost immediately.]

Ford trimming it's management team by 7,000 has absolutely zero effect on the organization's 'agility', like every other operation on the planet, Ford's decision-making process moves at the speed of the global information system. [It's a safe bet that the victims of this lay-off are actually 'dissenters' in Ford's recent decision to end the manufacture of passenger vehicles.]

Bend over and say 'Ah', the future is coming whether you like it or not...['personal transportation' is going the way of the Dodo for those too feeble to grasp the writing on the wall.]

If you can't afford it, tough!

Again, for dummy's sake, we complete the loop by pointing out that 'personal transportation will be 'cost prohibitive' for the vast majority of the survivors.

Now dummy, what do you make of that last puzzle...are you pondering 'survive what'?

Nope, still clueless but that's what happens when you take the RED PILL and swallowing whatever you are handed regardless of how revolting or dumb.

The BLUE PILL, either you have it or you don't.

Obtaining the BLUE PILL starts with thinking for YOURSELF!

Until next time, Head.


Monday, May 20, 2019


Greetings good citizen. Our betters don't face the realities the rest of us are forced to deal with that's why they are using their propaganda in an attempt to defang a monster that threatens to destabilize civil society.

I can get a machine to do that is NOT slowing down and if your ability to contribute to society is taken by automation well, that's YOUR problem.

Increasingly the decidedly stilted conversation about automation and it's bastard child, A.I. preaches the mantra that each job removed from the labor force generates and 'opportunity' (two if you're really dumb!) to advance to a better position of 'machine babysitter/repair person'.

This is NOT a step up and the rationale behind giving your job to a robot is gaining momentum. This is NOT being done to 'relieve suffering by ending tedium' but because robots are a ONCE AND DONE. Install aN automaton and you never have to cut that robot a paycheck, it will never take vacation or a break for that matter and when it screws up it's probably time to replace it (not repair it.)

The factories that produce automatons are increasingly automated although the Farmers in Iowa are being taught to become tool & die makers! Gegner is a manufacturing man so he knows what 'tool & die' work is.

Dies are used in 'punch press' [metal stamping] work that ALL went overseas in the first wave of off-shoring because it is the most lucrative [intellectually anyway.] If those farmers aren't going to move to Shanghai they are NOT going to get a permanent job as a toolmaker.

Once upon a time electronics couldn't find enough people to man the production lines, it was the original driving force behind automation.

Everybody wanted the latest widget and there weren't enough of them to go around.

Thanks to automation widgets and goo-gaws are dirt cheap and now the problem has become that they are running out of unique ways to nail common components together.

But this ignores THE ORIGINAL PROBLEM...

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?


Why is nobody paying attention to this serious attack on social cohesion? Because the 'task' of making yourself 'useful' remains YOUR PROBLEM.

Worse, the people running this shit show continue to insist that 'society' owes its members nothing [while its 'owners' live in the lap of luxury, contributing NOTHING!]

While this appears to be the stance of a 'hater' filled with jealous rage, strip away the 'victimhood' here and what remains is the truth.

Commerce [that thing we are supposed to make ourselves 'useful' to] has few opportunities and there are (and have been for a long time) more people that need an income than there are jobs that pay a living wage.

Left out of the conversation is the calculus behind automating.

It starts with how much does it cost to have an employee perform function A vs how automating that job would make output more 'consistent'.

No where is it taken into account the fact that your machines don't buy nevermind need/use the products they produce!

This is gross incompetence and those responsible are liable for their actions.

With a robot you will know to the decimal point what kind of output the machine will produce. With a human the best you can do is an 'average'. If the human is having a bad day their production goes to shit, not that robots don't have bad days, material condition can screw you hard and wrench the whole works.

So the 'managers of commerce' prefer to automate if only for 'consistency' purposes...and the humans this replaces are no worse the wear because the jobs that get automated are by no means 'rewarding'. They aren't mentally challenging or spiritually fulfilling but they are necessary cogs in a larger machine that produces 'life as we have come to know it'.

Humans are, er, 'impressionable' and susceptible to being infected by dangerous of the most dangerous ideas is that life is supposed to be 'fulfilling' all by itself.

And if you had to face all the challenges nature threw at you alone it would be [non-stop chills, thrills and spills] because just like ancient man, your life would be best described as 'short & brutal'.

That most ancient of instincts would quickly rush to the fore like it was never abandoned and do you know what that instinct is?

You still sense it occasionally and sometimes find yourself willfully suppressing it and that is to urge to kill other humans on sight because they are the most treacherous beasts in the jungle.

Society, like hatred is a learned thing. Odd to hear [usually females] speak of 'the purpose we were created for'.

What 'purpose' do you suppose that was? Humans are not designed for combat [despite being the single most destructive creature in existence] and we are literally helpless for long periods of time leaving us susceptible to predation that never seemed succeeded in thinning our numbers.

Um, our sociability [literally our 'interdependence'] on one another was definitely forced. We were 'made' to need others in defiance of our 'nature'.

When you hear somebody waxing poetic about the 'purpose of life' do you mentally ask yourself what the fuck is wrong with them? The, er, GOAL of life is 'survival/personal' and each day you face that challenge despite being a member of a 'hive society'.

The people running the hive don't care about you. Wake up and smell the napalm!

If you have failed to make yourself useful to the hive the people running the hive honestly believe you should end yourself because you are drawing resources that they might need themselves someday. [Selfish? Check. Treacherous? Check. Feckless? Undoubtedly!]

What do you suppose dummy thinks is the 'purpose of life'?

Once upon a time our sorry asses were transported here to mine starship fuel, we came as (highly expendable) slaves that were abandoned in place once the planet had been stripped clean.

Were the scummier overlords abandoned as well because something on this planet doesn't like case you hadn't noticed.

Until we 'restructure' society [step away from the footing of perpetual war that keeps us from uniting] we won't learn the truth, that somebody [believe me 'unintentionally'] did mankind a huge favor by forcing us to cooperate with one another...someone had to mine and someone had to feed, house and, er, guard the miners/slaves...that's why our society is modeled the way it is.

We WERE a means to an end that no longer exists.

Don't you think it's time we take this 'gift' of cooperation and start using it in a way that helps us all?

The people that fear socialism are even more afraid of being prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.

Until next time Head,


Sunday, May 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, people aren't afraid graveyards, there's nothing in there that can hurt them. That said, it's what the graveyard represents that gives most of you the willies.

What if it's true, that you will 'pay' in death for the crimes you committed in life?

The human mind is incapable of even imagining 'eternal bliss' so it comes as no surprise that eternal torment is equally unimaginable.

That said [mostly due to our being our own worst enemies] some of us never know peace, we spend our lives torturing ourselves for things we [most times] didn't [but think we SHOULD HAVE] done.

So we are quite capable of, er, experiencing 'lifelong torment' and some of us even grow to relish the pain of our self inflicted torture.

Unsurprisingly, this brings us full circle to the not easily dismissed idea that this existence is some race's insane asylum...

[Not what to think, just something to think about.]

Let's flip that rock over and head in the direction most humans take while they live in 'the here and now.' What if we work with the idea that there is no 'afterlife' that we are born, live until we die and our 'existence' simply ceases to be. No reason to regret BUT every boat we miss is a done deal and there is no getting it back.

Are the 'live for today' crowd a step ahead of everyone else?

Short answer: Nope.

Life's only 'visible' purpose is to 'replicate', once that is achieved and you have succeeded in raising your offspring to the point of self sustainability, you can claim a 'mission accomplished' and kick back until, for whatever reason, you stop being capable of moving under your own power.

Then what?

The Lucky go in their sleep...we old timers have seen what happens to the, er, 'unlucky'. [One can't help but wonder if at some point the mind isn't responsible for those who fail to let go due to fearfulness of what awaits them.]

Now the live for today crowd has this one sussed. They will 'deal' with whatever awaits them when they get there...and regardless of outcome, there is little you can do until you arrive at the way station.

Even if you don't, er, 'accept' the idea that your existence is eternal, only the 'fiction writers' have told us what awaits beyond the veil. No one 'knows' for certain.

So it is that our minds [with the assistance of the freakishly twisted] taunt us with spectres of what might await us, if death isn't 'the end'.

Religion teaches us that death is not the end but religion is handed to us by those who would control our lives [and not for the better!]

So who is filling your head with nonsense? I would be quick to claim 'not me' but what do I know? My self assigned task is to get you to THINK FOR YOURSELF because there is no shortage of those willing to tell you what to think!

It is ONLY through 'self realization' that we can/will succeed in making the changes that will end the factors that make this life a living hell.

Got it 'okay?'

That's just you bullshitting yourself.

Have you ever met a bigger collection of dissatisfied, self-absorbed A-holes?

Hard to imagine if you have and you can't help but wonder why you keep finding yourself in that kind of a place...

[Hint: the key is SELF-realization!] Let A Simple Plan be your guide to the path your 'immortal soul' SHOULD be on.

Will your 'next time' be better or [difficult to imagine] worse than this go round?

Like stupid, the CHOICE is yours and yours alone.

I find it curious that none of you appreciate the role you play in your squandered existence...

Um, I would thank you but once again it appears I speak to myself...more the pity.


Saturday, May 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, for the umpteenth time we find ourselves confronted by a process that has been corrupted by muck raking profiteers to 'sell' news.

Politics isn't about 'I'm right' despite what the media tells you. [We have already established their motive is to pedal bullshit for the people that cut their paychecks.] In the end there isn't anyone or an ideology that puts the welfare of humanity first.

Yet our political system has been permanently 'sabotaged' by the freakishly wealthy's 'strategy' of turning the public against the entity specifically established to protect the public FROM THEM.

Stop for a moment and consider how the run up to the next election is mirroring the last election.

The collective 'We' have lost control of the process.

How did this happen? Can you say 'pay to access'?

The people who OWN the country have hijacked the decision making process.

Don't look to the 'justice department' for relief, that was the first thing they neutered/spayed. [It's the problem with having a 'for profit' legal system.]

Justice isn't justice when it hinges solely on the 'ability to pay'.

Ironically, you'd be hard pressed to find an attorney that was scandalized by this, er, 'truth'.

They will shamelessly admit that they can't pay their bills with justice so if you can't afford their services you're on your own.

One of the highest 'failure rates' of all business/business models is law firms. No shortage of customers, it's the inability to pay the judges fee that causes most law firms to fail under the 'justice for sale' model.

No need to delve any further into that particular cesspit, the chicken or the egg puzzle explains why there are so few 'successful' law firms.

What does this have to do with our dangerously malfunctioning political process?

A society that isn't interested in justice will quickly find itself ruled by tyrants.

Worse, tyrants are ever and always 'OWNERS'.

What have we established about 'finite resource pools'?

Nobody can be allowed to hold resources 'hostage' that's why capitalism is based on 'competition' long as there is a competing source it's not a market lock! [Only fellow oldsters will remember the Hertz/Avis scandal]

But humans are capable of believing an incredible amount of bullshit and they can still function adequately.

[Don't confuse 'function adequately' with 'think straight', they are two separate metrics!]

Just pondering that statement of fact is cause for alarm regarding our creators/masters.

Their legendary 'benevolence' is 'suspect.'

The fact that none of us has a 'natural aversion' to slavery is also troubling from a psychological point of view.

But once again I digress.

Last night's edition of Real Time pointed to the measurable outcome of our mangled political process.

Did you watch and if so did you pick up on it? [Because neither Bill nor his guest drew this conclusion.]

Again, only the truly cognizant would have made the connection.

The answer is SUICIDE mostly affecting WHITE MALES.

'Good' says you?

Until our 'social' species can UNITE, we will continue to remain divided by those with zero interest in justice and even less in PEACE.

No wonder when Whitey finally realizes he's been trying to scale a frictionless wall that leads to nowhere his entire life he swallows his symbolic manhood and fires a load through his puny brain because STUPID IS A CHOICE! [making it 'incurable'.]

Instead of attacking the PROBLEM they attack themselves!

How 'stupid' is that?

Until next time, Head.


Friday, May 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, some individuals are so caught up in the idea of being 'immortalized' in history that they lose sight of the difference between famous and infamous.

Numbnuts wants to be a 'War President' and because he didn't start the GWOT and he's not getting 'credit' for fighting it he's doing his damndest to start a war with ANYONE over ANYTHING. [Can you say 'Incompetent', nevermind DERANGED?] More troubling, there is no sign the GWOT is going to end during his...whatever you want to call this shitshow.

Well he has succeeded in provoking a trade war with the capitalist's largest trading partner, home of the (artificially) 'cheapest' work force on the planet. [The Banksters should be drawn and quartered, hanging is too good for them. That said, the Bankster's Masters should be flayed to death.]

Shouldn't be too difficult to find volunteers to wield the whips...

Treason for fun and profit is truly a heinous crime.

Yet it is usually committed by those entrusted to protect us from the 'self-serving'. [That's why we must end the practice of 'exclusivity' that exists to protect the guilty.]

No more cops, nationally or internationally. [No more cops extends to no more armies either, when it's time to fight we will do what we have to do with what we have to work with.]

That said, does anyone doubt mankind is the fiercest beast on the face of the planet?

We don't know what's coming at us from the void so there is no way to prepare for that fight ahead of time. All we can do is be vigilant and hope that our technology doesn't let us down.

But I digress.

Mankind's history is written in blood mostly due to selfish short sightedness.

Humans seldom take the long view and that is what threatens our species with extinction. How many famines did humanity endure before leadership made it a point to set some of each harvest aside as insurance against crop failure?

Bizarrely, once food production was 'globalized' the practice of stockpiling food stopped.

Neither famine nor crop failure have been eradicated yet the feckless [read hopelessly stupid] stopped stockpiling due to the 'expense' of storing food.

It would be redundant to repeat hopelessly stupid.

ALL money is funny, it's value is ZERO. [Follow it through now, the 'expense' of storing food is ZERO!]

Um, here's the 'point' of today's post. Are history's actor's doing what they do to further enrich themselves or is it REVENGE for being thwarted in their plans for global genocide?

Understand, the feckless already have 'more then they can spend' the accumulation of, er, 'wealth' is just an excuse. The 'joy' of putting the squeeze on the rabble, while heinous, is all that remains.

Globalization has not been done 'for you' was done 'to you.'

What is the 'objective' of globalization?

To ELIMINATE 'redundancy'.

How F'n STUPID are YOU?

How does the economy 'boom' when there are no jobs?

Ask yourself again...

Now remember STUPID is a Choice. [eg the 'refusal' to recognize the truth even when it is biting you on the ass!]

How is history going to remember you, 'boomer'?

Dumbest generation EVER?

Not your job, right? Just keep telling yourself that...

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, May 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, not only has the 'volume' been turned up regarding the smoldering war between the two (FAKE) political ideologies but the war drums have drown out even the possibility of re-approachment.

[The media is driving this thing to a fever pitch!]

At the heart of Conservatism lies 'stasis' [hidden behind a mask of 'fiscal responsibility']

Stasis? You ask, surprised! What could that mean?

When they know full well it is the opposition to using 'money' to help those disadvantaged by stilted economic policy...they are stilted for a reason!

Now this is 'called' fiscal responsibility despite it having nothing to do with the appropriate use of the tool we refer to as 'money'.

The 'War on Poverty' died without a peep although there was some bizarre rhetoric and quasi-celebration when Welfare became Workfare. Thank you Hillary's don't warrant a place in history except among the Monsters of Mankind.

Same goes for W. with his blatant advocacy for the kleptocracy's true rulers, the HAVES and the HAVE MORES.

The cognizant don't need to look up kleptocracy while those who understand the root word but fail to grasp the context are incapable of using google because they are too stupid to comprehend the truth. [You can't teach someone what they BELIEVE they already know...existence of God anyone?]

[Remember, STUPID isn't a condition but a CHOICE!]

Compound that with the fact that once you start making 'faith based' decisions you lose sight of 'the truth' in the defense of the truth you are being 'taught', usually by people working towards their own agenda.

Economic Slavery isn't an accident or a victimless crime despite what conservative dogma teaches.

Here's a question for you, since we are parked on the topic's doorstep? What does your 'dogma' tell you?

Never thought about it? Don't have one? I just go along with what everybody else says?

If that were true you wouldn't be here. [Remember this encounter and revisit this topic when you have 'time to reflect' upon what drives you...for most of us it's survival and NEITHER ideology offers the individual much hope.

But I digress, back to our 'provocateur'!

As conditions planetwide continue to deteriorate and zero is being done to slow (nevermind stop) our descent towards the shoals of destruction, what do you suppose the feckless are doing putting a psychopath in the 'Leader of the Free World/drivers seat?

[YOU didn't do this. If it had been possible to vote 'No Trump' he wouldn't be in the White House destroying the global economy for what little remains of the 'Free World'...] You WEREN'T given THAT CHOICE!

Nobody with two brain cells still in communication with one another believes the nincompoop in chief is making any decisions, the POTUS has long been a puppet on a string. His mouth moves but the words coming out aren't his and neither are his actions...not that this makes him 'helpless' or innocent but he has no control over the actions the oligarchs compel him to take.

It is truly a game of 'comply or die' writ large.

Why now?

For those of you cursed with the inability to think for yourself we have reached an inflection point. Either we abandon the 'artificial freedom' capitalism provides for a more socialist system or we go rogue and eradicate billions of people to knock the population down to a 'more manageable' size.

With the Orange Wrecking Ball rampaging across the global stage, kicking every hornets nest he can find [despite all of them being 'artificial'] are our kleptocrats fabricating a scapegoat to take the fall for genocide on a planetary level?

I will once again 'predict' that we need not worry about dipshit getting 're-elected' because there won't be a USA [or much of anything else] come 2020.

Are you 'prepared'?

Think again.

Until next time, Head


Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the 'migration' of the fortunate few is relatively easy to trace through history...

The Egyptians became the Greeks followed by the Romans followed by the Huns, followed by the Vikings, followed by the Moors...don't know what the connection is between these diverse races? What's the common thread? They ALL went 'exploring' which is polite shorthand for 'conquering/pillaging'.

Doesn't stop there, naturally, the rapacious' latest move has been to 'close the loop' as they circle the globe, consolidating markets as they go with their 'return' to the 'Far East'.

How do they keep mining gold that has long since been carted off to secure vaults?

By control of the value of currency, of course!

Since 1970 money has been whatever they say it was and worth whatever they told you it was worth.

As we can readily see 'luck' has nothing to do with it. Why can a US dollar buy 8 Chinese dollars [in America] yet a Chinese dollar can buy 4 times what an American dollar can buy in terms of purchasing power.

Who thinks we should lynch the banksters?

Rhetorical question, everybody knows.

That said the Chinese worker has excellent reason to fear the end of Chimerica, when the 'dumping ground' closes its doors the pink slips will be right behind them.

The 'Chimericans' will, just like the Americans before them, fail to realize that their Happy Days exist only in the rear view mirror [if they haven't secured a seat for themselves at the 'golden trough'.]

I have in the past shared why the idea of 'charity' galls me. It is because the public spirited acts of the feckless represent both higher wages the workers never saw and lower prices the consumer never enjoyed while building monuments to narcissistic assholes.

Um, so bitter is this reality that the trend has shifted from naming the edifice after the principle who signed off on the, er, 'donation' and instead linking the 'gift' to the 'brand' that reaped the tax benefit of making the donation instead of treating their workers better.

If something is WRONG with capitalism, this is just the outward sign that nothing about 'more for me' is 'as advertised'.

Where is the line between 'business acumen' and civilization ruining self-centeredness?

The capitalist model centers on paying the worker just enough to survive on (and if they can't get by on that then there are the charities they can turn to for 'assistance'.

Who dreamt up this shitshow? [The More for Me crowd!]

What do you suppose is going to happen when Trump's tariffs combine with the feckless idea of carbon taxation?

The worker exists on a slender budget that is shrinking all the time.

So much so that when 'it' happens ['it' being nuclear devastation] there will be zero warning, either you are 'prepared' or you're not.

The consolation prize is the 'lucky ones' won't have to deal with the predator/scavengers that emerge from the environment where radiation poisoning won't be the only choice on a menu of death humanity is ill prepared to deal with.

I'm digressing mightily but it's because our situation is dire and increasingly it is becoming obvious that the 'final solution' will be the predators 'go to' solution.

This weekend's edition of 'Last Week Tonight' aired a hilarious bit by Bill Nye the Science guy, who took full advantage of the 'freedom' cable grants performers.

In the segment he, er, promoted the idea of using the blunt axe of a carbon tax to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Think about that one for a minute. The largest segment of the population doesn't work at all, followed by the ones who are wage slaves, putting it kindly. So taxing carbon we use to get to the jobs that don't pay us enough to live on, or to heat the leaky hovels we are saddled with or to cook the occasional meal, such as that whole scenario has become is a moronic idea...and even Bill knows it.

The question nobody seems to acknowledge is how far can you be pushed?

The terrifying answer is not much farther.

Huge numbers suffer from 'food insecurity' and a disturbingly large number have no place to hang their hat, compounding the 'what am I going to eat?' situation...

The 'blinding white light' will be mercy for the multitudes of the exploited, which leaves YOU where?

A lot of you aren't going to take kindly to your new home at the bottom of the totem pole.

That's the only factor halting their finger from pushing the button, the shitshow that comes after...

See, not 'what to think' but something to think about! I know you don't plan on surviving [even if that means stripping naked and going for a long walk in the fallout (which I don't recommend because death by radiation poisoning is truly hideous.)]

The time to ACT is now...while there is still something left to save because you are correct, it will soon be too late.

Not what to think but something to think about...while you still can.

Until next time, Head.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen, without justice we are nothing more than microbes on a Petri dish, with the strong overwhelming the weak and predation being the rule rather than the exception.

Where does Law fit into this puzzle? Why bother with laws at all if it doesn't balance out the 'natural process'?

You needn't look too hard to find those who profess their ardent belief that the strong will survive and the weak not only will perish but should perish.

Problem is it's never about 'strong or weak', it's about NUMBERS.

Zero irony that stupid weighs heavily in our conception of what constitutes 'strong' and who is perceived as 'weak'.

Looks are definitely deceiving.

But I digress, albeit only a little.

Those who, er, imagined themselves to be 'strong' quickly realized that they were hopelessly OUTNUMBERED. The 'weak' would crush them because the 'weak' wouldn't just stand there and bleat at them like the 'weak-minded' imagined they would, they'd fight back.

So once again perception kicked in and laws were created to save the guilty from instantaneous judgement.

And what do you know, the 'strong' quickly seized control of the law and began meting out their own brand of 'justice'.

[Or at least that's what they call it, it's not their fault that you don't see it their way.] They stole the process, fair and square!

That's why a 'jury of your peers' is nothing more than an ugly rumor.

If you were held accountable by people who KNOW you [not necessarily LIKE you but 'know' you] you'd stand a chance of seeing 'justice'.

The current court system isn't about justice but 'appearances'. The officers of the court feel compelled to 'look like' they are doing something regardless of who gets, er, 'mangled'.

There's a bit of truth nobody seems interested in dealing with. More the pity.

If law [as it is practiced] is a charade, an act then why do we permit ourselves to be 'cowed' by those claiming to be 'agents of the Law'? [Wearing a badge is a sickness that has nothing to do with 'serving the public'.]

They are the ONLY ONES who take themselves seriously, everybody else knows it's an act but it is here the situation collides with the individual vs the criminal mob that can't afford to be exposed as the frauds they are.

The 'concept' of justice through law is INTENDED to level the playing field by making all members of society accountable yet LAWMAKERS in particular have regularly exempted themselves from prosecution via the power of their office.

For justice to exist it must be placed 'beyond the reach' of 'the self-serving'...[jury of your peers anyone?] (You can fool strangers but you can't fool the people you live and work with) Not that allowing a sibling or a relative to sit in judgement of you would be 'kosher'. The closest a juror can be to a defendant is a co-worker, the defendant can bounce former lovers if they feel their history would compromise the judgement of such a juror.

But wait, the other safeguard comes from the elimination of 'lawmakers'. Not only would it be illegal to create laws by fiat [because I said so] but to exempt oneself from prosecution for ANY reason!

Justice means you are responsible for your actions, regardless.

'Lawmakers' take themselves too literally. No such being exists.

For the laws to be 'just' the governed must agree to them...not just some of them but ALL of them. [This is why the laws will be simple and few.] Humans don't need a lot of laws considering most of us are ignorant of the law once it departs from the Ten Commandments and we manage alright.

Did you know that for every legal precedent there is a corresponding one that went the opposite way?

This is not a matter of 'chapter & verse' but one of 'the law is what we say it is, nothing more and nothing less'.

Don't have to be e genius to see that this situation has nothing to do with 'justice'.

So there you have it.

The Law has NOTHING to do with Justice.

Where does that leave YOU?

Nice knowing ya, Head


Monday, May 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in the annoying way of the world I read an article last night I can't find this morning but I'm sure you've heard of the famous Mr. Diamond and his latest work titled Upheaval warns us that humanity is headed in the SAME direction as the many species it is responsible for pushing into extinction.

For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Diamond's work the condensed version is civilizations 'disappear' due to environmental degradation.

There is no part of this planet left untouched by man and his rapacious greed so Mr. Diamond simply reached the same conclusion YOU would/will reach if you were provided with 'actionable information'.

So would every other vanished civilization and there's the rub!

The first amendment DOES NOT protect your right to speak your mind, it protects the CRIMINALS right to LIE to YOU!

How would you prosecute a 'mis-representation' case when NOTHING is 'as advertised'? [The courts don't exist to protect society from 'injustice' but to enforce 'property rights'...but you knew that!]

So today's 'fake news' is not 'news' at all. Everybody knows the media only tells you what it wants you to know, often what you are told is 'tailored' to prevent adverse overreaction.

So what is today's lesson, good citizen?

That the media is used to control the population.

You are 'informed' that the economy is booming when the opposite is true but apparently you are 'too stupid' to tell. [Not a 'big stretch' as most of us wouldn't recognize 'prosperous' if it bit us on the ass and wouldn't let go!]

How many of you recognize the advent of the gig economy for what it truly represents?

Sadly we are once again compelled to ask, "How STUPID are you?"

MOST are at least aware they are being lied to but there isn't anything they can do about that because fat head with the badge isn't going to do anything about it beyond lecturing you to use your head and filter out the parts you find offensive.

Beginning to see how all those 'lost civilizations' vanished?

What we are 'taught' is commerce is actually being held hostage to the resources we need for survival. When the rapacious are unchecked and those resources ARE NOT MANAGED, that is when civilization COLLAPSES!

Exhausted farmland? Check. Overfished oceans? Check? Depleted energy reserves? Check? Unresponsive regulators?

Need I go on? [The wise don't need it and fools won't heed it so the circle closes.]

I don't need to convince the cognizant that we are already three paces beyond the end of the pier and neither does Mr. Diamond.

Just a word to the wise...Mr. Diamond has to live here too. With that as a given the collapse he is warning about is likely already (well) underway.

Can't drop the ball now because the other important 'thread' hasn't been discussed [or at least alluded to.]

It is NOT in the interests of the 'status quo' to alter course even when the survival of the species is at stake.

When I state that the current decaying social structure is on 'borrowed time' I know I am belaboring the obvious.

I also belabor the obvious when I state that our ONLY HOPE for the salvation of our Grandchildren is to jail the feckless IMMEDIATELY.

Yet none of you is willing to step up.

Naturally any conversation that starts with 'Drop your weapons and place your hands where I can see them!" doesn't end well.

The problem begins when we have to say those words to the people used to being on the end of issuing such ultimatums.

Empty the station, then empty the courthouse and finish by clearing out town/city hall.

Criminals one and all. Let's not forget to stop by the local media outlet and let all those criminals know they have revoked their membership in society (on the grounds of 'gross negligence'.)

If you do business at the courthouse you are permanently out of a job because the practice of allowing criminals to judge us is officially ended.

We aren't slaving our lives away just so 'a few' can be rich.

Fail to stop the lies and you will be eliminated from the future, period.

The multiple species driven to extinction were just the first. If you are 'too stupid' to save yourself...oh well.

Look at who is running this shitshow and follow your heart.

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Talk

Greetings good citizen, the media is awash in alternating between panic and happy talk, the only small comfort between this bi-polar reporting is that none of it is true.

Another thing that didn't exist prior to 'Morning in America' is the rabid defense of Constitutionally protected speech. It seems the feeble minded are incapable of differentiating between the freedom to speak one's mind and the, er, burden of twisting the truth to match your agenda.

So it is that 'Free Speech' is destroying democracy around the world, largely due to lies spread by the owners of the 'lie machine'.

Why do people fail to appreciate that paid journalists write what they are paid to write?

Amazingly enough there is a cognitive disconnect between paid employment and, well, paid employment. For reasons unknown [actually advertising] people BELIEVE reporters do what they do out of the goodness of their hearts and an overabundance of 'public spirit' because that's how the media sells itself, the truth and nothing but the truth, so help us Fantasy Fairy!

Let me blow the dust off of this chestnut for can't make sound decisions without accurate information.

You see with your own eyes that the economy is sucking pond water but the media insists the economy is booming? Who are you going to believe, your lying eyes or the Constitutionally protected media?

Free Speech = freedom to lie.

Why has the war stretched on for EIGHTEEN YEARS?

Did you just ask yourself 'what war'?

How many of you know the Patriot Act was a temporary measure enacted during an National Emergency that apparently hasn't ended?

Your mind is polluted by AUSTRALIAN Fox & Mates [their working title 'down under!']

The thing YOU need to figure out is why a billionaire newsman was permitted to take a dump in the US news market...and if the answer comes back 'capitalism' they should both be given the bum's rush out the door and their enablers imprisoned [prior to being exiled] for their crimes against mankind!

It is imperative we 'recapture' the high ground stolen by the very people the government EXISTS to protect us from.

The REASON the public doesn't remember what THE GOVERNMENT is established to do is due to a system that permits the public square to be 'privatized'.

INFORMATION is a commodity that you PAY FOR...'buyer beware' because you've been buying the 'owners version' of the truth for centuries...same as it ever was.

If WE don't restore justice it will NEVER be seen again.

Does this put us in the embarrassing position of there not enough of us being capable of recognizing justice when we see it because it's been so long?

Do you wonder if you even have a 'moral compass' because it's been so long since you've had a 'gut check'?

Problems, problems and no simple solutions...

Oh, wait a about A Simple Plan?

That's simple and it's right here!

Who'd a thunk?

Until next time,


Freedom ain't free and every morsel of information you get is filtered by the people that OWN what they jokingly refer to as a Nation.

None are so blind as those who THINK they are 'free'.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be forced to use a specific tool that isn't suited to the job.

While television is exactly the tool of the 'king-makers' those who OWN the airwaves will make short work of anyone that dares to color outside the lines.

If anything, seeing the frustration as last night's panelists struggled to keep their true feelings to themselves and restrict the conversation to parliamentary procedure when they all favored the idea of lynching the moron.

That's the damning unspoken truth. Even before the election we could have lynched Trump in the center of Times Square and the party that broke out afterwards would have been legendary!

But no, instead the owners of the media claimed Trump could murder a random person on a public street and still get elected...not because Trump was beloved by his 'base' but because Hillary was reviled, thanks to her husband, the traitor.

But I digress.

What was the real 'takeaway' from last night's broadcast of Real Time?

We live in a lawless land and are ruled by individuals that have placed themselves 'above the law'.

Mr. Mahar didn't say this phrase specifically but as the show progressed it highlighted what the polite phrase 'Constitutional Crisis' actually means.

The time has come to uphold the law or capitulate to the criminals...better known as the OWNERS of this shitshow (jokingly referred to as a 'nation'. )

Who among you thinks your going to see the fur fly?

How many of you think you're about to witness some chumps be framed for something that has nothing to do with nothing? The latter is how these 'crises' are traditionally dealt with, a faux witch hunt followed by ardent stonewalling.

Nixon was allowed to 'resign' (when he should have been hung) but that's politics for you when the process is under the control of the owners of the nation.

The media LIES and you believe it because there is only the 'official version' regardless of how flimsy or rank.

Like God 'justice' becomes a matter of 'faith', either you believe or you don't and if you don't you keep that to yourself because YOU are in no position to do anything about it...thanks to enablers of injustice better known as Cash.

How many of you always believed this land was 'our' land only to learn someone else had a bill of sale tucked in their vest pocket?

This land is NOT 'our land' despite what the song says. [A point a clever songwriter pointed to in his satirical 2001 rewrite of the tune of the same name.]

This land is MY land, this land's NOT your land!

How the natives must have grinned! How do YOU like it paleface?


What do 'we' (the peasant/squatters) DO about this? Throw ballots at them?

200 million FLAMING ballots just might have the desired effect BUT those damn 'voting machines' only burn once so we will have to use 'symbolic ballots' (made of napalm.)

Nothing says 'revolt' like jellied gasoline mixed with white phosphorus!

NOBODY expected Reagan to get re-elected and the coup de grace was W. NOBODY expected the WAR CRIMINAL to get re-elected yet they were both two termers...why do you suppose that is?

Equally as astonishing is why JFK, the most beloved president of this century was assassinated and the fool who took on the Gipper used a 22! Don't think that was 'staged'? Did you know that guy is out of prison and is walking free?

The only thing that happened to W. was getting a shoe thrown at him...and it missed.

Where is Tarzan when you need him?

If you think all this is an accident it only shows that YOU don't think.

For king and country...and let their made up God save the peasants!

Failure to think for yourself is its own reward.

You literally deserve what happens to you.

Until next time Head,


Friday, May 10, 2019

High Ground

Greetings good citizen, no one should be too shocked considering humanity's single most notable trait is that of mimic that we are suddenly seeing students stepping up to face the student gunmen that are becoming a fact of life within the institutionalized 'lie factories' our young are forced to attend for Indoctrination.

We once again return to the question that the feckless keep pretending doesn't exist?

Why are students shooting up the schools?

Why aren't these kids shooting up police stations, courthouses or city hall?

Apparently, to the young the source of their 'hopelessness' is the 'mis-education system'. [Capitalism would have a real fuckaree on its hands if our children were homeschooled because most parents would skip the part where we were taught the rich are 'gifted' just as ancient people were taught the royals were 'the elect of god'.]

It all starts with lies...and while humans are inquisitive, they apparently aren't inquisitive enough.

We're back to Barnum here and the infamous 'you can fool some of the people, some of the time' bit.

The word everyone [charged with defending the indefensible] is searching for is hopelessness. Why 'go on' if everything you are being taught is a LIE? This is especially disturbing for those who realize they are on the High School to prison conveyor belt.

Ever wonder why the already screwed up economy keeps getting worse? Can you say 'prison labor'?

Difficult for those raised by the 'World is your oyster' crowd to understand that their grandkids are seeing a much bleaker future they have no way of avoiding.

You don't have to bury your head in the sand, the bought & paid for media will do that for you.

Why do YOU suppose these kids are shooting up their it because their moronic grandparents refuse to believe their parents lied to them?

Missing from the public dialog is the most likely 'common thread' between the mix of school shooters, you don't suppose that 'link' is the contemplation of what their life will be like without a college degree?

The 'favored' answer to youth violence, the one that makes sense to the terminally stupid is the dominance of first person shooters in the gaming world.

As I opened, humans are incredible 'mimics' and you don't need to look too hard to discover that our culture is dripping violence from every orifice. This is a fact we can trace back throughout human history so it's NOT the human 'predisposition' towards violence that is CAUSING this phenomenon, it is the failure to provide our children with HOPE that the future has a place for them.

This MUST BE more than lies.

Evidence of destitution and abandonment are everywhere just as the 'tide' of school shootings can trace its beginnings back to the advent of the collapse of the housing market brought on by the abolition of welfare.

All so 'a few' can be rich.

Stupid rich, actually.

The 'stupid rich' use their ownership of what belongs to US ALL to CRUSH dissent and PREVENT JUSTICE.

I know you're stupid but how long are YOU going to sit still for this?

No, the answer isn't, 'you've sat still for it most of your life, a few more years won't matter.'

We need to change and we need to change it yesterday!

ASP and paychecks ALL AROUND! (everybody works, nobody skates but they also don't go without!) [backed by the fact that criminality on ANYONE'S part will revoke their membership is society...and if you think you don't need society you are horribly mistaken, it's a mistake you WON'T live to regret.]

Today's kids don't see a nickel's worth of difference between the capitalist economy and the criminal/underground economy. If you don't have an 'in', your future is SHIT.

Don't see the need to change this? Hey, you're in luck! They have a pill for that, just ask your Dr.

Think I'm joking? Assisted suicide is by far preferable to how you're gonna end if you don't stop sitting on your hands!

Good talk, Head..Addios!


Thursday, May 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, every once in a while the corporate owned media switches to 'jumble' mode and hits you with everything at once and today happens to be one of those days...

Congressional subpoenas are not 'optional' even if you are the US Attorney General, the apex of 'patronage positions' and numbnuts CAN'T pardon himself no matter how much he 'pretends' otherwise, the presidency still 'serves' at the will of the governed...and Bozo has never worked for anyone else disturbing is that?

Writ large here is the fact that if you owe the bank a hundred thousand YOU got a problem but if you owe the bank a Billion, the BANK has a problem.

Do we have 'stupid people' running the banks? [Rhetorical question good citizen, everybody knows bankers are completely mindless. The only qualification for the position is the ability to do what you are told...regardless of how batshit crazy it sounds to you.]

But I digress, back to WOW.

Um, again I read what everybody already knows, the our electoral process is fubar and incapable of addressing even the most minor of social issues [With the Great State of Alabama moving to abolish abortion altogether...just when you were beginning to wonder if movement conservatism couldn't get its head any further up its ass...]

In a 'human centric' society the 'job' of parenting will be delegated to those trained to handle it. NOBODY will 'raise' children because that's where the 'I'm better than you' card is taught to the young.

Also put forth via the twisted thing that passes for 'arts' these days in the idea that we'd all be, er, 'better off' in a female centric/lead society.

Again, if the collective 'we' are to survive as a species, the mission objective is homogeneity, not either sex on needs to exit the [leadership] picture entirely and be replaced with 'competence'.

Jab with a sharp stick here. The incompetent bankrupt currently sitting at the head of the alleged 'free world' was put there because the majority of our species is FEMALE and most females vote conservative for absolutely no rational evidenced by Preznint Pussygrabber.

We are also told the human wrecking ball is 'popular' with his 'base' despite the same people who insist Captain Asshat is a force of nature while simultaneously painting his base as a mindless with zero regards for the consequences of their actions.

The [corporate owned] media has poisoned the politics of this nation/planet.

But that's just the 'tip of the spear', you are perpetually reminded that you live in the world of I, individualism and personal responsibility are stressed to their limits when reality tells a much different tale.

You live here WITH 8 BILLION others and their needs are also being played by the freakishly selfish against them.

Our continued survival will be the result of our concerted efforts and not yours alone.

Ever ask yourself where 'peasants' come from?

Must come from somewhere because the A-hole with the microphone keeps reminding you that they are ruining your prospects for making a life for yourself just like your parents did.

Worse, most of you don't remember the hardships your family dealt with when you were growing up because parents have a tendency to shelter their kids from their failures.

Most of you can't separate the 'cocoon' you were raised in from reality; which only adds to the amount of fecal matter stuffed between your ears.

Not 'me', 'we' and not I but us.

Alone you are hopelessly outgunned and that, muchacho, is what this whole shitstorm is coming to.

Everyone understands 'comply or die' yet few appreciate that the future is cooperative and NOT competitive.

If socialism scares you consult your MD, they have a pill for that.

Either you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem, there is no 'in-between'.

Stupid is a choice, ignorance can be fixed.

Until next time, Head


Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, in a bizarre exhibition of cognitive disconnect most people are aware of the wild disparity between the One Percent and the rest of us and few would deny that this has gone further than just decimal points and zip codes.

Our exponentially incompetent police have displayed a decided reverence for the wealthy which lets them flaunt the law...but this isn't 'new'. [Remember the Royals who eventually claimed they were the embodiment of the law and therefore above it?]

Would you disagree that we have a staggering 'justice deficit' on this PLANET?

Stop and consider that for a moment, you have been 'trained' not to concern yourself with situations outside your own backyard and this has lent to the 'dismissal' of the global failure of justice as the feckless moved jobs to more business friendly jurisdictions, creating environmental disasters planet-wide.

Worse, the net effect has been one of relief, we are routinely reminded that we are 'better off' because we don't live in a third world hell hole (although it is getting tougher to tell the two apart as the hollowed out economy and blight spreads across 'the abandoned land'.

Again, the media tells us (repeatedly) that we don't 'resent' the wealthy, the part they gloss over is HOW they 'made their heap'.

Criminal is criminal and none of these people are saints...but again we 'equivocate', none of us are saints either.

When the true problem exists right under YOUR nose.

Own it baby!

We ALL need the resources of this planet to survive yet 'a few' claim to OWN those resources and our 'injustice system' forces us to pay for access. [We are TAUGHT this is how it should be.]

The Capitalist MORON thinks this is how it should be...the 'reasonable' individual understands if we don't share this, the only home we have 'equitably' that we will be forced to battle one another for the pieces we can get access to. [trade becomes an instant non-starter in a game of 'everyone for themselves'...]

I have lived long enough to see millionaires become billionaires and find myself horrified that the average moron has no clue what this portends for the sizable population with nothing.

I find it ironic that the development of language put our species on top of the food chain yet we refuse to listen to one another, we may as well be deaf-mutes because we have failed to make 'common cause' with one another since the advent of Royalty.

Yeah, it all went south once a class of humans decided they were 'better' than the rest of us.

Clashes between kings gave way to epic clashes between 'gods' and we have had our heads stuffed up our asses ever since.

One thing humans have little tolerance for is the truth.

You know this to be true but still you reject your duty to save our species from the 'few', something the morons resolutely refuse to see.

We aren't overwhelmed by the privileged, in fact people poorer than we are regularly 'pose', successfully!

'Superiority' is, after all, a state of mind (albeit a decidedly unhealthy one.)

Back to our damnable tendency to 'mimic'. We observe people behaving as though they are 'better/more deserving' than the rest of us and we tend to hold our tongues when the feckless throw their titles in our faces...or pointedly ask, 'Do you KNOW who I am?'

Cops do this shit all the time, as does anyone else involved with the 'injustice system'.

It is this blatant 'scare tactic' that keeps us in check. Nobody wants to be on the wrong end of a pecker measuring contest and that's when justice goes right out the window.

Under ASP there are NO judges, cops, bailiffs or 'officers of the court' because The LAW BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE, and not to the people who 'sell' justice.

Legal system just took a big dent in that last salvo, bet it never occurred to you to think about it in those terms.

Justice ISN'T 'for sale', it is too precious yet the US justice system exists 'primarily' to enforce 'ownership rights'!

What did we conclude about ownership and a 'finite planet' that needs to be 'shared'?

Wait, we are still working on the answer to a different, more basic question.

How stupid are you? [Remember, stupid is a CHOICE, ignorance can be fixed.]

I'm waiting...
