Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Answer to 'no way out'...

Greetings good citizen, this is not another 'Debbie Downer' piece that makes you want to go stick you head in the oven [even if it's electric!...did I mention we're neck deep in stupid around here? Well, not here specifically but you follow my drift.]

It wouldn't be hard to fathom if, upon reading some of my posts, the reader would begin to wonder why this sad sack hasn't off'd himself, hell, he makes a dandy case for shooting one another on sight!

Well, this post is not about that. It's about why I'm actually optimistic about this cesspool we share and the very real potential for it to become our paradise, not just for the privileged few but for us all!

[Now you're thinking, Sad sack should swallow the whole clip, he's gone off the deep end! PMS (piss and moan syndrome) you can deal with and it's kind of a relief reading about others who are worse off than I am, keeps me humble, ya know?

It's much easier than dealing with Glib, feel good BS that ain't never gonna happen. If you wanted to go sing Koom-by-ya with a bunch of deluded freaks you could go to church. You don't need to add this twisted scribbler's warped rants to an already overloaded cart of useless BS! (and believe me, much of what you've been 'promised', especially the stuff that's supposed to happen 'after you're dead' fits right into that category!)

Well, this kid doesn't deal in 'Pie in the sky' (especially of the 'by and by' variety!)

What brought this on, you might ask? I just reviewed the comments section of a blog I contribute to and the topic turned to the immigration problem and how a poster opined the problem was 'insoluable'.

Really? Is there really 'no solution'?

Think for a moment about the turmoil our species is embroiled in (constantly) and who keeps stirring this turmoil up?

Have an answer yet? Some of you won't and a lot of you will get it backwards but that's the media's fault, that and the wide disparity in mental development our species suffers from.

The problem is and always has been 'the privileged few'.

Three words, end of story.

Worse, we're not talking adults who watch over and shepard our species toward its glorious future, we're talking kids on a global playground playing with weapons that could end us all...

How do we put a stop to this insanity?

The 'answer' is within the solution to the insoluable immigration conundrum.

Why is it so difficult for people to wrap their heads around the One World, One People idea?

In fact you should marvel over why it hasn't happened 'organically'...why aren't we 'naturally' one people?

Again, the answer is the same three words.

We no longer live in a 'tribal' society. Ivan, Jacques, Luigi, Chin...[fill-in-the-blank] on the street are not very different from you. They aren't going to come screaming over the borders [which shouldn't exist in the first place] impregnate your daughters, take your job [which they are welcome to, your boss isn't doing you any favors...] steal your house and murder you in your sleep; those days are over!

Today the 'fearmonger' has to work pretty hard to get anyone with two neurons still in communication with one another worried about people that ride camels who are going to come charging across the ocean to attack and kill us, so we have to 'fight them over there' so we don't have to fight them over here...

[Believe you me, the history books are going to have a field day with THAT particular line of clueless Republican logic!]

STOP: Now let's take a moment to consider that this is the logic of THE SAME PEOPLE THAT HAVE THEIR FINGER ON THE NUCLEAR ARSENAL!

Now allow yourself to be VERY AFRAID.

Yes good citizen, a lot of things don't make sense and that's one of the biggest puzzlers to ever hit the blocks. Why isn't mankind 'united'?

More amazing is the contortions the privileged few have executed to cement their position 'on top' of the rest of us.

One People, One world, our dream is their nightmare...yet it's the only direction that leads to the future, good citizen! All the others lead to extinction.

Not so 'glib' is it...but it IS 'the answer'.

The best part is it's not 'impossible' nor do we have to wait until after we're dead to achieve it!

Only those who want to claim what belongs to us all for themselves have a vested interest in keeping us a one another's throats.

Isn't it time we put a stop to the nonsense?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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