Sunday, June 12, 2016


Greetings good citizen, the speech given at end of an educational institutionalization is commonly called a 'Commencement ceremony' where the participant's are launched into the world to go forth and 'seek their fortunes'...or misfortune, which is far more commonly the case.

Yesterday I attended my daughter's High School graduation [making some of you wonder what it must be like to be married to a Eeyore like me. I think I can sum it up by sharing that my wife considers herself the most disappointed woman in history. To appreciate that sentiment you'd have to know my (OCD) wife. "Now honey? No, it's too late, you should have done it ten minutes ago!"]

See, the 'right man' for my wife has to be psychic and it's difficult to imagine anyone so blessed not foreseeing the outcome and RUNNING for his life!

I am blessed with the 'next best thing' to psychic ability, I'm patient.

Sorry for the slight derailment there but it had to be addressed. Back to my daughter's graduation and what they're 'commencing' themselves into.

Since 'Morning in America' the world has become a strange place indeed, which is to explain that 'Morning in America was NOT confined to just the USA. Uber-wealth seized the entire world during the decade that followed the Reagan coronation

What should truly frighten you good citizen is what will follow the coronation of Donald Trump?

They risk revolt if they attempt to install their girl Hil, a female democrat on the heels of the first Afro-American president...the NY Times has a piece in today's paper pointing to how the pseudo-democrats are grooming an openly gay candidate for the next election cycle.


Remember my last post, the one on 'manipulation'? Here's yet another shining example of what One Party Politics, pretending to be two, looks like.

Anyway, it seems the current 'meme/pattern' commencement speechs are following today is one of 'guarded optimism'. We haven't yet sunk [at least not in the boondocks] to the rhetoric that makes pep rallies such a cliche, 'Go out there, RIP the other guy's head off then poop down their bloody neck-hole!'

Like I said, yesterday clung to the familiar 'go forth and let your light shine' format of the past rather than the Carpe Deim being preached by today's rabid capitalists...who are well on their way to becoming tomorrow's Nazis!

If social media is anything to go by we are being groomed to accept jail for every failure of politics and capitalism.

There has been a disturbing increase in 'support police brutality' and 'humiliate' welfare recipients while (as always) ignoring the cause of either.

Well, here's a little 'commencement address' for the rest of us as we head off into a decidedly dark future:

Do you curse your decision to bring children into this world? If you don't then you haven't been paying attention!

Why street crime [and the resultant cop shootings]? Why homelessness? Why poverty? Because capitalism and it's bought and paid for justice system has FAILED!

More (for profit) jails and more armed thugs [with tin badges] roaming the streets are NOT the answer!

Neither is the fact that the last three people who asked for a raise don't work with you anymore.

Are you mentally preparing yourself for 'debtors prison'?

Did you know debtor prisons were never declared illegal, [just as usury a.k.a loan-sharking is no longer illegal, thank you W.] because they are both capitalist schemes?] Did you know capitalists financed the rise of Nazi Germany and walked away unscathed when that adventure collapsed?

Did you know that the desendants of those people are behind 'Morning in America'?

Make no mistake about it, people are already being sentenced to prison for debts they couldn't possibly pay back. Maybe you think that's a good thing but if you do it only proves that you're a very stupid monkey.

Now no job = prison.

Because nobody at the base of this capitalist scheme is without debt, it's more ubiquitious than sin!

It's slavery on a grand scale because capitalism can't provide jobs for everybody...and guess what they're going to give you once you're in debtor's prison? you guessed it, a job but it only pays for your 'upkeep'. If you get fired in jail you'll find yourself cut off from the commissary and then who knows what you'll have to do to/for the guards if you want to live?

Yes, we need to combat 'the Legendary' every step of the way...and it starts today!

Here it is absolutely true that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem!

Thanks for letting me inside your head.


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